my journal 3

This one's hilarious, by Ed Chiarini. This made me laugh very hard:

Israel & The NWO EXPOSED on Vimeo

According to him the same actor is playing David Rothschild and a relative of Bin Laden (one who speaks perfect english and the other one who speaks perfect arabic).

If the mainstream media is hilarious with its falsehoods, some conspiracy theorists are even more hilarious.

I'd instinctively say that Ed Chiarini is crazy, but he's not at all, so I think he's being paid by the government to spread some confusion and disinfo, particularly because he does target some of the elite but, that is only to convince that he's legitimate, but then he goes on to target a good 70% of truthers. Since he's spreading information in the truther community, there is really no other explanation for the fact that he's "exposing" such a high percentage of truthers. I really think he's paid by the FBI as part of COINTELPRO. He is doing an excellent job.

You see, the truther community already thinks the worst of the elite so even if he discredited 50% the elite and 50% other truthers, his agenda is clear, because his damage is basically all to the truthers, because that's his audience.

In every video, for one of the elite, there's one truther. It used to be different, it used to be one of the elite, and 9 truthers, but he got criticized for that, so he changed the ratio.

Either he's getting paid (which I think it's most likely), or he's crazy. This is him:

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more hilarious ideas from ed chiarini

The Family EXPOSED! Who is behind it all A MUST SEE part 1 3 from DallasGoldBug - YouTube

In this video he manages to discredit about 5 truthers and one OWS dude (Chris Savvinidis). You can't help but notice that he throws in the mix as many truthers as possible ("oh, and by the way, this protester is this other truther... yeah, he doesn't look the same because he has a fake nose"). It's going to be fun following this disinfo agent.
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Where are the safest refuges in north america? - YouTube

now this is too much - according to him (minute 7) you have to flee the country because "not one human will be left alive", because the bible says so

I am atheist, but this man is in good faith, doesn't have an agenda, and this message is interesting. I think he takes it too far, and he might have said the same had he lived 100 years ago, but in the present situation, I think he's close to the truth.
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two good truther shows from (mainstream media):
Censored 2009: The Top 25 Censored Stories of 2007-08 - Videos
Theories About September 11th - Videos

Oh, it's alex jones in the second video. I am surprised that C-SPAN is covering... the truth. I did a search and others are wondering the same (albeit from a different perspective):
Why is C-SPAN Covering Whacko Conspiracy Theorists?
Why on earth does C-SPAN, funded by America’s cable companies, air “symposiums” from whackjobs? Today, they’re reairing a “symposium” hosted by the nutjob of all nutjobs, infowars’ Alex Jones- who claims 9/11 was a hoax and it wasn’t terrorists…planes didn’t hit the towers- they were missiles. I saw the planes live on TV, but I guess Jones is just smarter than I am. (yea right.)

MANY sane people have covered all of this nonsense- there was NO “controlled demolition” as Jones and these other morons claim…there were INDEED 4 planes involved. 4 flights, 4 planes full of people are dead. 19 hijackers did, indeed, attack us in 2001. Unfortunately, there are some totally crazy people out there that who can get gullible people to go to hear them talk and buy their ideas.

Sadly- rooms full of people will come to these “symposiums” held by “scholars” and be fooled into buying their BS. It’s actually rather scary when you watch most of these guys. Then again, conspiracy theorists are usually fairly scary in general...
This delusional guy is hilarious. I have fun reading his thoughts. He's probably the last human to still believe in the US mainstream media.
I’m contacting C-SPAN myself, because it seems they have a definite bias in what they air and don’t air. If you can get phony “impeachment hearings” and Cindy Sheehan lead hate-fests aired, what can you NOT get aired on this network? I see MANY conservative (read: sane) events that are totally passed up, while they give airtime to people like Jones who actually claims 9/11 was a US government invention, not a terrorist attack at all.

I personally think these networks need to stop giving airtime to kooks and covering a more diverse spectrum of ideas. I see far too many good events not given any airtime when conspiracy theorists damaging our nation are given hours. That’s just not right in my book.
Ha ha, hilarious. I guess C-SPAN, unexpectedly, decided to leave some room for the truth (a "whole week" as he this guy remarks).

Ha ha, hilarious sarcastic comment by a reader of the blog:
Thank you so very much for your post. You can’t know how much these words are appreciated by those of us who have been so relentlessly demonized… I particularly appreciate your willingness to avoid any mention of World Trade Center building 7. Just because it wasn’t hit by any 757s doesn’t mean it doesn’t have the right to collapse at free-fall speeds at the end of the day on 9/11. Few people will admit that there is enormous peer pressure between skyscrapers- particularly in New York. Is it any surprise that- after watching the two enormous Twin Tower buildings fall apart- that the 47-story tall Building 7 would decide to imitate it?

Of course, it did look a little bit odd to those paying attention- that a gigantic skyscraper- home to the largest CIA offices outside of Washington D.C.- would simply fall apart for no reason… But thank the Powers that most of you aren’t paying attention!

Onward Christian soldiers, marching as to Iran and Syria…
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The End of Suburbia - 52 minute documentary on peak oil - YouTube

this is also a documentary by Barrie Zwicker, on peak oil - excellent montage (editing)

at minute 36 james howard kunstler says that we will have go back to retail due to rising transportation costs - just like orlov said in that other documentary i posted a few posts earlier

also orlov has no formal education as far as peak oil, like critics say of kunstler. The same applies to ruppert and pretty much everyone else talking about what they are talking about: 911, and so on. And yet their work is excellent. Proabably better than the "experts" (few exceptions are steven jones and some others), because these guys are studying the issues out of curiosity and have the freedom to study without having the fear of losing anything by not staying within the mainstream opinions. In fact, like for lenny horowitz who's a dentist, I trust better the non-experts (like the gallo scum) than the experts, who usually lie, or are too arrogant to learn anything about the subject they're supposed to be experts on. On the other hand, there's another conflict of interest to watch out for, with the non-experts: it's best if they're not relying solely on their lectures to make money, because that will influence what they say. The best would be if, like Jim Marrs and edward g griffin, they were experts on a wide variety of subjects (as a way of diversifying). Or if they're retired from something else. For example, alex jones has a big conflict of interest right now: he tells people about the danger of fluoride, and then his ads sell fluoride filters. This takes some of his credibility.

The best to trust are those who haven't started working yet, and those who are not working anymore (retired). The others, we should always monitor if they have conflicts of interest.

Woody Allen - Take the money and run - Bank robbery - YouTube
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Sting - My One and Only Love - YouTube

the touch of your hand is like heaven
a heaven that I've never known
the blush on your cheek
whenever i speak
tells me that you are my own...

you can't forget a song like this, you can't forget a movie like this

If there's one movie, i'd like to live in, is this one. I'd like to hide into this movie. If there's a reason to break my healthy diet, is to get drunk like the protagonist of this movie.
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