S&P 500 & other indexes - intraday. Plus chat

Today is a fight to the death where the market is intent on trying to run me over and I am looking for ways to profit from it. My mother wouldn't be proud of this trade - more when finished.

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I'm out with a profit but that just wasn't funny. Lots of bad calls, lots of poor risk mgmt. Write-up in a minute. Should know better. That was just gambling.
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Me too.....

Trade 1 - PM trade - ok

Dinner, wine, grappa... not drunk but after 3 glasses of wine & a grappa, not entirely focused.
Get home, say "I'll just have a peek @ the markets"

Trades 2-4 - not with it, not focused at all.

Go downstairs, have some ice green tea. Decide to go back & see if I can get properly focused.

Trade 5 - FFS

Trades 6-10 - clawed it back just about.


Tricky day today but there is no excuse for this. A few wines, then sitting down with zero prep and also trying to trade with Skype on too.

Need to check myself - getting cocky.
a. ONH 1320.25, ONL 1312.25
b. ON VPOC 1317.50, NVPOC 1318.75, Gap close 1315.75
c. News at 3pm today
d. Buying shelf in overnight market at 1313.00 - watch this
e. OAOR, CBAVOL 330k, nothing to write home about but it has opened up out of balance
f. Quite a choppy open, no directional conviction
g. Now she starts to move down, advertising for buyers, looking for 1313 here
h. This is stalling around 1314, enter?
i. Missed that entry on RTH-L
j. Climbing now, going for a re-test of the RTH-H at 1317.75
k. Don't trust this, liquidity at NVPOC just above, watch for this
l. Bang, hit the NVPOC, sellers coming in now, short market order 1318.25 @ 1 x risk 14:51 GMT (1) - could have got a better entry
m. Selling off now, VPOC is around 1317.50 trapping the move
n. Broken through this now, seemed to be stalling around 1316.50
o. Out, market order at 14:59 - want to get out before news.
q. SH!T - got caught up in the news
q. OK, is this going to come back for me?
r. No, right, it's on it's way back up now, looking for a test of ON-H
s. JESUS H - it's ploughed through the ONH
t. OK, don't panic now, take a look at the news
u. I'm 16 ticks offside here and I don't think this is going much further.
v. I doubt this is going to trend again today and 2 double distribution days would be odd.
w. Short market order 1322.00 @ 1 x risk @ 15:09GMT (2)
x. This is building a base here but moving against me and I have an average price around 1320
y. The VPOC is going to shift up to here, I think this move is done.
z. OK, if this is building then I would anticipate a rotation back down to 19.50 area at some point
A. Short, market order 2 x risk @ 1324.25 @ 15:33GMT (3) for an average price around 1322
B. I am staring at losing my entire month's profits here.
C. I can see delta is dropping progressively, this feels better, think I'll go and make some coffee
D. OK, it is creeping back down, need to watch how it behaves in the LVN
E. In profit now, selling off, just feel like bailing but have worked for this so take some money
F. Has met some support around 1321, out market order for 4 x risk at 1321.25 @ 17:09GMT (4)
G. Profit of 3.odd ticks x 4 x risk before commissions (15 ticks total)
I. MAE 18 ticks (from average price), MFE 18 ticjs (from average price), exit efficiency about 20%, don't fncking care today.
J. Best trade - THIS ONE!!!! CERTAINLY NOT!!!


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I tried P&F on the sc chart. Too late . No good imho. It would get the longer trend but hopeless in the choppy bits.
I won't just post my good/lucky days I promise but my patience really paid off today... had a level marked up as previous support so sold at 1322 when it got back to it. It went a bit offside but it was never really a convincing move to me, just bulls clutching at strawers really. Then suddenly everyone remembered that the global economy is indeed still doomed (thanks Papademos) and we had the big move down. Closed out at 1312.

Chart is very simple.. not much to show. Just had that level drawn up and RSI was in overbought area. That's about it.

They definitely won't all be this good/lucky.. but a nice trade for me to start off with on this thread 🙂

p.s. I've ordered Mind over Markets and looking forward to its arrival.


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JT - interesting about you talking about posting only good/lucky days.

I was thinking about committing to this thread on a daily basis. I have a reservation about that and I am wondering if any of you guys have the same 'issue'.

My thoughts are that if I start the day with the intent to post the results, then that will impact my performance negatively. I did it before in the trading comp - first trade was easy to do - I had no pressure, didn't have to enter, I got into a trade and then started posting shots. The next one I had to do was an entirely different thing. I HAD to enter a trade for the comp and I was actually nervous about doing it.

It could work the other way too - the fact you have to post every trade could make you think more about it. Even so, it's still going to effect the way you trade.

