my journal 3

This is fascinating. This Telegraph journalist lists all the "conspiracy theories", explaining concisely the reason the official story is not believed, and yet he is clearly not believing the "conspiracy theory" but the "official story". It's pretty amazing how he can see the facts, list them, and yet not believe them:
The greatest conspiracy theories in history - Telegraph

It reminds me that other guy, debating a conspiracy theorist on CSPAN, which I posted yesterday or the day before. If you believe the government, no matter how much evidence I show you that the government is lying, you will unconsciously discard it, because it interferes with your beliefs. It's as if you said "since the government cannot be lying to me on this matter, let's find the proof that it's not lying". Personally I didn't approach these subject with the prejudice that the government was lying to me: yet there was too much evidence that it was lying for me to keep believing that... "how on earth would the government lie and especially hurt its own population?". The thing is that even if you have a Ph.D. you might ignore or not acknowledge the possibility that the government is not "good" and that it can hurt its own people.

For example, this is what they write on 911, which they rate the top conspiracy theory (out of 30 they list). I am stressing in red the appalling parts of their thinking:
1. September 11, 2001 - Thanks to the power of the web and live broadcasts on television, the conspiracy theories surrounding the events of 9/11 - when terrorists attacked the World Trade Centre in New York and the Pentagon in Washington - have surpassed those of Roswell and JFK in traction. Despite repeated claims by al-Qaeda that it planned, organised and orchestrated the attacks, several official and unofficial investigations into the collapse of the Twin Towers which concluded that structural failure was responsible and footage of the events themselves, the conspiracy theories continue to grow in strength.

At the milder end of the spectrum are the theorists who believe that the US government had prior warning of the attacks but did not do enough to stop them. Others believe that the Bush administration deliberately turned a blind eye to those warnings because it wanted a pretext to launch wars in the Middle East to usher in another century of American hegemony. A large group of people - collectively called the 9/11 Truth Movement - cite evidence that an airliner did not hit the Pentagon and that the World Trade Centre could not have been brought down by airliner impacts and burning aviation fuel alone. This final group points to video evidence which they claim shows puffs of smoke - so-called demoliton squibs - emerging from the Twin Towers at levels far below the aircraft impact zones and prior to the collapses. They also believe that, on the day itself, the US air force was deliberately stood down or sent on exercises to prevent intervention that could have saved the lives of nearly 3,000 people.

Many witnesses - including firemen, policemen and people who were inside the towers at the time - claim to have heard explosions below the aircraft impacts (including in basement levels) and before both the collapses and the attacks themselves. As with the assassination of JFK, the official inquiry into the events - the 9/11 Commission Report - is widely derided by the conspiracy community and held up as further evidence that 9/11 was an "inside job". Scientific journals have consistently rejected these hypotheses.
Here's a few other good and similar links:
Articles > 33 Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True, What Every Person Should Know... (Updated, Revised and Extended)
Conspiracy Theories Are Often True + Diana | Stuart Wilde
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It can't be the jews, nor the mossad nor the zionists - NOT without the full complicity, conviction and even initiative of the CIA-FBI-presidency, but it's still an interesting documentary:

9/11: September 11 Terrorist Attacks - Missing Links - YouTube

At the most it's been the CIA (and the rest of them) PLUS the zionist-israeli elite. I am not saying all jews because that wouldn't make any sense since they're at the top of everything, including the peace movement, anti-bush and anti-zionism... so it don't make sense to blame the jews as a whole.

The interesting thing I found out while watching this documentary is that the ****-sucker "moderating" the conspiracy debate was far from having the requirements for being considered impartial!!!


FULL INTERVIEW: David Frum - YouTube

And watch how this ****-sucker was chosen to moderate a debate on the very subject he was the most biased on!!! Which is to say: 911!!! He is one of the group that created the 911 fraud and he was invited to moderate a debate that said 911 was a fraud. How pathetic a choice. And no wonder he spent the whole debate ridiculing the skeptics on the 911 myth he had created. He's the mind that created the concept of "axis of evil" - probably long before the attack even took place. Shame on him and his buddies.

