Sharia compliant trading platform

Like I said, in the initial reply that it is best that you consult your local Ulamaa and request assisttance, do not just take heresay and accepted cultures as allowable in Islam.

Contradiction here is that the local Ulamaa can only offer accepted cultural advice as that is what local means. I guess its a little more difficult suggesting somebody seek out a well travelled international Ulamaa as they may not necesarrily want to live in a small village.

Do not take heresay means don't listen to any other intelligent advice or use your own head but do as local Ulamaa tells you!
I do apologies that i did not clarify the term " local Ulamaa"- It means a Learned person with regards to the Sharia law from the country of wich the laws are concerned. So do not just consult a foreign Ulamaa member if your issue is with the law of your country. The Sharia Law is also very strict in abiding by the laws of the respective countries.

It is interesting to hear what other people have to say.
Thank you
Well wishes to all.