my journal 3

Geo-Engineering: Destroying the Atmosphere | Rosalind Peterson - YouTube

About Rosalind Peterson | Agriculture Defense Coalition
Rosalind Peterson is California President and Co-Founder of the Agriculture Defense Coalition (ADC). The ADC was formed in 2006, to protect agricultural from a wide variety of experimental weather and atmospheric testing programs.
Weather Modification | Agriculture Defense Coalition

The other dude (who speaks in the last 25 minutes) is from the military, so you know chemtrails are not a joke by us civilians:
Consciousness Beyond Chemtrails: August 17-19, 2012 | Allan Buckmann
US Air Force Meteorologist 1960-1964: Drafted in 1960 while in college, Allan worked as a trained weatherman for the USAF at Beale AFB in California...
Amerika's Future is Death ~ Paul Craig Roberts -
...The 11th anniversary of 9/11 is less than a month away. Will the presstitute media remind Americans that the government has spent $6 trillion of Americans’ money in out-of-pocket and already incurred future costs as the expense of invading and trying to occupy Afghanistan and Iraq, all to no effect except to enrich the managements and shareholders of the military security complex at the cost of destroying the reputation of the United States and putting Social Security and Medicare on the chopping block?

No, of course not. The spiel will be about our brave troops who are fighting and dying to make the world safe for democracy and women’s rights. Washington will wrap itself in the flag and exhort Americans to “support our troops” in the orchestrated war of the day...
A gullible population is helpless if government decides to enslave the people. It is child’s play for government to discredit a people’s natural leaders and those who provide the people with accurate information. Most Americans have a very small knowledge base and very large ideological preconceptions. Consequently, they cannot tell fiction from fact.

Why in the World Are They Spraying? (VIDEO)
» “Why in the World are They Spraying?” Full Length Documentary HD

"Why in the World are They Spraying?" Full Length Documentary HD - YouTube

dude... monsanto is buying everyone out thanks to the spraying by NATO planes (with extreme weather conditions, they bankrupt the farmers): this will reduce everyone in slavery, feudalism like in the middle ages, because the elite either buy the land once you go bankrupt or hold you by the balls with their GMO seeds (monsanto's), which are the only ones that can resist the spraying. Let alone the pollution to our health with the particulates. The documentary is a masterpiece, but make sure you first watch this other one:

What in the World Are They Spraying? (Full Length) - YouTube

I used to laugh at the crap going down in the US, because they were just hammering themselves in the balls, but now they're raping the world, including italy, and I really cannot swallow this. The US is like a cancer growing and spreading to the rest of the world. And these goddamn idiots around me including my father are ****ing idiots, not just because they don't realize it by themselves, but also because they don't listen to me. They deserve all the ****ing spraying that will come their way. Especially my father who's in politics, so much worse for him not to open his eyes.
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Alex Jones, his second documentary ever, in 1999:

Alex Jones: Are You Practicing Communism (Full Length) - YouTube

Alex Jones - IMDb

It's admirable how cultured was alex jones when he was just 25.

Here's another one:

Alex Jones Confronts FBI Agent Regarding Waco Massacre - YouTube

Now, after almost twenty years of courageous work, some people are saying he's COINTELPRO, simply because he didn't get murdered by the government, yet. It's true. Everyone is wondering and doubting him simply because he's so known and yet hasn't been killed yet. This is pretty sad. Because if he's innocent he's simply a hero, and he doesn't deserve to be treated like this. And the evidence that he's a government agent is not there at all, so either ask precise questions or do not disrespect him.

This is in 1998: he's talking exactly as he talks today. It's really shocking the clarity of mind and wisdom he had at 24.

Alex Jones Confronts Dale Littleton BATF Agent Waco Seminar - YouTube

And back then there were a lot more sheeple sleeping, because there hadn't been an eye-opening event like 911.
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Damn, the vacation is approaching and I could not resist the idea of inviting someone, or rather, I could not accept the idea of going alone. I used to be able to do it, but not any more, because I remember spending a couple of vacations alone, and I almost drowned out of boredom.

