Ah ah, you're right. It was good. It was just as far as they could get without getting killed. They basically are hinting, big time, at the fact that the moon landing was a hoax. That movie, under the false pretense of science fiction, tells the facts how they are, down to the last detail.
Regarding those reports, being both traders, and therefore statisticians, we know how flawed they are. It sounds like a joke as far as the data available. It has no statistical validity whatsoever ("50% more than last period...", etc.). They sound like they were written by some politician ("unemployment has risen 5% with the democrats..."). Kind of like wikipedia: it gives you the illusion of truth and freedom and democracy, but where it counts, it is edited by the CIA. Same with google, more or less. Furthermore, I've heard from the truth movement (you know, those "conspiracy theorists" trying to spread the truth), repeatedly, that youtube cheats and changes the views count of those videos telling the truth about the US government. They do something like setting the views count from millions to thousands. I noticed it, too.
Let's just say that I'm still glad and surprised that the internet is still available and that the videos telling the truth haven't been removed from google nor youtube (at least those I'm seeing, because I've read people complaining about legitimate political videos having been removed). It's still not a full-fledged dictatorship. But far from the democracy they claim it is. Far from the democracy italians credit them to be. In Italy we hear the Italian press saying that, unlike in Italy, if a US politician steals a few millions he goes to jail. If someone steals enough, like Berlusconi, here they become prime minister (thanks to the idiot voters, too). What the Italian press doesn't say, because they're ignorant, is that if in the US you kill thousands of people, in order to profit from it, you get re-elected as president.
Anyway, I've done my share. I am having a lot of connection problems lately and after watching all these videos I am starting to get paranoid and to fear not for my life but at least for my connection. From now on I'll sit back, watch these videos, but I'll stop posting them and commenting on them - maybe not today or tomorrow, but shortly. There's nothing more to show, to prove or to explain: it's clear to me by now that the US is a scam and not the democracy it claims to be. They could get better, but at the rate they're going, ever since the vice-president LBJ okayed the assassination of the president JFK, I am forecasting that they'll keep getting worse until there'll be a civil war. That country is totally out of control, in the hands of secret services and secret societies. It lost its balance a long time ago, and they can't admit their mistakes because the minute they do, they'll all be tried for treason and sentenced to death.
As far as I am concerned, I'll never go back to the US, but if I went, I'm sure I'd find my name on their no-fly list, because of all these videos I posted here. Or on the "terrorist watch list".