my journal 3

Alex Jones: 9-11-01 Radio Broadcast HD (Part 1 of 2 ) - YouTube

William Cooper [9/11 Broadcast] - As it Happened - YouTube

Dude, these free thinkers weren't fooled for a minute... my heroes. It took me five more years to even start wondering what really went on, and I had to watch Loose Change.


what more could you ask than the previous video? He ****ing predicted it and asked people to expose it, because he could tell from what they were saying that they were going to make it happen.

ALEX JONES 'CRYING' ON 9/11/01. - YouTube

I am impressed with his humanity

Of course she's got a whole different theory but I don't believe her

Alex Jones Told Me He Was An Agent!! - YouTube

Her reasoning makes sense but he's been on camera too long and exposing the elite for too long to be working for them... I mean how is he helping the elite by showing the truth about them?

On the other hand, she keeps going...

Alex Jones is not your friend - YouTube

Those who won't listen deserve what they get - YouTube

and then she stops and there's this message on her channel:


message by this user:
HomelandSecurityUS - YouTube

Holy ****! Maybe she's right. But this is bull****, too, maybe, because the government could have had the whole channel removed.

I don't know this is one amazing "21 year old" girl. Obviously she's in good faith, but she could still be wrong. She talks about "controlled opposition" or similar and in fact it makes sense, too. Alex Jones has gathered all these opposers and they're not really doing anything except insulting the elite... but they're also spreading the word. And knowledge is important, too.

Is he really doing "damage control" or is he producing more damage than he controls? I don't have an answer.

Furthermore, how many mistakes could he have made during all these years? He's been around for 20 years shouting meaningful stuff against and about the elite. If I had to bet my money, I'd say he's for real.

Also, he's been hosting hundreds of conspiracy theorists, so why are they all going on his show if they think he's cointelpro? And if they don't know, then are they all stupid?

Being followed?! I'm effin T-rex and U WILL NOT STOP ME!!!!! - YouTube

And if she was really on to something and died because of it, why didn't they just remove her channel?

Is he a freemason?

Alex Jones Freemason? - YouTube

Holy ****. I am starting to have doubts on alex jones.

And the same user exposes david icke as well:

David Icke is Finished ! - YouTube

They all seem in good faith. The conspiracist stars and those "exposing" them. At the same time the conspiracist stars have still done more damage to these elite than good, so i really don't see why they'd be doing it.

Mmh... david icke seemed like such a nice guy. I can't believe this... but I can't discard it either. Like many before, many i've despised, i feel the need to see what others are thinking of these two guys: the biggest conspiracy theorists or rather the most famous ones, in the US (Jones) and in UK (Icke).

David Icke is not even rich... I believe him. He's a truly nice guy. Come on, man! But the hand signals are there. I can only sit back and observe these very intelligent and informed people debate.

David Icke and John D Rockefeller Are They Related ? - YouTube

Holy cow, a whole movie on debunking david icke:

David Icke Debunked (Full Movie) - YouTube

Damn. This is very complex...

David Icke confronted on Alice Bailey/Lucis Trust (deutsche Untertitel) - YouTube

back to alex jones

eX-Freemason calls in to the Alex Jones show - YouTube

Alex Jones mentioning 360 degrees in Masonry - YouTube

He's not afraid to speak about masonry, so he's not acting for them, is he?

Holy ****! Minute 3! "I've had many offers..."

Here's how it works: both Icke and Jones were inside these circles, but didn't want to go in. The fact that they know about these things from relatives or friends does not mean they're complicit. But wait: this still does not explain the hand signs of both Jones and Icke... I am lost.

This, too, goes very much against the hypothesis of Jones working for the masons, especially minute 21 and 22:

Freemasonry with Alex Jones - YouTube

This guy seems good. I still can't explain the signs and the bohemian grove.

Let's go back to that girl.

Spiritual Awakening - YouTube

Alex Jones Told Me He Was An Agent!! - YouTube

I called up the White Haus!! 😀 - YouTube

Holy cow! She is so right. This last one was hilarious and also convincing: he's providing mere entertainment and keeping the rebels busy while the elite works behind the scenes. He's keeping us rebels busy. Or maybe he is like this, and won't do more, and wants to make money. There is a very fine line, since everyone could be lying... it's hard to tell for sure.

At minute 1 she said she is 20 - how can she be so smart at 20? Unbelievable:

Bringing Illuminati to Justice P2 - YouTube

She is so right. Alex Jones is lowering the debate and making us all feel like idiots. We've gone from sheeple of obama to sheeple of alex jones. Even though he does say the truth about everything.

