
Yes, you are correct. It is the square root of 2.
Next question would be "why is this important"?
The answer to that is a little bit involved...

My girlfriend is out at the store right now so I have until she gets back to give a short version of the answer. Or at least the first part of it.

In wanting to learn to trade in some manor like Gann did I decided that it might be in my best interest to read what he suggested to read.(his reading list)
Then after doing that try and figure out what Gann himself got from it.
Not a whole lot to go by other than a couple of interviews and his books.
So the whole basic idea that I had was to read what he said to then read what he wrote and try to figure what he believed from the combination of the two.

This is no small task and I am not completely done with it. I don't think I will ever be as I keep noticing new things. But then that's the fun part.

I have developed a model of "Gann's Beliefs" from my reading and figures I have worked with. At the very base of it is what I call the LAW OF VIBRATION.
Now remember that I am not claiming to have figured Gann and his secrets out. I have simply tried to follow a path a learning that MAY have had some things in common to Gann's own path of learning. After doing so I have come across many interesting (to me) "discoveries" (I'm sure simply re-discoveries) that when applied to markets tend to give interesting results.
As I said before I have also created a "Virtual Gann's Belief System".
The foundation of which is the LAW OF VIBRATION.

The Law of Vibration is explained in it's simplest form by saying:

If it is then it vibrates, or if it vibrates it is.

That means in the "Virtual Gann's Belief System" everything that can be conceived of is vibrating and so has an energetic potential.
Knowing that Albert Einstein's E=mc2 speaks directly of energy being calculated by squaring velocity, or movement, It drew my attention to squaring and square rooting. Two VERY technical terms I'm sure.

OH NO!😱 MY girlfriend just called asking what I wanted to eat. I must hurry!

Which brings me to the number 2 and its square root of 1.414.
I figured that those would be important numbers to use based on the VGBS.
So starting tomorrow I will start posting one of the ways that I use the numbers to help when I look at the markets.
Out of interest - what made you pick Gann as a role model?

Do you subscribe to his views on using 'ancient math', astrology and astronomy in trading?

Serious questions...

and for the none serious stuff..

Aren't you pushing things a bit when you say "what I call the LAW OF VIBRATION."

Sounds a bit like you coined the phrase there, when it was Gann himself that came up with the term... tut, tut 😛

More on page 15 here - Technician No 60.
And to start that off I will ask if any one knows why 1.414 is an important number?

To determine the peak sinusoidal AC voltage from the root mean square (RMS) value you multiply by root of 2 or conversely, to determine the RMS voltage from the peak AC voltage you divide by root of 2.


10Vrms = 14.14V p
14.14Vp = 10Vrms
Which brings me to the number 2 and its square root of 1.414.
I figured that those would be important numbers to use based on the VGBS.
So starting tomorrow I will start posting one of the ways that I use the numbers to help when I look at the markets.

Sorry HW if I am jumping the gun, but I am guessing that you will be dealing with Gann's "square of nine" and if so I thought you might be interested in a free online Gann Wheel calculator.

Intraday Trading Using GANN Square Of 9

Disclaimer: I am in no way connected to or associated with the company in the link.
Sorry HW if I am jumping the gun, but I am guessing that you will be dealing with Gann's "square of nine" and if so I thought you might be interested in a free online Gann Wheel calculator.

Intraday Trading Using GANN Square Of 9

Disclaimer: I am in no way connected to or associated with the company in the link.

I should add that if using for currencies omit the decimal point. ie; 1.3225 would be entered as 13225 and ignore the figures after the decimal point in the result.
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To determine the peak sinusoidal AC voltage from the root mean square (RMS) value you multiply by root of 2 or conversely, to determine the RMS voltage from the peak AC voltage you divide by root of 2.


10Vrms = 14.14V p
14.14Vp = 10Vrms

Not what I was gunning for but an interesting addition to the possible uses of the value of 1.414.👍

Sorry HW if I am jumping the gun, but I am guessing that you will be dealing with Gann's "square of nine" and if so I thought you might be interested in a free online Gann Wheel calculator.

Intraday Trading Using GANN Square Of 9

Disclaimer: I am in no way connected to or associated with the company in the link.