C-SPAN 9/11 Conspiracy Debate Webster Tarpley Versus Jonathan Kay - YouTube

Jonathan Kay was another ****-sucker for choosing Frum as moderator. Two ****-suckers sucking each other's dick for the full hour of debate. At the expense of Tarpley and the audience, who just happened to know the truth, and got insulted and ridiculed the whole the whole time, by these evil three ****-suckers, because we also have to count the other ****-sucker introducing the moderator. 3 ****-suckers sucking each other at the expense of the truth. And poor tarpley had the 3 assholes against him - PLUS the risk of getting whacked by the CIA like many others before who have spoken the truth. I admit it. You can't have it all: speaking the truth feels good. So it is only fair that those who go to the trouble of lying, get compensated somehow. You know how hard it is to lie? You have to fight everything they taught you from birth. Oh, right: then again they might have had different parents. Maybe reptilian parents. I couldn't explain it otherwise. Because they're either in bad faith or utterly stupid - don't matter where they went to college.
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reasoning on some discretionary method

I used to have two things driving me to do discretionary trading: restlessness and drive to make money. Now that restlessness should be gone or that at least I am planning on getting rid of it, I still want to figure out a profitable method, because I want to trade for the money - given that, once again, having blown out my account, I do not have enough capital to trade automated (they have a bigger drawdown).

So I was thinking on finding a discretionary method (which is somewhat a contradiction, because if it's discretionary it is not a fully defined method), to make money rather than answer my need for action.

The traded future is the NQ, mini-nasdaq.

The hour is the first hour after the markets open (the underlying), which is from 15.30 until 16.30 CET (Central European Time). There's always a reversal and what we all want when we trade is precisely a reversal.

Today is a holiday, but starting from tomorrow, once I get home, which is at about 15.30, I will start trying to catch that one reversal in that hour.

The objective is to know that hour inside out and understand what kind of timeframe and stoploss I'll need, in order to be as profitable as possible. The biggest loss I could afford is 100 dollars per missed trade, but I am going to try and keep it down to as low as 20 dollars stoplosses, which is 4 ticks on the NQ.

A good thing to do would be to backtest this system. I'll download the data from IB and do it. All I need is 3 months. That should be plenty to identify a profitable method. Then I will use whatever history I find, as an out-of-sample. If it works, I will then execute it manually, because my other automated systems are on a much wider timeframe so it wouldn't fit with them.

It will be a trading system, and thus a system with univocal rules, but it will be executed manually.

I will start by using it in paper trading.

So my next step is to backtest and come up with a system for that first hour of trading. Even before that I need to download the data from IB.

This is going to be so simple that it almost hurts. To have lost all this money merely because I got restless, when I could have created yet another trading system, this time to be executed manually. A lot of regrets. But I am alive so I should look forward instead of thinking what could have been. It's going to be easy. It sucks how easy it's going to be. The hardest part will be to download the data and set it up on tradestation, which will take me a total of 2 hours. Then there's going to be the creation of the system. This will take me a few days, but it will be easier because less boring. What's boring is heavy. Then the forward-testing (in this case manual paper trading), which will be exciting, but will take 2 weeks. Then I am done. Within a month I'll be trading this thing, that still doesn't exist.
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Everyone is reasoning on what the next false flag attack will be...

London Olympics, nuclear attack from Iran or HAARP?

If it is the London Olympics, we will know within just a month.
False Flag Attack Alert: Illuminati Planning Something For London Olympics!!! | Paranoid News - UFOs, Conspiracies and the end of the world. Get Paranoid!
I hope it is as soon as the Olympics, because I am getting tired of coming to work, so if something has to happen, it better happen soon. I need some sort of global collapse for my bank to go bust and so I don't have to come to the office any longer.

If Rockefeller still has any muscle, then my dreams will be fulfilled soon:
A 2010 Rockefeller Foundation document entitled “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development” outlines a scenario which results in the death of 13,000 during the 2012 Olympics.

The first worrying prediction begins in 2012 when ‘the pandemic the world had been anticipating for years’, finally hits, infecting nearly 20 percent of world population and claiming 8 million lives. Due to this pandemic, the Rockefeller Foundation outlines how the public will welcome a more authoritative government and a tighter control across all aspects of life, including Biometric IDs for all citizens.

