my journal 3

kony 2012 scam

Another excellent blog entry by Scott Creighton:
Kloony 2012: Target?… Sudan and All that Precious Oil.. uh, I mean, The CHILDREN!!! of Course « American Everyman

This guy is just awesome, the brightest journalist ever:
“Kloony 2012 – the Feel Good Campaign to use African Children as Cover for Barack Obama’s Imperialist Conquest of Sudan”

The “official” government of South Sudan (a construct of U.S., British, and Israeli creation) has just lost a major battle in their ongoing war with Sudan.

They were recently driven out of a key oil producing region in Sudan, Heglig township, which “South Sudan” had attacked and occupied for the past few weeks while George Clooney was weeping over what he called the “aggression” of the Sudanese government.

Let’s see… South Sudan invades and occupies Heglig township killing many civilians, and George Clooney condemns the Sudanese government for defending their nation from the invasion.

Can anyone say “Georgia and South Ossetia“?

The victory for the Sudanese government is a timely one considering all the George Clooney propaganda being poured on the American fauxgressives over here across the pond.

But right on time they have even more propaganda to fix that: the Goldstein Effect Kony 2012.

Now Kony, the mythical replacement for the long deceased Osama bin Laden, just so happens to be hiding… you guessed it… in Sudan. Go figure.
And George Clooney is another CIA shill probably. Or maybe not. The fact is that all these hollywood stars never said anything on 911, except a few exceptions like charlie sheen and his father.

You can bet your ass that the US is going to attack these african countries within the next four years. As true as peak oil is true.

So what do we do? We send in the Special Forces to “go get Kony”. If it just so happens that Kony is located right where the fighting is taking place between Sudan and our newest client state, well, Obama can’t help that… all those Facebook Friends want him to find Kony… for the children… so that’s what he’s going to do. For the CHILDREN damn it!!!

Joseph Kony, Exclusive Interview - YouTube

KONY 2012 SCAM - Obama Deploys US Special Forces to Africa ( ALEX JONES INFOWARS ) - YouTube

Holy cow, Webster says it's about minerals. Indeed, I was looking it up on the oil producing countries and it's only number 50. They say they want to drive the Chinese out.

Tarpley was saying about how this whore mass murderer was pushing the concept of "creative chaos":

Amazing how bad America has gotten. If you think that innocent people are being killed and this mass murderer is on tv having a good time talking about how great a pianist she is.

There she is, her moment of glory:

Millions of people died so she could enjoy this moment. How proud her relatives must be.

Yep, the US going to "bring democracy" to yet another country that they want to exploit:

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Another awesome blog entry by this bright hard-working honest blogger, Scott Creighton:
Steven Jones Continues to Demo Truth Movement « American Everyman

Back in 2003 the RJ Lee Group was contracted by Deutsche Bank to do a study to identify signature markers of the dust created by the destruction of the World Trade Centers on Sept. 11th 2001. Apparently the new owners of the Trade Centers or their insurance company didn’t want to pay for the cleaning of the dust and the damage to the Deutsche Bank building at 130 Liberty Street, New York. So Deutsche Bank paid the RJ Lee Group to prove that the dust and damage to their building did indeed come from the event at the World Trade Center that day. The report was titled WTC Dust Signature Report Composition and Morphology. Who was to know that the key evidence of the demolition of the Trade Centers would turn up in that report.

“Various metals (most notably iron and lead) were melted during the WTC Event, producing spherical metallic particles. Exposure of phases to high heat results in the formation of spherical particles due to surface tension. Figure 21 and Figure 22 show a spherical iron particle resulting from the melting of iron (or steel).” 2003 RJ Lee Group report page 17

“In addition to the spherical iron and aluminosilicate particles, a variety of heavy metal particles including lead, cadmium, vanadium, yttrium, arsenic, bismuth, and barium particles were produced by the pulverizing, melting and/or combustion of the host materials such as solder, computer screens, and paint during the WTC Event. Combustion-related products are significant WTC Dust Markers, particularly if seen in combination. However, it is worth noting that fly ash and partially combusted products can occur in trace concentrations in ordinary building dusts, but not in the concentrations observed in WTC Dust.” 2003 RJ Lee Group page 19

