
🙂 Ok a bit of an experiment.

On the chart we have 6 out of 7 waves on the Spectrometr indy which have bottomed out and are in the ascendancy. So i've gone long and my BE is 1.0742 I've set a 42 pip SL and a Trail Stop of 30 pips with a Limit at +300 pips.

I must stress that this is just a bit of a fun trade to see what happens and at the moment, it's not looking very good 😆


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I shall watch this fun trade with great interest. If it is a winner you can have a ride home in the limmo but if not you will be cycling for sure. 🙂
🙂 Ok a bit of an experiment.

On the chart we have 6 out of 7 waves on the Spectrometr indy which have bottomed out and are in the ascendancy. So i've gone long and my BE is 1.0742 I've set a 42 pip SL and a Trail Stop of 30 pips with a Limit at +300 pips.

I must stress that this is just a bit of a fun trade to see what happens and at the moment, it's not looking very good 😆

I saw that the trade did less than well and so I thought I would take a look at it in hind sight - which is always much clearer.

In fact if I could place all of my trades in hind sight, I would be even wealthier than I am. :cheesy:

I am very much a novice in trading cycles and so it would be great if HW could also take a look at some point, but I decided to match the red cycle to the bar count since this was the only cycle that was not matching in your screen shot.

I attach a screen shot of what it revealed. :smart:

Looks as if you will be cycling home. 🙁


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I saw that the trade did less than well and so I thought I would take a look at it in hind sight - which is always much clearer.

In fact if I could place all of my trades in hind sight, I would be even wealthier than I am. :cheesy:

I am very much a novice in trading cycles and so it would be great if HW could also take a look at some point, but I decided to match the red cycle to the bar count since this was the only cycle that was not matching in your screen shot.

I attach a screen shot of what it revealed. :smart:

Looks as if you will be cycling home. 🙁

I think JM Hurst would be turning in his grave if he saw all those cycles on that indicator.

This has very little to do with what he was proposing IMO.
I think JM Hurst would be turning in his grave if he saw all those cycles on that indicator.

This has very little to do with what he was proposing IMO.

Really, I thought he would have admired it's simplicity. Afterall, Mesa and Goertzel cycles
are quite complex for most to understand and even then there are those who will argue that
the nCycleGZ algorithm is faster and superior to MESA in finding cycles in noisy price series.

But seriously, the indicator in question was just posted to highlght the different wave lengths
and was never intended to be taken as a stand alone trading aid.

What is your take on trading cycles DionysusToast?
I shall watch this fun trade with great interest. If it is a winner you can have a ride home in the limmo but if not you will be cycling for sure. 🙂

Cycling it is then !🙂

On the original chart posted, I took the liberty of marking the amplitude highs in the indy window. You will notice that this indy re-paints itself continually. So for anyone that can work with it...they must be flippin genius😀

Original Chart and Current Chart Re-posted for comparison.


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On the original chart posted, I took the liberty of marking the amplitude highs in the indy window. You will notice that this indy re-paints itself continually. So for anyone that can work with it...they must be flippin genius

Original Chart and Current Chart Re-posted for comparison.

Not a liberty at all. I would expect no less from an experienced trader. 😀

I have never traded using this indicator, I merely posted a screen shot of it as an augmentation to the discussion re: cycles as I thought it would be helpful to show differing wave lengths in action alongside price, and subsequent to a request, posted the indicator.

I had no idea that the indicator repainted, but I do recommend to anyone reading this thread to treat it as a fun to play with item (as you did) and nothing more.

Incidentally, the cycle identifier that I mistakenly posted does definitely repaint, but it is used by a fairly large trading group who claim to have had great success with it when used in conjunction with other trend following indicators - but again, I have never personally traded with it.

Enjoy your ride home :clap:


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Ok, here are the instructions for using the fib time tool with pictures to help.

I will be using a demo account from Oanda on the MT4 platform. This is so I don't have to worry about real account numbers and things of that nature.

I have MT4 set up so the Fibonacci Time Zones tool is on my tool bar..............

................In the next few posts on this secret I will be going over examples of it on the charts.

