my journal 3

Malkin attacks Paul on 9/11 questions - YouTube

Wow, these ladies really do believe the government's version, because of the way they describe the truthers. If someone was in bad faith, he would avoid the subject. They instead both say how surprised they are that there are so many people who believe these "absurd" theories, but are reassured that the "serious" politicians do not believe these "fringe" theories.
steven jones may be a disinfo agent

Did Dr. Steven Jones help cover up Cold Fusion & now 9/11? - YouTube

but then again, if he was invited at the 2007 conference... organized by alex jones, then I am starting to have doubts that they're both disinfo agents... despite all the good information they spread - just a doubt though

I'm always going to have doubts about those people who rule out cold fusion and refuse to discuss it.

What I think is that maybe alex jones and steven jones and others were told: ok, you can speak just this much of the truth, if you try to say it all, then you're going to get killed.

You know what I mean? If you say "politicians are corrupt" you may get away with it, but if you target one politician in particular, let's say bush, then your chance of being killed increases. So maybe there's some true heroes, like judy wood (people around her get killed quite frequently) and there's some lesser heroes, who skip some facts. This would reconcile all the doubts, such as the fact that these people seem to enjoy exposing the elite and yet they fight alternative theories. Or maybe they're in good faith and they simply fight for their own opinion.

Anyway, John Hutchison got his work stolen from the US government for a change.

They gave him 25k to peek at his work, then said it sucked, then a while later seized his lab and continued on their own. Pathetic crap going on as usual. Of course the sheeple believe the mainstream media, so everything is going well as usual. God, do we deserve a goddamn collapse. These sheeple need to be wiped out, all of them.

Oh, and hutchison is lucky that he hasn't been killed yet. Like many of his colleagues.
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Let's take a peek at the sheeple for a second:

Watch Clint Eastwood Speak at Republican National Convention - YouTube

Oh ok, everyone is still safely in the matrix. Hollywood and US politics, pretty much the same thing: acting and fiction. The same industry of mass deception. Why won't Clint mention the real issues? 911, chemtrails, big pharma, big oil? He's in the matrix or he doesn't want to get killed.

The big problem he mentioned is "20 million people unemployed". That's like a joke compared to what's going on in the US. His speech, with some minor changes, could have been read every year for the past 40 years.
Great resources here, hundreds of excellent videos categorized by playlists:
JFK Memo: Israel gone rogue - YouTube

some playlists are:
911 Synchronicity - YouTube
Suppressed Technology - YouTube
Depopulation Agenda - YouTube

here's some of his precious videos:

John Lennon's Opinion about Over Population - YouTube

Population Control - YouTube

Racist birth control? Claims Israel culling Ethiopian Jews - YouTube

dude the israel government is just like the US government...

Damn. Not funny at all, but this is good because it proves that alex jones is not a disinfo agent. He is human, takes risks, sometimes fails.

This euro944t is a ****ing genius. He put together an excellent series of playlists.
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a dutiful mind

...or a mind with a sense of duty. Maybe not beautiful but dutiful for sure.

Yeah, 'cause I spent the whole day fixing the problem of my internet stick. As I'll go on vacation, I want to make sure nothing goes wrong, so I am bringing two internet sticks, and it took me hours of trial and error to get the one internet stick I haven't used for a year to work again.

Everyone relaxes, and in the meanwhile I make sure my second internet stick works, so I can run my systems, which are not even trading any money but are just being forward-tested.

This is a dutiful mind. This is the mind I have.

It's a mind that never gets rewarded, or at least that's been the case so far.

My other problem to fix is the boss.

As I said, I cannot accept that this idiot yells at me. No one has the right to yell at me, let alone an idiot like this guy, who works less than I do, gets paid more, and manages to make more mistakes than I do in the process. I know I am worth more, but he's the boss, and I don't want to overdo it.

I don't want to say something wrong and counter-productive. I don't want to say "shut up, you idiot!", nor do I want to yell back, but my number one priority is that he must never yell again at me. This of course is completely unrelated to my work, because he doesn't yell because of my negligence, but because of erratic reasons.

my dutiful mind cannot help but focus on the one problem left to fix, urgent problem left to fix.