“The differences within the WTC Dust and typical background dusts include the fineness and evidence of heat, the size and concentration of the chrysotile, and the length and concentration of the mineral wool and other fibers, as well as the frequency of occurrence of spherical particles produced by fire and heat, char and soot, and other building products.” 2003 RJ Lee Group report page 19-20

Damn. He puts Jesse Ventura with other CIA shills:
Jesse Ventura also just recently showed his true colors by claiming on Alex Jones’ show that the towers were not brought down by controlled demolition but rather by “ray beams from space” while a woman who sounded a lot like Judy Wood fed him lines during the interview.

So it would seem that the planned implosion of the Truth movement is going to center around on of it’s most obvious and ridiculous fake “truthers”, Judy Wood. With Ventura and Jones now channeling the dustification lady with just a few months to go before the 10th anniversary of 9/11 and the staged killing of Osama bin Laden, it would seem that the stage is being set for our targeted assassination.

This shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone paying attention. Judy Wood and Steven Jones started out together in the Truth movement. Seems they will finish together as well. Let’s just hope they don’t finish us as well in the process.

Check out the Judy Wood interview that makes her perfect Weapon of Mass Destruction for the Truth movement. If people start to associate this bull**** with us on a wide basis, we are truly done for.

The fact that Steven Jones actually created an organization called “Scholars” for 9/11 Truth with this idiot, should tell us a lot about why he got into the Truth movement to start with.

Ok for Steven Jones and Judy Wood (but maybe they're just mistaken while being in good faith), but don't touch my hero Jesse Ventura. He's not working with the CIA for sure.
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I live in England and unfortunately the local government adds fluoride to our water. I am one of the unlucky 10% of the population.

Last year I invested in a fluoride filter. It cost me nearly £500. I tried to explain to my parents the potential dangers lurking in their water. Not interested. Guess what they got last this last Christmas?

Furthermore, my brother and his girfriend just had a child. Again I have attempted to advise, but with little success. Also, her brother died of leukemia as a child. As i'm sure you are aware Fluoride has been linked to an increased risk of this particular illness.
Excellent work. Keep up the fight. Unfortunately these people move in herds (the "sheeple"). Their reasoning is that 1) their government cares for their well-being, 2) the press would speak out about it if there was something wrong with it and 3) the majority is not worried about it, so they act accordingly.

The only eye-opening event is 911 (in your case 77), because once you see it and understand it, you also understand that maybe your government does not give a **** about you. But if people's eyes do not open even with that event (usually because they won't even look at the evidence), then it's all hopeless.

It also feels very insulting for you and for me to not be believed by them. It makes me feel disrespected. It's like saying "we think highly of you, only as long as you move with the rest of the herd".
Mysterious Currency Transfers Before 9-11 - YouTube

Mysterious Currency Transfers Before 9-11

The Robert Wenzel Show

It's amazing how the official story of 911 is getting attacked from all sides: engineers, pilots, veterans, ordinary people, historians, everyone with brain and knowledge is fighting against these lies, while the only ones defending the lies and suppressing the truth are: the media, the politicians.

But i would even say the media is doing more than the politicians. And the way they do it is simple: anyone who disagrees is unable to be a journalist. This way you either lie, avoid the subject, or maybe if you're in good faith, you're the best asset to this agenda.

The interesting thing is that in the meanwhile the chinese do what they do, which is clearly worse than the US, but since they are a dictatorship, no one bothers them - not their citizens certainly. So what do they do with all this power? They grow. The US is brought down by its democracy, and it's suppressing it as a consequence, because it has to compete with a dictatorship.

You know what I mean? I just saw how the US is competing in Africa with China, and is trying to kick the Chinese out. The Chinese are five times as much, are treated like ants, and have no human rights issues. So what does the US have to do? It has to encourage lies to get its citizens involved and get the go ahead, like the mentioned "kony 2012".

