my journal 3


What are your criteria for designing a trading system? What is your preferred DD vs. profit? Do you use compounding?
Oh, wow, that is a huge question. Consider that by now I have created 120 systems and they're all different.

Let's start from smaller information.

I have started creating these systems in 2005.

I have two main types of activities:

1) back-testing
2) forward-testing

I do both activities for all 120 systems.

Important: I have taken a break in forward-testing a month ago, because the server was costing me too much, and keeping me from gathering the capital for actual trading.

The systems that are profitable in both back-testing and forward-testing are only 60 out of 120.

The systems really worth trading are only 40.

For now I'll stop because it is giving me a headache just to have written what i've written. I've been away from automated trading and into discretionary trading for one month, hoping to gather the capital to trade my 40 good systems.

The result is that all the tons of formulas and information that I was familiar with have now become a bit overwhelming to remember all at once.

That is right: if you deleted all my work, I might be unable to recreate it. That's how much work I have actually done-

Another additional complication is that lately I've gotten into conspiracy theories, which are just as engrossing as trading, and I've been very busy with the flat earth topic and forums for the past few months.

So, combine all these things, and you see why I am not dying to delve into statistical information regarding my systems.

Instead of talking about the portfolio of 40+ strategies, can we talk about one strategy at a time? What is your target rate of return per annum? Is it 100%, 50% or 30%?
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I just read about your book and your awards for trading systems.

I am sorry to disappoint you with my answers, but you're clearly at different levels of expertise, and scientific knowledge (math, in particular, which is very relevant for your questions). And probably I'd be disappointing you more and more, as we progress in the analysis of my systems.

As I wrote before, I am someone who thinks that the earth is flat, and believe that 911 was an inside job. I am a crazy conspiracy theorist. I can't compete with professionals who do this for a living.

In other words, I don't even understand your question in the last post.

I can tell you (but it won't satisfy you), that one third of my 120 systems is clearly unprofitable, another third is at break-even, so not worth using, and the last third is excellent.

And I am speaking about years of forward-testing (real results), not back-testing.

By the way, I can't give them to anyone, because I have been burned before.

My best system is probably the second one I made on the ZN.

In the last 6 years of forward-testing, it has made 15,234 dollars, with a maximum drawdown of -1,983, and a maximum loss of -1,003.
So, four months "invested" in these flat earth forums now, and it wasn't a waste of time, but an interesting experience.

My investment was lost, but, like in trading, I learned lessons from it.

The first lesson is about forums in general.

It is easy to create a forum, and it is easy (with hard work) to get a few dozen people to join it in its first month.

Then something interesting happens. You run out of friends and contacts to join that forum, and, naturally, as time goes by, the existing ones lose their initial enthusiasm and stop posting.

In most these flat earth forums I've seen, out of the roughly 50 registered members, only half ever post.

Then as the weeks go by, about 2 per week stop posting, so you're left with 15 active members after one month.

If one of the most active members leaves, then the forum is totally deserted after just another month.

It doesn't take much to offend them and make them leave.

Especially on these flat earth forums, where almost every single member, including me, is not leading a healthy lifestyle. And this almost always guarantees mental imbalance and lack of objectivity.

The most common problems on these forum are:

1) the administrator is intolerant with people who disagree with him, and he bans them.

2) the members are intolerant with people who disagree with them, and they insult them.

So, this produces the result that these forums become very quickly deserted, because of these consequences:

1) people get banned and the forum loses members

2) insulted people leave

3) insulted people respond to insults, and cause the other person to leave the forum

4) people, afraid of being banned, stop writing as freely as they otherwise would. And less posts leads to less participation, and less participation leads to fewer new members... in a vicious circle that makes the forum become deserted, as few people like to write things by themselves. I like to write here all alone, but because i have readers. Otherwise I would not like it, and would stop writing.

Another thing that is common among flat earthers is that they are mostly frustrated and angry. Maybe not angry at you, but at someone. Usually the Jews. So, if you defend the Jews, like I did, you're going to have problems.

The majority of them are historical revisionists.

The best lesson from these forums was... to avoid them.

I could still read them, but I will stop participating in them.

They cause a lost list of problems, but the main one, which is the summary of all problems, is that you end up sleeping less because of them.

Having said this, despite not sharing their bad manners and anger, I still share most of their conclusions about the world and its history:

1) the earth is probably flat

2) 911 was an inside job

3) JFK was killed by the Illuminati

4) the Illuminati are a satanic elite, that engages in blood sacrifices

5) the moon landing was faked

6) lately the false flag attacks have increasingly become hoaxes, such as: Boston Marathon Bombing, Sandy Hook, Charlie Hebdo.
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Establishment Media Agenda

6) lately the false flag attacks have increasingly become hoaxes, such as: Boston Marathon Bombing, Sandy Hook, Charlie Hebdo.

Hi Travis,

I can’t say that I am completely in the “false flag” camp. However, what I have noticed more and more is that the establishment media always has a convenient label for crimes because it fits their agenda. The most recent example is the mass shooting in South Carolina which has been labelled a ‘hate crime’. For the establishment media a crime is no longer just a crime, it is either ‘hate crime ’or‘ terrorist act ’or‘ ‘right wing extremism’.

Politicians will never let a crime go to waste! They always use the opportunity to get on TV and promise to keep us safe by taking away more of our rights and freedoms.

”Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both.”
-Ben Franklin
Thanks for the feedback. I agree with you, on the majority controlling the terms and vocabulary, including in how we are defined, "conspiracy theorists", used as a derogatory term.
Wow, this is a masterpiece of conciseness and simplicity (and it is just a Promo, not a documentary or anything):

JLB1532 | Promo: Ball Earth Skeptic Roundtable - WEDNESDAYS 8am US EDT (10pm Aus EST)

La maison du bonheur

Nowadays one link, that is free, can provide to us so much value. This is a masterpiece, of neorealism and comedy at once. It is free, it is enjoyable. It has the word of hundreds of skilled actors and crew in it.

What do you think about people who are 'Doomsday Preppers'?

Doomsday Preppers | National Geographic Channel

I've started to take some of their advice on board such as keeping a stock of long shelf life food and water...the so called 'bug out' bag of provisions, enough for 5 days. While I am not preparing for a major catastrophe I do think there is a very real probability of disruption caused by a financial collapse. I take supermarkets for granted and would never have considered 'emergency' supplies. The fuel strike many years ago opened my eyes up to just how quickly supermarket shelves can be emptied by people ‘panic’ buying.

This doesn't seem so crazy now does it? I have a feeling I'll be saying that more and more in the not too distant future...