There's Something About Mary Hair & Toilet Flush 😀D - YouTube

She is so mature

disinformation agents of the nwo - YouTube

This is one of her favorites

All things considered, I still believe alex jones is one of us and not working for the elite. There's the good objections raised by the girl, but you also have to weigh in the fact that he's exposing all the evil things being done by the elite, and hosting all the protesters... all in all doing more good (spreading information) than bad (channelling it the wrong way maybe) and he's been doing it consistently since the early 1990s.

Aside from the fact of the masonic symbology and the controlled opposition, I must also note that he did silence some protesters in austin before. At the same he cares to make money, and this is against the cia hypothesis (people in the cia don't care to make money with ads). So is his happiness about the infowars link on drudge report, the personal pride for alexa hits, the arguments with the young turks and glenn beck... all these things show he's on his own and proud of it. Overall i still believe his good faith.

Come on, man. This is not "controlled opposition":


He believes in the cause.
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I'm not feeling too good after ingesting that peach seed...

Cyanide Poisoning - YouTube

I'll stay up a bit longer to avoid a cardiac arrest while sleeping

But it's been hours already, so... these girls are saying it's going to take just a few minutes after ingesting it... so I should be out of danger, but I am feeling it.

Are peach pits poisonous
Peach pits do contain trace amounts of a cyanide compound. However in order to do any damage to yourself you would have t eat a lot of peach pits (theoretically).

What is Peach seed poisoning? -
Onset of Peach seed poisoning: 30 minutes to 2 hours or longer
Hmm, this is not good.

Complications of Peach seed poisoning -
The list of complications that have been mentioned in various sources for Peach seed poisoning includes:
Not good.

Symptoms of Peach seed poisoning -
The list of signs and symptoms mentioned in various sources for Peach seed poisoning includes the 20 symptoms listed below:

•Fever - NONE
•Headache - NONE
•Nausea - NONE
•Rash - NONE
•Joint pain - NONE
•Muscle pain - NONE
•Aching joints - NONE
•Nervousness - YES
•Lethargy - YES
•Weakness - SOME
•Increased thirst - SOME
•Reduced blood pressure - NO IDEA
•Seizures - NONE
•Coma - NONE
•Abdominal pain - NONE
•Vomiting - NONE
•Dyspnea - NONE
•Sweating - NONE
•Paralysis - NONE
•Cyanosis - NONE
I am feeling it, but I might not die.

What happens if you swallow the inside of a peach pit? - Yahoo! Answers
There is a small amount of cyanogenetic glycosides,if injested it will mix with the chemicals in your stomach and relaese Hydrogen Cyanide. Not enough to kill you in just one unless you are extraordinarily small.

Can Peach Pits Kill You? - Topic
Peach, apricot ++ stones contain cyanogenetic glycosides, which your intestine will break down to cyanide. Eating these stones should therefore be avoided.
Quacks may tell you that cyanogenetic glycosides are "vitamin B17", and that it is not dangerous to you, only to cancer cells. There is no solid evidence that proves this at all, but more than enough evidence that proves that cyanide is lethal.

Mmh, check this out, minute 1:

Cyanide? Are Apple Seeds Poisonous or Good For You? - YouTube

This, too:
Vitamin B-17 is one of the main sources of food in cultures such as the Eskimos, the Hunzas, the Abkasians and many more. Did you know that within these tribes there has never been a reported case of cancer? According to Dr. Krebs, we need a minimum of 100 mg of vitamin B-17 (the equivalent of about seven apricots seeds) too nearly guarantee a cancer free life. Foods that contain vitamin B-17 are as follows:

KERNELS OR SEEDS OF FRUIT: The highest concentration of vitamin B-17 to be found in nature, aside from bitter almonds. Apple, apricot, cherry, nectarine, peach, pear, plum, prune.
All things considered I should be ok, but I don't feel perfectly normal.
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Acid Alkaline Food Chart | Identify pH of Foods and Drinks
Food consumption in the most advanced countries of the world has changed from nutritious raw foods to highly processed foods very low in nutritional value. New chemicals have been introduced to our foods, air, and water, which have put even greater stresses on our system's ability to control the chemistry of our body fluids, and therefore functionality of our inner biological terrain is at risk. As a result, we see huge increases in the incidence of life-threatening or chronic diseases. That’s why it is of utmost importance to our healthiness to finding the ideal balance of alkaline and acid forming foods.

Have a look at the table below to identify various foods' pH-level. Each one is assigned a number which mirrors its approximate relative potential of alkalinity (+) or acidity (-) existent in one ounce (28.35g) of food. The higher the number, the better it is for you to eat.

pH Food Chart
Alkalizing the body is probably the best thing that a person can do to ensure good health and well being. There is a direct relationship between a person's pH and the oxygen content of his blood, and a tiny change in pH can have dramatic effects upon a person's oxygen intake. An alkaline body pH will prevent diseases, and will cure existing ones by exponentially boosting a body's oxygen intake. As a general rule, pathogens and cancers cannot survive in an oxygen-rich, alkaline environment.

