Sharia compliant trading platform

Hi, I ve been looking for a trading platform to trade in sharia compliant stocks.
I ve looked all over the web and the only one I ve found is called UMEX Trader. It offers approx 10,000 sharia compliant stocks, global market coverage including MTFs, real time price feeds, dividend purification, research, etc.
Before I sign up for it, I would like to do more research.

Can anyone else recommend any other similar platforms?
SO, have the posts that followed your initial query helped?

I imagine UMEX got a couple of hits.

Bit like the WTC.
Just when you think it simply can't get any more off topic...

Harry Hill's Surreal of the Week.

😆 Thread has been off OP from about page 1. I expect you didn't trawl through the entire thread. Some of the book's content is surreal, but physicists are thinking seriously about these things and they are highly relevant to much of what was discussed earlier.
😆 Thread has been off OP from about page 1.
This is possibly true for the entire site, but….

: I expect you didn't trawl through the entire thread.
It's a pity your expectations don't match the reality.

Had you bothered to 'trawl' through the entire thread you would have realised I've been active in it from the beginning.

: Some of the book's content is surreal, but physicists are thinking seriously about these things and they are highly relevant to much of what was discussed earlier.
Nothing physicists are thinking seriously about these days is relevant to anything at all.

To jettison a perfectly adequate Ether probably because it wasn’t complex enough to demand a PhD to comprehend and replace it with String theory, M-Theory, Branes, Dark Matter and Dark Energy which themselves require an ability to accept and allow greater flights of fancy than that of the good old Ether seems to me a backward step.

You’re floating in an ocean of Higgs Bosons. That’s all you need to know.

Now, just what the duck does that have to do either with the OP or any of the off-topic drivel (mostly of my making) that has transpired since?
To jettison a perfectly adequate Ether probably because it wasn’t complex enough to demand a PhD to comprehend and replace it with String theory, M-Theory, Branes, Dark Matter and Dark Energy which themselves require an ability to accept and allow greater flights of fancy than that of the good old Ether seems to me a backward step.

see Michleson-Morley, 1887.
I'm in the middle of reading George Farmelo's biography of Paul Dirac, " The Strangest Man".
A fascinating and engrossing read.
This is possibly true for the entire site, but….

It's a pity your expectations don't match the reality.

Had you bothered to 'trawl' through the entire thread you would have realised I've been active in it from the beginning.

Nothing physicists are thinking seriously about these days is relevant to anything at all.

To jettison a perfectly adequate Ether probably because it wasn’t complex enough to demand a PhD to comprehend and replace it with String theory, M-Theory, Branes, Dark Matter and Dark Energy which themselves require an ability to accept and allow greater flights of fancy than that of the good old Ether seems to me a backward step.

You’re floating in an ocean of Higgs Bosons. That’s all you need to know.

Now, just what the duck does that have to do either with the OP or any of the off-topic drivel (mostly of my making) that has transpired since?

Hilarious. Thanks.
While we’re so blissfully off topic….

Take a thin strip of superlight metal, perhaps just one molecule thick and a couple of inches wide, which is effectively without mass, will not bend, buckle,melt or twist or be subject to any mechanical deformation whatsoever regardless of what you do to it or where it finds itself and make sure you buy a very, very long one…oh, say, 1 AU.

You point this strip of metal at Mr. Morley who is (uncomfortably) situated on the Sun. You each have a 2-way radio. You say to Mr. Morely “Morley old chap, are you receiving? Over.”

About 16 minutes later Morely responds “Loud and clear old chap. Ready when you are… “.

You then rotate the strip through 90 degrees and back as per the prearranged experiment you have devised with Mr. Morley.

8 minutes later he says “How the hell did you do that old chap?”.

Has FTL communication taken place? If not, why not?
While we’re so blissfully off topic….

Take a thin strip of superlight metal, perhaps just one molecule thick and a couple of inches wide, which is effectively without mass, will not bend, buckle,melt or twist or be subject to any mechanical deformation whatsoever regardless of what you do to it or where it finds itself and make sure you buy a very, very long one…oh, say, 1 AU.