What I mean is I had so much time and freedom and I used it by swimming all over the place, and in some cases I barely made it back alive, because I was swimming alone, in areas where there wasn't anyone else around for kilometers. Yeah, the island in september is pretty deserted. It goes from thousands in august to 30 people two months later.

I swim alone around it, like in this picture, but here I was going with someone who took the picture from a kayak:


So, once again I invited someone. But... not the neighbour, I shouldn't have. First of all, once again, she got me to volunteer to pay for her stay, which means i had to pay her share for the rental of my aunt's house, while I'll sleep downstairs. But what really made me regret accepting her auto-invitation to coming with us is that today when I told her she'd be sleeping upstairs with the other guest, she said I should have been sleeping with him, since she's a lady, and she should have stayed up there all alone. So I said "hey, what the ****?! That's the best view, I am paying and he's paying - you're not paying - and we're supposed to leave you there all alone?". What a ****ing bitch. Manipulative bitch. Guilt-tripping bitch.

She then said that if I'd get so upset it would have been better if she didn't come at all. And that her idea was only a suggestion. How dare she make such a suggestion? Like she did at the restaurant and guilt-trip me into paying for her for two years in a row, spending about 2000 euros. Which is why we have never gone back to a restaurant for years. I'll never treat her out to dinner again. Especially because of how she reacted when I stopped (trying to make me feel cheap).

The reason I accepted her auto-invitation is that she will help me avoid spending too much time with this guy, which is always a source of arguments - spending too much time alone with the same person. But this bitch... I made a mistake. She's a manipulative bitch who tries to guilt-trip you into doing and paying things for her, merely because she's a lady. ****ing bitch. Never again.


You know, what's the next? "You should take a bullet for me"? No, I'd use her as a shield. That's what you get for abusing your female status. Actually I am going on vacation with her precisely to find myself in a situation where I can use her as a shield. She's indebted to me for all the dinners I paid.
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The Truther Movement Grows - Culture - GOOD
For those of us who don't believe the moon landing was faked or Area 51 in Nevada is hiding the first wave of the Cylon attack, the outlandish claims of conspiracy buffs have long been a source of amusement. Unless your own tin-foil hat is particularly effective at blocking out the more eccentric members of society, you already know about “truther”—a term for folks who reject the standard explanation for the events of 9/11 in favor of a thin web of speculation that includes the U.S. government colluding in the extravagant murder of thousands of its own citizens. In The New York Times, Leslie Savan found evidence that “truther” was coined by someone in the 9/11 truth movement in 2004, but the term is mostly applied by non-truthers who think those folks are off their rails...
Fascinating article from someone who doesn't believe that any of the conspiracy theories are true and thinks we "truthers" are completely crazy. He's living in an imaginary world, but he doesn't suspect it. It's really interesting what he has to say, to fight off the scary truth. I've heard it's called "cognitive dissonance":
Cognitive dissonance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The theory of cognitive dissonance in social psychology proposes that people have a motivational drive to reduce dissonance by altering existing cognitions, adding new ones to create a consistent belief system, or alternatively by reducing the importance of any one of the dissonant elements.
So basically if you think the government is evil, you will remove the things that make you think the government loves you, and viceversa. The problem is that right now it's getting harder and harder to suppress the evidence for these guys who still believe the government cares for your well-being (I used to be one of them, until less than a year ago), because the evidence against it is increasing all the time, as the evil acts by the powers that be increase and as internet facilitates the spreading of information. So these guys are now fighting pretty hard against us truthers, who expose the truth to them, and they're having to deride us and mock us, because if they're right, we must be crazy.
Trutherism may never be more than a joke, but that joke has been extraordinarily successful—so successful that “truther” has spawned several other names for similarly outrageous movements, catching on as a word for any kind of conspiracy-lover or true believer, giving great relief to worn-out terms such as “conspiracy nut” and “kook.”
You see how upset he is? He cannot stand something interfering so much with his belief that the government cares for his well-being. He cannot stand how widely spread these mad (to him) conspiracy theories are. He has to call us a "joke". Because if we weren't a joke, it would mean that we're right, but we cannot be right, because it goes against all his beliefs. So he has to convince himself that we're crazy, or else his world would crumble.