KONY 2012 SCAM - Obama Deploys US Special Forces to Africa ( ALEX JONES INFOWARS ) - YouTube

This very much reminds me the ending of the "Three days of the Condor", in the sense that the citizens want to have it both ways: to be rich without being aggressive. And probably this cannot happen, so the US has to lie to itself. It could very well be that the CIA is doing what's necessary to prevent upheaval in the US by maintaining an increasingly untenable empire and comfort.

3 Days of the Condor - YouTube

In this sense we'll see this thing increasing, because the world population and economies is outnumbering the US, and peak oil is a reality: 85 millions barrels per day produced in the past 5 years.

No, wait... not production but consumption! So it's even worse than I remembered:
World Crude Oil Production and Consumption by Year (Thousand Barrels per Day)


This chart speaks clearly.
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Depende - Jarabe De Palo - YouTube

Que el blanco sea blanco
Que el negro sea negro
Que uno y uno sean dos
Porque exactos son los numeros

Que aquí estamos de prestao
Que hoy el cielo esta nublao
Que uno nace y luego muere
Y este cuento se ha acabao
Depende ¿de qué depende?
De según como se mire, todo depende

Depende ¿de qué depende?
De según como se mire, todo depende
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I need to study this guy, because many things don't make sense to me:

Anwar Al-awlaki: What the media and government won't show you - YouTube

They say that he was part of Al qaeda, so that would mean that he worked for the CIA, and this would qualify him as a bad guy, but then he was also killed by the US, so this would qualify him as a good guy... so something's wrong here. I need to investigate this matter further.

I mean Al Quaeda should not exist as what people commonly think, because since all terrorist attacks are false-flag attacks, then these muslim guys only get blamed for things, but are neither responsible nor targeted by the US. As Bin Laden was a friend of those who seemed to blame him (Bush and company), so should this guy. But this guy got killed, so maybe he had nothing to do with Bin Laden. Maybe he was a real muslim dude, who simply got killed because he was speaking out against the US. This is most likely the case. But in this case the first thing he'd have to say is that 911 was an inside job.


Oh ok, here it is all clear now:

Anwar al-Awlaki Was A FBI Asset, Triple Agent Before 9/11 1/3 - YouTube

He was working for the FBI, and was a triple agent. Then they decided to kill him. Nice working for the FBI and the CIA: you might get paid, or you might get killed. Depending on their needs at the time, and depending on your last name.

This according to Anthony Shaffer:

Only military person I know of who could speak his mind and yet be able to keep his job with the government. This is amazing.

Usually they're already retired, or they get fired after speaking out. Not true with this guy. Amazing. Considering he's clearly speaking his mind (cfr. clip above).
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Maybe i am understanding the US and its politicians. They are up against the world and china, trying to keep it together and keep the ship floating, and orderly, and things are so bad in the US, that in order to make it, they need to militarize the nation. Could this be it? In other words, you can have wealth, but you cannot have democracy at the same time. Either one or the other. You know why? Because the resources of the earth ultimately are limited and they're being exhausted, so the US to keep this level of wealth and wellbeing needs to keep on robbing the world of its resources. The US could not go on attacking every country in the world if it were a real democracy. So these guys like Alex Jones and the others are actually getting in the way. I see it clearly now. It is all explained by the 3 days of the condor clip:

3 Days of the Condor - YouTube

The president is indeed a father to the nation, and has to keep it afloat, regardless if he kills a few of its citizens in the process. And no matter what the cost to the world is.

This about all the oil that bush stole from iraq and brought back to america. What was 3000 dead in new york and 4000 dead in iraq, compared to all the oil he brought back?

So now obama needs a police state to keep it together and face the chinese threat. This is understandable. If we are counting the dead people in terms of risk armies, and obama of course won't care about the enemy losses... it could make sense. To them.

All of us denouncing the false-flag attacks and all the fiction enacted by US politics and media... we're acutally failing to see the big picture - would we be able to suggest a better picture?

I guess I see what obama and the others have been doing: really looking after their nation's interests. Even when they spent resources to poison the world, with aluminum and vaccines that make you have an abortion.

