well said, in the first two or three minutes: "the public is waking up", and this is thanks to the internet, and it applies to every field: medicine, media, politics.
This is much more than comedy: it's marketing. That's how people get fooled and don't look at what is going on, thinking that if he's good with babies, he'll be good with the country
Closest book to explaining what's really going on around us today
The capitalist elite, illuminati, round table elite, corporate elite, whatever you want to call them... do they use the medicine we use, are they vegetarians, do they eat what we eat and drink what we drink? This would be an interesting question?
Is rockefeller, bill gates a vegetarian? I'd like to know what they are doing after polluting us.
Because if the powers that be are polluting themselves and suffering from the corporate hijacking of government, then they're not the powers that be and there's no conspiracy but just a sick mechanism of events. For example, many journalists are playing their game and spreading lies while being in good faith. I wonder how much up you can go in the hierarchy of this mass deception and be in good faith. For example, bush knew about 911 but did he organize it? Webster Tarpley says no. Could anyone of bush's ministers not know about 911 and how events really happened? What is the percentage of members of congress who do not know that 911 was an inside job? I'd really like to know.
of course the cnn press whores won't tell you about the iran loves israel campaign... nope. Iran has nukiliar weapons and syria has a "deadly arsenal" of chemical weapons. "Chilling" story.