1) he must not yell again
2) i must not lose my temper and yell back insults

As I said before, this could be achieved by walking out of the room, or even if it doesn't work, that is the least I have decided to do.

But, like when I am creating trading systems, I am trying to fix this, too, because I don't think... this strategy is good enough.

I am feeling that I need to administer some sort of punishment. Because it's a crime he's committing.

I am feeling that walking out when he's yelling is not strong enough. But I cannot yell back and go down to his level, because he's a supreme master at doing this.

That is, he's good at it, when he decides to do it, because for the first six months I was criticizing him plenty and he didn't yell back. Maybe this is some sort of revenge, even though I was totally right in my criticism. And maybe that's why he resents me.

And maybe that's why he's been looking that hard to find faults in me.

I am surrounded by people who acknowledge my serious attitude, my hard work, and my reliability, but this guy pretends that I am not perfect, maybe even unreliable, and maybe he tries to demonstrate it by yelling, or at least that seems the trend, since it's the third time in five months.

Nothing like this happened in the first year and a half with this idiot.

This is a big deal for me.

I have stopped criticizing him, and maybe that's why he's hitting back now, but he's had enough of a revenge and, given my serious work, I am not willing to accept any more yelling.

My mind just won't accept it, and it keeps on looking for a winning strategy.

Certainly, I prepared the battle by badmouthing him with everyone I could, and I gathered as much consensus as possible regarding my version: I am offended and I am not going to let it happen again. Now, whatever I'll do, he might not be prepared, but everyone else will be, so he cannot find much consensus or sympathy for his reaction to my reaction, except that artificial agreement by people kissing up to the boss (albeit idiot boss).

Also, since I've told everyone how offended I am, this will force me to react in some way, and that is important, too, because when someone has escalated the confrontation to the maximum level by yelling like he does, there are great forces in you telling you to not escalate it any further and play it safe.

You see, he's weak, so he escalates it as much as possible, to make sure he doesn't lose the confrontation. Furthermore, it's not clear what the purpose of all this yelling is: to win an argument? He yelled without even knowing what the problem was... I was sitting. Next time the first thing to do is to stand up.

Then the trick here is to find a reaction that will not escalate the confrontation, because you cannot escalate it any more, but that nonetheless will win. Not tie, but win. I need a win, because I have too much right and truth on my side.

A win would mean that he won't yell again, that I will not accept the humiliation, that I won't lose any consensus, and that I will not get transferred. No dialogue can help, because he is wrong, and probably in bad faith, too, probably possessed by the devil. I should try an exorcism.

I can't believe that, out of 8 people I asked, two said that I should just put up with him, because he's the boss. And that there's worse. In their mind, if the boss says you're wrong, you're wrong by definition. If he says you made a mistake, then you made a mistake. I don't see it like that: this guy is a liar, and an idiot. I don't remember ever hearing of any qualities he has, or actually yes: his quality is that he doesn't act like the boss. Live and let live, but then, erratically, when he reaps the fruits of his negligence, he yells, at the wrong time and for the wrong reasons and with the wrong person. Well, I am not going to put up with this for a fourth time. I'd rather run the small risk of being fired or transferred.

So it's not really a battle with him, but a battle to gather consensus against him. A battle for consensus where I have an initial advantage, because he is known for yelling and being rude.

If I yell back, I could still win, and even better, but the problem is that I am not good at yelling. So that has to be ruled out.


Hey, I don't care if in the end i'll have thought about this for two months. What matters is that I react properly.

Essentially, I have to walk out, have the right look in my face, right posture, and I have to turn completely quiet.

This is not going to be easy, but after all this preparation, it is going to be close to perfect.

1) turn completely quiet as soon as I recognize disrespect in his words and a louder tone: easy
2) get my wallet and walk out of the room, going to the vending machines to get some water

Come back, and repeat endlessly until he stops his behaviour.

