my journal 3

Yep, they're all good, but this one is by far the best:

Killuminati - The Assassination Of 2Pac (2011) - YouTube

It shows very clearly that "the powers that be" killed Tupac because he was bothering their agenda. He was the biggest rapper of the moment and he was getting into politics. They warned him several times, and then eventually he didn't stop rapping nor stopped talking against the government, so they killed him. All the other rappers are busy speaking out... on the importance of money and sex and drugs. That's fine with the government.
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This is big, crop circles. Of course I got interested in this when I first heard on Thrive documentary by Gamble, my favorite documentary ever.

Crop Circles Quest for Truth - Theatrical Feature Film - YouTube

In my opinion this is the most tangible proof there is of extraterrestrial life, and our contact with them. So I'm interested in investigating this topic.

Crop circle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Since becoming the focus of widespread media attention in the 1980s, crop circles have become the subject of speculation by various paranormal, ufological, and anomalistic investigators ranging from proposals that they were created by bizarre meteorological phenomena to messages from extraterrestrial beings.
If this is so unlikely to wikipedia/cia then what is the more likely explanation?

Crop circle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
...the most likely theory is that all of them were made by hoaxers.

Yeah, sure, like the most likely explanation is that Lee Harvey Oswald killed kennedy and bin laden was responsible for 911. Way to go, wikipedia, as usual.

Instead, at minute 41, the witness clearly explains that the whole work was done in less than 25 minutes, so it can only be extraterrestrial beings - you know what I mean. It's not hoaxers.

The evidence shown in this documentary is staggering, even just 50 minutes into it as i am right now.

There is someone trying to communicate with us, or someone (not human) playing tricks on us, or anything you want... but saying it's some "hoaxers" is very superficial.


Dude, here's the proof it's not a hoax. They were talking about crop circles back in 1678:
UK 1678 Hertfordshire - Old Crop Circles


Those two famous self-proclaimed hoaxers weren't alive back then, nor was it possible that anyone else was doing this stuff. So it is not human, so we gotta find out what it is.
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But this seems very good, too, by Richard Hall:

Crop Circles: The Hidden Truth - Part 1 - YouTube

according to the experts interviewed in the first few minutes only 5% of crop circles are not man-made.

Crop Circles: The Hidden Truth - Part 4 - YouTube

ok, so they're saying that MI 5 agent John Lundberg is the leader of teams organized by the government to create elaborate crop circle hoaxes to distract researchers from the real ones. Similar to what happens in every other field.

Yep, MI 5 disinfo agent, since he's got a nice wikipedia page:
John Lundberg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Usually if they're legitimate, they've got a wikipedia page describing them as lunatics. If the page is nice, then they're agents.

Here's more on all the agents that work with him: - MI5 Psy Ops Operatives
We revealed in the television documentary “Crop Circles: The Hidden Truth” that Lundberg was probably recruited by MI5 in 1992. Since then he has been paid by British Intelligence continually. We believe that due to the anomalies about the property where he lives, MI5 have also been providing him with free lodgings in London since around 1995.

As many people know, Lundberg’s activities have been in making crop circles throughout the UK, and sometimes travel to foreign countries such as Italy, to trample down fields there too. We believe MI5 has funded these activities for almost 2 decades and have been giving him money to pay the rest of the crop circle team. There would typically be 5 or 6 in a team...

This is his website:
¤ c i r c l e m a k e r s ¤

Dude, wherever you look, you find these guys from the government messing with your mind and the real knowledge. Disinfo and COINTELPRO seem to be everywhere.
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Matthew Williams' channel and this video among the others is absolutely wonderful and understated. 200 views for this video and yet it has very useful information, one of the most useful videos on crop circles:

CirclemakersTV SHOW29 Cameron Kelly - YouTube

I am listening to every word these people are saying. There's a consensus nowadays, among the awakened people, that 80% of crop circles are man-made, so it makes a lot of sense to listen to these guys who are making them. And understand the process and their motivations: some are artists like this guy and others are artists hired by the secret service precisely to confuse people regarding the "genuine" crop circles (not man-made). I subscribe to rob buckle's point of view right now, explained in this video:

Crop Circles - The Truth & The Lies (Pt 1) - YouTube

minute 19: "you don't see the whole scope of what you've created until the next morning". It reminded me of my trading systems. You work for days, idea, code, backtest, forwardtest... and yet you don't see the whole scope of what you've created until you trade it with real money and find out it works. Until then you're a bit in the dark, like these crop circle makers.

And when you start making real money with them, you get scared by how beautiful it is what you've created. And you don't feel entitled to the beauty or at least I did. For some reasons, once they start making real money, I always find a way to disrupt the process. I can never sit back and let them work. I wonder if it's something about the forces of nature that is also involved in this crop circle making. Or if it's just psychological and all in my mind. And if, as I've always said, it's just a faulty process of my mind that consists mostly of restlessness and me wanting to make money faster (and failing as a consequence). Those systems I had started trading in january, that brought me from 4k to 12k, and then i stopped following them, in the meanwhile have brought capital beyond 20k. But I am here, back at 3k because... ah ah, at 12k, I wanted to speed it all up and started adding trades of my own. Ah ah. It's so crazy, it happens every time.

And right now I am out of crop. I am making crop circles in field with very little grass. Is "grass" a synonym for "money"? Well, basically I am looking for a field, or I am growing my own field. It's like running a marathon. I am a long distance runner. You have to wait ages before you see any results (due to lack of capital in my case, and due to other reasons in other situations).

But this also applies to learning other things and developing other skills, like learning a foreign language. You put together the words for months and years until you can finally solve the whole puzzle of communicating and understanding in a foreign language: you don't see the whole scope of what you've learned until the end, which, if you live in the foreign country and have no contact with people from your country, happens in a few months. I kept studying and studying, and then one day, I could understand people, watch a movie, be understood. Until then it was like working on a puzzle when you can't put the pieces together, but also working on it as you put more and more together but not all them quite yet.
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Very good points here, too (I've posted it already but it's very important):

Michael Prickman (Glickman) - YouTube

This guy is clearly speaking the truth. There's the official version that denies crop circles, there's the official believer version that says that they're almost all genuine, and there's the truth, that they're almost all man-made.

He says (sums it up very clearly at the end - this guy speaks clearly) the researchers are mostly dishonest because they make money from it being a paranormal event. He says the makers don't make money, but this in my opinion is wrong, because there's the case of John Lundberg, MI5 agent. In my opinion crop circles started off as the real thing, and then it became fashionable, while at the same time the government stepped in and promoted in various ways (press and financial support) the crop circle makers, so that the man-made ones outnumbered the real ones. But I am still developing an opinion. So far I can only say for sure that the man-made nowadays are the majority. This is really hard because it's not exactly like 911, when there's clearly a coverup and you can see the reasons why, and you can see it clearly happening. In this case, you're not really sure what the truth is and if there is a coverup. If I could be positive about John Lundberg being an agent, then the coverup would be certain, and this would also mean that some crop circles are genuine, because otherwise there would be no need for the government to finance a coverup.

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