my journal 3

hilarious quebec police as agents provocateurs: these canadians are such nice guys that they can't even succeed at basic things such as the ones mastered by the americans

Police provocateurs at Montebello Summit? - YouTube

quebec police admit going undercover at montebello protests - YouTube

The same thing happened at the G8 in Genoa as well, but italians are retarded so no one woke up despite the opportunity

obviously i found reference to this incident in the documentary i posted in my previous post

You know, it's amazing how relatively clean canada has stayed despite being so close to americans - i wonder what will happen when civil war will break out in the US. Who will the canadians side with? With the US government? I don't think so. Certainly not the canadian people. Maybe even the canadian government will join the rebels.
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so many awakened documentarians that I am forgetting their names, this guy is ben stewart:
Talismanic Idols

this one is about US politics and many philosophical issues

Independent Film 'UNGRIP' - Full Length Documentary.flv - YouTube

Nowadays, for every documentary maker that sells out, such as michael moore, there's 10 more documentarians, even better than the one who sold out, putting their work on youtube for free

Here's another one by ben stewart

Kymatica: Ben Stewart (Full Documentary) - YouTube

This one is going to be similar to zeitgeist in many ways, for the themes and the editing... this guy knows so much **** that i'm going to have to watch it very slowly and with a dictionary - not just this one but also the other one. I am talking about his talk about "Maritime admiralty law" both in this and the other documentary.

funny thing is that whenever there's a an awesome revolutionary and comprehensive documentary about the matrix, such as this, Thrive, or Zeitgeist, you always find someone on the web, who says it was created by the Illuminati, by the powers that be, and it contains plenty of satanic symbols. I wonder if instead it is the person blaming alex jones of being satanic, zeitgeist, thrive or probably even this one, i wonder if they are the ones who are the disinfo agents.

whenever there's something that makes you think in a big big way, there's someone who comes up and says it's too good to be true, and that it's been sponsored by the powers that be and it has a satanic agenda.

And just yesterday i read this about loose change, that they are being promoted by the powers that be, because they effectively fight the idea of us "no planers", who believe no real planes hit the twin towers. I don't think so. They just fight for their ideas, which might be different from mine. What I believe is that the videos we saw of planes hitting the towers are totally fake and the media was totally complicit from even before the "attack" began.

Anyway, kymatica is not my type of documentary: too much text being read and too little video. I get bored. It is deep and heavy material, rich in content, but not for me right now.

Even if the first one i posted, Ungrip, is as heavy as a class. I don't know why. It is very well made, but it's the heaviest truther documentary i've ever come across. There's very little propaganda, very little action and repetition, and the info and concepts are complex to grasp. You have to listen to every single word, and the material is not familiar to me, even though relevant to the subject I am investigating.
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What HAARP Is.. And Everything Its Used For.. Full HAARP Documentary - YouTube

this dude has got balls


for speaking the truth, so much of the truth, i mean

he didn't just make this video on jay z but a whole playlist:

This dude, forerunner777, really has originality and guts to speak out:

In this case I disagree with him, but it's ridiculous how everyone gets happy for LGBT issues, when the US is murdering people by the millions. I guess obama is a good guy, and can't help killing millions, but at least he's implementing a good LGBT agenda. You know what I mean? We defend the jews, and yes we're murdering the catholics maybe, but hey, we're defending at least one minority.

Obama is not lying about LGBT because he's gay to begin with
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Upcoming trade in about one hour or two on natural gas. I am planning to go LONG. Today everything great at work. Of course the boss is not here. There's going to be great tension between us in the next few weeks, until he learns that he cannot yell at me. He either learns or he's going to have to transfer me, because I will not stay in the room if he raises his voice.

I've made my mind up, after consulting with plenty of people, most importantly my father and my uncle. The colleagues are saying that... they would not dare to do the same, and regularly put up with any yelling boss. But I work more than they do, and I know I don't deserve it. They told me that my boss is yelled at by his boss. Of course, but maybe because he's an idiot. Since I am not an idiot and I am always careful, I do not deserve to be yelled at, and I am not going to take it. Furthermore, he has been promoted due to all his kissing up and kneeling. I haven't been promoted because I have a different attitude, and therefore I don't have to put up with this either.
Regarding the NG trade I will do in 30 minutes to one hour, it is because six months ago everyone was saying NG would have been at 4 by the Fall, and instead it is still at 2.7.

They said that in the fall, the heating needs would have made it go up.

Oil is higher than it was then, the ratio of CL to NG is out of proportion.

I think it is due for a rise in the next two weeks, at least all the way to 3. So I should make about 3000 dollars on this trade, and then finally will have a reasonable capital to trade with, for my systems. And then, who knows. Maybe I'll finally break free of this undercapitalization situation, which compels me to do discretionary trading... it's very much about hope right now, but also I cannot... the longer time goes by, the older I get, and the closer we get to the financial collapse, after which there will be no financial markets. So it's worth it to increase my risk right now. My money will be worthless in just a few months anyway.