In the document, the Rockefeller Foundation ‘predicts’ that the decade of 2010-2020 will be named “The Doom Decade”, because of a wave of terrorist attacks, natural disasters as well as civil uprisings and financial collapses.
I need some natural disasters pronto, because I am really fed up with the office life here. It all makes sense. You see, ObamaCare has, on page 1000 something, the RFID chip, but no one wants the chip in his hand right now, no matter how much the press whores keep pushing it. So, they're going to cause some bio-weapon, some disease epidemic sort of thing, to convince all of us that we urgently need those chips. Once that happens, we're really doomed. But maybe my bank will go bust, and I will go the island and become an "unscannable" like that scene in Idiocracy:

Idiocracy - YouTube

CIA asset exposes nuke false flag attack on U.S - David Icke's Official Forums
The Stage Is Set For a Nuclear False Flag :
U.S. and Israel Set Stage for False Flag and Iran Attack :
Nuclear Armed Terrorists Threat To Britain! Is The West Being Setup for Operation BlackJack – False Flag Nuclear Attacks! « Socio-Economics History Blog

Release the Kraken! Next False Flag Will Involve HAARP - Video Dailymotion

This is a good summary of why they have taken place and will continue:
False Flag Operations have been a strategic method of Elite Governments to gain control on many platforms through out history. One of the earliest accounts of a False Flag Operation taking place is in 47 BC when Julius Caesar used a series of riots and arson attacks that he paid for and commanded to destabilise the Roman Republic before marching his Legions across the Rubicon and into Rome, where he took power and declared himself Emperor.

That may indeed be the earliest one known but since this kind of operation is so effective it seems plausible that even earlier in Human history there have been others.

United States history is filled with False Flag Operations since almost the beginning of our country. There are theories going all the way back to the Battle of Tripoli and carrying through the Civil War, Spanish-American War all the way to present time. I

f you had asked most people prior to the Sept. 11th, 2001 operation, where the World Trade Center and Pentagon were “attacked”, if they had heard of a False Flag Operation they would have most likely said no. There is a good reason for that due to the fact that an operation of that size had not taken place since our government purposely ignored the Intel received that the Naval Japanese Armada was planning an attack on Pearl Harbor. That was about 70 years ago and most Americans who were alive back then were not during 9/11....

This article is as precious as gold:
False Flag Operations fall under the umbrella of Black Operations. Black Operations are of course Above Top Secret covert operations done by such special forces as the U.S. Navy SEALS, Delta Force, CIA, DEA and the rest of the military branches as well as other government agencies.

Black Operations are utilized for a number of reasons and I will name just a few. It is important to understand that most Black Operations are executed through the Pentagon but on some occasions it is a Military Industrial Complex Co-Op. By that I mean the Pentagon will work jointly with a private multinational company or institution if there is the opportunity for both sides to gain something out of it. Such Black Operations are assassinations, industrial espionage, force reconnaissance, Psy-Ops, Abductions, Drug Trafficking, False Flag Operation and more.

Such wise words:
By now most know what kind of Operations in this category take place but what maybe less known are the multitude of outcomes sought after for further use of the accomplished mission. Let us just briefly look at Sept. 11th, 2001 for a moment. The operation took place for a number of reasons from financial to further implementation of the Police State of the U.S. Just shortly before the attack it was reported that the Pentagon had quite a lot of our tax money unaccounted for.

What happened? The office area of the Pentagon that was filled with the Department of Defense auditors were “taken out”. How convenient. We also watched the PATRIOT Act get rushed through Washington D.C. literally over night. Then came the integration of dozens of Federal agencies to form the Department of Homeland Security. The Transportation Security Administration was born as well. The “attack” caused a public outcry to allow the controllers to roll out the troops in Operation Enduring Freedom in 2001 and then Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003.Then there is the crucial Fear Factor which is the greatest effect of a False Flag Operation.

He's so intelligent that he manages to be funny and wise at once:
Lately I have been trying to not use the term Sheeple for all of these walking Zombies because to be quite honest…I don’t want to insult the Sheep anymore. The most common outcome after these operations is the massive fear. Suddenly and even before the dust had settled in New York City, all of these people came out of their caves to wave Admiralty flags and demand our government go kill those evil brown people.

