i like these Thrive guys
Foster and Kimberly Gamble Reflect on the Torus, Politics and You - YouTube
my cousin, with a physics degree, says his scientific theories are wrong (taurus/torus and so on) and that he can't be in good faith... but i believe this guy is in good faith, and either my cousin is ignorant, which could very well be the case, or this guy is not informed enough to debate my cousin. Either way this Gamble is in good faith.
just because someone makes a nice documentary, it doesn't mean they're ****ing with your mind and are disinfo agents. Furthermore, just because someone is very rich, do you have to mistrust them.
That is why we cannot make categories for people to be assigned to such as "jews" or "israelis", nor "irch" or "super-rich" and not even "the rothschilds". Probably there will be some people in the rothschild family who are against what the grandfather is doing, just as there are people in the US who are against what obama or bush are doing. So with israel, there will be people against the government, just as there are everywhere. In the same way you can't say the "muslims", "blacks"... etc.. Cannot even categorize the police as evil. Yet of course there are percentages and tendencies. The police will hurt you, the vegetarians will be nicer, as a rule. But imagine this - if you can't put together all those who chose the job of police, how could you group together all those who were born into a race or religion? Obviously they're not going to share that many moral characteristics, merely by being Italian, jewish, or black.
Furthermore, i still haven't figured out if what's going on in the world is part of a conspiracy by the powers that be or simply the consequence of the world going towards money and power and wealth.
Take a movie theater where someone yells "fire!". There will be so much pressure to exit the theater that someone might be crushed to death, and yet those doing it, will not do it intentionally but because they're pushed by other people, who in turn do not see they're producing that consequence.
So maybe what goes on in the world is caused by people who have enough to eat but engage in murder because they want more, or maybe it is caused by a collective process, where only who's desperate will kill, and the others will push towards the exit, without realizing the consequences of their actions. Kind of like they say in this movie:
3 Days of the Condor - YouTube
The intake of information is important, but it is also important to filter what you're not sure about from what you're sure about, because with the increase of information you also have to deal with people disagreeing and have to establish if people are in bad faith or not, and what their agenda is.
I've read and especially watched and listened to a lot by now. I focused on variety of information rather than depth for now and now i am able to orient myself a lot better and i can focus on quality and depth.
For now I haven't gathered that many facts, relative to the amount of videos i posted.
Police violence in the US? I believe it. But I don't have the stats to back it up and assess if and how much it has increased along the decades.
911 inside job and coverup? No doubts about it. Media involvement, too. But I also wonder: where would we be if the US hadn't been so aggressive in the past 70 years? Maybe it'd be worse. We're all here complaining about the US government, but how about no US and no NATO and just all of us under China and Russia? It'd be worse, definitely. Let's not forget it. Yes, we've been brought up believing a lot of lies on America. But let's not forget how much worse china and russia are and especially have been.
Chemtrails, jfk, robert kennedy, martin luther king, moon hoax, oklahoma city bombing... all conspiracies. Pretty sure.
Can all these things happen without an evil agenda and unintentionally, and by random, different and not related people?
It's the US government. But I don't really know who controls the government.
what idea do i have on what's next?
Here i have a conflict of interest because i am very bored with my life and i am not just predicting but also hoping for something to happen, and namely:
1) peak oil and oil running out and increasing in price
2) alternative energy and engines do not come out
3) no idea what will then happen in the US
4) in italy, my focus is this: my bank
a) hopefully the bank will close
b) if it doesn't close hopefully they will cut our salaries so my colleagues will quit
c) hopefully a lot of us will be fired: fine either way, if i am one of them or not
Then i'll finally be rid of this office without taking the step of quitting.