my journal 3

Natural Cancer Cure? (Vitamin B17) Man Cures Himself Then Thrown In Jail - YouTube

Vitamin B17 aka Laetrile " The Cancer Cure"-WWW.FRANKTORTORICI.COM - YouTube

My usual hero, G.E.Griffin, had already said it years ago:

A World Without Cancer

He's so damn good: he knows what's going on about the Fed, about JFK, about 911, and about health. If there is one hero in the "conspiracy theorists" community it is him. No one has done as much as he has for the advancement of the truth.

I will start buying apricots. Or eat these other things:
Foods Containing B17 (Nitrilosides)

Cancer Conspiracy 1/3 - YouTube

Once you open your eyes as to the fact that the government wants you dead, this is a big step forward, that allows you to make more steps.

The first thing you realize is that all these minorities making "weird" claims are more likely to be right than your government.

Hemp, B17 are being suppressed.

Then this interview

Cancer Conspiracy 2/3 - YouTube

talks about hypothermia

hyperbaric oxygen chambers

intravenous vitamin c

lots on water fluoridation, too

The interviewee is Ty Bollinger:

he's so smart and dedicated

we're living in the matrix
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This is it:
Bulgaria: Bombing most likely suicide attack - News from The Associated Press
"All signs point to Iran," Netanyahu said Wednesday. "Just in the past few months, we have seen attempts by Iran to harm Israelis in Thailand, India, Georgia, Kenya, Cyprus and more. This is an Iranian terror attack that is spreading across the world. Israel will react forcefully to Iran's terror."
They're going after Iran now, after staging the usual false flag attack.
Today I am going to review these 3 articles (the first one is 3 years old): Homeland Security Classifies Returning US Veterans as Potential Terrorist Threat « America's Watchtower
Not much there but it leads me to this other article:
Homeland Security on guard for ‘right-wing extremists’
Which in turn takes me to the original document by Homeland Security:
(U//FOUO) The possible passage of new restrictions on firearms and the return of military veterans facing significant challenges reintegrating into their communities could lead to the potential emergence of terrorist groups or lone wolf extremists capable of carrying out violent attacks.
(U) Disgruntled Military Veterans
(U//FOUO) DHS/I&A assesses that rightwing extremists will attempt to recruit and radicalize returning veterans in order to exploit their skills and knowledge derived from military training and combat. These skills and knowledge have the potential to boost the capabilities of extremists—including lone wolves or small terrorist cells—to carry out violence. The willingness of a small percentage of military personnel to join extremist groups during the 1990s because they were disgruntled, disillusioned, or suffering from the psychological effects of war is being replicated today.
— (U) After Operation Desert Shield/Storm in 1990-1991, some returning military veterans — including Timothy McVeigh — joined or associated with rightwing extremist groups.
— (U) A prominent civil rights organization reported in 2006 that “large numbers of potentially violent neo-Nazis, skinheads, and other white supremacists are now learning the art of warfare in the [U.S.] armed forces.”
— (U//LES) The FBI noted in a 2008 report on the white supremacist movement that some returning military veterans from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have joined extremist groups.
It's funny because since we know that Timothy McVeigh was a patsy and he's probably still alive, then we also know what the agenda of Homeland Security is: checking on people who know how to fight and who could fight the coming police state. The document was declassified so the word could be "unofficially" spread, and convey that veterans are enemies of the nation, and to be looked upon suspiciously. » Hidden History of Militias Protecting Liberty in 20th Century. Before They Were Called Oath Keepers
In 1946, Group of WWII veterans took back control in the town in Athens Tennessee. The local Sheriff tried to rig the election when they seen they were being thrown out of office. The town has been tyrannized by local corruption while the men were off fighting a war. They did not like the changes they came home to and would not tolerate tyranny any longer. When the former GIs said enough after seeing what has happened when they were away. The WWII veterans by force of arms took back the town when all peaceful measures have failed. They were not afraid to use their guns and shoot if necessary.
Dude, veterans are our only hope, maybe:
The Battle of Athens
I just found another good website (the one hosting the article right above):
Constitution Society :: Home
Now more from the article at
People give too much credit to Martin Luther King for being the champion of civil rights for black Americans. We need not forget the success of the movement was these black veterans who fought on the battlefield, again, they were working in the trenches with great courage and valor during the civil rights era. They have seen the horrors of war, the Klan did not scare them too easily. They were battle hardened, they were able to endure the persecution and confrontations during this era. That combat experience was an asset making them very effective demonstrating leadership in the face of danger. They were honoring their oath they swore as servicemen beyond the battlefield fighting for liberty at home.
Will we resort to forming militia groups to protect ourselves deterring a tyrannical system? Will we have to form a militia for protection if we own a Health Food Store that sells raw milk or the farmers market?
What we face today is just like what the blacks faced in the civil rights era. The courts would not protect them. The police would not help them. The Klan had the blessing of the police to commit violence with impunity. They had no one to turn to in the system. They had to do it all on their own and that is what the blacks did. A few brave war veterans stepped forward and made a difference.
Yeah, there's a risk/hope of civil war in the US. That's why they have already prepared the FEMA camps and coffins all over the country. This is all going to happen pronto, within the end of the year. The financial collapse and peak oil will speed things up. Bad Economic Signs 2012
There is a strange delayed reaction between the initial exposure of weakness in the financial system and the public’s realization of the truth, sort of like Wile E. Coyote dashing off a cliff in the cartoons only to continue running in mid-air above the abyss below. It is a testament to the fact that beyond the math, there is an undeniable power of psychology in our economy. The investment world naively believes it can fly, even with the weight of endless debt around its ankles, and for a very short time, that pure delirious oblivious belief sustains the markets. Eventually, though, gravity always triumphs over fantasy…
Yeah, you know what we really need is the collapse of the US econmy, because that is the one "democracy" that is out of control. Europe, without the influence of the US, would be so much better off. If the US could just collapse without producing any domino effect, it would be perfect. That is the one country that has gone out of control, due to the power of corporations. Here in Europe, we do not have aspartame, fluoridation and other sick things they have over there. We would not even have chemtrails if it weren't for being part of NATO.
Trade Volume Collapsing