One interesting thing is that if my roommate is there, he never does this, at least: those three times that happened, my roommate was not there that day.

This could mean that he's afraid of his judgment because he knows he is wrong. One more reason to demand a victory from the next confrontation. Because it's clearly a cowardly behaviour. But he doesn't even know, by how stupid he is, he doesn't even remember how aggressive I can be. But if I lose control.

But in this case, I don't want to lose control, because I don't want to scar my reputation.

He's not afraid of that, to the contrary.

Only an idiot could slam my door after yelling at me. Only an out of control idiot. Because that goes in my favor, since everyone heard it. You achieve nothing: it's not like I will work better at fixing mistakes he should have fixed because he erratically and periodically yells at me.

Maybe in his sick mind, he thought he was showing everyone that I make mistakes, too?

Ha. As if the fact of yelling at me were the proof that I made a mistake.

But what bothers me the most is that this incident shows that there is no meritocracy. He's the boss. How on earth is it possible?

I am not complaining that I am not the boss, because I don't want to.

I am complaining that there isn't someone better being the boss.

Anyway, starting tomorrow he'll be back from his holiday, I'll have to deal with him for a week, and then I'll go on vacation. For sure, after all this thinking and writing, I will not... put up with any abuse.

I hope he got into a car accident, or drowned.


At the same time, this reminds me that there will be a day when I might lose a battle despite being right and fair and honest. This may not be the time, but there might be a time where I have to yield if I want to surive, just because someone else is stronger. Such as could be the case with the police. But this guy is not the police, because he cannot beat me up. Basically that's the big difference.


Anyway, unhappier than ever, because I've set my mind on this problem. And I will not be satisfied until I will be positive that this guy has understood that he cannot abuse me. This is my enemy of the moment. I am not replacing him with any other enemy until I've solved this problem.
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I am 99% convinced that there weren't any planes hitting the twin towers

I find that a very strange statement and i'm sure you will retract it.

It reminds me of when people say 'Look at the CCTV of the Pentagon. You cannot see a plane. It must be a missle.'

Of course when it is slowed down by xxx amount, there is the Plane which was travelling at 500 odd mph on full throttle.

I think it is easy to get lost in too many conspiracy theories and lose perspective. I've been there myself to an extent.
I won't retract it, you're kidding me? I've done plenty of research on this, and I am keeping track of my ideas and my estimates and I am not changing them erratically (the journal keeps track of my thoughts). What do you bet on?

You bet that the government version is true? Tell me which is the right version in your opinion.

Thanks for the feedback.
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I won't retract it, you're kidding me? I've done plenty of research on this, and I am keeping track of my ideas and my estimates and I am not changing them erratically (the journal keeps track of my thoughts). What do you bet on?

You bet that the government version is true? Tell me which is the right version in your opinion.

Thanks for the feedback.

I don't have confidence in the Government version.

How would you explain the thousands who witnessed the planes? The other footage?
Oh no, seriously. There's more evidence of people not seeing any planes than people seeing planes. Check out this guy for example. He is reading a script, it's known on the web, his name is mark walsh ("mostly due to structural failure..", wow, he's got it all figured out for you):

A Complete 911 Harley Shirt Guy Scene -911 Actor Mark Humphrey Is -FOX Freelancer- -Mark Walsh - YouTube

I've got the smoking gun for you, just watch these six minutes:

9/11 TV Fakery - The Smoking Gun - YouTube

The tape with the planes came out mostly hours after the event (not live), and it was all a montage. The only live shot of the airplane hitting the second tower was fake (cfr. video above).

Check this out, too:

911 Flight 175 hitting the South Tower - YouTube

it looked like a movie, because it was a movie.

911 - Maybe the No Planers Are Not So Crackers - Nick Kollerstrom - YouTube

maybe we're not so crazy... on this last video there's plenty of reasons and useful links in the description.

If you have a lot more time, the official "no planers" documentary is this:

SEPTEMBER CLUES : Definitive Edition | 2008 (FULL VERSION) - YouTube

You'll find that even some reporters are not mentioning planes but just explosions.