But the problem is that these people are wrong. And their efforts and reasoning is hilarious, as hilarious as watching with an infrared camera someone who is in the dark and tries to find the exit.

This article in particular, however, deserves careful attention because, despite being mistaken, this blogger has done extensive research, so it is a good source of information to learn what non-truthers think of truthers. I am curious to know how on earth these guys still haven't opened their eyes. Usually those who believe in the official government version of facts, do not bother to debate nor to do any research (due to being superficial, stupid, arrogant or simply very busy) or usually they're in bad faith and they pretend they're believing the official version (in this case usually they work for the government). But this guy is both in good faith, and he has done research into the opposing views, so it's a rare situation that offers a precious point of view.

Furthermore, all the links provided in the article also need to be read, because they're very interested and provide the same precious point of view (of skepticism on us truthers).

Here's two of them:
The recent spate of -ers began with the truthers, the vaguely leftish conspiracy theorists who hold that the Bush administration either itself perpetrated the 9/11 attacks or knowingly let them happen. The term truther appears to be self-chosen. Jon Gold, an activist in the 9/11 Truth movement, wrote on his blog recently that the term originated in late 2004 when he was bucking up a fellow activist who “was tired of being ridiculed,” telling him, “You’re a 9/11 truther, don’t let them get to you.”

Fascism Watch: Police and Military Lining Up Against Obama | Technoccult
Oath Keepers pledges to prevent dictatorship in United States - News -
In a July report titled "Return of the Militias," the Alabama-based Southern Poverty Law Center singled out Oath Keepers as "a particularly worrisome example of the Patriot revival."

A lot of useful sidetracking (I was told this is a front for the FBI or CIA):
Hate and Extremism | Southern Poverty Law Center
Home » What We Do

The Southern Poverty Law Center monitors hate groups and other extremists throughout the United States and exposes their activities to law enforcement agencies, the media and the public...
No ****, indeed they are a front for the FBI. Especially if they say stuff like "extremist group" and "antigovernment militia movement":
Oathkeepers | Hatewatch | Southern Poverty Law Center
Oath Keepers, the militia/“Patriot” extremist group...
The Oath Keepers figured prominently in a recent special report by the Southern Poverty Law Center on the resurgence of the antigovernment militia movement...
I mean, in their own article, they admit the oathkeepers' true purpose, which is to keep their oath in face of all these unconstitutional acts by the government:
Oath Keepers is fully on board with all the standard right-wing conspiracy theories, as evidenced by its official list of 10 “Orders We Will Not Obey,” in which it vows to resist any government efforts to “disarm the American people” or turn cities into “giant concentration camps.”
I mean, foolishly they even give you the link to their website, which clearly shows that these people are all about the constitution.

Hate Map | Southern Poverty Law Center

These damn FBI front: they want everyone to just get killed peacefully, and if anyone complains, he's labeled as part of a "hate group". rhodes

They even have a profile of the leader, which is pretty flattering in its language, considering it's written by the fbi:
Elmer Stewart Rhodes | Southern Poverty Law Center
Elmer Stewart Rhodes.Related Articles and Blog Posts:
30 New Activists Heading Up the Radical Right (2012) Date of Birth: 1966
Location: Big Arm, Mont.

Ideology: Patriot Movement

With all the paranoia he peddles to the conspiracy class, it’s hard to believe Stewart Rhodes once had a career shooting straight for the stratosphere.

