S&P 500 cash weekly competition for 2013

I was logged in about then and all the info suddenly disappeared.
One of those glitches probably
I have calculated average difference between a bet and Friday's close by disregarding the direction. I do not intent to make any changes in the way how results are calculated, just thought would be nice to see how far away from the reality our guesses are. My apologies in front if I make any mistakes.

Weight Moving Average on 1st Place - in most cases closest to the final number
carlost - 2nd most precise
Mr. Crabs - 3rd most precise

@Vicorka - you have mullered the spreadsheet - it's a shared document living on my machine but shared via googledocs.
LMAO @ Robster.
fixed it right before my eyes!!

I want to enjoy my 15 minutes of fame 🙂

BTW Pete - want a laugh?

Short on ES today at 1523 - guess where I got out?

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I want to enjoy my 15 minutes of fame 🙂
Good start to the week for us Peter. Without wishing to count chickens etc., I reckon one or other of us will be wearing the yellow jersey at the end of the week!
I have been watching a video from Michael Lombardi. Pretty worrying stuff on it. He has a proven track record of calling recent disasters and is calling another one starting about now !
He reckons it will be worse than the 2008 crisis and about as bad as The Great Depression.
He says:-
The Dow will fall about 50%
The Euro will collapse ( we were a bit ahead of him there.)
The Govts will be forced to raise interest rates to fend off inflation. Think what the debt repayment on $17 trillion will be annually.
Gold will rise to $3000 an ounce

Get your savings if any left, into something safe folks. ( he is selling a news letter )
That's why trading, if you can make it profitable enough for yourself, is a recession proof business. Even if all you can do is make some money as a part time trader you will always have something to fall back on.

Easier said than done, of course.

Good start to the week for us Peter. Without wishing to count chickens etc., I reckon one or other of us will be wearing the yellow jersey at the end of the week!

Early days as yet Tim

I have been watching a video from Michael Lombardi. Pretty worrying stuff on it. He has a proven track record of calling recent disasters and is calling another one starting about now !
He reckons it will be worse than the 2008 crisis and about as bad as The Great Depression.
He says:-
The Dow will fall about 50%
The Euro will collapse ( we were a bit ahead of him there.)
The Govts will be forced to raise interest rates to fend off inflation. Think what the debt repayment on $17 trillion will be annually.
Gold will rise to $3000 an ounce

Get your savings if any left, into something safe folks. ( he is selling a news letter )


I've just seen Nelly the elephant fly out of the office...

She had her swimming trunks on :clap: :clap: :clap:

Gotta keep that gin bottle better hidden imho


Haha that's what I thought, something not right for Nelly to go swimming when it's -3C outside. No chance!

But she definitely was flying high 👍
2008 all over again? Bring it! 🙂

Man, there were some stocks looking back that went down to some $.15 and they're now at $30 or way more. I was even looking at Apple when it hit the bottom of that move before rocketing up in the following months. But I was a broke student back then, so couldn't take advantage of it. 2008 was the deal of the century and I totally missed the boat. For shame, Mr. Geld. 😢

... Not to wish any calamity on anyone because 2008 was hard on everyone. My dad's business almost went bankrupt and that would have been a disaster for us. There was just a massive opportunity there for those who were willing to act on it. Just saying I'm prepared for the next time it happens. 🙂