I will wait for the report to be released in a... 20 more minutes.
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Doing ok. What matters about NG is those alternative energy engines. If they let us have them, then oil and gas will go down big time. Until they do, both should just keep on going up. If everything keeps going as it is, then they will not let us have them until they exist (the powers that be).

And they will exist until the financial markets also exist, so as long as I am trading, I have no risk of the suppressed engines and inventions to be released, which then in turn it means that natural gas should keep on rising in the next few months.
Now that the trade is progressing well, and the worst part is over (the report), I have the usual problems and doubts: should I leave the trade on for a few days? Should I seize whatever profit i've got at the end of today?

If I make a lot of trades, I increase my chance of being wrong and blowing out my account.

If I keep it open, then I am either right or wrong.

I'll try to keep it open, no matter how much profit I see.

I'll stop monitoring it, or I'll exit the trade as usual.

I think i am learning remote viewing.

It works like this. You focus on the right frequency and the market will tell you where it's going. There's no reasoning or calculations. You just have to listen and receive the message from the market.

In case you're ever wrong, it must have been an interference from a cellular phone or something. Or maybe you weren't tuned in when the market was telling you that it changed its mind.

There you go, I am hearing voices again... who is it? Oh, the cereals were calling me from the kitchen.

In some sense, what i said is true. But not in the sense i said, most likely.

If you're watching (rather than listening to) the market, you can perceive where it's going to go, but the big problem is that you will receive interferences. And they come from your desires, such as "let's make money". That means, often, at least in my case, "let's trade". Then the message from yourself (sometimes from your ego, the desire to be right) will interfere with the message from the market. It's not a hidden message. You're seeing the market, you could interpret it correctly, but you're unable to, because you're receiving subconscious interferences from your own mind and desires and ego.
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Kidnapped Marine vet Brandon Raub speaks out from psych ward - YouTube

John Whitehead Interviews Brandon Raub - YouTube

Marine Brandon Raub speaks out following detention - - Richmond, VA News, Weather, Traffic & Sports
CHESTERFIELD, VA (WWBT) - A Chesterfield Marine is speaking out for the first time following being taken into custody after concern over his Facebook posts.

A lengthy video clip of Brandon Raub was released by the Rutherford Institute Tuesday. The clip shows Raub speaking with John Whitehead, Constitutional Attorney and President of The Rutherford Institute. The conservative civil liberties group served as Raub's defense in court and won his release.

In the video, he explains how he feels the government has overstepped its rights and how he shared those thoughts on Facebook. He also says a August 13 post on his page saying "Sharpen up my axe; I'm here to sever heads" was quoting song lyrics and meant as a metaphor.

"The truth is very powerful and has the ability to cut," he explained. "The truth is not always nice. Sometimes it can be very specific."

Raub was taken into custody on August 16. He says two FBI agents came to his door and they spoke to for several minutes.

"They said they were there just to talk," he said. "In the beginning it was very vague. It was almost as if they wanted me to volunteer information, which I was very happy to do."

Raub says his Facebook page came up and a secret service agent asked him to step outside. In total, they spoke for 10-15 minutes before he was eventually taken into custody...

ballsy guy:
Brandon J Raub | Facebook
If you are my friend, you deserve to know the truth. This world is secretly run by a shadow organization of people who among other things enjoy raping children. Some of leaders were involved with the bombing of the twin towers. It was a sacrifice and a complete inside job. Also the Bush's are very sick twisted problems. I believe they have a secret Castle in Colorado where they have been raping and sacrificing children for many years. Think I'm crazy? Think again.
I guess the government's watch list is increasing...

this is good, too, in particular what paul joseph watson says:

"Sharpen My Axe" Facebook Marine Brandon Raub Kidnapped By FBI And Now Feared Missing - YouTube

as i've often been doing lately, let's read some opposing point of view:
Conspiratard Nutopia: Brandon J. Raub: An Inside Jaub?
If you look at Brandon J. Raub's Facebook wall, it isn't hard to see why he was detained in the first place. He said in one post, "This is the part where I tell the Federal Government to go **** itself. This is the part where I tell Generals, training our young men to fight Americans, I am coming for you. The Veterans will be with me". Patriotic, indeed. Another post reads, "Sharpen my axe, I'm here to sever heads". Yeah, he doesn't sound like a nut job at all... Another post reads, "Dear friends in the Military, the time for choosing has come. Will you continue to ignore the obvious lie of 911 or will you stand and fight for your people? Perhaps you are too weak. Perhaps you lack the courage. Or perhaps you have never been considered. But you will choose, one way or the other". Sounds to me like he's frustrated with the "Truth Movement" and it's lack of actual movement. Wade Michael Page was frustrated with his "movement" too, and we all know how that ended. Badly. With innocent people killed. With our society in the state that it is in, threats like these should not be ignored by authorities, no matter how empty the threats may sound.
Yeah, sure, you moron. The sikh temple was another inside job by the government itself, precisely to blame it on truthers. The problem is that if you think the government did 911, your first thought isn't to kill some people in the sikh temple.

