my journal 3

At the same Free Your Mind Conference, Webre talks about a "secret government":

Alfred Webre - Free Your Mind Conference 2011- YouTube

If we all agree that 911 was not by al kaeda but by the US government, we also have to agree that presidents do not count at all, because bush and obama cannot pull it off by themselves, and they're not smart nor strong enough to implement such an agenda. So, as Webre says, there's indeed a secret government.

Now... one could be skeptical on McCollum, but why would a JD from Yale, Webre, who could make millions by being part of the system, come out and say this stuff? That's why I am inclined to believe him.

"Inclined" because the tough part is when I hear stuff such as teleportation and time travel. That's the part I have a hard time believing.
There's secret stuff going on, and the witnesses are talking from all over the place:

Black Ops Marine & The Ultimate Warrior- YouTube

DUNCAN O'FINIOAN at the Project Camelot Awake and Aware Conference, Los Angeles, Sept 2009 - YouTube

I am convinced, but I have no evidence. So I was looking on the web for evidence to the contrary, and here's what I found:
David Corso: MK Ultra Super-Soldier | The 2012 Scenario
Lazarus Long permalink
September 6, 2010
These guys are both liars and are most likely trying to rip off the Veterans Administration for PTSD disability pay.

One even admits he was a radar technician in the Navy. Trust me, the USMC had plenty of infantry qualified snipers, and they never had to tap into the Navy for snipers.

What they are doing is backing up each others’ stories in order to give their own lies more credibility.

Assclowns of the Ides: Dave Corso & Duncan O’Finnoian « WeaponsMan
We need to have a regular feature about the irregular phonies who scam the public and the VA. What better time than the Ides of March? ("Beware, beware" as Shakespeare would say, and what to be more wary of than military impostors?) So on or near the Ides of each month (ides meaning middle, or the 15th, at least since 45 BC), we'll have the Assclown of the Ides. Since the 15th is day off here, the Ides is the 16th in January. We begin with a very special tag-team "winner." And these guys sure are winners.

Meet fake sniper, phony Marine, Black Ops (whuzzat?) imposter, Vietnam combat fraud, and 100% liar Dave Corso, and his sidekick Duncan O'Finnoian (maybe we have that backwards, and Duncan's the sphincter and Dave the dingleberry. But we don't really care).

This guy is probably the most phony phony to ever tell his confused, jacked-up, mentally-ill story. Well, except for the bimbo interviewing him and lapping this stuff up. And the other phony backing him up. They are an towering triumvirate of 'toopid, and the whole thing alternates between painful to watch, and so stupid it's unintentionally hilarious.

We don't expect you to suffer through this whole maundering waste of time and bandwidth, but fortunately another brain-dead -- they walk among us! -- has taken the trouble to transcribe the whole thing here, with his own credulous notes.

It's hard to pick a favorite point in this, but the idea of the "Marines' greatest sniper" being a guy who admits he was never in the Marines is right up there.

One more point in the video is purely priceless: two phonies react to a "psychic blast." These assclowns are too far over edge to be worth rebutting on every felony-stupid claim, but think about this: they're probably both scamming phony disabilities off the VA. Your tax dollars in action.

I have to investigate this further. I'd like to have a poll on all these different conspiracy theories and see how many people believe them, and what's the evidence. Kind of like this book:
A Culture of Conspiracy: Apocalyptic Visions in Contemporary America - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But not a book written by skeptic on everything, but by someone who at least believes JFK or 911 conspiracy theory. Because someone who believes none of them is clearly someone working for the CIA or an idiot, pretty much what i think of professor Barkun and Jonathan Kay.

If I had to write such a book, right now, I could only write that I know that the government is lying big time and that all those in power are ****ing assholes, but I would not be able to say what is behind it nor if MK-ultra ever took place. What I can say is that these guys at the top are lying and looking only after their own interests. And I can also say that the US is a police state and it assassinates its people secretly all the time. But I cannot say who these guys at the top are, when they meet, and what they say. I know bush and obama were the puppets for them, but I don't know who is behind them. I know who the accomplices but I have no idea who the masterminds are. Bush father? Or is he also an instrument of someone else? I thought he'd be the ultimate asshole, but I am not even sure about this.
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talking points

Talking point - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A talking point in debate or discourse is a succinct statement designed to persuasively support one side taken on an issue.[1][2][3][4] Such statements can either be free standing or created as retorts to the opposition's talking points and are frequently used in public relations, particularly in areas heavy in debate such as politics and marketing.

A political think tank will strategize the most effective informational attack on a target topic and launch talking points from media personalities to saturate discourse in order to frame a debate in their favor, standardizing the responses of sympathizers to their unique cause.[citation needed]

This is the key to understanding the secret agenda of the secret government and the only way to watch the news. Look for "talking points".