You point this strip of metal at Mr. Morley who is (uncomfortably) situated on the Sun. You each have a 2-way radio. You say to Mr. Morely “Morley old chap, are you receiving? Over.”

About 16 minutes later Morely responds “Loud and clear old chap. Ready when you are… “.

You then rotate the strip through 90 degrees and back as per the prearranged experiment you have devised with Mr. Morley.

8 minutes later he says “How the hell did you do that old chap?”.

Has FTL communication taken place? If not, why not?

No, because you're assuming something that doesn't exist and then wondering why you're breaking physical laws 😆

P.S. Burn the witch

P.P.S. There's probably some pedantary here about the times morley is doing ****, but I don't care about that 🙂
While we’re so blissfully off topic….

Take a thin strip of superlight metal, perhaps just one molecule thick and a couple of inches wide, which is effectively without mass, will not bend, buckle,melt or twist or be subject to any mechanical deformation whatsoever regardless of what you do to it or where it finds itself and make sure you buy a very, very long one…oh, say, 1 AU.

You point this strip of metal at Mr. Morley who is (uncomfortably) situated on the Sun. You each have a 2-way radio. You say to Mr. Morely “Morley old chap, are you receiving? Over.”

About 16 minutes later Morely responds “Loud and clear old chap. Ready when you are… “.

You then rotate the strip through 90 degrees and back as per the prearranged experiment you have devised with Mr. Morley.

8 minutes later he says “How the hell did you do that old chap?”.

Has FTL communication taken place? If not, why not?

I think that is a *******isation of the original M-M experiment, but more than that I just can't be ar$ed trying to keep up with all the bloody complicated stuff and would prefer to get back to reading the negative reviews on punternet.
While we’re so blissfully off topic….

Take a thin strip of superlight metal, perhaps just one molecule thick and a couple of inches wide, which is effectively without mass, will not bend, buckle,melt or twist or be subject to any mechanical deformation whatsoever regardless of what you do to it or where it finds itself and make sure you buy a very, very long one…oh, say, 1 AU.

You point this strip of metal at Mr. Morley who is (uncomfortably) situated on the Sun. You each have a 2-way radio. You say to Mr. Morely “Morley old chap, are you receiving? Over.”

About 16 minutes later Morely responds “Loud and clear old chap. Ready when you are… “.

You then rotate the strip through 90 degrees and back as per the prearranged experiment you have devised with Mr. Morley.

8 minutes later he says “How the hell did you do that old chap?”.

Has FTL communication taken place? If not, why not?

It hasn't as it would have broken the law of causality rendering this entire thought experiment useless as you answered your own question before you even typed it.
Take a thin strip of superlight metal, perhaps just one molecule thick and a couple of inches wide, which is effectively without mass, will not bend, buckle,melt or twist or be subject to any mechanical deformation whatsoever

As an immediate corollary of relativity, no such thing exists (in this universe, at any rate, and assuming relativity is correct) - as it enables FTL signalling.
I started typing out an answer but kept on filling it with a ridiclous amount of caveats.

So take the following as approximately satisfying: Information cannot travel faster than light; this applies no matter what the other properties of your rod.
Robster (probably joking), Dommo (probably not) you are saying FTL communication cannot exist because Theory of Relativity says it can’t.

I was looking for an empirical basis for refuting FTL communication could had taken place rather than falling back on dogma.

OK. Make the strip of metal 12 inches long (about the size of the average willy).

You are able (through mechanisms not explicated) to rotate this strip of metal through 90 degrees in less time than it takes light to travel the length of the strip.

Hopefully, this brings it closer to home.

Any takers (that aren’t going to try in vain to seek refuge in the largely discredited theory of relativity)?
No joking now. I understand that FTL propagation can be achieved and shown to occur through quantum entanglement but it only applies when the transmission is not information based as this does violate causality. As you are transmitting information to Mr Morley, causality cannot be violated and therefore FTL has not occurred.