Hi HW,

I am sure that you are busy, but we (the "secrets thread" crowd) are hungry for your knowledge. Please give us the next lesson soon. :help:
Hi HW,

I am sure that you are busy, but we (the "secrets thread" crowd) are hungry for your knowledge. Please give us the next lesson soon. :help:

Sorry that I have been away for the last couple of days only popping in for a minute or two here or there. I spent some much needed time with the family and then yesterday I was busy buying and then setting up a new home for our three fiddler crabs, Mr. Crabs, Mrs. Crabs, and Replacement Crabs.

Here is a picture of them in the new tank...


So this is what was more important than you:cheesy: yesterday.

And yes I know you can't really see the tank so mach as the attention hungry crabs.
Please excuse Mrs. Crabs indecentness she is just now getting done molting.😱

Oh, just to keep things on topic the crabs SUCK at trading. They can't even click the mouse let alone stay true to their trading rules.🙄
Not a liberty at all. I would expect no less from an experienced trader. 😀

I have never traded using this indicator, I merely posted a screen shot of it as an augmentation to the discussion re: cycles as I thought it would be helpful to show differing wave lengths in action alongside price, and subsequent to a request, posted the indicator.

I had no idea that the indicator repainted, but I do recommend to anyone reading this thread to treat it as a fun to play with item (as you did) and nothing more.

Incidentally, the cycle identifier that I mistakenly posted does definitely repaint, but it is used by a fairly large trading group who claim to have had great success with it when used in conjunction with other trend following indicators - but again, I have never personally traded with it.

Enjoy your ride home :clap:
Had a bit of time to work with this indicator and have found to be of no real use🙁.
But that's ok, it still shows how the cycles are shaped, better than the excel charts I made up quickly. So because of that I would say it was not a loss at all.🙂.
The tool that I am calling secret number 1 is a simple way to project a market type change. As I have said before it is not perfect and the longer you work with it the better you can become at using it. It is more of a general area in time that it points to, but can be very accurate at pin pointing the market change.

I wouldn't trade with just this but it can be used as a "heads up" to give you a time area to pay closer attention to.

Here is the first example that I used before again...

Notice the fact that after the second high, but before the forecasted point in time, the market closed for the weekend. The market close CAN cause the results to be less than they would be other wise. If the close is involved It seems to work better when the highs or lows that you are using to make the forecast do not have a close between them.

Ok, now to give some other info...


This last chart has a forecast from the very next market change. It is from bottom to bottom. It also has a market close involved (although it is the less "harmful" of the two ways).
Notice how close the two bottoms are to each other. This is ok as long as the bottoms/tops are easy to spot. That means there is some real cyclical "stuff" going on there.
Also, notice how the time forecasted lands right about the place the market starts to trend again.

One last thing I would like to talk about from this chart is the red and blue bar that have the same bottom in price at point "0". The question here is which bar to use to make the forecast from. I have found that it TENDS to work better if you use the most recent bar in time with the first point (0). That would be the bar on the right.🙄 If there where three bars there with the same bottom and no other clear indication of which to use then the middle of the three TENDS to work well.
With MT4 you can't place the starting "click" of the tool in the middle of two bars.
If you could that would be the best place to use in a situation like the one above.
There the market clearly closes at the low and opened at the low, and that indicates to me that the area between the two is the place to start from.

This next chart has more new things to talk about...


The big thing to learn from this chart is that it is just fine to use a bottom more than once. On this chart secret 1 is started from the same low but this time a more pronounced and obvious second low is used. Looking at the first examples (second) low you can see that it is not the most beautiful looking low. You may have missed it, or simply decided not to use it, and it would have been ok.

Two things to notice are:

1 The weekend close is in the middle of the first and second point in time for setting up the tool. Not the best thing to have, but I did it any way to show how that might work out.

2 The low that I picked was hit twice almost perfectly with two consecutive bars. I used the opposite of what I did last time because the bars are not the same. Here the bar did not make a low and close at that point, it made the low and then moved back up. In the very next bar the market moved back down before moving up strongly. The first bar also had a slightly lower low, so these two things together gave me reason enough to use the first bar over the second.

The results were not the greatest as the 1.414 forecast time market the "top" of a sideways market.

Here is the last chart for this post...