War On Terror Fear Campaign (montage) - YouTube

GOP Busted On Talking Points! - YouTube

This is how it all works. We have to look for what the talking points were before the war on terror started, in 2001 prior to 911, and we will understand what awaits us by watching the news today.

Before 911, they were telling us it was coming. If they're telling us there's a risk of something coming our way, then it means it'll happen. The hard part is identifying these talking points, because I never watch the news.


I found it!

Here it is:
Terrorists Attacks, Mass Murder and Aliens: Plans of the Global Elite for the 2012 Olympic Games :
The global Elite are using every angle, claiming every possible disaster to be fall the 2012 Olympic Games. From traditional terrorist groups to false flag alien invasion, this year’s games may just bring the global community one step closer to the endgame of One World Government.
While London becomes para-militarized with an influx of police and military grade armory, they seem to be playing out a prediction made by the Rockefeller Foundation in their predictive report published in 2010 entitled Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development .

The report details ways in which “technology could profoundly alter how we address some of the most pressing challenges in the developing world”, and suggest 4 “plausible” visions of the future.

One page 34, the report describes a massive and devastating terrorist attack that will claim the lives of over 13,000 people at the 2012 Olympic Games in London.
Terrorists Plan Cyanide Attack on Olympics - Global Agenda - News - Israel National News
Al Qaeda-linked terrorists are plotting a “hand cream attack with cyanide” on the London Olympics, the London Sun reported Monday.

A website, linked to terrorists, posted detailed instructions in Arabic on how to mix cyanide with a hand cream that can be absorbed through the skin, according to the newspaper.
So ok, they're planting these news in the corporate media, they had their plan years ago, so within a few weeks we will probably see some new false flag in London. I wouldn't bet on it though, because Blair is out of office.
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GOP debate evades ET disclosure issue, now on Obama White House website - Seattle exopolitics |

Representative Dennis Kucinich UFO - YouTube

Kucinich is the only good guy in congress together with Ron Paul, so I guess it's not a coincidence.

There's more that he didn't say, just like he and Ron Paul don't speak the whole truth about 911, the same applies to UFOs:

Check out how this press whore is treating Kucinich and his wife:

This must mean that they're good guys by definition.

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James Traficant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
James Anthony Traficant, Jr. (born May 8, 1941) was a Democratic politician and member of the United States House of Representatives from Ohio. He represented the 17th Congressional District, which centered on his hometown of Youngstown and included parts of three counties in northeast Ohio's Mahoning Valley. He was expelled after being convicted of taking bribes, filing false tax returns, racketeering, and forcing his aides to perform chores at his farm in Ohio and on his houseboat in Washington, D.C..[1] He was sentenced to prison and was released from prison on September 2, 2009, after serving a seven-year sentence.
Usual american hero, who gets killed or goes to jail. These are the real heroes. Not the presidents.

True American Hero, Former Congressman James Traficant - YouTube


The Death of American Democracy - YouTube

That's it. Israel is clearly at the top of the secret government: they're not alone, but they're right up there with the rest of the reptilians or whoever they are.

minute 8 seconds 30: "this is real democracy!": Netanyahu is a hilarious comedian.
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coming pandemic

Oracle Broadcasting Network - Archives - The American Awakening
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Investigative reporter Janet Phelan reports of her experience at the Bio-Weapons conference in Geneva Switzerland. Janet also gives an intersting philosophy on the Global Chess Game while Michael & Janet intermittently take your calls.

Is 2013 the Real 2012?
The announcements that the global pandemic will hit in 2013 have hardly been ear splitting. One has to be attentive to find these predictions, which are being made by such insiders as former Senators Jim Talent and Bob Graham (link youtube) both of the WMD center (The WMD Center | A Bipartisan Research Center). Also weighing in on the 2013 Big Bug scenario is Dr. Daniel Gerstein of the Department of Homeland Security. Gerstein made this prediction during a side event hosted by the US at the Biological Weapons Convention just last December.
Activist Post: Questions Persist as to US Arms Treaty Compliance

Panel Warns of a Biological Attack by 2013 - YouTube

This is it, the talking points i was talking about, the same that preceded 911. How do they know about the coming pandemic if they aren't the ones producing it?
There's an interesting thing that I should do today: it's a logical flowchart of the dynamics of the secret govrnment.

Everything starts from the most concrete proof that there is one: 911.

If 911 was an inside job, as I have no doubts, then comes this sequence of boxes:
2) the mainstream media is not doing its job as it told lies and kept quiet and who disagreed was silenced
3) the democrats and the republicans are working together, and not doing their job, as they told lies or kept quiet and who disagreed was silenced
4) the police, secret services and the military are not doing their job, as they told lies or kept quiet and who disagreed was silenced
5) all these entities not doing their job means they're not working for the general people in general but for whom? For the few people who decided 911, which means there is a secret government
6) furthermore if bush could pull it off 6 months into his presidency, then this means that not just the politicians in general but also the president is a puppet because there is no way he could have that kind of power and so someone else decided it for him: secret government
7) if there is a secret government that is so powerful, and doesn't have at heart the interest of the american people and lies to them, then it's a problem because it could have acted like this before and it can act like this again
8) so it's not just about the 3000 people who died but it's about a whole system of things - my father is a dick head because he says "hey, iraq alone is even worse than 911" but this is ridiculous, because i am not saying if 911 was an inside job, they're evil, but that if 911 was an inside job, there's a powerful secret government and we're all living a huge lie.

