my journal 3

DID 3000 PEOPLE REALLY DIE ON 9 11 YouTube - YouTube

explained better here: | The Central Role of the News Media on 9/11

“Elizabeth Wainio” - (aka “Honor Elizabeth Wainio” depending on which website you bump into) - has a ludicrous amount of internet memorials in her honor. Just search her full name and look it up for yourself. More often than not, these memorials ask for donations and organize fund-raising events. The problem is: Liz never existed. She is listed as a casualty of the farcical “FLIGHT 93” - the very existence of which has by now been demolished in every imaginable way. “Liz” is also one of those credited with placing a cell-phone call (with her 'step-mother') minutes before her “heroic death”. There cannot be many folks left on this planet still believing this very silly tale. I have chosen Liz to expound an instance of a simulated identity; however, please look up the many 9/11 victim memorials and realize that the same simulation techniques apply to virtually ALL of the purported 9/11 victims - firefighters included. At this stage, all the available research data points to this sweeping, inevitable conclusion : (almost) no one was killed on 9/11.

I think this is the closest explanation of 911. No planes. Fewer victims (the fire fighters did die). Basically they took down 3 buildings and some damage to the pentagon. A lot of first responders of course did die because of the air they breathed.

No videos or photos of the event except those they wanted us to see (cfr. web site above) through their media. The media is totally complicit so we cannot trust those guys either. Some videos may even have been live, like the bbc video showing WTC 7 not down yet, and they're saying it has collapsed.

Overall, despite everything, they did a very bad job, but it worked out really well through repetition and stupidity of the audience.
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Immortal Technique - The 4th Branch (Lyrics) - YouTube

As a musician he really sucks, like most of the other rappers, but he's a poet really, and his poetry reaches the young sheeple who have no other way of being awakened. So god bless this guy.

Here's a rapper that I kind of like, despite him being a rapper. I could not say that he sucks. But his message is worthless, compared to that of Immortal Technique.

Warren G - Regulate ft. Nate Dogg - YouTube

Warren G - This D.J. - YouTube

One genre represents extreme stupidity and smooth repetition, and the other rapping genre represents pretty crappy style but a lot of content. An easy way to tell the difference is that the bad rappers are always on MTV and always showing off their money in their videos. Best example is puff daddy.

puff daddy been around the world (the longest version) HQ (official video) - YouTube

Some musicians are there to keep people stupid, and others are there to wake them up. Usually those who don't bother the system in power are the ones who become famous. If those who have become famous decide to bother the system, they sometimes get killed.
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Ann Barnhardt - A Matter of Record - YouTube

dude, this lady has got balls, speaking out on the government - i wonder why she's still around, not in jail or killed

she's a broker or something, so it's quite rare to hear these guys worrying about the customers

According to what she says, there's going to be awesome volatility in the next few days, especially by going short - of course she's a good hearted broker, used to dealing with ignorant investors, so she's saying "get out of the markets immediately". But this also means awesome volatility.

she must have been a hyperactive child

she's got a lot of excess energy, like a lot of traders, including me

I think that as soon as the interview ended she went back to compulsive gambling. the screen is already turned on, behind her

she should have been a politician at a local level

like this, she's just a troublemaker and will get herself in trouble - like all martyrs for democracy
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very unusual: for the second day in a row everything is falling together: usually if everything falls, the bund and US treasury rise
Demon Attack on The Human Race - YouTube

joe hawkins

Seems very reliable, he became a chiropractor to help his sick brother:

I trust this guy. I never met demons, but maybe I am under mind control, too. He says they're around 24/7, and this guy is a good guy obviously and he's not crazy.

minute 51: the cleaner you are the more you're a target of evil spirits. Damn, that doesn't sound good.

same guy:

Barrie Zwicker - Dr Joe Hawkins 9/11 Truth - YouTube

Damn. He is not the same. He doesn't have the mole on his right cheek. Same age, same city, same ideas, but a different voice and no mole.

Same profession, too? "Dr Joe Hawkins" says on youtube.

Let me see. On google.

Ok, same guy here:

same guy:
Stonewall Argus, March 24, 2011 - 0010

And this is the truther, who signs like this:
The Metaphysical World and Beyond with Nancy Wallace on Achieve Radio
Share the truth.

In truth,

Dr. Joe Hawkins B.Sc.,D.C.

It has to be the same identical guy because he said he has a BA in biology in the first interview, and then here the truther signs with B.Sc..

And then the 911 truther signs as "D.C.", which means Doctor of Chiropractic. So it has to be the same person even though some things don't seem to match. Although it was 5 years earlier.

At hour 1 and 7 minutes he said something really ignorant "look at the word "confused", you are getting con-ned and fused". This etymology is so wrong and stupid, that it makes me doubt the one hour of intelligent things he has said. Let's just say he's ignorant of linguistics.

Oh ok, here it is. The interview of the Joe Hawkins truther, minute 14:

He is fatter, it is five years ealier, he might have the mole, but it still doesn't look like him. Different haircut. He does move his eyebrows a lot like the chiropractor, but he still looks like a different person. I can't believe I am having such a hard time deciding if it's the same person. How many 30-something doctor joe hawkins can there be in winnipeg? And yet it doesn't look like the same person. Different voice and accent. He smiles a lot more. He moves his arms a lot. The other guy is a lot calmer. It's not the same person. I can't believe they're both doctors in winnipeg.