I can tell that you have a bit more knowledge than the average person when it comes to the Square of 9. Knowing that it is really a square root calculator is a bit of information that most people don't know.

Having said that, I must confess that the Square of 9 is not what I was going to talk about next. I will get to it but not quite yet.

I have to get dinner ready for the kiddos so It will be a few hours before I get back online to start the next topic.

Oh and thanks👍 for the link. I will check it out when I get time. It should work for when I do talk about the Square of 9.
Out of interest - what made you pick Gann as a role model?

Gann is but one of a few "role models" that I have when it comes to trading. The reason I have spent the most time working with his information is that his story sounds the most impossible. Maybe I should say improbible, but still it struck me as being the most rewarding if true. It quickly became obviouse to me that he didn't plainly explain what most of his "good stuff" was which left me a bit bummed. Then I started to read about how he hid all(or at least some) of the good stuff in his books. Then it became a fun challenge to me, that was rewarded with understanding, at least enough to keep going. While I don't call myself an expert on his true methods I have been able to do some nice forecasting with what I have learned from my studies of him and his methods. Because of that I do believe that he was a good trader and a great forecaster. Since the two are not the same thing I don't believe it would be fair to say automaticly that he was a great trader just based on his great forecasting skills. Notice I didn't say perfect forecasting skills as he did make a few mistakes.
Now even though I still study his stuff I spend most of my time working with ideas of my own now. I truely believe that learning for your self was his biggest lesson to teach.

Do you subscribe to his views on using 'ancient math', astrology and astronomy in trading?

Only the methods that work well!😉

Aren't you pushing things a bit when you say "what I call the LAW OF VIBRATION."

I call it the LAW OF VIBRATION because he did. Not my own name or idea, so maybe I should have said "what I ALSO call..."

Sounds a bit like you coined the phrase there, when it was Gann himself that came up with the term... tut, tut 😛

If you study enough stuff you will find that he was not the originator of that phrase either.
I believe you will find that most of "his" stuff came from other sources.

One last thing. I believe that Gann did not believe that the Law Of Vibration originated from the planets, but was the cause of the planets along with the cycles they follow and that are discernible in everything including the markets.

P.S. The link seems to be dead.
Ok, here is what we can call secret number 1.

First I will put in my disclaimer:

THIS IN NOT TRADING ADVICE! This is not a perfect method of forecasting what it MAY forecast. This is to be used at your own risk. Don't trade with money you can't afford to lose. It is impossible to predict the future!* Past results do not guarantee future results. Those who want something for nothing will be sorely disappointed. I am not the first person to figure this out. You will not be the last person to figure this out. You may really like this "secret" and find it helpful. You may not like this secret at all and think it's a waste of time. This is not really a secret.

OK, now that I got that out of the way let us get started...

This is really a very simple method that takes some getting used to.

Let me show you an example of it on the AUD/USD 4hour chart from MT4.
The tool I have used to draw the lines on the chart is called Fibonacci Time Zones. To use the tool you simply click on the first part of the chart where you want to start the count from and the click a second time on the chart where you want the count to stop. It will then draw vertical lines on the chart at what ever intervals you have set it to. This tool measures time by counting the price bars.
You could very easily do this by hand but this tool makes it much faster.

I have the tool set up with only one line other than the ones it puts on the chart to mark where I started the count and ended the count.
The line is 1.414 times the number of bars between the first and second point PAST the second point. In order to do this you will have to create a "Level" that is 2.414. This is because it counts the distance between the first two lines as 1.
So everything past 1 simply adds to it. so 1 plus 1.414 equals 2.414.🙄

I'm sure you get it by now.

To use this method simply find an easy to see high or low on the chart and use that as the first point. Then look for the next high or low, which ever you used, and use that as you 2nd point.
Here is an example...


When it works well this is the result you will get...


It's late so that's all for tonight. There are some things you will need to understand about this "secret" before you can become proficient at using it. I will go over some of that tomorrow. Maybe. If I have time.:cheesy:

Oh, by the way, if you refuse to believe that there is anything special about 1.414 then you can replace it with 1.5 and get almost the same results.

