my journal 3

ng trade

second day of my ng trade:


all seems to be going the right way: bonds down, cl and es up - but NG is not exactly correlated to any of them, and never has been, that I can remember of.

In the long run, if CL rises, so should NG, but in the short run, i mean, on an intraday basis, their correlation is almost non-existent.
russ baker

Deceived: We do not live in a Democracy! - YouTube

Amazing delivery, content, clarity... simply the best speaker ever.

Russ Baker - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Russ Baker is a US investigative journalist and founder of the nonprofit website His recurring themes are politics, secrecy, and abuses of power. His recent writings have focused on elites in finance, resource extraction, military and intelligence operations, and their quiet influence over national and global political and economic affairs.
Wow, astonishingly, they don't call him a "conspiracy theorist", whereas he says the same exact things that "conspiracy theorists" say. I wonder why. The only explanation is that the CIA forgot to work on his page.

We Need to Care About Bush Again - YouTube

Baker Explains Bush & Blair Friendship - YouTube

Baker on Bush & Blair's Ties to BP - YouTube

JFK Assassination Amnesia--Bush Sr - YouTube

Prescott Made Nixon Woodward Broke Him - YouTube

wow, I had always wondered why bob woodward was such a sellout. He never did sell out, because he ws a shill to begin with.

Did Bush Sr. Kill Kennedy and Frame Nixon? | War Is A Crime .org
"Deep Throated" Media Swallows Banker Lies -
“Obama’s Wars�: The Real Story Bob Woodward Won’t Tell - WhoWhatWhy
Here’s the deal: Bob, top secret Naval officer, gets sent to work in the Nixon White House while still on military duty. Then, with no journalistic credentials to speak of, and with a boost from White House staffers, he lands a job at the Washington Post. Not long thereafter he starts to take down Richard Nixon.

Who Is Obama? - YouTube

Family of Secrets - YouTube
WhoWhatWhy - Groundbreaking Investigative Journalism

This is my favorite truther, together with joe hawkins and aaron hawkins, foster gamble, and of course g.edward griffin.

Huge balls, knowledge and intelligence. Amazing investigative journalist.

Baker on Ventura's 'Conspiracy Theory' - YouTube

JFK - DeMohrenschildt Death - YouTube

1977 CBS report on Oltmans & De Mohrenschildt - YouTube
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George H.W. Bush Tears Up During Birthday Interview With Jenna On 'Today' - YouTube

i wonder how much of the truth she knows about her grandfather... nonetheless, despite him being an assassin, the whole thing is quite moving... but so is The Godfather.

wow, she joined the show

Jenna Bush's Today Show Debut - YouTube

These family movies remind me of the godfather's wedding - even in a family of criminals children have "a typical childhood".

Then again, she could be different from her family. As I said yesterday you can't put everyone together, until they've shown their behaviour.
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ZN soon will have to be shorted, it doesn't require much margin, it's risen too much.

the ng trade is going great

the next one will be a short on ZN
Thanks for the feedback. Yes, it is going well so far. All I am expecting it is to reach 2.95.

Then I'll focus on ZN. Then if that works, too, I can resume my automated trading, at least as far as some of the systems.

My discretionary trading was never profitable from my technical analysis skills: I blew out my account over and over again. But maybe now things will change, thanks to all my reading and watching on youtube, on fundamental analysis, such as what's happening in the world basically (and why oil and gas will likely rise, and the dollar fall, and the bond futures fall).
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Free Keene, Derrick J, Aldous Huxley

About - Free Keene

Keene, New Hampshire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The city has become home to an active voluntaryist protest group known as Free Keene. Some Free Keene activists have been arrested for video recording in court rooms as an act of civil disobedience, in violation of the state's wiretapping law. In 2009, Keene's Central Square Park had become the center of daily 4:20 pm smoke-ins which advocated the legalization of marijuana.[19][20] One widely publicized case happened in 2010 when Andrew Carroll, who moved to Keene through the Free State Project, stood in Railroad Square, made a short speech, and held out a bud of marijuana cupped in the palm of his hand. He was arrested and convicted by a judge but refused to pay the $420 fine, defending his action as an instance of civil disobedience. Joined by decriminalization supporters, he walked thirteen miles to the jail to turn himself in and spent nine days there.[21]

Free Keene has encountered opposition from other Keene residents. In February 2011 the movement was the subject of a report on WMUR-TV which focused on the high number of Free Keene arrests due to civil disobedience and their effect on Keene's image and economy.[22]

Derrick J's Victimless Crime Spree - YouTube

excellent. i'll watch this tomorrow.

