my journal 3

I wanted to look for some debates among "conspiracy theorists" (because there's some disagreement among them as to the truths), I didn't find it, but I found this excellent debate between a "conspiracy theorist" and a "healthy" member of the sheeple, who has a point of view similar to my father's:

C-SPAN 9/11 Conspiracy Debate: Webster Tarpley Versus Jonathan Kay - YouTube

Good reasoning, some wrong some right, but good ideas in the video.

It is interesting how in the audience almost everyone is a "conspiracy theorist", but the people organizing the debate and moderating it are against conpiracy theories. Jonathan Kay is good guy but very naive and it's hilarious (and yet logical from his point of view) at minute 14 to 17, when he says that conspiracies such as 911 cannot take place in the western world because there's independent media. Everyone keeps laughing at him, from the audience. What is useful in this debate is that now i understand my father and others who don't understand me: they believe the media is independent, they trust the media and therefore they say that conspiracies are impossible because such big secrets could not be kept. They're perfectly logical but the problem is that their premise is wrong: neither the media nor the politicians are independent.

I would say this is the best link of the week, for me at least, because I already know what the other videos I posted are going to say. But this branch of conspiracy theorists debating non-conspiracy theorists is a fascinating one. I need to explore it further. Because it reveals how people think and how on earth so many people can be wrong and unaware of the truth. The reason is precisely that they are the majority, and each one of them believes in the majority being right.

This very precious video has... 139 views. That proves how much the majority is always right. They're so wrong that they've not even looked at it.

What is pathetic and annoying is the moderator, who keeps on attacking webster tarpley, so he's not acting as a moderator, as pointed out by someone in the audience at minute 56. These two arrogant idiots (the moderator is in bad faith) think they just can just treat everyone as an idiot. Just because they have a good education (webster tarpley does as well).

In the end Tarpley wins, thanks to help from the audience, and the asshole Frum shuts up.
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Dennis Kucinich speaks about secret congress meeting!!! - YouTube

House Of Reps Secret Meeting - YouTube

The American Awakening - Michael Herzog
About Michael
In the fall of 2005, growing increasingly skeptical of content being reported via 'Mainstream Media' outlets, Michael Herzog arose from his sofa and walked over to his seldom used computer. Unbeknownst to him at the time, his journey through cyberspace, accompanied by his Private Investigator credentials, would lead down a path to some very disconcerting realities. Over the next few months, he began to uncover, dissect and analyze what would amount to volumes of writings, news articles, books, videos, magazine publications. Cross referencing & verifying some material as well as discounting other, he eventually came to the disturbing conclusion that the American People are not being told the truth about their Government, its agenda, the war effort, the so called 'War on Terror, the 'War on Drugs,' vaccines, pharmaceuticals, the banking system along with scores of other issues that would contribute to deligent Americans making informed decisions.

Good, another american woke up. You see, it doesn't matter how old you are - it's never too late to wake up.
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Usual press whores (just the title would be enough):
Teaching 9/11 history to students too young to remember
...And 10 years have barely tamped down numerous conspiracy theories, such as one alleging that a controlled demolition brought down the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City. As recently as March 2010, a poll found that 15% of Americans thought this theory was "credible."
Yup, 15% of Americans have managed to find out the truth... despite years of lying by press whores like you.
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Remember Frank Serpico (portrayed in the movie Serpico by Al Pacino)?
Frank Serpico - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Not surprisingly he agrees with us (intelligent and honest minority) on everything.

Frank Serpico: "The Human Race Has Been Sold Out" - YouTube

Retired NYPD Officer Frank Serpico: American Drug War is A Lie, Just Like 9/11! 1/3 - YouTube

His blog:
Official Frank Serpico Blog

Saturday, January 21, 2012
Obama is big on words short on wisdom.

Serpicos blog: Eating Skittles While Black
We must not blame the laws but rather the improper implementation, interpretation and enforcement of said laws.