At this phase, I am at the next step and am wondering how many hundreds people really died, because it wasn't thousands as we were told (which is a good thing).

DID 3000 PEOPLE REALLY DIE ON 9-11 ?? - YouTube

View forum - VICSIMS: the simulated victims of 9/11 •
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Thanks for taking the time to consider and investigate that hypothesis.

Now it will be my turn to watch your debunking of the debunking. And I am approaching it with an open mind - it's not like I have "no planers" t-shirts to sell.

Then I'll come back and tell you whether I got convinced and the reasons.

This seems to be a great link, the one you gave me. The only links I would be suspicious of would be those supporting the official version of the government. But truthers debating truthers is a great debate.

That website is very good at promoting this kind of debate. I am browsing it thoroughly and i found this excellent link:
Debunking the Debunkers: Top 40 Reasons the Official 9/11 Story is Bunk!

By getting sidetracked I also found this other excellent link (one of the top 10 links on 911):
Complete 911 Timeline: All Day of 9/11 Events
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Ok, done for now. The website you gave me has a lot of useful resources, as i said, but the two videos I managed to watch (cfr. videos below), which are supposedly the best ones, as they're given great emphasis, do not address the most important points made by the videos I posted (the video fakery of "nose-in, nose-out" and how it was handled by all the media networks, with CNN hiding it, because they realized it was poor fakery - huge smoking gun right there), and address other points but not satisfactorily (engine found in the street and so on, no technical expertise shown in both videos), so I am still very much a convinced "no planer".

However, I notice that, on the same page, there are dozens of resources supposedly debunking my idea, and I haven't been able to watch them all yet, but so far I haven't changed my mind and if the quality of the other videos is the same, then it will be useful to watch them because I'll be even more convinced. If I'll change my mind I'll also make sure to write it here.

This is the page with a lot of "debunking" resources:
Debunking the Debunkers: 5 No-planer Claims Refuted

5 No-planer Claims Refuted - YouTube

The above is the video posted on that page, which says:
This is for anyone who still thinks the no-plane theories have any credibility. Please consider this my public statement about no-plane theories: They have no merit and are all wrong.
And yet it offers very little evidence and reasoning.

This is the link you posted:
Debunking the Debunkers: No-Planes / Tv-Fakery theory demolished!

This is the video they show:

No-Planes / Tv-Fakery theory demolished! - YouTube

To me this last video offers even fewer insights.

Hey, I believed it was planes that hit the towers until recently, so I am not really partisan of any sides. This is just my reasoning on what seems to be the case. What really counts though is that we agree that it wasn't bin laden that did this, and the implications of this are huge.

As of now this is what i believe: it wasn't planes, but all media fakery as far as planes are concerned. However, in my opinion the most likely thing is that missiles hit the towers. At least for the second tower. For the first one, it might simply have been a bomb.

I don't know much, but I am proceeding in the dark and doing the best with what i know. This is the consequences of realizing how much government and media lie to us. It was much easier before, believing what the majority believed, which in turn was what the media and education fed to us.


I am still watching them, and this is the best debunking:

Debunking "September Clues" and "No Plane" Theories - YouTube

This is very good, because it indeed makes me think that if I am right and the debunking is wrong, even the makers of Loose Change might be cointelpro and Jules Naudet as well. Actually Bermas could simply be wrong, but Naudet would have to be part of the hoax completely, as they say here:
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"...we're moving into a surveillance state"

Vets Being Round Up Nationwide, People Everywhere Just Disappearing

Locked Up by the Thought Police for Facebook Posts - YouTube

Yep, this is an historical moment. Things just keep on getting worse and worse for some reason. You'd think: didn't they steal enough money and couldn't they rest for a while now? Hell no, these guys maybe are afraid that if they take a break from screwing the world, the world will recover and strike back.

Marine Hero Brandon Raub Falsely Detained for Exercising His Right to Free Speech - YouTube

I posted more on brandon raub here:
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