The Mike Wallace Interview: Aldous Huxley (1958-05-18) - YouTube

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visitors of

You know what? Trade2win has almost more visitors from India than from the UK: Site Info

Click on the audience tab and you see the table:


Then you say to yourself "well, of course, given that there's over a billion people in India...".

But then again, look at the internet users:
World Development Indicators and Global Development Finance - Google Public Data Explorer


So, even if the internet users grew in the last two years, this web site is almost as popular in India as it is in the UK. As internet users will keep growing, in a year, the absolute percentage of visitors will be higher from India, but then that will not count because of course at that point there will be a much higher number of internet users from there than from the UK.

With elitetrader instead... Site Info


...what surprises me is canada and norway. Norway has 5 million people and canada 30 million people. These places are cold, so these guys use the internet twice as much probably. But you still can't explain this, norway in particular.
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Gamble and his activists actually managed to stop the spraying in some areas of California! This is big. In fact this Gamble might have done much more than alex jones for the cause - of course the problem is that alex jones would not have gotten away with it - he'd have been killed. That is why he has to focus on infowars.

The Thrivealist - Maker of Thrive Foster Gamble - Meets Anthony J Hilder - YouTube

I can't understand how this dude, Gamble, and alex jones, david icke, and a lot of others, get accused of being COINTELPRO, sometimes merely for the fact of being rich.

All they do is expose the agenda of the elite, whether at great personal risk or not... how can people keep on accusing the most successful truthers of having a secret agenda?

I mean, I'd understand the UN giving vaccines in africa that sterilise unwitting women. That is absolutely evil.

But where is the poison in the work of these people? How are they poisoning us?

Bush is clearly evil, and so are most of the american presidents. And you say what they get from cheating people: money. You see their evil work. But what about these guys? Can you spend a whole life, without making any money, helping a cause, and be in bad faith?

I am instead starting to suspect either of these two: 1) the people being skeptical are agents themselves or 2) the truther community has a lot of skepticism, more than necessary, because it consists of people who have been cheated before.

Anyone think the "Thrive Movement" is a scam?
Just quoting FYI:

After some one pointed out that Foster Gamble is a distant descendant of James Gamble. "Thrive Movement" released down below statement on their youtube channel:

"Yes its true that Foster is a distant descendant of James Gamble. The founder of Procter & Gamble, but is in no way associated with the running of the multi-national company that exists today.

Foster has spent 50 years researching & the last 8 years making THRIVE to help empower a self-creating movement that aims to create a world where all can thrive.Procter & Gamble has not funded THRIVE or any part of it. We welcome people checking the validity of this statement with Procter Gamble directly."


1. It is possible for someone with a family history of that sort to go against the grain. There are many cases where people open up to the truth and expose others about the lies and illusions they are casting on the rest of the world because it is the right thing to do, regardless if you are family or not.

2. They're using reverse psychology to make us think that they are against the elite.
You see, this is the skepticism I'm talking about. #1 is the one I tend to believe in. But many truthers keep on going back to #2, without any evidence.

One thing is to watch this video below and get tricked into believing that the Godfather after all is a good man:

George H.W. Bush Tears Up During Birthday Interview With Jenna On 'Today' - YouTube

And another thing is to watch Thrive and the video above (the first one in this post), and think that they have an agenda. Whereas these people are spreading information against the elite, the Bush family has proven its agenda generation after generation. So, who knows, maybe Jenna Bush will be the first one to stop doing evil, or maybe she's even too stupid to realize what she's part of.

What I am saying is that it makes sense to be skeptical, but we should not criticise people unless there are some real facts. We can't assume they're evil simply because they're rich, jewish or successful like let's say alex jones.

I mean even Anthony Hilder, who's been exposing the evil elite for decades, the first one ever to speak of the illuminati, was accused by Horowitz and Kane, of being an agent:

It is ok to be skeptical, and I am not saying Horowitz and Kane are in bad faith, I like the rest of the things they say, but you should not attack others unless you're absolutely positive and have proof. The same applies to alex jones: just because he's not attacking jews, doesn't mean he's an agent. He could have a conflict of interest as regards jews, but that still doesn't make him an agent. And just because he hasn't gotten killed yet, doesn't mean he's an agent.
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I found on Paul Joseph Watson's facebook this profile picture:
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It is from a show of the late 1960s, The Prisoner. It seems to be a truther theme, so I'll watch it:

The Prisoner Episode 01 arrival - YouTube

I vaguely remember seeing this show a few times on tv.