How come the press didn't pick this up? It would be nice to read an article or see him on CNN saying what he thinks about 911. I guess he is not credible, because of his past and legendary honesty. He's so honest that he was homeless for a few years.

#570) SERPICO (1973) - YouTube

Watch Serpico online - download Serpico - on 1Channel | LetMeWatchThis


Actually there is an article on Serpico in 2010 on the New York Times, but they didn't allow him to say what he thinks about 911 and the US government:

Actually they even discredit him in a few paragraphs. Overall it's a crappy article written by an idiot journalist. But it has this nice picture:

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Been talking to the cabbie on the way to work. I took the opportunity to ask him if he believed that September 11th was really organized by Bin Laden. He fell in that group that does believe it, and he told me that Bin Laden admitted he did it, and why else would he admit it if he hadn't done it? He asked me where I found the evidence to the contrary, and I said on the internet, and he said "internet can't be trusted". All as expected, but I'll keep asking more taxi drivers in the future.

I'm sure if I asked taxi drivers in new york rather than rome, they'd be much wiser.
Richard Gage and

It is fascinating how Richard Gage and his friends are fighting this fight for truth, year after year, and succeeding. These guys have had an impact as important as what Alex Jones has done.

European Tour 2008 Press Release
The relevance people feel 9/11 still has on their lives, has increased if anything, and there is no better indicator of this than the prevalence of conspiracy theories, and the ever growing numbers of the population giving them credence. Instrumental to this ground-swell in critical opinion of the official story are the rising number of credible figures supporting them, and there is no better example of this than the coalition Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth. The group is comprised of over 500 Architects and Engineers who publicly demand a new investigation into the event. Following highly successful U.S. tours, they are now crossing the Atlantic to tour across Europe, including London, this November.

The group was founded and is led by Richard Gage, AIA, an architect of 20 years who designs steel-framed fire-proofed structures. In his presentation he promises to discuss the shortcomings of the official investigations: suppressed, ignored, and destroyed evidence; faulty computer models; contradictory collapse mechanisms; and implausible assumptions. Ultimately, Gage claims, there is a growing body of evidence to suggest the twin towers and world trade centre seven were brought down through controlled demolition.

Gage's claims and those of the group he is representing on this tour may raise eyebrows and stir tempers, but there is no questioning that these experts in building design are qualified to analyse the building failures, and considering the changes in our way of life 9/11 has been used to justify, it may be time to start at least listening to what they have to say.

"The over 500 A&E's that I represent want to know why the official reports left out all of the crucial scientific forensic evidence of the explosive controlled demolition of all 3 WTC high-rise buildings on 9/11." — Richard Gage, AIA

They even traveled to europe:
European Tour 2008
London, 6-11-08
Of the 250 gracious Brits in attendance, we had 27 believing in the "official story" of the collapses of the Twin Towers (gravitational collapse due to plane impacts and structural weakening from fire) before the presentation and 0 (zero) believing in it afterward! (The truth speaks for itself.) We had 40 who were unsure before hand and just 14 afterward. Not bad numbers...

Madrid, 7-11-08
We had 237 show up. 46 were architects and engineers! Great job Gregg, Eugenio, Diana, Benjamin and the rest of the 9/11 Truth Madrid team!

Before the meeting 16 had indicated that they believed the official story and 79 were unsure. Afterwards 0 (zero – again!) believed the official story and only 11 were unsure. The remainder showed belief in the controlled demolition theory. The numbers are fairly impressive — especially with so many A&E's aboard!

Vienna, 8-11-08
Of the 85 Austrians in attendance, six believed in the "official story" of the WTC Twin Towers "collapses" before the presentation and 38 were unsure. Afterwards only one still believed the official conspiracy theory story and only six were "unsure". Not bad for a lot of first exposures to the complex world of 9/11 Truth. It turns out it is also quite difficult to get decent media exposure in Austria as well as the rest of Europe.

Why do we have to fight an up-hill battle in this world when we have truth on our side. Are our collective societies on this planet so dark? What a wake up call! We have so much work to do. Let's enlighten everyone — no matter how difficult, how much resistance there is, or how long it takes! There is nothing else worth doing more. This is our mission and we accept it.