The S&P has now generated the worst market volume in over a decade. Small market investors are fleeing in droves away from stocks, leaving only the big players to dominate the field:

This extreme lack of volume will facilitate a return to volatility, and we are about to see the same kind of massive stock spikes and drops that we tasted three years ago. I would like to point out that the Fed, almost religiously, waits until stock markets go into cardiac arrest before announcing new stimulus measures and quantitative easing. They delay until the investment world begs for printing, and then, they give it to them, with a smile.
True. Volume, that usually rises, has actually been decreasing.
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Lots of money to be made by going short on the GBL right now:


Too bad as is often the case that I do not have enough funds to do it. Have explained why at length in the past few weeks.

But I am short on ZN. Hopefully it will fall, then they'll both rise for two more days, and then I'll have the funds to go short on GBL, which is a lot more profitable (due to the wider swings mostly, but also because of the exchange rate).
wolf blitzer: "more chilling news out of syria..."

Ah ah, hilarious!

FALSE FLAG ALERT: Syria Is Moving It's Chemical Weapons... - YouTube

Reminds you of anything?

Rumsfeld, talking WMD - 1976 (USSR) & 2002 (Iraq) - YouTube

I guess the US is going to bring more democracy to the middle east.

It's so nice to see that the US government cares so much about the well-being of people in the middle east.

And CNN is doing such a good job at keeping track of human rights in the middle east. Awesome. We're in good hands. The US and its media are monitoring democracy in the world.

Awesome! They don't call them "weapons of mass destruction" anymore, but just "weapons", "chemical weapons" and "deadly weapons". I guess they need to wait another 10 years before they can use that term again. Other popular talking points are "stockpiles of weapons" and "massacres". How much oil does Syria exactly have? Or is this about Israel and balance of power? The US won't last another 2 years at the rate it's going.

Blackwater in Iraq runs over woman and other attrocities - YouTube
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» Leaked U.S. Army Document Outlines Plan For Re-Education Camps In America
A leaked U.S. Army document prepared for the Department of Defense contains shocking plans for “political activists” to be pacified by “PSYOP officers” into developing an “appreciation of U.S. policies” while detained in prison camps inside the United States.