The Prisoner Episode 01 arrival - All Comments (127)
The Prisoner is a masterpiece that operates on multiple levels of description. Not wishing to sound pretentious, (who me, never) but there is no other way to accurately describe it. It can be viewed on a literal, symbolic, metaphorical, political and spiritual level and that is just my perspective. Everything is left open so that it is forever new and challenging. It is more relevant and important now than it has ever been.
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Stefan Molyneux and Freedomain Radio

Freedomain Radio - YouTube

Freedomain Radio > Videos

Fiat Money In France Part 1 - YouTube

The Sunset of the State - YouTube

True News 13: Statism is Dead - Part 3 - The Matrix - YouTube

maybe not entirely agree on everything he said, maybe not true and i agree, but fascinating reasoning for sure

Stefan Molyneux - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Stefan Basil Molyneux (born 24 September 1966) is a blogger, essayist, author, and host of the Freedomain Radio[1] series of podcasts, living in Mississauga, Canada. He has written numerous articles and smaller essays which have been published on libertarian websites such as,, and Strike The Root,[2][3] recorded over 2000 podcasts, produced over 900 videos, and written several books which are self-published except for his first, which was published by Publish America. In 2006, Molyneux quit his previous job in the field of computer software and works full-time on Freedomain Radio, a philosophical community website which is funded through donations. He self-identifies as a full-time parent and philosopher.
These philosophers always get away with everything. If you say "let's investigate 911" CIA-wikipedia calls you "conspiracy theorist", as to say "this guy is crazy". If instead you say that the ruling class treats humans as farmers treat cows, then it's fine and you're an "author". As long as they cannot link you to any activism, you're mentally healthy.

Here's another video on philosophy, the matrix, and the present society:

Philosophy and the Matrix - YouTube
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update on the systems

The 17 systems i've been monitoring (and also trading, but only in the first few months of 2012) have been doing great but have met with a drawdown of 7000 in the last few weeks:



Despite not trading them right now, I am starting to monitor them carefully again, because i might be able to start trading them again.

The thing is that there are no safe systems that make reasonable money without unreasonable drawdown. The best systems have a drawdown that could wipe me out in a month (as in the month that just happened). And I am not comfortable with that risk (with the current capital about 25% chance of that happening).

The situation at the office makes me want to trade really bad. A mentally unstable boss stresses out his employees and produces, in my case, overtrading.

If I want my capital to survive this situation, I need to focus on a very few win-win trades, such as ZN that has no chance of going higher, and NG, that has no chance of going lower. Everything else is uncertain.
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Deeply unhappy and dissatisfied. Not only do I have to stay at the dumbing and degrading office for many more years than I had envisioned, but not the boss has also turned psycho, and yells at me, and I haven't solved this problem yet.

I remember from the past, but this might not happen again, that each time I was deeply unhappy and dissatisfied, my father intervened and got me a new job, sent me to america, suggested and made possible changes that were positive and that solved my problem.

I wonder if this will happen again. It feels like things will take care of themselves, but, as i said, this is probably because my father fixed them for me. So I am not sure that this time things will magically fix themselves for the better, as happened in the past.

But maybe I do have some ability to fix things, and maybe I have had an impact on my life as well. I am just trying to remember how much was my work and how much his.

I think it is like this: he took the initiative of proposing something to me, and I accepted and put the hard work in it (traveling, working, studying, playing some sport, learning a foreign language, etc.).

Yet with this office things got really stuck - actually things really went wrong when I had my health problems a few years ago. Then I quit my previous job, took some time off, and when I went back, I came to this bank, which basically sucked from the start, then it got better, and then lately got worse again, always depending on the bosses and colleagues.

The problem is that the bosses keep changing, because otherwise you could build on what you've done. You can build a capital of respect from people, for the work you've been doing. But if a new boss shows up, an idiot who cannot appreciate things that are done properly, your capital is all gone. You can't just dismiss him and say "you're an idiot" and "he's an idiot". He's going to give you a hard time.

Anyway, I've said enough in the past two years about how much of an idiot my boss is.

Now the problem is this: will I come up with something that fixes my problems? Will the hard work and clean conscience I have triumph in the end?

I am having doubts. You see, my boss is the proof that you don't really need any qualities to be a boss, and this proves that hard work sometimes doesn't pay off. This guy is dishonest, lies very often, disorderly, and I don't even know if he's hard working. What I've been told by my roommate is that "he goes to eat pasta alla carbonara". Which means that he goes to these "special" lunches with the higher up boss.