Marine who served with kidnapped Brandon Raub testifies to his sanity - YouTube

at minute 4 he said very wise things about the veterans being the most "constitutionally aware". The more soldiers they send out to wars, the more... but there's also the opposite problem: the more soldiers they create, the more blind obedience they create - the problem is with these veterans who break free of the matrix. Not all soldiers are veterans and not all veterans are as wise as these two.

anyway, excellent speech on democracy... only better veteran i ever heard is kenneth o'keefe

Ken O'Keefe BBC Hardtalk Jan. 2003 1 of 3 - YouTube

Amazing how kenneth manages to reply to this asshole interviewer. The interviewer by being an asshole almost did him a favour. Kenneth risks his life to help other people and to be honest, while the interviewer risks other people's life and is dishonest to help himself.
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i like these Thrive guys

Foster and Kimberly Gamble Reflect on the Torus, Politics and You - YouTube

my cousin, with a physics degree, says his scientific theories are wrong (taurus/torus and so on) and that he can't be in good faith... but i believe this guy is in good faith, and either my cousin is ignorant, which could very well be the case, or this guy is not informed enough to debate my cousin. Either way this Gamble is in good faith.

just because someone makes a nice documentary, it doesn't mean they're ****ing with your mind and are disinfo agents. Furthermore, just because someone is very rich, do you have to mistrust them.

That is why we cannot make categories for people to be assigned to such as "jews" or "israelis", nor "irch" or "super-rich" and not even "the rothschilds". Probably there will be some people in the rothschild family who are against what the grandfather is doing, just as there are people in the US who are against what obama or bush are doing. So with israel, there will be people against the government, just as there are everywhere. In the same way you can't say the "muslims", "blacks"... etc.. Cannot even categorize the police as evil. Yet of course there are percentages and tendencies. The police will hurt you, the vegetarians will be nicer, as a rule. But imagine this - if you can't put together all those who chose the job of police, how could you group together all those who were born into a race or religion? Obviously they're not going to share that many moral characteristics, merely by being Italian, jewish, or black.

Furthermore, i still haven't figured out if what's going on in the world is part of a conspiracy by the powers that be or simply the consequence of the world going towards money and power and wealth.

Take a movie theater where someone yells "fire!". There will be so much pressure to exit the theater that someone might be crushed to death, and yet those doing it, will not do it intentionally but because they're pushed by other people, who in turn do not see they're producing that consequence.

So maybe what goes on in the world is caused by people who have enough to eat but engage in murder because they want more, or maybe it is caused by a collective process, where only who's desperate will kill, and the others will push towards the exit, without realizing the consequences of their actions. Kind of like they say in this movie:

3 Days of the Condor - YouTube

The intake of information is important, but it is also important to filter what you're not sure about from what you're sure about, because with the increase of information you also have to deal with people disagreeing and have to establish if people are in bad faith or not, and what their agenda is.

I've read and especially watched and listened to a lot by now. I focused on variety of information rather than depth for now and now i am able to orient myself a lot better and i can focus on quality and depth.

For now I haven't gathered that many facts, relative to the amount of videos i posted.

Police violence in the US? I believe it. But I don't have the stats to back it up and assess if and how much it has increased along the decades.

911 inside job and coverup? No doubts about it. Media involvement, too. But I also wonder: where would we be if the US hadn't been so aggressive in the past 70 years? Maybe it'd be worse. We're all here complaining about the US government, but how about no US and no NATO and just all of us under China and Russia? It'd be worse, definitely. Let's not forget it. Yes, we've been brought up believing a lot of lies on America. But let's not forget how much worse china and russia are and especially have been.

Chemtrails, jfk, robert kennedy, martin luther king, moon hoax, oklahoma city bombing... all conspiracies. Pretty sure.

Can all these things happen without an evil agenda and unintentionally, and by random, different and not related people?


It's the US government. But I don't really know who controls the government.

what idea do i have on what's next?

Here i have a conflict of interest because i am very bored with my life and i am not just predicting but also hoping for something to happen, and namely:

1) peak oil and oil running out and increasing in price

2) alternative energy and engines do not come out

3) no idea what will then happen in the US

4) in italy, my focus is this: my bank

a) hopefully the bank will close
b) if it doesn't close hopefully they will cut our salaries so my colleagues will quit
c) hopefully a lot of us will be fired: fine either way, if i am one of them or not

Then i'll finally be rid of this office without taking the step of quitting.
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I was thinking back to ed chiarini and how dumb these guys from the FBI or CIA are for infiltrating the truth movement with him:

but then again, maybe they're not dumb, because they have to adapt to a dumb population and even the smart truthers had to waste at least one hour figuring out that this guy is COINTELPRO.

With 911 they made a lot of mistakes, almost to the point of it being a farce, but nonetheless they got away with it, and not just out of power, but also out of deception, because the majority of the population still believes the government didn't do it. It's not that they don't dare to speak their minds, but that they (the majority of americans) believe it was Bin Laden.

911 A Conspiracy Theory by James Corbett - YouTube

The Corbett Report | 9/11: A Conspiracy Theory