The document, entitled FM 3-39.40 Internment and Resettlement Operations (PDF) was originally released on a restricted basis to the DoD in February 2010, but has now been leaked online...
Re: Leaked US Army Doc on DOMESTIC Re-education (FEMA) Camps on - YouTube
The Cancer Myth | Thripp Photography
Cancer is caused by a deficiency of vitamin B17, also called laetrile or amygdalin. According to the Food & Drug Administration, vitamin B17 isn’t a vitamin anymore. It has no value, it does nothing, it could even be dangerous, it can’t be in stores, and doctors can’t dare recommend it. The vitamin isn’t added to our foods. In fact, if it’s there, that food is dangerous to us, and the vitamin is removed before we buy the food. You find vitamin B17 in the seeds of fruits, seeds like apricots, peaches, watermelons, and loquats. Common knowledge tells you that eating seeds is a dangerous, deadly thing to do. They have cyanide in them. Cyanide? Won’t that kill you? It’ll kill you the same way sodium chloride (table salt) kills you. The deadliness of the ingredients means nothing, because when they’re assembled in a different order, there is no danger. This is why your breakfast was delicious and didn’t make you sick, but if you ground it all up (milk and orange juice included) in a blender, and then drank that, you wouldn’t be feeling so well. It’s the same concept with vitamin B17's cyanide.

We don’t eat seeds anymore. You parents probably told you to throw out the seeds from those apples. “Never eat the seeds,” they say. If you buy an apple pie at the bakery, you can bet the seeds have been taken out. At the same time, many victims of cancer get better from the chemotherapy. Why? Because they were deathly afraid of the disease, and while pursuing traditional treatment, they went to the local health foods store and ate everything in sight. One of those foods had vitamin B17 in it. The patient doesn’t even know what it was, but he continues to eat it as his miracle cure. Perhaps he bought a jar of pumpkin seeds. Either way, it works. But his doctor says, “it looks like the radiation finally started working!” That’s how chemo gets its 5% cure rate for cancer (otherwise it would be 0%). Yes, nineteen of twenty die, despite radiation treatment. What kind of odds are those? What other disease do you claim to be making great progress on, you pour a third of the nation’s medical expenses into, you have more people treating than suffering, and 95% of your people still die? Old age is the only one I can think of, and that’s not a disease to start with. The only effective treatment we have is to screen you constantly and then cut pieces out of you when we find cancerations.
I believe this is true. It has a strong connection with 911. Once you realize that your government doesn't (always) look after your well-being, then you also start seeing a lot of things that you could not see before.

Of course I am not saying that wearing your seat-belts isn't a good thing, nor that you should drink out of bottles labeled as poison.

What i am saying is that you should always double-check. By yourself, and not with people who have the herd mentality of "the government/majority is always right".
today's interesting articles
» Monsanto’s Business Model: A Devious Strategy to Extend Copyright into Perpetuity?
Genetically engineered soy first appeared illegally in Brazil in the 1990’s, smuggled in from neighboring Argentina. The Brazilian farmers found the seed attractive despite the ban in place from the Brazilian authorities because Monsanto had specifically designed the seed to be resistant to its own immensely powerful and popular herbicide Roundup.
Get the drift? The US (Monsanto is linked to the government via the usual revolving door mechanism and through lobbying) sprays the world with aluminum for its HAARP purposes, then Monsanto manufactures seeds that are aluminum-resistant and it holds the world by its balls. Then it also produces herbicides, but then you need the seeds that are resistant to them, and you have to go to Monsanto again. But people don't open their eyes so this thing keeps going. But guess what: peak oil is about to be felt and it will bring the US and all its corporations to their knees. A population of 300 millions cannot hold by the balls the rest of the world, that outnumbers it by 7 billions. Furthermore, those 200 people that are ruling the world right now are even more outnumbered than the US population, which is not doing much better right now than other people in less powerful countries.
» Burgas suicide bomber identified by media as Guantanamo jihadist (VIDEO)
Most likely explanation is the one given by this comment:
Bibles Are Not Bulletproof says:
July 19, 2012 at 1:32 pm
Or….he was given a free vacation to Bulgaria and the bomb was preplanted by Mossad agents.
» Obama Front Group Attacks Drudge For Linking To Infowars
The political establishment in Washington D.C. is not happy with Internet trailblazer Matt Drudge for linking to, with the Obama front group Think Progress deeming it necessary to devote an entire article to whining about the fact that Drudge promotes alternative media sources.