*Unless you learn from the past and then watch those who won't:whistling
P.S. The link seems to be dead.

Hi HW,

I just tried the link again and it worked fine, but if you type following URL direct to your browser, correctly formating the items in parenthesis, then it should solve the problem.

www[dot][forward slash]gann[dot]html

Gann was undoubtedly a genius, and if he realized nothing else, he beat quantum physics by about a hundred years in regard to vibration.
Hi HW,

I just tried the link again and it worked fine, but if you type following URL direct to your browser, correctly formating the items in parenthesis, then it should solve the problem.

www[dot][forward slash]gann[dot]html

Gann was undoubtedly a genius, and if he realized nothing else, he beat quantum physics by about a hundred years in regard to vibration.

mv, he was replying to DT's post number 63. The link is dead.
So he was, sorry about that. :whistling

No problem 😆

Btw, i've been meaning to ask you about the cycle indicator you posted. Any chance of showing the readers how to set the parameters get it displaying as you have it ? Also descriptions on length of time cycles it is measuring with the individual cycles and the collective cycles etc.
HW, the same would apply to the fibo time tool in post69...just a thought !
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No problem 😆

Btw, i've been meaning to ask you about the cycle indicator you posted. Any chance of showing the readers how to set the parameters get it displaying as you have it ? Also descriptions on length of time cycles it is measuring with the individual cycles and the collective cycles etc.
HW, the same would apply to the fibo time tool in post69...just a thought !

Yes i only got a chance to work with the cycle indicator a little so any instructions on that would speed thing up for !🙂

And CV, I fully intend on more instruction for how I use the fibo tool with more examples. Just have to get the time. It may take a couple of days as I will be somewhat busy this weekend.😛arty:
Out of interest - what made you pick Gann as a role model?

Do you subscribe to his views on using 'ancient math', astrology and astronomy in trading?

Serious questions...

and for the none serious stuff..

Aren't you pushing things a bit when you say "what I call the LAW OF VIBRATION."

Sounds a bit like you coined the phrase there, when it was Gann himself that came up with the term... tut, tut 😛

More on page 15 here - Technician No 60.

Got to read that article finally. Very interesting. I am of the opinion that the author missed the boat on the Gann lines though. Which in turn puts a large hole in his method if I am correct. But this can be talked about later...

The batteries are charged and now I must go play with my daughters and the new bubble machine!👍
No problem 😆

Btw, i've been meaning to ask you about the cycle indicator you posted. Any chance of showing the readers how to set the parameters get it displaying as you have it ? Also descriptions on length of time cycles it is measuring with the individual cycles and the collective cycles etc.
HW, the same would apply to the fibo time tool in post69...just a thought !

My sincerest apologies, the indicator that I posted (mistakenly) is a cycle identifier but not the indicator shown in the screen shot. 🙄

Here is the correct one.

Sorry to anyone who has been driven half mad trying to make the other indicator present as in the screen shot. 😈


Ok, here are the instructions for using the fib time tool with pictures to help.

I will be using a demo account from Oanda on the MT4 platform. This is so I don't have to worry about real account numbers and things of that nature.

I have MT4 set up so the Fibonacci Time Zones tool is on my tool bar...


If you don't have it like that then simply do the following to insert the tool onto your chart...


When you have the tool selected find a nice high or low and click that first.
Then find the next of what you picked the first time.
Like the example if the first click was a high then the second should be also...


The first time you use the tool it will not be set up correctly for what we need.
To set it up to use for this secret simply do the following...


Double click the Fibo tool to activate it.
Then right click on it and select the properties.

After you do that click on the common tab if you are not already there.
Set up the tool with the name and discription you like then style it as you see fit.
The following is how I have it set up for the examples I will be doing.


After you do that click on the Fibo Levels tab.
Once you have done that delete all levels other than "0" and "1".
Then you will need to add a level.
You will need to put the number "2.414" in the level section.
You can put what ever you like in the description. I put "1.414" as the description that I will be using.


After that you can click "OK" and then you can use the tool for this secret.
That concludes this post.
In the next few posts on this secret I will be going over examples of it on the charts.