It all makes sense, and all of us protesters would not have a better solution.

These guys, too, are talking about geopolitics at a high level:

For once alex jones is shutting up.
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Today's "conspiracy theorists" press review: » 11 International Agreements That Are Nails In The Coffin Of The Petrodollar Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
China and Russia have decided to renounce the US dollar and resort to using their own currencies for bilateral trade, Premier Wen Jiabao and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin announced late on Tuesday.
Very good analysis. And this is just one of the 11 reasons. You see China and Russia aren't joking around. Maybe the US has no choice but to play tough, in order to keep its own empire from collapsing. Maybe they're overdoing it, or maybe it's necessary. » Very Real Danger of Collapse: » National Security Threat: Obama’s Birth Certificate Proven Fraudulent Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
The number 9 appears on Obama’s birth certificate in section 9 entitled “race of father.” This means that the race of Obama’s father was unknown or not stated at the time the original birth certificate was filed. However, the box also contains the word “African,” which was not even used as a descriptive term at the time. The fact that the document contradicts itself in that it denotes the “race of father” as not stated but then also “African” clearly indicates that “African” was added in at a later date.
I am amazed at the dedication and heroism (they're risking their lives) of people like Arpaio, and amazed at the ineptitude of obama's staff. With all the tools and money they have (the CIA first of all), they manage to mess up simple tasks of falsifying documents. They just had to work on one document, his birth certificate: they had unlimited resources to do it, and they messed up. It reminds me of Berlusconi's staff, who used google translate to put the biographies of the ministers from Italian into English, and everyone was laughing at the mistakes:
Italian politicians lost in translation - Telegraph

At the same time, it is hilarious how the president and the other criminals in power are actually doing most of what they're doing to protect america's interests. The looting, killing and robbing of the world (aka "bringing democracy") goes on for the protection of the american well-being. The funny thing is that to do this, they have to lie to the people they're protecting, and they have to poison them in various ways (fluoride, aspartame, chemtrails) in order to manage them better, and they even have to defend themselves from their accusations, for things that in reality they're doing to help them, or at least to help the nation as a whole (occasionally killing a few innocent citizens, yes, but as few as possible). I guess now I am ready to agree with my father and even with bush and obama: we will not agree on the details and the list of deceptions implemented in the decades by the US towards its citizens and the world, but we'll agree on what's going on in general: manipulation of citizens for their own good. This is really what's going on, and that's why the elite don't feel guilty about it.

So we could say that obama and bush don't give a damn about people in Iraq, that's for sure. But we could not say that they do not care about the nation as a whole. They're indeed looking after the interests of the nation, even though this sometimes means killing/drugging its innocent citizens.

On the other hand, we could also argue that there are better ways to take care of the citizens. Maybe there are ways to benefit the nation without killing a million Iraqis. Maybe instead of fighting for oil in Iraq, the US could allow the inventors of alternative energy sources to live and promote their inventions. But who knows, probably Big Oil is so powerful that such a president would be killed like JFK. Maybe it wasn't necessary to fake the moon landing. They could have maybe not sprayed chemicals all over Nato countries ("chemtrails"). Why is Monsanto so important? Why... do we have to exterminate all non-GMOs?

So maybe the US is out of control, hijacked by big corporations, as I've been thinking, or maybe I just don't think globally and this might be the only way to handle the world for Obama and the other criminals in power. I am not saying in a derogatory way: they're legally "criminals". Why are they doing it? For the country. Besides, Obama may not even be a pedophile: he might be the least criminal of the US presidents in a long time.

Overall, I think the US is unhealthy and out of control. I know it's a fine balance and it's never an optimum stable situation - ongoing fighting. But one thing is to start world war 2 by forcing the Japanese to attack you, and another thing is to poison your own citizens and kill them like in 911. I think the fact that they did 911 and the fact that they got away with it, all by itself, shows that the US is out of control. There is no more balance of power. The corporations have hijacked the country.