In a piece entitled, Drudge Funneled At Least 30 Million Visitors To Conspiracy Websites In The Last Year, Think Progress’ Aviva Shen throws her toys out of the pram at the fact that, “Drudge drove over 30 million page views to World Net Daily and InfoWars in the last year.”
side search to Drudge Linked To Conspiracy Websites 184 Times In The Last Year
Let's hear what this bitch has to say.
A ThinkProgress study of the the Drudge Report reveals the popular internet aggregator has linked 184 times to InfoWars and World Net Daily, two sites that promote the internet’s worst conspiracy theories, since June 2011.
Bitch, if the truth sucks, the theories on what's true are going to have to adapt to it.
By directing millions of visitors to these websites, Drudge is providing critical financial and reputational support to publications that argue 9/11 was an inside job, FEMA is building concentration camps and President Obama was not born in the United States.
She's a complete bitch, retarded and/or in bad faith. This article is going to be fun to read.


Hey bitch, did you ever wonder why drudge report is linking to conspiracy websites? Don't you think that they may be telling the truth? That's where the scandal is, not in linking to them. She's not in bad faith: she's guilty of being stupid and ignorant. Too stupid and ignorant to deserve being a journalist.

So, ultimately this bitch doesn't make any points about what she's thinking. She just says "hey, drudge links to websites saying these things". She doesn't say it shouldn't. She just says it does. She doesn't even say those theories are false. I wonder why. I am surprised.

Let's see what else says about this article by the Aviva Shen bitch:
Why is Think Progress so terrified of who Drudge chooses to link to?

The answer becomes clear when you understand the fact that Think Progress is nothing more than an Obama White House propaganda mouthpiece.
I thought so. Now it's clear. Their opinion is so self-evident that she doesn't need to state it.
In a 2009 article, Think Progress claimed that Pittsburgh cop-killer Richard Poplawski “was a die-hard fan of (Alex) Jones,” when in reality Poplawski had left a series of comments on attacking Jones. Despite numerous other major publications having to retract this smear, Think Progress parroted the myth repeatedly.

In the same article, Think Progress labeled the claim that White House science czar John P. Holdren advocated putting sterilants in the water supply as a “conspiracy theory,” despite the fact that it is clearly documented in his own 1977 book Ecoscience, excerpts of which have been posted on the Internet.
side search to article(s) mentioned:
Gohmert Trades Ideas With Conspiracy Theorist, Says Obama Health Plan Will 'Absolutely Kill Senior Citizens' | ThinkProgress
Last Friday, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) joined radical conspiracy theorist Alex Jones on his radio talk show for an interview. Jones has made a name for himself propagating conspiracies ranging from the claim that Bill Clinton planned the Oklahoma City bombings to the idea that the attacks on 9/11 were orchestrated by a cabal of American and Israeli government officials.

