my journal 3

The Nuremberg Trials - YouTube

Cool... imagine seeing, instead of Goering (minute 12) involved in the Reichstag fire, Rumsfeld or Cheney involved in 911.

Given that nazism only lasted 12 years, I wonder how long will the nazi state last in the US.

Ah ah, the "nazi conspirators"- It reminds how now we are being called "conspiracy theorists". In fact it is not that bad, because we are indeed considering "conspirators" those in power now.

The pattern repeats. Those in power get bigger and bigger (minute 23) until the countries around them react and kick their ass. I think this will happen to the US as well.

Remember this?

Separation of powers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Balance of power (international relations) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I remember something like this from my college studies. Well, basically in the US today there is no more check and balances nor balance of powers. It is just one power gone overboard, out of control. The corporations (or whoever it is) own everytyhing: executive, judicial, legislative, media, academia... all hope is lost.

I wonder why this acceleration, both in nazi germany and in the US today. Why don't they just slow down when they're about to get caught? I wonder why. Maybe it's like in risk, the strategy game. There's a moment when you go for it, and if you don't make it, they're going to gang up against you. It's as if the people in power were going at it today, hoping to win the risk game, just like the nazis did in the 1940s and so on. I wonder what the outcome will be.

"those who start a war will pay personally"... interesting: according to this also for bush and the others there should be "death by hanging": last minute.


Regarding the "acceleration", what I meant is this: couldn't they just be happy with having all they had in 2001? Why was it necessary and how reckless was it to stage 911, with so many mistakes in it? It opened the eyes of so many of us that it was obviously a mistake and furthermore I don't think they gained much from it, because if the global financial system collapses also all the money they made will be useless. And the way they're pushing things, towards collapse, it seems that all this money they accumulated will be useless. Ok with killing quietly the world's population as they've been doing for decades, but what sense does it make to make the global financial system collapse?
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I'm tired of preaching the impending collapse or impending destruction of civilization by the powers that be. No one understands, they disappoint me, and the few who do, tell me "yeah, I knew it" and they act like it's no big deal. I'll stop telling people and I'll let them find out on the day these powers will come and get them.
Yeah, this is worse than the US:

North Korean prison camps - Access to Evil - YouTube

From what I am understanding, no one wants north korea to fail, especially south korea. Because otherwise there would be a mass migration from the north to the south, and produce instability.

The thing is that you'd expect the US to be the best place in the world. Instead Canada, and other european countries are much better. Then there's those who argue that it's easy to be democratic when you're protected by the might of the US. It's as if the countries of NATO other than the US were freeriders, protected by the US, enjoying all the freedom, and without having to pay the price. In a sense this could be true. I wonder though if the US could be strong without having to use its power. In order to be feared do you have to kill innocent people occasionally? I don't know... I wonder. I don't think so. I think something went wrong in the US.
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I've been thinking what a waste of time and counterproductive behavior it is to complain and criticize. I think I am going to try and stop. It is of course an unavoidable urge that you will feel from time to time, but this, too, could be replaced by push ups and sit ups. You complain to vent out, because you're unable to eliminate the problem/person that's bothering you. This lack of action/destruction produces frustration, that leads to complaining and criticizing, but that could also be vented out with exercise rather than words.

There are many advantages:
1. exercise is more effective in venting out (it takes two hours of complaining what you can achieve with a few minutes of exercise)
2. exercise is useful to the body
3. exercise doesn't have the side-effect of boring the person you're complaining to
4. exercise doesn't have the side-effect that someone will tell the person you complained about that you badmouth them.
5. in case of criticizing, you also avoid the side-effect of reinforcing the bad behavior and feeling of insecurity by the person who's doing something wrong

In general, I think I have been talking twice as much as I should have. And average people talk three or four times as much as they should.

Another behavior that is not effective is getting offended. I am going to abolish that one, too, if I can manage.
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I live in England and unfortunately the local government adds fluoride to our water. I am one of the unlucky 10% of the population.

Last year I invested in a fluoride filter. It cost me nearly £500. I tried to explain to my parents the potential dangers lurking in their water. Not interested. Guess what they got last this last Christmas?