I am glad that Arpaio got some press coverage finally:
Video Landing Page - FOX 10 News - Phoenix, AZ | KSAZ-TV » Iran Accuses U.S. of Using Weather Weapons Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Iran is experiencing its worst drought since 1964. It has affected more than 37 million people, over half the population, and reduced wheat production and other agricultural output. Intense sandstorms have also plagued the country and increased desertification.

The Pentagon has admitted utilizing weather warfare against adversaries. In 2005, the Air Force said it has the ability to “generate precipitation, fog, and storms on earth or to modify space weather” and that “the production of artificial weather all are a part of an integrated set of technologies.”

In addition, the U.S. military has "induced ionospheric modifications" using its High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, or HAARP. “The HAARP system is fully operational and in many regards dwarfs existing conventional and strategic weapons systems. While there is no firm evidence of its use for military purposes, Air Force documents suggest HAARP is an integral part of the militarization of space,” The Ecologist reported in December, 2007. » TSA security agents to be deployed in UK airports for Olympics Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Authorities in London are under extreme pressure to provide the necessary security staff after the failure of the private security contractor G4S to deliver personnel to protect Olympic venues. The security personnel provided have had insufficient training and failed to adequately conduct body searches or operate scanners, according to reports.

“I can see so many security loopholes for this event. Security staff are given a very short time for their training and there is a very slack approach,” said a whistleblower, an expert in weapons and explosives detection.
I wonder why we're getting news of these security flaws. It could be a real accident or it could be on purpose. The whistleblower could be a real one or it could be all part of a secret agenda, to prepare us for an attack. Furthermore, since the war on terror is a lie, also the TSA security agents are not in the US nor will be in the UK to prevent terrorism, so why are they going to be around? Just a side-effect of this mega-lie or to promote a secret agenda? » Gates-Funded Experiment To Spray Atmosphere With Sulphur Particles Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
“David Keith, one of the investigators, has argued that solar geoengineering could be an inexpensive method to slow down global warming, but other scientists warn that it could have unpredictable, disastrous consequences for the Earth’s weather systems and food supplies,” reports the Guardian.
Since global warming is a lie, I wonder why they're doing this. German Study Says Condoms Contain Cancer-causing Chemical, page 1
"N-Nitrosamine is one of the most carcinogenic substances," the study's authors said. "There is a pressing need for manufacturers to tackle this problem."
This reminds me of that story (true) that the UN gives vaccines in africa that cause pregnant women to abort and become sterile, without them knowing. Do Nuclear Disasters Play into the Global Elite?
More than half of America’s nuclear power plants are suffering from wear and tear from aging, according to the Nuclear Energy Institute (NRC). They point out that these facilities were intended to be used for 40 years, and they are now being pushed past the 60 year mark.
I think this is from lack of funding rather than part of a conspiracy, but it also explains why the US has to invade the oil-producing countries, endlessly, and lie to its own citizens about it, because they could not accept it consciously. So it tells them they're fighting the war on terror. Frack the Border: Cartels Using Oil Boom to Move Drugs

Today's "mainstream media" press review: UK faces security questions ahead of London Olympics -
The city's transport network is not immune to terror threats, as the attacks of July 2005 showed. But visitors can seek reassurance in the fact that Britain's police and intelligence officials have been successful since then in foiling attacks on the capital.
What it should say is "Britain's police and intelligence officials since then have not staged attacks on the capital". Something fishy about this mentioning security... at the very least these articles are here to remind us that the government protects us, and therefore that we need it, and therefore this propaganda is there to justify the government keeping us under control. Jidhadists’ Fierce Justice Drives Thousands to Flee Mali -
American counterterrorism experts express concerns that Mali could turn into a magnet for international terrorists, but they say that such reports have not yet been corroborated. The turmoil in northern Mali has likely drawn extremists from the region, though, experts say.