And the list goes on and on.

Project Censored
Top Censored Stories of 2012

1. More US Soldiers Committed Suicide Than Died in Combat
2. US Military Manipulates the Social Media
3. Obama Authorizes International Assassination Campaign
4. Global Food Crisis Expands
5. Private Prison Companies Fund Anti–Immigrant Legislation
6. Google Spying?
7. U.S. Army and Psychology’s Largest Experiment–Ever
8. The Fairytale of Clean and Safe Nuclear Power
9. Government Sponsored Technologies for Weather Modification
10. Real Unemployment: One Out of Five in US
11. Trafficking of Iraqi Women Rampant
12. Pacific Garbage Dump—Did You Really Think Your Plastic Was Being Recycled?
13. Will a State of Emergency Be Used to Supersede Our Constitution?
14. Family Pressure on Young Girls for Genitalia Mutilation Continues in Kenya
15. Big Polluters Freed from Environmental Oversight
16. Sweatshops in China Are Making Your iPods While Workers Suffer
17. Superbug Bacteria Spreading Worldwide
18. Monsanto Tries to Benefit from Haiti’s Earthquake
19. Oxfam Exposes How Aid Is Used for Political Purposes
20. US Agencies Trying to Outlaw GMO Food Labelling
21. Lyme Disease: An Emerging Epidemic
22. Participatory Budgeting – A Method to Empower Local Citizens & Communities
23. Worldwide Movement To Ban or Charge Fees For Plastic Bags
24. South Dakota Takes Extreme Measures to Be the Top Anti–Abortion State
25. Extension of DU to Libya

By Andrew Hobbs and Peter Phillips

Hyperreality is the inability to distinguish between what is real and what is not. Corporate media, Fox in particular, offers news that creates a hyperreality of real world problems and issues. Consumers of corporate television news—especially those whose understandings are framed primarily from that medium alone—are embedded in a state of excited delirium and knowinglessness.

Corporate Media hasn’t acted as a cohesive, protective “fourth estate” in several decades, instead gilding lilies such as the Iraq war, torture and the true extent of Hurricane Katrina’s devastation. Contemporary corporate news is best seen in a post-modern context of hyperreality. The news from US networks is based on the presentations of partially factual stories framed inside socio-emotional story lines that juxtapose “evil” with patriotism and Christian fervor. There are multiple examples of this, but we will examine two distinct cases...

The American people face a serious moral dilemma. Murder and war crimes have been conducted in their name. Yet most Americans have no idea of the magnitude of deaths and tend to believe that they number in the thousands and are primarily Iraqis killing Iraqis. Corporate mainstream media are in large part to blame. The question then becomes how can this mass ignorance and corporate media deception exist in the United States and what impact does this have on peace and social justice movements in the country?[iv]

Truth Emergency and Media Reform

In the United States today, the rift between reality and reporting has peaked. There is no longer a mere credibility gap, but rather a literalTruth Emergency in which the most important information affecting people is concealed from view. Many Americans, relying on the mainstream corporate media, have serious difficulty accessing the truth while still believing that the information they receive is the reality. A Truth Emergency reflects cumulative failures of the fourth estate to act as a truly free press. This truth emergency is seen in inadequate coverage of fraudulent elections, pseudo 9/11 investigations, illegal preemptive wars, torture camps, doctored intelligence, and domestic surveillance. Reliable information on these issues is systematically missing in corporate media outlets, where the vast majority of the American people continue to turn for news and information.