During the 30-minute interview about “nation ending stuff,” Gohmert used his opportunity on the Jones show to showcase his own odd anti-Obama conspiracy theories
Fascinating how precisely they can report the truth (albeit calling it "conspiracy theories") but not understand it. Other article:
Suspect in officers' shooting was into conspiracy theories - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Richard Andrew Poplawski was a young man convinced the nation was secretly controlled by a cabal that would eradicate freedom of speech, take away his guns and use the military to enslave the citizenry.
Once again, theory correctly reported, but obviously the reporter doesn't buy it. How blinded are these Americans? Certainly I can't say they're in bad faith, otherwise they would just try to ignore what we conspiracists are thinking.
Israel Loves Iran campaign says "Give Peace A Chance"
Awesome effort by good Israelis to compensate for the negative propaganda by CNN and the other press whores (let alone the government).
Predictive Software “Validates” WikiLeaks Psy-Op Attack on Syria
Of course, Harrison did not mention Julian Assange’s links to the CIA or his having been raised in the brain-washing cult known as the Family in Australia that usurps children at a young age and creates controlled “Manchurian candidates” that are strategically placed in positions to be influential in purveying disinformation.
Holy cow. I had learned that wikileaks was cointelpro. What I did not know until now is that Assange is a victim of the Australian MK-Ultra program. This explains a lot of things. And it opens new questions: do we have a MK-Ultra program in Italy? Who knows.
Rockefeller’s Depopulation Dreams Published by Foundation Linked to Mass Graves
Yeah. They're probably going to hit us with a pandemic.
U.S. Military Purchasing Combat Equipment for Domestic Contingency Planning | Public Intelligence
Comment on the for the same article:
U.S. Military Purchasing Combat Equipment for Domestic Contingency Planning :
Welby says:
July 19, 2012 at 5:55 pm
What do you suppose the potential for civil war in America is when the general public finally learn that Obama is a fake, illegal president? Now, what is the possibility that they are purchasing the tools to fight against this coming civil war? Sounds like this was the plan all along!
I don't know if I agree with this comment, because since the powers that be have the control of Legislative, Executive and Judicial powers plus the media, how is any lie ever coming out? The corruption at the top is too widespread for any dangerous truth to ever come out.
Lawsuit filed against the U.S. military and CIA over drone assassination program | End the Lie – Independent News
Even more illogical is that Obama himself comes out boasting about the program whenever it is politically beneficial for him to do so.

The same goes for officials from the administration who perpetually remain behind the cover of anonymity in speaking of the program while still attempting to justify it and in doing so confirming its existence.

In a typically spot-on article published today by Green Greenwald, writing for Salon, he outlines just how ludicrous this contradictory practice really is.
Yep, I never understood why they told us about the drones. I think it's because they got really arrogant and confident. It would have been better for them to keep killing people quietly as they have been doing for decades. I don't know how they can feel so cocky as to openly talk about the drones killing americans overseas.
NSA Insider: You Are the Target: "They're Pulling Together All the Data About Virtually Every U.S. Citizen in the Country"
Few Americans would believe that the government has the technological capability and wherewithal to monitor, track, log, and analyze the everyday activities of American citizens. The idea that the National Security Agency, an organization responsible the collection and analysis of foreign communications and foreign signals intelligenc, would operate on US soil to turn the surveillance apparatus on the people they are tasked with protecting has up until now been reserved for conspiracy theorists and Hollywood movies.

It turns out that it’s not a conspiracy, and not only does the NSA operate within the borders of the United States, they are assembling detailed dossiers on every single one of us. William Binney, an NSA whistleblower who recently resigned his post at the NSA over its illegal domestic surveillance programs, notes that the agency is engaged in implementing a total surveillance net over America with the help of private businesses like internet and telecom companies – and their target is YOU.
No need to comment on this. That explains the FEMA camps. All the people who listen to alex jones will be placed there.
Of course the NSA denies the existence of a spy center designed to monitor US-based communications and activity, but we already know from past experience that government denying something exists doesn’t necessarily mean it’s not real.

They are watching everything we do. For what reason? We can’t say for certain, but history tells us any time government(s) start making lists and collecting data it often turns into a mechanism of intimidation, control and a culling of those who are perceived to be acting against the state.
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Excellent documentary!

Cancer - The Forbidden Cures - YouTube

dude if they've deceived us for almost a century with fluoride, no wonder they did the same with cancer

holy ****! minute 14: rockefeller again is involved with this crap - he pops up everywhere there's evil being done - you should not be allowed to have more than x millions or you'll misuse them

after 30 minutes of the video i am fully convinced that big pharma suppresses cures just as big oil suppresses efficient engines and alternative energies - and ther military-industrial complex suppresses peaceful solutions - we are really living in one big ****ing matrix, and everything under the umbrella of corrupt media but also all allowed by the stupidity of people - not the evil powers that be, but the ordinary sheeple who don't wake up

I better start using alternative sources on a regular basis, given that it's perfectly clear to me how mainstream media, medicine, politics, mainstream everything (almost everything) screws you over. Alternative media, politics, medicine seems the way to go.
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