

Are you basing any of this on the works of J M Hurst?


I wouldn't say basing it directly on, but I have read one of his books. I don't recall the title off the top of my head but it was the first book I had ever read that explained how cycles work together to shape the markets.
Fact is the next post I do on cycles will be very inspired by that book.

Here is the title:
The Profit Magic of Stock Transaction Timing

Good book to read.

Wow I just looked this book up and the cheapest I could find it for was $230.00. Paper back like I have.
I think I paid $25.00 for it when I got it maybe six years ago. One dude wanted over a thousand bucks!
I should have got about twenty copies of it. Could have made a killing! lol

Still a great book to read at any price.
Cycles in action


  • Cycles in action.gif
    Cycles in action.gif
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Todays post was going to be a shorter one about the true shape of cycles in the markets. The excel example that I created earlier in this thread was just a quick thing to give some other examples with. It was not meant to be a true recreation of market cycles.

I WAS going to spend some time to create an example that was more realistic but it seams that was done for me already by mvtrader2000. Post #43 shows a market with the many cycles residing within.
Instead of pointing tops and bottoms the cycles tend to have rounded tops and bottoms. Because of this the influence of any particular cycle on the amplitude of price changes over time.
While a cycle is in it's thrusting phase it has the greatest effect on the composites amplitude during a set period of time.
While the cycle is in it's cresting or ebbing phase the cycles has the least influence on the composite's amplitude during the same set period of time.

If you spend some time looking at the picture in post 43 you will see what I mean.
I am going to make just a few more posts on cycles and then I will start talking about other things.

And yes I will be getting to the "secrets" before too much longer.
Todays post was going to be a shorter one about the true shape of cycles in the markets. The excel example that I created earlier in this thread was just a quick thing to give some other examples with. It was not meant to be a true recreation of market cycles.

I WAS going to spend some time to create an example that was more realistic but it seams that was done for me already by mvtrader2000. Post #43 shows a market with the many cycles residing within.
Instead of pointing tops and bottoms the cycles tend to have rounded tops and bottoms. Because of this the influence of any particular cycle on the amplitude of price changes over time.
While a cycle is in it's thrusting phase it has the greatest effect on the composites amplitude during a set period of time.
While the cycle is in it's cresting or ebbing phase the cycles has the least influence on the composite's amplitude during the same set period of time.

If you spend some time looking at the picture in post 43 you will see what I mean.
I am going to make just a few more posts on cycles and then I will start talking about other things.

And yes I will be getting to the "secrets" before too much longer.

Sorry HW, I really was not trying to steal your thunder, I just thought that the screen shot would be of interest.

The software is MT4. If anyone feels that it would be of use to them, please feel free to download it from the link below.🙂


Sorry HW, I really was not trying to steal your thunder, I just thought that the screen shot would be of interest.

The software is MT4. If anyone feels that it would be of use to them, please feel free to download it from the link below.🙂

Thank you very much for your contributions. While this threads main purpose is to disseminate my so called secrets, information like you have shared is always a welcome addition. As far as stealing thunder all you did was save me some time and then pass on a nice little goody just like MR. Pete did in post #3.👍
Is this secret gona make us rich ?

Not a single secret but multiple.

I hope you have been around long enough to know that YOU are the one who makes you rich. I could have the perfect buy or sell tip for you, but if you don't follow through then you won't make any money from it at all.

Just in case any one is wondering I will give my disclaimer now...

Nothing I put in this thread works 100% of the time. Past results does not guarantee future results. Never risk money you can not afford to lose.

The "secrets" I put in this thread are simple the tool I have learned or come up with over time and use myself.

I think that about covers it.
I was going to do a little more work with cycles but I decided not to at this point.
I may come back to it at some time in the future but right now I would like to start with some of the more unknown stuff, you know the so called secrets...

And to start that off I will ask if any one knows why 1.414 is an important number?