This website says the same things that alex jones and the other fellas say, except in a more technical and cultured language, that's all. It's more argumentative. I like it, but we must not get lost in words. This is a time to act, and probably the best action I have seen so far is those 911 truthers shouting "911 was an inside job!" in the street of new york and the oathkeepers:
Oath Keepers » Blog Archive » Declaration Of Orders We Will Not Obey

This is serious action. These guys are refusing to obey unconstitutional orders in the army. They're risking their lives.
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More from
While most progressive media activists do not believe in some omnipotent conspiracy, an overwhelming portion of NCMR participants do believe the leadership class in the US is dominated by a neo-conservative group of some several hundred people who share a goal of asserting US military power worldwide. This Global Dominance Group (GDM) continues under both Republican and Democratic rule. In cooperation with major military contractors, the corporate media, and conservative foundations, the GDM has become a powerful long-term force in military unilateralism and US political processes.
"NCMR", another good link:

This is a good summary of what I think of the situation. I don't believe the reptilians yet. It could be, but I don't have enough evidence. Nor do I believe that freemasons decide everything. But I do believe what is summarized above.

Actually this article is excellent in explaining the relationship between corporate interests and the media, and how this makes it impossible for media to report the truth:
A long thread of sociological research documents the existence of a dominant ruling class in the US, which sets policy and determines national political priorities. C. Wright Mills, in his 1956 book The Power Elite, documented how World War II solidified a trinity of power in the US that comprised corporate, military and government elites in a centralized power structure working in unison through “higher circles” of contact and agreement.[vi] This power has grown through the Cold War and, after 9/11, the Global War on Terror.

At present, the global dominance agenda includes penetration into the boardrooms of the corporate media in the US. Only 118 people comprise the membership on the boards of director of the ten big media giants. These 118 individuals in turn sit on the corporate boards of 288 national and international corporations. Four of the top 10 media corporations share board director positions with the major defense contractors including:

William Kennard: New York Times, Carlyle Group

Douglas Warner III, GE (NBC), Bechtel

John Bryson: Disney (ABC), Boeing

Alwyn Lewis: Disney (ABC), Halliburton

Douglas McCorkindale: Gannett, Lockheed-Martin.

Given an interlocked media network of connections with defense and other economic sectors, big media in the United States effectively represent the interests of corporate America.
This article has more interesting things, but I cannot quote the whole thing here (cfr. link at the beginning of this post).

Another good quote:
Modern Media Censorship and Propaganda

A broader definition of contemporary censorship needs to include any interference, deliberate or not, with the free flow of vital news information to the public. Modern censorship can be seen as the subtle yet constant and sophisticated manipulation of reality in our mass media outlets. On a daily basis, censorship refers to the intentional non-inclusion of a news story – or piece of a news story – based on anything other than a desire to tell the truth. Such manipulation can take the form of political pressure (from government officials and powerful individuals), economic pressure (from advertisers and funders), and legal pressure (the threat of lawsuits from deep-pocket individuals, corporations, and institutions). or threats to reduce future access to governmental and corporate sources of news.
Then don't forget the fear of being murdered, too. Many journalists have been murdered in the US for telling the truth. Of course, if you go to (CIA's) wikipedia, it says that it was an accident or that they committed suicide, for example by shooting themselves twice in the head:
On December 10, 2004, he was found dead from two gunshot wounds to the head. Sacramento County coroner Robert Lyons asserts that it was suicide, noting that a suicide note was found at the scene.

More quotes:
Following are a few examples of censorship and propaganda.
1. Omitted or Undercovered Stories- The failure of the corporate media to cover human consequences, like one million , mostly civilian deaths of Iraqis, reduces public response...

2. Repetition of Slogans and Sound Bites- The corporate media in the US present themselves as unbiased and accurate. The New York Times motto of “all the news that’s fit to print” is a clear example, as is CNN’s authoritative “most trusted name in news” and Fox’s mantra of “fair and balanced.” The slogans are examples of what linguist George Lakoff has referred to as framing. Through constant repetition, the metaphors and symbols that pervade our media turn into unquestioned beliefs. Terms like “liberal media,” “welfare cheaters,” “war on terror,” illegal aliens,” “tax burden,” “support our troops,” are all distorted images serving to conceal a transfer of wealth from people needing a safety net to corporations seeking profitable markets and military expansion.