I don't go to these lunches, never will, nor do I go to any lunches with anyone. I'd rather get fired than to go to any of these kissing up lunches.

I am really wondering if my hard work will ever prevail over someone whose only quality is kissing up.

No one will ever say that I am an idiot, and no one will ever... think that he's valuable.

I've been unhappy for many years now. I mean deeply unhappy, because even before this I was unhappy as my last memory of real long lasting happiness dates back to over 10 years ago.

I am really wondering if I could at least go up one step from deeply unhappy to just unhappy. I think hoping for collapse and experiencing global financial collapse would be a faster way to achieve semi-happiness, because it would bring a few positive changes:

1) the idiots will suffer, such as my boss, because... hmm, I am not even sure about this anymore - he might strive for other reasons - dishonesty might be a resource in a time of chaos

2) the bank will dissolve and I won't have to deal with him

3) ...

Well, basically that's it. The only reason why I am unhappy is my job, which in turn forces me to be in rome, which sucks, too.

The problem is that I cannot find a solution, other than quitting my job, but quitting my job is considered unsafe universally by everyone. And clearly I agree otherwise I would have done it by now.

So basically I am awake as to the stupidity that surrounds me, as to being a slave, with a few weeks of vacation per year, and I can stand it much less than others, because I do not have those lunches, I don't enjoy talking about soccer with the colleagues, and I cannot share too many values with them, because they don't have that many values to begin with.

So, we'll see. For sure I'll keep complaining here and reporting what happens. After I started these journals only a few years ago, and I don't feel too bad for not achieving, financially, pretty much anything at all.

Being stuck in the matrix, while knowing you're in it. That is my tragedy.

The tragedy of an intelligent person stuck with a bunch of idiots. And I guess this happens everywhere in the world to almost everyone else, too, because we all have different sensitivities and we're all stupid or intelligent depending on the field. Maybe at work those I consider stupid are painters or musicians, and they feel "damn, I'm an artist stuck with a bunch of idiots... the world sucks".

But the probability is that they're none of this, and we're not all the same, each one with qualities compensating deficiencies. Most people are idiots with no qualities whatsoever. While other people have qualities in many fields.

And other than this valid distinction between idiots and non-idiots, there's also a question of hard work. I know I put hard work in everything I do. Others do not. They reduce, one way or another, their own CPU, intentionally even, so that there's a guarantee that they're not producing hard work. To them that is "taking it easy", being "easygoing", "cool" and other things that I do not consider qualities.

So, what I really should wonder at this point is not where my action will take me, because I have always lacked action, and my father has compensated this with his propositions in the past. At this point, since I will keep on drifting as far as my job at the bank, which means being a sheep like the rest of them... at this point I am wondering this: where will my mind take me next? Because one good thing is that my mind doesn't stop. I haven't watched tv for months. This means I haven't turned my mind off for months.

And my mind goes on, pushing me to implement very powerful changes, and they happen overnight. A month ago, after investigating on health and watching a lot of documentaries, I turned vegan, on dietary grounds (not ethical).

I also stopped eating any sweets, because sugar is bad. Once i've realized it, I just stopped overnight, without any efforts. There was a post I wrote here, where I said "ok, I just turned vegan".

The same applies to studying some programming to build my trading systems, to studying english, all things that I started somewhere and that I completed. I start big things and I finish them, almost effortlessly. This is very different from the average, and as i said, it's because they intentionally turned their brains off.

Instead if you decide to keep it on, and not be "cool" and "easygoing". Then of course you don't eat pasta alla carbonara with the higher ups. But these changes and improvements in your life are natural and effortless.

One research leads to another, one idea leads to another, and they produce changes in your life, and so I am wondering where my reasoning will take me next. I just have to wait for the reasoning to evolve. There is no need to panic, to rush it... and if, unfortunately, the reasoning won't produce anything valuable, then I'll just keep on learning things.

Actually it's precisely because I am deeply unhappy that I am still learning things.

If I got what I want, which is living at the house on the beach, without having to work as an employee, then I would be happy. Absolutely. I can guarantee it, because that is how I am for those 2 weeks every year that I am allowed out of my cell at the office.

And if I were at the beach, I would swim for hours every day, then I'd sit on the rocks and watch the waves. Then I'd walk in the sand. Then I'd lie on the deckchair. Then I might even watch tv, and I'd probably turn into one of the sheeple. So, as a side effect of my unhappiness, I am learning things.