Alkalizing the body is not an easy task for most people, but the benefits are many. This chart shows the effects of various foods on the human body. As you may notice, the initial pH of the food is irrelevant. For instance, while lemons and limes are naturally acidic fruits, they have a strong alkalizing effect upon the body when processed in digestion.

For more information on the benefits of alkalinity, read The Link Between Body pH and Disease. You should also watch our must see documentary, The Cancer Report.

We cannot fairly give credit to any person or group for the chart below, because it was compiled from, and verified with, dozens of sources. We welcome any verifiable information that could be used to expand this chart. Unfortunately, it appears that most foods have not yet been through the mineral testing required to definitively ascertain their pH-shifting properties.

Damn, why did no one tell me about this before? These charts are so simple and yet so useful.

You know why no one is told about these? Because they want us to get sick and to die. Instead they tell us about fluoride and its benefits, a lie that went on for 70 years.
Come on, alex jones talking about this case... not a cia shill

Alex Jones Fox News on DC Madam Palfrey's Murder - YouTube

Caller Destroys Alex Jones - YouTube

He is not a fraud and he's not a shill. This conversation shows it.

Precious article:
Is Alex Jones for real?
Is Alex Jones a government agent?
Hilariously, this is one of the repeated bizarre accusations leveled against Alex Jones -- no doubt by people who themselves are government agents trying to spew disinfo. The accusation goes like this: Alex Jones must be a government agent because no one achieves success at the level Alex has achieved unless they're working for the globalists in some way.

Except there's one problem with that piece of fiction: Only LAZY (and corrupt) people make it to the top with the help of the globalists (people like George Bush, get it?). In great contrast to that, Alex Jones is the hardest working person I've ever met. He's earned every ounce of his radio and internet success through 16+ years of blood and sweat. He works three times as hard as any mainstream news reporter or TV news personality you've ever seen, and he's sacrificed time with his family in order to put more time into InfoWars coverage of important global events.

He sacrifices the quality of his own life, in other words, to bring you more videos, special reports, documentaries and ongoing coverage of things that truly impact not just your life today, but our collective future. He technically deserves something like the Congressional Medal of Honor, but of course the President would never award such a high honor to an actual patriot who exposes the lies and corruption of Big Government.

I have no doubt that Alex has a pivotal role to play in what is soon to become American history: Virtually everything he's telling you right now -- the coming financial collapse, the FEMA camps, the police state crackdowns -- is about to become a documented fact of history. Read this story again in three years and you'll see what I mean.

alex jones: real american hero - YouTube
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Ok, I just bought online two bottles of hemp oil. I'll give one to my colleague. He said he has a mole on his skin he's worried about.

The Health Benefits of Hemp Oil
Four years after the Marijuana Tax Act passed in the US, a researcher writing for a 1941 edition of Science lamented the loss of access to the hemp seed's rare and important globule edistins; "Passage of the Marijuana Law of 1937 has placed restrictions upon trade in hempseed that, in effect, amount to prohibition....”
This is so related to 911 and to how the corporate control is out to screw us all. Hearst and the drug companies prohibited hemp because it didn't suit their financial interest, and since the US democracy is a myth and politicians in the US do not do their job, people do not count. Only corporations count. You see, it didn't happen in 2001: the US democracy has been hijacked a long long time ago, at about the times of the creation of the Federal Reserve, probably even earlier than that.

Hemp seeds contain the most balanced and richest natural single source of essential oils for human consumption. The E.F.A.'s not only help to restore wasting bodies, but also improve damaged immune systems, so it is not so surprising that modern researchers have studied them in relationship to the modern immune attacking AIDS virus. (Eidlman, M.D., Hamilton, ED.D, Ph.D 1992).

Hemp oil is natures most balanced oil for human nutrition (3:1 LA to LNA ratio) and is easily digestible; in fact this oil could provide all of our Essential Fatty Acid (EFA) requirements for life, due to the balanced 80% EFA content of the oil.

Research has shown that this nutritional oil was once a part of worldwide dietary intake, as it was one of the first cultivated crops. All natural foods contain some substances, which are essential to life. Oils for example, found in nuts and seeds, contain significantly higher amounts of essential fatty acids than other foods.

Much information about Hemp has been systematically removed from written texts since the 1930's and is now difficult to find. Many of the myths about hemp, perpetuated by governments to this day relating to hemp being a drug crop are incorrect and simply propaganda created to make way for synthetic man made products.
That is correct: if they cannot sell it and make money from it, then you can't grow it either. Especially if it produces competition with their drugs.
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