But since retiring from the Army and in 2009 starting the Oath Keepers — a defiant “Patriot” organization of active military and police personnel who vow to uphold their oaths to the U.S. Constitution against all enemies, foreign, domestic and imagined — the Yale-educated lawyer has emerged as one of the primary intellectual fountainheads of the antigovernment right...
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Gatekeepers of the 20% - YouTube

Is the Truth Movement False Opposition? -
This gets to the concept that society breaks down into 2 groups (for purposes of this matter) - 1) a minority that can be roused to anger over a matter of principle & can process information and 2) the herd. To the herd, appearance is everything. To them, simply being mocked by O'Reilly, or whomever they are followers of, is enough to dismiss the matter. So I suggest that the media has engaged in a targeted disclosure of 911 as well as the New World Order. The scope of that disclosure is now being widened for reasons too complex to cover here.
The comments to the article above are amazing, all very informed about COINTELPRO (especially the last comment but one, on alex jones). Don't know if they're right or wrong. These guys might all be paranoid. Or they might be right.

A Message for The Truth Movement - Brothers and Sisters - YouTube

The Trouble with the Truth Movement by Chris White - YouTube

Why I left the Truth Community on YouTube - YouTube

Yeah, "misery loves company" as he says. I kind of agree with that, and kind of am in that situation. I want economic collapse, so the bank closes, and i can go to the island, and quit my job. Absolutely want company in my misery. It could not be worse. Waiting for collapse, hoping for collapse.

Here's a comment on what that user said:

Why I Left The Truth Community On YouTube (VR) - YouTube

Really good comment, maybe even better than the video he's commenting on. Sincerity, content, all good. But also the other guy had some strong points - that might apply to me more than this guy.
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(Official Movie) THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take? - YouTube

holy ****, this is a wonderful documentary - even just being 20 minutes into this I am totally convinced it is awesome and I am now a believer of extra-terrestrial life. But it's much more than that: it puts all knowledge together.

This guy is now officially my hero: james foster gamble

he puts it all together beautifully

I also agree with things on his website:
12 Sectors / Education - People are free to pursue the type of learning that most appeals to their interests, passions, and needs | Thrive

Taxpayers strike it rich? - Foster Gamble - YouTube

This guy now is even higher in preference than my two previously favorite truthers (joe hawkins and aaron hawkins, not related). Wisest man in the world, and best documentary ever made. Most important documentary to watch ever.

Why isn't Foster Gamble on WIKIPEDIA?
Right, because wikipedia is government-controlled. Check all the truth movement themes and truths and you'll see that wikipedia is controlled by CIA or whoever they assigned the job to.
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Holy ****, two months of work at the office almost thrown away because of this excel issue in the "convert text to columns" menu:
Keep leading zeros in number codes - Excel -
To further complicate the matter, Excel has a maximum precision of 15 significant digits, which means that for any number containing 16 or more digits, such as a credit card number, the last digit is rounded down to zero.
Now, when they write "To further complicate the matter, Excel..." regarding a microsoft program on the website, then you know something really sucks about excel - which surprised me because I am a big fan (of the versions up to 2003).

During my backtesting and tampering with all that trading data, I had never come across this problem, despite using it frequently, because stock market data never has any data that goes beyond 15 digits, at least the data I was dealing with. But at work I am using credit card numbers, which have digits that go from 13 (rare) to 19, and the most frequent, unfortunately, are 16 and 17, which means my two months of work go in the garbage thanks to excel and thanks to these 1 and 2 extra digits of credit card numbers.

Now I've gotta tell my boss, that we sent to the bank of italy incorrect data due to... my mistake. I wonder what his reaction will be. He's usually so stupid that he yells. Let's see if he got any smarter. You know what I mean: he yells for useless purposes. Like when it's not needed. I am here, working seriously all the time, never talk, and there's lots of colleagues screwing around all day long, and of course if there's any mistakes, who's the one making mistakes? The only one who works. So I make all the mistakes.

