Sharia compliant trading platform

What Cameron says is irrelevant, Cyprus is the issue stopping them and I know for reasons other than is normally reported. If it were resolved they would be in immediately. Red tape has not stopped any other nation joining including former Soviet states so why would it stop Turkey who are in Nato and have, (on paper), been a greater ally to the EU than many others who have already been accepted ?

It is not as simple as you have stated because if it were Turkey would already be in the EU.

It is not Cyprus but more their popullation and religion that is the issue.

EU and Germany don't pay much heed to Greece.

Drain on resources.

However, Turkey is fast becoming one big energy pipe-line to Caucuses and ME so essential imo. Especially more so if those damn pesky ME countries democratise and Israel reaches peace and all countries open up borders.

EU is so behind the curve its unreal.
I want to buy a replacement wife, preferably straight out of the factory and not even run in. I am expecting at least 30 years of good service.
I believe the done thing is to buy very young, keep in a cellar out of view of all other males, lay down like a good cheese, bore into frequently to taste a sample then mature young, consume and discard after far fewer than 30 years.
Apparently you can always buy several such commodities to maintain the variety demanded by men of "distinction". who avow the females actually like being treated like chattels.
And all this noise because I stated my preference for a young model wife. I'm not asking for Gadaffi's ukrainian nurses, basic functionality will do.
We're just following your example and raising the tone and intellectual quality of the thread 🙂
I want to buy a replacement wife, preferably straight out of the factory and not even run in. I am expecting at least 30 years of good service.

This I reckon is a good match for your requirements...


I think I could afford better than that. A new model perhaps, thats been out of the factory for awhile.
It also deff has to be female, between 16 abd 22. Not male, I know how you sharia boys love to slip it up the bum.