But this makes me wonder in turn if I am keeping myself unhappy so that I can learn things and achieve a higher happiness. As they say in italy "chi si accontenta gode". In other words, if you content yourself, then you're going to be happy, or it seems that a correct match would be "a contented mind is a perpetual feast".

So, if I wanted, if I really wanted it, I could decide that I am happy. I could say "hell, I have enough or rather this is as good as it gets... so let's enjoy it".

But I am thinking that maybe, probably even, I wasn't raised to seek happiness but rather to seek knowledge. And so knowledge seeking is not a side effect of unhappiness as i said, but unhappiness is a side effect of knowledge seeking.

This sounds awesome, but maybe it's wrong. Because how does this agree with the fact that if I were at the beach house, i would engage in physical activity (which obviously doesn't have much to do with acquiring knowledge)?

I really don't know. Maybe, my preference is for living a physical life, and, since I cannot do it, and never have been able to do it, because, except for some rare summers in my childhood, my father has always kept me busy in summer schools, then, since I cannot do it, I am opting for knowledge. So in this case, which I think is closer to the truth, knowledge is a side effect of not being able to live a satisfactory physical life.

But now, even my colleagues aren't able to live by the sea, as everyone would like to do. So how come did they choose to be sheeple?

This gets really complex and it's hard not to make mistakes in assessing this.

I think my change happened early on. I would have liked to be outside and play with other children, but one way or another, my father kept me at home, and this made me start thinking. Then there was the summer schools, and everything else.

So while the rest of people adapted to their environment and learned to be happy with what they had got, I learned to be unhappy, because at home, I had exactly zero fun, and to engage in intellectual activities instead.

Then, once I became unable to enjoy people's company (and i pretty much can't really enjoy regular people's company even now, except for short periods of time, like a cab ride), I was stuck with either being at home learning things, like I am doing now, or enjoying the best of nature, which is basically the sea, and a nice one. So if anyone tells me to go to anything less than perfect, then I won't go. And if any company is less than perfect, then I don't go. So I need stimulating nature and stimulating people, because I have learned to be alone without nature and alone without people, and as a consequence, I really don't have the need for it.

So, somehow this learning and unhappiness is very related to my being antisocial. For example, all those times I went out to get a pizza with a friend, to me it was very much a waste of time and money. I knew I'd learn nothing from that experience, and it is exactly what happened.

I wonder what I'd be doing without the internet.

Yeah, I remember. Back in northern europe, I was working there for two years, and I had no internet. I was watching tv all the time. Actually there was a girlfriend there, so for the first year I could bear it, but then, after a year, she left, and I could only resist one more year, and I left, too. Had I had the internet, things would have been different. But when she asked me to get it for her, I told her I would rather keep my money invested in options, than to get her a computer. Then she left, I lost my money, and eventually I left, too. Too bad I didn't listen to her. At least I would have kept my computer and my job. Damn. I didn't know there was so much to learn on the internet. You don't know until you get it. Actually the older you get the more stupid you should get, I thought. Instead back then I was stupid and I thought I knew everything and there was no need to learn anything else.

I think what killed my learning skills was school. You have to unteach yourself everything you learn in school, such as that knowledge is boring. Internet shows you that knowledge is entertaining. Everything is entertaining, if you let your curiosity lead you. If instead you're forced, then it becomes boring, everything becomes boring. It's like eating. If you're forced to eat something, it is less pleasurable than if you let your hunger lead you.

Yeah. I know what I know, and I am what I am, and the incident of having a yelling boss is not going to disrupt my path and destroy my skills. However, it is a physical threat to me, it bothers me obsessively, and I need to make sure I can deal with it, before i set my mind on something else. I know I am obsessing about this, but it's because I want to make sure i am really prepared for the next time it happens. After obsessing about it so much, there are no doubts that I will take action when it happens. If instead i had the approach of some of my colleagues ("it happens to everyone..." and "there's much worse bosses..."), i definitely would not be ready to take action. I think the least I will do is walk out on him, and the most I will do is go home and come back the next day. I also know that I definitely will not answer a single word.

Yeah. I am very very sad, that after all the work i have done for this office, I have come to witness a situation where I am being yelled, by a despicable person, for the wrong reasons. It really made me doubt my self-worth. The mere fact that he dared to do something like that. Yes he's stupid, but it's not enough to explain this. I feel that I must have done something wrong, not in my work, but in my relationship to this guy - how could he ever think that I would accept his yelling? This is really a crushing defeat for me, to have to deal with a situation like this.
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