Furthermore, my brother and his girfriend just had a child. Again I have attempted to advise, but with little success. Also, her brother died of leukemia as a child. As i'm sure you are aware Fluoride has been linked to an increased risk of this particular illness.
Yesterday I was talking to my dad about the moon landing (hoax), because he'll talk about Italian politics for hours, so I am allowing myself to reply by talking to him about US politics. So I told him that man didn't go to the moon in the years between 1969-1972 or that at least they released fake footage of the landings, and I managed to get him to watch these 3 minutes of a documentary featuring NASA footage:

Moon Landing Hoax - Wires Footage - YouTube

And guess what. He said it might be fake. He first tried to explain it in other ways, but then... "they might have modified the footage". Hey, I am not complaining. This is hilarious. He always tries to defend the official version at all costs, just as he did for years with 911 (but most of all, he doesn't want to see the documentaries with the proofs). Then if it's undefendable, he doubts the authenticity of the proofs shown.

So I said, but in your life you make choices based on estimates. You don't go and check irrefutably everything and refuse to act and reach conclusions otherwise. And then he agreed. So he concluded that... basically you don't need irrefutable proofs to reach conclusions, but only if the conclusions are in line with what the majority thinks. If instead you're far away from what the majority thinks, then you need all sorts of proofs. You need so many proofs that I am basically unable to provide, and therefore he will never be convinced.

How am I going to prove that the film-maker in the clip above didn't dishonestly change the NASA footage and added the wires that show on top of the astronaut? In the meanwhile, NASA might have even changed the official footage.

The consequence of this methodology, that we could summarize as "no proofs needed if you agree with the majority and impossible to get proofs necessary to prove the majority wrong", is that you have to agree with the majority.

I am surprised by my father, whom i considered intelligent. On the other hand, I am satisfied to be even more intelligent than he is. His methodology is wrong, his conclusions are wrong, but I also suspect that he's in bad faith. Some sort of unconscious bad faith, because uncovering the truth would be too tiring, because you'd have to figure the world out all over again if these two things were as I say (911 being an inside job, and the moon landing being a hoax).

If these are the people in power, with mass murderers on one side of the ocean and naive politicians like my father on the other side, we're really screwed. But the good thing is that I'll have a lot of fun when they'll start exterminating us and I'll be proven right. I think I'll laugh all the way to the concentration camp.
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I can't wait for the next false-flag attack, hopefully at the London Olympics:
Senior Official: British Border Letting Terror Suspects In – Makings of a False Flag
Countless other publications have pointed out numerous cases of predictive programming, symbolism, and pre-posturing of some type of diabolic agenda surrounding the 2012 Olympic games.

According to the Guardian and others, over 3500 military personal have been deployed over the last few days to fill the security gaps for G4S.

Meanwhile, all of this “loss of security” rhetoric is being publicized worldwide thus essentially begging terrorists to attack.

This could also be a form of pre-stagging for a massive false flag terror attack that could quite possibly gain the US a means to attack Iran or wage a war in the region (once again in the name of terror).
The anglo-american governments really have a way of keeping us entertained. But there's been nothing for years and I am starting to get bored.

UFOs would be great:
Is false flag UFO alien invasion planned for London Olympics? -
The BBC is planning a documentary dealing with a variety of conspiracy theories including UFOs and aliens appearing at the upcoming London Olympics. According to Paul Joseph Watson of, the UFO alien invasion meme was being promoted in the upcoming BBC documentary to discredit the burgeoning 9/11 and 7/7 truth movements. There are other perspectives warning that officially sanctioned media events such as the BBC documentary act as triggers for false flag events to go forward. Both 9/11 and 7/7 are described as false flag events that were foreshadowed by television shows and mock terrorist simulations. So is the upcoming BBC documentary discussing a possible UFO alien appearance at the London Olympics part of a planned false flag alien invasion?
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Another good article:
Secret ‘Kill List’ Tests Obama’s Principles -

It's all there, hidden in plain sight, but no outrage as usual. People are so used to it or journalists do not dare to connect the dots:
Mr. Obama has placed himself at the helm of a top secret “nominations” process to designate terrorists for kill or capture, of which the capture part has become largely theoretical. He had vowed to align the fight against Al Qaeda with American values; the chart, introducing people whose deaths he might soon be asked to order, underscored just what a moral and legal conundrum this could be.