Here instead of having a low in between the two lows I use the two consecutive lows. This almost always works the best. As you can see from the chart we still have the weekend in the least desirable place but the forecast time area worked out very well still. It pin pointed the next big low.


From a trading standpoint this may have been a hard trade.
Was it the end of a sideways move?
Was it a smaller top?
Was it the Bottom that in hind sight we clearly see?
Hi HW,

Thank you for taking so much of your time and effort to satisfy us "secret hungry thread dwellers". Once again, it really is appreciated.

Please give my congratulations to the crustacean family for having such a luxurious aquarium - they must be delighted.
Here are a couple more charts with secret 1 used on them...


This one worked out well even though it had a close involved.(Don't be confused look up!:cheesy🙂


This one is from the very next swings that can be used and works well for a nice strong two bar move.
Notice that the point "0" and "1" area of the chart is later in time than the last but the forecasted point is earlier in time than the one from the first chart. You will find that this can happen quite a lot.
Notice I picked the second bar for point "0" on that double bar bottom. That was because of the direction of the cycles amplitude vs the two point "0" bars direction.
I hope you can figure out what I mean. If not then just ask and I will be more than happy to explain more.


This one is again from the next possible swings. Notice the top I used for point "1". Notice that it was not the highest price but was the end of the move up. After that the market entered a sideways move. It worked out well as you can see.


This one did not work out as well but if you look closely it landed on a small retracement/cycle half way point of the small trend down.
This is an example of why it is important to understand the three things a market can do. ( see post # 7)

OK, this will be all I do for now with secret 1 unless I have questions about it from any one. If so I will be glad to answer as well as I can.

From here I will do some stuff on the Square of 9 since that was brought up when I first asked about 1.414.
Hi again. Thanks for your work and the time. Just wanted to come back to what I mentioned before about the reasons. The chart images look compelling but I would never be able to use something without knowing in my mind why it works, in order to have the confidence to trust it. Would be interested to hear your views on this?
Thanks again HW, I will be looking at this very closely.👍

Greatly looking forward to your info on sq of 9. :smart:

Will you also be covering Murrey Maths which I use quite extensively but am far from a master of? 😉
Hi again. Thanks for your work and the time. Just wanted to come back to what I mentioned before about the reasons. The chart images look compelling but I would never be able to use something without knowing in my mind why it works, in order to have the confidence to trust it. Would be interested to hear your views on this?

I know this will be a let down but all I'm going to say at this point is that Kepler's 3 laws a planetary motion and the shape of market cycles pointed me in the direction of the 1.414 ratio.
Just in case you are wondering the reference to the 3 laws is not to astrology but to the mathematics involved within the 3 laws them selves and what it deals with. (ellipses)

I guess I will give you a bit more than that🙂. It is all based on theory. So I can't tell you for sure why it works so well. The above is what I was looking at when I came to the theoretical conclusions that I did.

A list of things to look at would be
The inverse square law
The major axis

After mashing the information in my mind I kinda came up with a "what if" and it worked well right off the bat. Its application is simple as is its interpretation on charts so that is why it won out as the first secret to talk about.

The thought prosses was basically as follows...

peoples actions are cyclical
peoples actions cause the market to move
the shape of the cycles in the markets are elliptical
Kepler's 3 laws talk about ellipses
distill the information down to one dimension (time)
if the cycle/ellipse is whole (major axis) between the two points (tops or bottoms) then the inverse square law would seem to indicate the possibility of the square root of 2 as being the ratio to use to place the end of the second ellipse which would be larger than the first (by the ratio of 1:2.414) but started at the same point as the first ellipses starting point.

OK, so there is a bit more than what I said I would say:innocent:. So maybe it was not as much of a let down as I first thought it might be.:?:

Maybe this helps if not then sorry.😢
Thanks again HW, I will be looking at this very closely.👍

Greatly looking forward to your info on sq of 9. :smart:

Will you also be covering Murrey Maths which I use quite extensively but am far from a master of? 😉

I never quite got into Murrey Math.
The idea of the whole being divided into 8ths is always a good thing but for some reason I never looked at Murrey Math too in depthly.

If you would like to share it with us please feel free to do so.👍