“The concern is that these local groups will further establish a safe haven in northern Mali to serve as a base of operations,” said a United States official who asked not to be identified while discussing sensitive intelligence matters. “Then maybe northern Mali could become a destination for foreign fighters from the wider region and even further afield, but it isn’t there yet.”
Since terrorism and war on terror is a lie, whenever you hear words like "counterterrorism", "extremists", "safe haven", it means you're reading a propaganda article. The most likely situation is that they're pumping up these stories to later find reasons to invade the country for their own dirty business (exploiting its resources). And when they say "it isn't there yet", they mean that the country isn't ripe for an invasion yet. "Not a terrorist threat yet" simply means "we're not interested in invading it yet". Tony Blair's unfinished business | Politics | The Guardian
This mass murderer in a world ruled by mass murderers probably doesn't even feel guilty - he probably feels like he's one of the good guys among the murderers. Bush killed 3000 in 911 and he only killed 56 in 77. UK is indeed a more civilized country.
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collapse and zn

Having an ongoing trade on ZN, I've been pondering on collapse and how it could affect my trade:
Rate:Treasury Bills/WikiChart


Since the chart above behaves the opposite relative to the ZN (when it goes up, the chart above goes down), we can deduce that when things such as September 11th happen, ZN goes up.

But the question is: if the crisis is really really bad, shouldn't people also lose faith in the government? How bad do people have to panic to make the ZN fall together with stocks?

I don't know how it works, and I don't know the rationale behind it. All I can do is judge from the charts and, while it never went higher than it is now, given that I am short, my only hope seems to be that stock markets will go up, because I do not see a situation so bad that people lose faith in the stocks AND in the government, too. At least I don't see it on the chart. And maybe if the financial system collapses, I might lose my entire account anyway.

As I concluded year after year, my fundamental analysis, however tempting it may be, is not likely to bring me any profit. The only good thing my fundamental analysis ever brought me is entertainment and learning about the world. In fact, because of it, my account went from 13k to 2k, whereas had i used the systems right now it'd be at 30k.
Here's something that doesn't add up. An association that fights monsanto and gmo and yet affirms that global warming is a reality:
Global Warming | Union of Concerned Scientists
Global Warming Contrarians | Union of Concerned Scientists
The overwhelming consensus among climate scientists is that global warming is real, primarily caused by human activity, and a serious threat to our future. Yet media extremists, partisan think tanks, and special interest groups funded by fossil fuel and related industries continue to raise doubts in the minds of the public.

According to the truth movement or, as we're called, "conspiracy theorists", global warming is a hoax. I don't have the scientific evidence and I have to make my mind up, and it's hard because there's this Union of Concerned Scientists that is not a scam, attacks monsanto, and yet believes in global warming. So maybe it is not a scam. Furthermore many of my same group of people (the "conspiracy theorists") believes that peak oil is a hoax, too, and yet that is not a hoax for sure.

So I guess we could say that when the US is involved, most conspiracy theories are indeed true, but most likely not all of them are.

The thing is that at this point I am not even sure any more that it's worth fighting all conspiracies by the US, because probably my world would fall apart as well if the US weren't that strong, given that I live in a country that benefits from being part of NATO, or does it?

At the same time, I might be one of the few people who'd benefit from global collapse, given that I hate my job so much. Global collapse could bring many changes, like that song went:

Suicide Is Painless with lyrics - YouTube
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BPA: Death by Plastic - Special Report - YouTube

That's it: the US has been hijacked by the corporations. It would make sense if it just deceived its citizens in order to go to war and loot the world for their benefit (albeit without their consent). Eugenics instead and depopulation cannot be considered for their own good. Their death is certainly not for their own good.

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These guys, Cantavero and the two MacDermotRoe are really good:
In Context Radio and TV - YouTube

They are knowledgeable, clear, logical, simple, modest, balanced. They are thorough and hard-working. I rank them up there at the top, with Aaron Hawkins:
Waiting for the Storm | Independent News, Political Analysis, & Ideas as Weapons for a Revolution

By the way, awesome interview here:

Aaron Hawkins, Religious Mindsets Are Not Exclusive To Religions April 23 2012 Vinny Eastwood Show - YouTube

minute 34 is the most meaningful, where aaron talks about being part of a "pack".
awesome actually from minute 34 all the way to minute 39, both included
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