3. Embedded Journalism- The media are increasingly dependent on governmental and corporate sources of news. Maintenance of continuous news shows requires a constant feed and an ever-entertaining supply of stimulating events and breaking news bites. The 24-hour news shows on MSNBC, Fox and CNN maintain constant contact with the White House, Pentagon, and public relations companies representing both government and private corporations.

By the time of the Gulf War in 1991, retired colonels, generals and admirals had become mainstays in network TV studios during wartime. Language such as “collateral damage” and “smart bombs” flowed effortlessly between journalists and military men...

The problem then becomes more complex. What happens to a society that begins to believe such lies as truth? The run up to the 2003 war in Iraq concerning weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) is a case in point. It illustrates the power of propaganda in creating not only public support for an ill-begotten war, but also reduces the possibility of a peace movement, even when fueled by the truth, to stop a war based on falsehoods.
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HAARP and Hurricane Katrina, page 1
Does anyone here think that HAARP has anything to do with the strength of this storm? Or is it just a coincidence that HAARP was very active right before Katrina hit Florida? Here is a picture of Katrina on Aug 24th.

Scalar Weather Wars - Hurricane Katrina and The Rape of New Orleans
Weather engineering includes the blow-up of small hurricanes into large ones

The technology is zealously denied by so-called meteorologists and physicists, but it exists anyhow. It has been described, for example, by veteran Pentagon scientist and scalar researcher Col. Tom Bearden.

I think that both Katrina and the BP Oil spill (cfr. Jesse Ventura's documentary on the subject) were produced by the US military-industrial complex partly to depopulate the area for their own enriching purposes. Partly for other reasons I ignore. At this point, given its history of wrongdoing, whenever something goes wrong in the US or elsewhere, you should first of all investigate whether it was produced by the US government.
Orwell Rolls in his Grave (Full 3HR Documentary) - YouTube

Excellent documentary that shows why the US is in the state it is today: the police, fbi, cia, military is corrupted. The politicians are bought and paid for. The only hope left is... was the media. And the documentary shows why also the media is gone. And now it's 1984... or rather 2014. With just 30 extra years, orwell's nightmare became true.

There's a lot of precious insights. One of them is that Bush father, on top of all the evil things he's done (he's definitely a reptilian - only explanation for not having any problems of conscience), made a deal with Iran to not release the hostages until after him and reagan had won the election. This is yet another thing that's been covered up since then. The only explanation is David Icke's: they're reptilians. On the other hand, Clinton has done Oklahoma City Bombing, so he's either a reptilian, too, or the whole human race is corrupt. Or rather... the human race ruling the US. Because we've got berlusconi, who's a crook, but not a mass murderer like most US presidents.
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Weather Warfare Documentary (History Channel) - YouTube

Holy cow... even the history channel suggests (from minute 37 on) that katrina may be weather warfare... the funny thing is that they think is that it was "our enemies" triggering it (china and russia). This is ridiculous. The enemies of the US is the US government.
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top american hoaxes

All in all, I would say the top 2 american hoaxes are 911 and the moon landing. I was reviewing all the material gathered and I came to this conclusion. They are the top 2 hoaxes because they have fooled billions and because they pretty much sucked. Ill-conceived and yet successful.

The moon landing debunked in 3 minutes:

Moon Landing Hoax - Wires Footage - YouTube

Yet people are so stupid that they won't even get it, even if they see the cables from above helping the astronaut. Let alone the lack of exhaust from the LEM when it takes off... just hilarious (it looks like star trek):

Apollo 18: DVD Alternate Ending - YouTube

This is the long version of the first documentary (those whose best 3 minutes I posted above):

Dark Mission Part 1 - NASA Moon Hoax - Analysis of the Lunar Photography - YouTube

Dark Mission Part 2 - NASA Moon Hoax - Environmental Dangers & The Trouble with Rockets - YouTube

This is 911 debunked in 10 minutes:

911 Truth: Jim Marrs in 10 Minutes - YouTube

God bless Jim Marrs, one of the few heroes who still didn't get killed.
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