A lot of these people most likely couldn’t even recite the Pledge of Allegiance or know what the Fourth Amendment is. Yet there they were in a crowd of Fear induced mind control like droves of zombies calling for blood. This detrimental effect is known as BLIND PATRIOTISM. Blind Patriotism is the biggest upside the executors of a False Flag get because while everyone is angry and scared of this “enemy” the government is implementing the REAL agenda.

But this guy also believes in reptilians and even more, so it might be true as well...
McCollum, Time Travel and Murder: An Interview/Review | Disinformation

Time travel, too? It could very well be so. Since the rest of what he says is so wise.

I have to watch all the youtube videos with McCollum as soon as I get home, but first of all today I have download all the NQ data I can get, on a 1-minute timeframe, from IB.

Synthetic Terror and False Flag Operations - YouTube

15 minutes Of Manufactured Fear that will change your life. - YouTube
Last edited: rules. It has the best material ever:
Recent Guests |
I found McCollum on his website. I've seen him on the web before, youtube and such.

Here Jim Fetzer addresses what I've been asking myself recently on the Mossad involvement, given that so many say it was all done by the Zionists:
Is “9/11 Truth” Based Upon a False Theory? |
The evidence presented in those studies about (1) the Pentagon attack and (2) the planes in New York and (3) the demolition of the Twin Towers here not only falsifies the official account of 9/11 but also implicates the Department of Defense in the case of (1) and the national media in the case of (2) with its deceit and deception in perpetrating fraud on the American people. While I have no doubt that the Mossad was involved, it could not have been responsible for the “stand down” of the US Air Force on 9/11 nor for the failure of the Pentagon to take measures to protect itself from an aircraft, whose approach was known to Dick Cheney and to the pilot of a C-130, who was circling the building at the time. The Mossad is far more likely to have been deeply involved in (3) the destruction of the Twin Towers.
As I said repeatedly, the Mossad may have been involved, and there's plenty of jews at the top of the US government, but it is not something that was done by them alone. Impossible. At least 50-50 with the rest of the elite.

This person, Jim Fetzer, is the most knowledgeable person I've ever read on 911, and the article is the most detailed article I've ever read:
Is “9/11 Truth” Based Upon a False Theory? |

Oh, no wonder! He is the founder of Scholars for 9/11 Truth:
Scholars for 9/11 Truth - Home

I should do a chart and rank all these guys, from most reliable to least reliable. This guy would be the most reliable I think. I need to do this once I get home.
Now within the 9/11 community, we have the 9/11
community official account, which is that thermite and
thermate was used to control it, and there’s a group
which is enforcing that in an analogous way to Fox News
and the federal government’s mechanism, and that
includes 911blogger and it apparently also includes
Loose Change forum (which has forbidden the discussion
of certain topics), and even Jack Blood’s forum, which
I find very disappointing. And those are a few of the
many forums that seem to [be] channeling discussion, so
that if you want to talk about alternative hypotheses –
no matter how much more probable they might be in terms
of offering hypotheses that can explain the evidence,
when you actually become familiar with all the evidence
– they’re being ruled out, just as discussion about
anything other than hijackers was ruled out by Fox News
and the federal government.

So I want to congratulate those who are on the other
side here for operating in the same oppressive manner
as Fox News and the federal government in seeking to
constrain research about 9/11. It’s completely
authoritarian, unscientific. It’s a form of
disinformation and principals who seem to be playing a
role here in channeling research within these narrow
boundaries include Steven Jones, Alex Jones, Kevin Ryan
and Jim Hoffman.
Very good points. This guy is the best of the best.
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list of conspiracy theorists started

I got started on that work to analyze conspiracy theorists and how much I trust them:


This list could probably go beyond 100 people. So there's going to be quite a bit of work to do.
Hilarious... listen to this sellout disinfo engineer bitch and how she argues the impossible, and bob tuskin and Fetzer confront her in different ways with the truth:

Jim Fetzer's bizarre phone call to Judy Wood. (part 1 of 2) - YouTube

There's a problem... she convinced Jesse Ventura:

Gov. Jesse Ventura talks about Dr. Judy Wood's work on The Alex Jones Show- YouTube

I am going to have to reconsider this, because I have great esteem for Jesse. Whatever it is, Jesse won't convince me that Bin Laden did this. If he tries to, then he's gone crazy.
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aaron mccullum

Still unsure about aaron mccullum. He says incredible things, especially about extra-terrestrials.