Besides, this idiot is confusing us all the time with his endless commands and counter commands, and moving people and changing our tasks. He's a complete idiot, but let's make the best of what we've got. I'll go there, shut his door, and say to him "prepare to yell" and then break the news to him. Of course the solution is not that complicated (i can easily identify the correct card numbers, from the original .txt files, and send them to the bank of italy). But he'll first yell, then recover from the yelling, and then I'll have to explain him the solution. Or if I tell him both the problem and the solution he'll still focus on the yelling, because he can't miss the opportunity to find mistakes in someone who considers him an idiot. He loves it, when to make him happy, I say "ok, I made a mistake", even when I am forced to admit mistakes that aren't mine. The way I look at it, is setting aside pride and saying whatever causes the smallest problem. He'll keep on yelling until I say "i made a mistake", so I make him stop by saying it pretty quickly, almost like "what do you want me to say? I'll say anything to keep you quiet".


Better idea. I will fix the problem as far as I am concerned, and identify all the correct numbers for the months of July and June, and then, when I am done with everything, I will tell him about this whole mess. It's going to take a couple of days. The funny thing is that the Bank of Italy still hasn't told us anything about this mistake, which shows that the urgency I was told about is total bull****. They probably all went on vacation or never even will look at the data we sent them. I mean, the first file we sent them was in early July, so they haven't even looked at that one, in almost two months of time. This whole deal of suspicious transactions reports originated with 911, so it's based on lies anyway and in six years I've been here, I have not seen one report on a real terrorist. All we see is reports on suspected tax fraud.


Damn idiot. He walked into the room while i was correcting things, I explained him the problem I had discovered, and he yelled, as expected. Tried to stop him and explain to him that it was useless and that I was as sorry about this as he was, but he was rude. What a goddamn idiot. On top of it, he's the one supposed to check my work. So no wonder, if no one except me works then all mistakes are also going to be made by me. I am sick and tired of working for this idiot, who takes all the credit for my work, and gives me all the possible blame and yelling for my mistakes. I was going to walk home, but I am not even mad any more. At this point, this is hilarious. I know I work well, more seriously and harder than anyone else. It's not going to take an idiot like my boss to make me change my mind.


Back at home now. Very frustrating experience. No boss should ever dare to yell at me. It was a defeat for me. But I didn't reply, because this boss is weak nonetheless. I mean: he's not on top of things, and everything is going wrong on his table, in his head, in his email, on his phone, in his body - he's basically a very disorderly person and everything and everyone around him suffers because of this. Yesterday and the last two weeks he's been telling me "thanks" and repeating it twice sometimes, showing me great gratitude - great feeling. So he was kind and everything, and then today he exceeds on the other end of the spectrum. This is ridiculous. Today, later, he came and told me to go home, because I was staying late fixing the problem - as if he cared for my well-being. If you are intelligent, the first thing you do is not yell at me - you realize i do my best, you pat me on the shoulder if i tell you i made a mistake, you moron.

Tomorrow... who knows? He might yell again or he might tell me "thanks... thanks". This is the same boss I was criticizing harshly for the first six months when the ACE "continuous improvement" team was with us, busting everyone's balls with their useless advice, harmful advice - and he was following them. It's a miracle I am still in this office with this boss, after having criticized him so much... this guy is unpredictable. That is why I try to keep myself under control and not reply "**** you". I've left a couple of times before (I just got up and went home, after an argument with him) so it's not like I can't do that (and I didn't get in trouble). But the thing is that, as much as I can, I want to resist, and I want to avoid overdoing it. Basically I don't want to lose my temper. This guy is worthless, so... the more I know I am right, the more I can handle the situation. Not that I want to get used to being yelled at, but I want to escalate things as little as possible. After all, he has yelled at me only 3 times in two years, which is still very offensive to me, but... basically I don't want to overreact because usually I do. I am hypersensitive and get offended very easily. Another feeling I have is this: I can sense how weak he is, and I don't want to disrespect him in front of others. But he better stop right here. I am not going to take too much more disrespect before devising a plan for action, and usually my plans are a masterpiece. Because I keep thinking about a problem until I solve it, being orderly as I am. So I'd focus entirely on this yelling problem and test various strategies and eventually I'd find the right one. The problem with this guy is that he's erratic and unpredictable, so now he offended me, but it's not enough material for a strategy, because he'll probably not bother me at all for the next four months. Then, unexpectedly, he'll do it again... this guy really sucks. He belongs in an asylum.

