S&P 500 weekly competition for 2012

Well done everyone it's been great fun,looking farward to next years competition,
I do hope all the regular participates join again.
May i take this opportunity to wish you all a happy new year.

ps.Pat may i suggest you include the word competition in your threader head so it stands out from all the other s&p 500 threads.
Just a thought as i only clicked on it because i seen your name in the last poster bit and wondered if you had shared some more of your wisdow with someone,had your name not been there i would have skipped past,
Now your going to know i'm the one stalking you.
If you can't i'll just have to get use to it.

Will do if allowed
Similar to Isatrader's list here is another list.

I notice that rounding off and generalising if some of the members participated fully the vast number of points are around the 40-50 mark. In fact I'm almost willing to bet 90% of the distribution curve is likely to be around the 40-50 mark with 5% lying on each side.

It seems to me that most of us are pretty average really which is why the Averages have turned out to be such winners :cheesy:

Wishful intentions perhaps but next year I'm going to see if I can try and calculate the pips accumulated. Does anyone see merit in also including Stop Loss and Limits?

Here is the link to next years Comp. I'd bookmark it for convenience.
http://www.trade2win.com/boards/indices/164024-s-p-500-cash-weekly-2013-a.html (Cheers Pat 👍)


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Another fun year!!

A big thanks to the few members here who have kept up the stats all year long...SUPER JOB! 👍👍

Wishing everyone a very happy and prosperous New Year and I'm looking forward to kicking all your @sses in next year's competition!

Wahoo, made it past the line.
Thanks Pat Robster & Atilla for running the show.

Have Happy and prosperous New Year all 👍