But he doesn't seem to be lying at all.

On forums on the other hand, half of the people say he's lying and the other half say he's telling the truth.

Aaron McCollum's website?
There is no logic behind what he says.

He seems to be making it up as he goes along. He is, however, in my view a very good con man.He seems to have drawn alot of attention to himself, and in the process, taken away yet another string of the hard work that many good people are out their doing.

I do, on a personal bases feel that he is a plant to discredit the "movement".

Forgetting my view, I respect your views and would not for one second consider bashing them.

Be Safe

I posted this on another thread, but wanted to also reiterate it here. Aaron is the real deal due to the following:
1. He is making up for his past wrongdoings by being the very best, most honest person he can be. He expresses his emotions truthfully, and admits when he is wrong.
2. He addresses real issues and provides solutions on his website such as: Monsanto (the issue) and organic gardening (solution). I just watched his video on compost bins and learned so much!!!!!
3. He answers all emails personally, and doesn’t bitch & moan about how he “can’t possibly do so….”
4. He doesn’t ask for a dime & rejects donations.
5. He walks his talk. Period. I love the kid, and I don’t even know him personally. He has a big heart!
If I had to make a bet, I'd bet he's telling the truth.


Damn... I was wrong, most likely, and would have lost the bet:
The Aaron McCollum Saga « O'Finioan's Blog
O'Finioan's Blog

The Aaron McCollum Saga

October 13, 2010 at 7:29 pm (News)
It would seem that Facebook went abuzz today over my comments about Aaron McCollum. Everyone seems to want to know what this war is between Aaron and myself. The fact of the matter is Aaron is a lying, fame-hungry little boy. Aaron is also, in my opinion, a total sociopath. Now, this is my opinion. Aaron has never addressed the issues of the lies that have been brought to his attention on the interview discussed in my reply to him. He merely tries to twist it, as a sociopath does, to deflect any wrongdoing.

What I’m trying to say here folks, is that Aaron doesn’t take responsibility for anything he does or says. He never addresses direct questions or issues, merely tries to, as stated, twist everything. As you will see in my reply to his e-mail to me from this morning, I gave him a chance to come clean. And he says for me not to push him. Well folks, I’m going to say this one time and one time only: I don’t give a damn who turns their backs on me over this. I don’t give a damn who ever speaks to me over this, and I don’t give a damn what Mr. McColuum thinks, says, or does, but by Gods, the truth is the truth. Aaron, you flat out lied, and you refuse to take responsibility for it.

So here it is. Read it. Make your own determination. I am done with this little tough guy.

Love and Light to you Aaron. Blessings. Yes, I was being condescending.

From: [email protected] <[email protected]>
Subject: I thought we had a deal
To: [email protected]
Date: Wednesday, October 13, 2010, 12:47 PM

Your Name: Aaron
Email: [email protected]
Comment: I agreed I wouldn’t ever speak about you again and you agreed the same. Now I see in your Blog you say I am “boot full of cold ****”

No more Duncan. We had an agreement old man. Don’t push me or I will push back.

From: Duncan O’Finioan <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Sent: Wed, October 13, 2010 6:36:47 PM
Subject: Re: I thought we had a deal


The “deal”, as I remember it, is that you went public and admitted your falsehoods in your second interview with Kerry Cassidy. You have not done that. And so it would seem, you have no intentions to do so. Rest assured, I can fix that.

There is one thing I do need to apologize for. I called you a boot full of cold **** — I mean to say a boot half filled with cold ****. You say that you agreed to never speak of me again, well Aaron, again you lied. I have found numerous interviews via Google where you have used me as reference to support your story.

Aaron, you have done more harm to the cause in the short period of time you have been doing interviews than 20 other people combined. Let’s play question and answer for a moment, shall we Aaron?

The first questions echo the questions of thousands of others out there, except of course for your “flock” who as it seems would fall on their swords for you if you shed enough tears.

In the short period of time between your first interview with Kerry Cassidy and your second interview with Kerry Cassidy, please explain how you went from knowing virtually nothing in the first interview to knowing virtually everything in your second interview. How is that possible? It was so blatantly obvious in the second interview that you were making up answers on the fly, and not only obvious to me, but to thousands of others. It damaged every one of us.