It is not the same guy. But another amazing coincidence is that at the end the interviewer calls him "doctor joe", just like the other guy did with the other doctor joe hawkins. It is driving me crazy. It should be the same guy but it doesn't seem. How can it have changed so much in 5 years.... i give up.

No wait!

In the first few seconds of the video I posted above, it shows a picture of him, and it is the same exact guy!

Demon Attack on The Human Race - YouTube

So this means he can have two very different personalities depending on the situation. This guy is amazing.

Either that, or he has calmed down a lot in the last 5 years.

Ok, here's a more recent interview from the same show:

Our Health and The NWO Agenda To Kill It - YouTube

Damn. Great guy. I will watch all his interviews. Anyway, what got me confused was his lack of beard. Same guy, only five years later and no beard. Either that or he was replaced like paul mc cartney, if paul was replaced, just to **** with my mind.
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Dr. Reynolds exposes 9/11 TV fakery on FoxNews - YouTube

How lame the mainstream media is... i wonder if this professor lost his job like the other professors who dared to speak the truth.
Morgan O. Reynolds is a former professor emeritus at Texas A&M University and former director of the Criminal Justice Center at the National Center for Policy Analysis headquartered in Dallas, TX.

He served as chief economist for the United States Department of Labor during 2001–2002, George W. Bush's first term. In 2005, he gained public attention as the first prominent government official to publicly claim that 9/11 was an inside job...
awesome dude! another one of my heroes.
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After surfing the web for months and finding every day new people, who, across the US and Canada, denounce the government for what it's been doing (pillaging the world), I am wondering:

1. what is their weight on public opinion (need some polls for this)
2. how important/strong is public opinion itself (is it a risk for the establishment)
3. what could be, for the government, the impact of being attacked from within: could it find a better way to act (develop peacefully), or will it just be crushed by a more ruthless power (let's say China)

Because you know, maybe, all this freedom is detrimental, and we complain about the western "powers that be", but by demolishing them through free speech, they might be replaced by the Asian "powers that be", and those guys might be even worse. Or maybe freedom of speech (citizens denouncing the crimes of the US, their own government) is meaningless and the elite will keep doing what they've been doing, because after all, all these guys are doing is talking and writing. In fact, the most powerful initiative that i've seen so far is the oathkeepers: people in the armed forces who will disobey unlawful orders. And it's all according to the law, but exercising that duty/right is not a habit in the US military, nor in any of the armed forces of the world.

Rob Dougan - Clubbed to Death played by Dimitar Daskalov - YouTube

I used to think, until recently, that progress always prevails, but it seems that things are turning around at this point. The life of the average human has improved over the millennia, but maybe now things will change. Look at how they're poisoning us. Or maybe they will lose again, and things will keep on improving, as they have until now.
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Chemtrail Whistleblower Allan Buckmann: Some Thoughts on Weather Modification « Just Wondering – Alternative News and Opinions
Why the change? Were the changes unintentional from commercial airlines and a change in fuel?

To answer this question, I began to observe the aircraft with telescope and binoculars. My observations found that the majority of cloud-creating aircraft were all white, unmarked KC?135 (Boeing 707) or large C?141 air tankers, flying in groups and in grid patterns including turn around, flying in both military and commercial airspace, and clearly not commercial aircraft.

They have to be military or military contractors.

It is clear to me there is an intentional cloud creation program in operation daily across the USA, and a large part of the globe. There are also some commercial airlines being outfitted for such purposes judging from other reports, as well as numerous other military aircraft.
» The Roman Style Collapse of Western Civilization
» Lew Rockwell: Gov’t is Far Worse Than The Mafia

Finally some useful information from the mainstream media:
No yolk: eating the whole egg as dangerous as smoking? -

And here's some more truths from mainstream media, but if we wait for them to catch up with the entire truth, it will be too late to flee the country (just like Jews in Nazi Germany in the 1930s):
Press Photographer Turned Lawyer Details How 9/11 Led To A War On Taking Pictures In Public - Business Insider
Can You Take a Photograph Anywhere? -
Literally every day, someone is being arrested for doing nothing more than taking a photograph in a public place. It makes no sense to me. Photography is an expression of free speech.

Since 9/11, there’s been an incredible number of incidents where photographers are being interfered with and arrested for doing nothing other than taking pictures or recording video in public places...
Get the drift? Surprised that the US is becoming a police state? You've been sleeping for too long.
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Third day in a row of the markets moving together: both bond futures and all other futures are going up today, whereas yesterday they were going all down together. Very very unusual.

The rule is dollar and bonds down, all other futures up. Well, yeah. The dollar is going down, but the bonds are moving together with the rest of the market.

The scenario I am waiting for is: dollar down, bonds down, markets down. This would be the situation where people lose faith in the government and the markets, too. Yesterday it was close to it, but the dollar was going up.

Today the dollar is going down, but everything else is going up. I yet have to see a situation where the dollar goes down, the markets go down and the bonds go down.
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