Do you guys feel this, notice this? Is it just something you get used to?
"C. I can see delta is dropping progressively, this feels better, think I'll go and make some coffee"

I thought I was done for the day when it started ranging @ the top but that delta shift kept me interested.
JT - interesting about you talking about posting only good/lucky days.

I was thinking about committing to this thread on a daily basis. I have a reservation about that and I am wondering if any of you guys have the same 'issue'.

My thoughts are that if I start the day with the intent to post the results, then that will impact my performance negatively. I did it before in the trading comp - first trade was easy to do - I had no pressure, didn't have to enter, I got into a trade and then started posting shots. The next one I had to do was an entirely different thing. I HAD to enter a trade for the comp and I was actually nervous about doing it.

It could work the other way too - the fact you have to post every trade could make you think more about it. Even so, it's still going to effect the way you trade.

Do you guys feel this, notice this? Is it just something you get used to?

I know exactly what you mean.
For me, I would be giving away specifics of what I do.
The other reason is that I am simply not available all the time to make calls as
they are taken by my algo (availability is why I chose the automation route in the first place).

Ultimately, your own trading comes first, do whats right for you.
F**k what anyone else thinks 🙂
I have to say, all the above aside, I do have respect for wacky and flash et al for doing
what they do in the live calls thread.
I can also appreciate that not everyone can do it, for availability or trade
duration reasons, or that it would affect performance.
Regardless of the above, you contribute a lot here as it is.
You won't get any criticism from me for not making calls thats for sure, I don't 🙂
I know exactly what you mean.
For me, I would be giving away specifics of what I do.
The other reason is that I am simply not available all the time to make calls as
they are taken by my algo (availability is why I chose the automation route in the first place).

Ultimately, your own trading comes first, do whats right for you.
F**k what anyone else thinks 🙂
I have to say, all the above aside, I do have respect for wacky and flash et al for doing
what they do in the live calls thread.
I can also appreciate that not everyone can do it, for availability or trade
duration reasons, or that it would affect performance.
Regardless of the above, you contribute a lot here as it is.
You won't get any criticism from me for not making calls thats for sure, I don't 🙂

I've tried it. It does not work for me. I can do either one or the other--not both and I feel that if people take too much notice of me, I could land them deeper in the **** than they already are.

This is a chat and natter site and people should take it like that.
Do you guys feel this, notice this? Is it just something you get used to?

When I decided to start posting trades up I decided to do it on my terms rather than terms dictated by others. I basically knew that opinions I valued from regular posters would be useful and everybody else who negatively criticise (rather than offer constructive criticism) I could just tune out. There were a number of provisos:

a) I'm not going to post the trade up in real time as I am actually focussing on the trade itself. This is more important than posting.

b) I would give some warning of when I am not trading to mitigate people saying I am only posting up winning trades.

Point (b) was psychologically a bigger problem for me because I have a high win% and I thought people would just not believe it. What they fail to appreciate is the my r:r is about 0.63.

In reality, it has turned out that only a few (like yourself) are interested so I would just do what feels comfortable for you. There is no pressure to perform on here - focus on the real deal, this is just candy floss and a place for a bit of feedback and reflection.
JT - interesting about you talking about posting only good/lucky days.

I was thinking about committing to this thread on a daily basis. I have a reservation about that and I am wondering if any of you guys have the same 'issue'.

My thoughts are that if I start the day with the intent to post the results, then that will impact my performance negatively. I did it before in the trading comp - first trade was easy to do - I had no pressure, didn't have to enter, I got into a trade and then started posting shots. The next one I had to do was an entirely different thing. I HAD to enter a trade for the comp and I was actually nervous about doing it.

It could work the other way too - the fact you have to post every trade could make you think more about it. Even so, it's still going to effect the way you trade.

Do you guys feel this, notice this? Is it just something you get used to?

There are NO rules on this thread or competition as far as I'm concerned. But keep in mind T2W's conditions of free posting tho. Just post what you feel comfortable with and enjoy. Hopefully we can share views and learn something too. It can get lonely working at home - some lulz etc. can help pass the time.
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Tentative EUR Industrial New Orders m/m -0.1% -1.2%
All Day EUR EU Economic Summit
5:15am GBP MPC Member Bean Speaks
6:00am GBP CBI Industrial Order Expectations -9 -8
8:30am CAD Core Retail Sales m/m 0.5% 0.5%
8:30am CAD Retail Sales m/m 0.4% -0.2%
8:30am CAD Leading Index m/m 0.3% 0.4%
10:00am USD New Home Sales 335K 328K
10:00am USD HPI m/m 0.4% 0.3%
10:30am USD Crude Oil Inventories 0.8M 2.1M

6:45pm NZD Trade Balance 400M 134M
10:00pm NZD Annual Budget Release
10:30pm CNY HSBC Flash Manufacturing PMI 49.3

I missed Mr Bean's speech at 5.15 am but no matter ! 🙂
This morning's chart


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