Mr. Obama is the liberal law professor who campaigned against the Iraq war and torture, and then insisted on approving every new name on an expanding “kill list,” poring over terrorist suspects’ biographies on what one official calls the macabre “baseball cards” of an unconventional war.
So ok, now it's not the CIA anymore, that's killing people secretly. Now it's all legal and ok, and accepted by the public. Obama periodically approves a list of people to be killed. Now given that terrorism and the "war on terror" is an invention by the US, these people are not terrorists but simply people that bother the US government for some reason.

Obama Secret Kill List Not So Secret Anymore | Blog | Political Humor Satire | Comedy Central Indecision
It is the strangest of bureaucratic rituals: Every week or so, more than 100 members of the government’s sprawling national security apparatus gather, by secure video teleconference, to pore over terrorist suspects' biographies and recommend to the president who should be the next to die.

This secret "nominations" process is an invention of the Obama administration, a grim debating society that vets the PowerPoint slides bearing the names, aliases and life stories of suspected members of Al Qaeda's branch in Yemen or its allies in Somalia's Shabab militia.
I mean, given that Al Qaeda is a branch of the CIA, what the hell is a "secret list to kill terrorists"? Who are they really killing?
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CIA Asset Julian Assange is Going to Tell Us How To “CHANGE” the World Tomorrow « American Everyman
The rolling psyop known as Julian Assange is not done with us just yet.

After serving as the CIA’s front-man for the distribution of phony intel for a couple years (and getting paid well for it) and then living like a king in an English mansion under “house arrest” for 500 days (while the patsy Bradley Manning is in lock down 24/7), now Julian is getting his very own interview based TV show.

And what pray-tell is going to be his focus? He’s going to tell us which new “revolutionaries” we can trust. He’s going to tell us which direction we should take our revolution. He’s going to tell us how “we can change the world” as the global reaction to neoliberal globalization is starting to take off.

He’s going to tell us what the world will be tomorrow (if you’re naive enough to listen to people like Julian Assange, I will tell you what the world will be tomorrow: it will be Chile under the dictator Pinoche, Indonesia under Suharto, Russia under Yeltsin, . And that’s a fact)

Julian Assange lives with a globalist billionaire in the heart of the new imperialist England and he’s going to tell us 99%ers what we should be doing and which “politicians, revolutionaries, intellectuals, artists and visionaries” we should trust and follow.

Anyone else see an inherent problem with that?

With yet another economic collapse just off the horizon and the Occupy Spring taking shape and the entire European continent rioting, you don’t think steering the boiling over dissident movement would be something that the CIA, NSA, and the State Department would be interested in, do you?

If a psyop gets any more obvious than Julian Assange, I haven’t seen it. Well, maybe that woman from Libya who claimed she escaped a brutal 3 day gang rape and her first thought was to run to a hotel and hold a press conference. That’s probably a little more obvious. Or maybe Syrian Danny or the incubator babies story….but Julian of the Mansion ranks up there.

Great analysis (the whole article is right on). I will bookmark this blogger.

Assange is clearly a CIA shill and the whole truth movement knows it:
Jullian Assange is a paid shill and Wikileaks is a controlled disinformation front
The thread title is completely accurate.

The moment I heard Assange say he would not touch 9/11 I knew he was not to be trusted. Of course, that also applies to the whole Wikiscam.

However, the article by willyloman (cfr. first link) does a really good job at explaining how these psyops work. Another quote from it:
No… we don’t need Julian to tell us how to change the world, thank you very much. He took fake files from the State Department and handed them over to globalist institutions like the New York Times and Der Spiegel, turned a nifty little profit off of that, and then he went to bunk with some billionaire globalist in London for 500 days (or so they say) with a little tracker thing attached to his leg.

Most of the Wikileaks revelations served the interests of the global elites including falsely proclaiming that most of the Arab world is threatened by Iran which is bull****.At one time when people started seeing that his “leaks” never happened to mention anything done by Israel, he claimed he had some groundbreaking revelations coming out about that fascist government but they never materialized. Go figure.

John Young of Cryptome said years ago that he knew Assange and Wikileaks was a CIA honeypot from the start and he was correct.

Need to check out cryptome as well:

Now they are trying to cash in on his “street cred”, street cred that was given (“given”.. not earned) him by the likes of Amy Goodman, Glenn Greenwald, and Daniel Ellsberg.If you still that that is a group of true dissidents, I can’t help you.

All I can say about this State Department infomercial is: Don’t believe it folks and don’t watch it.

Let them know via their own ratings tools that we can’t be fooled by their Disneyesque smoke and mirrors.
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