But the question repeating itself in my mind right now is "how much endurance do you have?" and the answer is "a lot". That's my best quality. I've survived 3 bosses and this is the fourth I am surviving. All left because the office was too tiring or because they made them leave. I am still there. Sure I shouldn't even be here and this is my defeat of being still at the bank and not retired. But the good thing is my endurance. I feel I will survive this boss, too. He's one of the worst bosses ever, not just for his employees, but also for the work he delivers. He stresses everyone out, makes our work unpleasant, and doesn't deliver any quality. And it's entirely his fault, because the employees are always the same and actually they've been getting better.

Well, let's end it here and let's say that I'm gonna try to endure, like KRS-ONE puts it:

KRS-ONE Speaks Against Globalism & ObamaNazi(3 of 3) - YouTube

I am not going to focus, at the moment, on fighting back but on enduring the situation. This guy is just too unstable to even endure himself. I just have to wait a watch him fall on his own. He's too erratic to worry about.


Goddamn **** sucker, he didn't even take the time to understand the problem I was explaining to him of excel's "maximum precision of 15 significant digits" in using the convert text to columns function. Had he understood there is no way he could have gotten mad, because no one who didn't know it could come up with that knowledge. It wasn't a problem of me not paying attention. And I would have noticed the cards' number all ending in zero, but only if he hadn't made me send 100 Suspicious Transactions Reports per month, all by myself, while everyone else is slacking off. What the hell? I do more work, and of course I make all the mistakes, and of course I am exhausted, but then it's not fair that i only take the blame. I'll walk out on him tomorrow, or if he dares to yell at me again within a week. Otherwise, of course, I'll forget about it. It's nearly impossible for an office to function with this guy as a boss.
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Invisible Ballots - A Temptation for Electronic Vote Fraud - YouTube

Diebold - Celebrating 150 Years of Innovation

Holy cow, as if it weren't enough, american democracy is getting attacked also from the side of vote fraud. There's really no escape.

They've got the NATO armed forces doing what they want, fighting wars and spraying the world. They've got congress and most of the judges doing what they want, and, if any honest candidate threatens them, there's always electoral fraud to save the situation.
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This is the earliest video of alex jones that i could find on the web so far, 1997, when he was 23:

Old Classic Alex Jones 12 years ago!! - YouTube

For his age he seems extremely knowledgeable, determined, couraugeous and intelligent. This guy... is not normal. I can't believe this guy actually exists.

You know, from time to time I still wonder if he's an actor, because of his emphasis, but especially because he seems to good to be true, too coherent, courageous and intelligent to be true.

At the same time I cannot see any real evidence of him being COINTELPRO. Everyone is pointing here and there at alleged evidence (that he doesn't attack israel enough, for example), but it never really amounts to much, and most end up concluding that he's just very self-centered. You know... that histrionic or narcissistic personality disorder, I don't remember exactly which one, but certainly either one applies to him, and it makes him talk like he does.
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As expected, today the boss was nice. Whereas yesterday he got mad for something he didn't even understand (excel's 15 digits limitation), today he was easygoing about the consequences of that problem, that turned to be even bigger than he thought. Pretty crazy and erratic behaviour. Even today I tried to explain him excel's problem but in vain, and yet he still yelled at me yesterday, for a problem he can't even understand today. Who knows, maybe later on today he'll fire me, he'll move me to another office or he'll come to wish me a good holiday - this boss has made my office life resemble the one shown in Office Space or in the Italian comedies with Fantozzi.

Goddamn, I am not in the right place for me. No one appreciates me here as much as I deserve. I guess there's a lot of people who feel this way, but few are as entitled as I am.
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