You had the opportunity to set that right through legitimate damage control and man up about it. Oh, sorry, you’re not old enough to be a man, are you?

Next question, Aaron, where are all the hundreds of pages of documents that you not only promised me and Kerry Cassidy, but everyone out there that listens to you? Where are they? And no, Aarron, I’m not talking about the decades old documents that you found online and printed out. That trick has been used by dozens of so-called whistleblowers out there.

Damn. Now I think O'Finioan is right and McCollum has fooled me. But he definitely was involved in this crap. So he partly lied and partly was involved. (There's a lot more on that link to read that I didn't quote).
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Michael Barkun

Michael Barkun - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A Culture of Conspiracy: Apocalyptic Visions in Contemporary America - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Major book on conspiracy theories, very famous, but unfortunately it's from a skeptical point of view, included on 911: Documents/A Culture Of Conspiracy - Michael Barkun.pdf
Conspiracists quickly responded to the attacks. They rejected the conventional explanation that Al Qaeda was responsible, because they already had an ample reservoir of evildoers on whom to pin blame. They also already believed that the conspiracy had an accelerated timetable for the New World Order takeover, so the magnitude of the attacks appeared to constitute confirmation of preexisting

None were willing to attribute the attacks to Osama bin Laden and his organization. Indeed, for believers in secret knowledge, the breadth of support for the Al Qaeda explanation made it prima facie suspect.

It is fascinating how these academics, such as this Michael Barkun idiot and Jonathan Kay idiot (cfr. previous posts), are so consistent and hard-working in reviewing all the conspiracy theories on 911 (and others), reading all the books and the evidence, and yet manage to still believe the official government account. You've got to be completely stupid and naive to do so: you've got to consistenly reject (unconsciously) all the things you read. I don't believe they are in bad faith. They're just extremely stupid. Regarding 911, there's simply too much evidence, hundreds of clues as to the involvement of the government. The pictures alone would be enough, and there's hundreds of them. The written facts and timeline alone would be enough. The audios would be enough. The interviews. The names. The owners of buildings and companies... the evidence is overwhelming. And these guys are still saying that we're a bunch of nuts. Instead you have to be a nut to research all this, read about all the evidence and not open your eyes.

The thing is that once you open your eyes about 911, you can easily open your eyes about everything else, too. The moon landing, JFK, Oklahoma City Bombing, Gulf Oil Spill. All these lies are alive because: 1) you believe your government is good and doesn't lie, 2) you believe the press is good and doesn't lie, and other facts that crumble as soon as you open your eyes about 911. Because you understand that if the government, the companies, the CIA-FBI, the press have cheated you on 911, then they could have done it before as well, and might have done it after it.

People commonly think that if Clinton got his ass kicked for the Monica Lewinski thing and Nixon for Watergate, that means the press is vigilant and nothing worse could ever happen, but this is hilarious. Those things made it to the mainstream media simply because they weren't big enough to motivate the murder of journalists. The smaller they are, the more they make it to the mainstream media.

People commonly think that if Republicans are giving a hard time to Clinton for smoking marijuana and Democrats to bush for doing cocaine, then we can rely on the political struggle to look after our interests, but once again there is struggle only because these issues are small enough to not get killed for exposing them. If a politician tried to shame George Bush father for being a pedophile, he'd have gotten killed. As did happen to the few who tried (you can google plenty of info on this, too).

Damn, I wish I spoke German. This library is very useful and it has a lot of nazi audio-visuals:
Welcome to WNLibrary » Free Online Library
These Nazi audio-visuals would be very useful in understanding what's going on today in the US.

We've had the reichstag fire with 911 and we've had Obama Jugend, too:
Congress approves Obama Jugend

The next parallel is World War 2. I am waiting for that to unfold.
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I can't believe what I'm hearing...

Interview #2 w/ Laura Eisenhower: Mars Agenda, Illuminati Origins, Positive Timeline, Teleportation - YouTube

I'm gonna need some evidence. At least a video of one reptilian. I wish there were a skeptical interviewer with these people, instead of one nodding his head.

Even a debate would be good. Can't accept any longer one person telling these stories, whether Eisenhower or David Icke or Webre.

This is the interviewer, pretty simple-minded but makes good points:

My Message To Barack Obama - YouTube
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