At the same time, in the same flowchart, I should find some space, maybe next to #1 (911 being an inside job), to place JFK and the moon landing (and all the rest of the lies). If those are lies as well, then it means this thing has been going on for decades, and so it's even a bigger problem.

Got it:

It says that anyone can edit it, so feel free to go there and improve it.


I am not expert at flowcharts. I might leave it here for now. Anyway, that's a great website to use for flowcharts.
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This is very promising:
The Real Deal with Jim Fetzer podcast

This should be the best show, because Jim Fetzer is an academic, yet not an idiot (rare combination), and he understands and says what's going on in the US:
James H. Fetzer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
James Henry Fetzer (born December 6, 1940 in Pasadena, California) is an American philosopher, professor emeritus at the University of Minnesota Duluth,[1] and a well-known conspiracy theorist.[2][3][dead link][4][dead link] He has written on the philosophy of science and on the theoretical foundations of computer science, artificial intelligence, and cognitive science. Two of his most recent books were on the evolution of intelligence and philosophical aspects of "the Christian Right's crusade against science". He is also an advocate of the 9/11 conspiracy[5] and John F. Kennedy assassination conspiracy theories. He has published three collections of studies on the death of JFK, co-authored another on the plane crash that took the life of Senator Paul Wellstone, and edited the first book from Scholars for 9/11 Truth, an organization he founded. Fetzer makes frequent appearances on radio and television.

This is what he has to say about wikipedia (we agree on this, too):

Professor James Fetzer Exposes Wikipedia org - YouTube

This is awesome:

O'Reilly vs Fetzer - YouTube

I really wonder if O'Reilly is so stupid to think what he says or so crooked to lie. After watching the whole video, I am convinced that O'Reilly is a total idiot, but he's in good faith, and the proof is that he hosted Fetzer. My father is just as much of an idiot, because he says the same things (at least until recently).

Here's more entertainment from the stupid mainstream media:

Another good link found on this website:
Scholars for 9/11 Truth - Audios and Videos

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Best debate ever on 911: with Tarpley Barrett Blakeney etc.mp3

Also the users' comments are good:
The Real Deal with Jim Fetzer podcast: Kevin Barrett, Joshua Blakeney, Webster Tarpley
John Friend
June 16, 2012 9:40 PM

Webster Tarpely may be the most insidious disinfo agent out there, right along with Alex Jones. All evidence points to 9/11 being a false flag PYSOP done by Israeli intelligence and dual citizen American Jews that largely control the US government, media, banking industry, and private sector. Virtually every single top level 9/11 war criminal is a Jew with ties directly to Israel. The only individuals arrested on 9/11 were Israeli Mossad agents with expertise in explosives and electronics intercepts. It's so obvious Israel did 9/11, and that Jews control the United States and much of the Western world, I cannot understand how anyone thinking clearly cannot recognize this fact.

June 25, 2012 3:26 PM

"All evidence points to 9/11 being a false flag PYSOP done by Israeli intelligence"

Please explain how Israel got Norad to stand down. Fly a missile into the Pentagon. Fake the evidence at Swanksville.

Surely, Israel had knowledge and might have taken part. But to claim that 9/11 was a complete Mossad operation is taking the extrapolation to far.

John Friend
June 26, 2012 10:39 PM

You forgot this part of my statement: "and dual citizen American Jews that largely control the US government, media, banking industry, and private sector."

Of course there were "American" elements involved in staging and covering up 9/11 - criminal elements in the military, media, government, ect. But, we have to understand that "America" is actually a Jewish-run Israeli puppet.

That's how they got Norad to stand down. That's how they flew a missile into the Pentagon. That's how they faked the evidence at Shanksville. Israeli partisans and agents completely control the government and media. They ran the entire show on 9/11, and continue to.

Is this not clear to you at this point? How much more obvious does it have to get before you and others understand these simple facts? And the million dollar question: when are we going to start saying these things out loud and do something about it?
This guy makes a lot of sense. John Friend, I mean. Like Cossiga said, I'd say that it's a joint operation (CIA-mossad).

It's like with Kennedy's assassination. It wasn't just LBJ who wanted him dead. It wasn't just the banksters. It wasn't just the freemasons. It was all of them put together. You need some consensus for 911 as well, and they needed to make everyone happy. So there was money to be made for everyone: military-industrial complex, media, oil companies... everyone, except those guys in Iraq, and the majority of the american people. Everyone at the top.
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