my journal 3

Alex Jones Show - The Illuminati are Panicking - David Icke Reports - Full Interview. - YouTube

You listen to stuff like this, about children being sacrificed... and you believe it. And yet I have not gone crazy. All the elements are there. David Icke has nothing to gain from saying what he says about the reptilians, about the freemasons ruling the world, and about the royal family being reptilians, and he's been right about everything else he has said. These people are not regular humans. There's evidence coming from all sources that David Icke is right about the sacrifices theory as well. As he says, children sacrifices have always existed and the difference is just that in the last few thousand years they have gone "underground", as he says in the conversation above.

Child sacrifice - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Human sacrifice - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mind you - we're not talking about sadistic people. We're talking about reptilians who are addicted to drinking the blood of sacrificed children. Just a few months ago I would have considered crazy anyone saying what I am saying now, but all roads lead here - crazy as it may sound. Aside from David Icke's evidence on the ritualistic murder of children (there's plenty of videos on youtube of witnesses of the masonic sacrifice of children, involving the rulers of the world), and his evidence on the reptilians and the fact that many other smart people are talking about freemasons and human sacrifices. Aside from all this, as evidence of all this, there's the lack of sensitivity for human life shown by the US government on these murders: JFK, Martin Luther King, Robert Kennedy, Oklahoma City Bombing, 911, 77, the list goes on forever.
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If anyone still has any doubts that 911 was an inside job, all you need to do is look at the videos trying to debunk all the evidence presented by the "conspiracy theorists": they show very few counter-arguments, tackling a very small minority of the evidence clues, and they're all laughable. Practically no one even tries anymore and least of all succeeds in proving that these "conspiracy theories" are false, so they're obviously true. It's too hard a job to argue otherwise. How can you coherently argue that Oswald killed Kennedy or that those 19 guys shown in the pictures on tv are responsible for 911? Half of them are still alive (and weren't involved in any way: just random pictures of middle-eastern looking guys). You can brainwash the country to not ask questions, you can silence or kill those who argue otherwise, but you can't really make coherent arguments supporting the government's version of all the assassinations and terror attacks of the last few decades.

Top 5 9/11 Conspiracy Theories Debunked - YouTube

9/11 Conspiracy Theories Debunked - YouTube

The problem now, the question now is what's really behind this behaviour by the US government. Is it humans or reptilians, as Icke argues? I don't think that humans could be so evil, but there's more evidence of humans being evil than reptilians being in power. But David Icke is very reasonable otherwise, so I am not ruling reptilians out.
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Major defeat yesterday on the NG trade. I lost the whole upward move. After waiting for months, it hurts my pride. I feel like an idiot. Actually when it was at +7% at 16.40 CET, I went short, and lost even more, when it went all the way to 15%. Awful. I wish I had done just nothing. But the ****ing child woke me up earlier than my alarm and I had nothing to do, and I entered a stop exit and... had i not woken up early, I'd have made that 15%.
Ancient Aliens | Ancient Air Planes

1.000 years old Inca artifact proven to be a replica of an ancient aircraft., page 1

Come on, don't tell me this is not an airplane. Hell, but they didn't have airplanes 1500 years ago, so it cannot be an airplane.

How about these?
Nazca Lines - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


And these?
Egyptian Spaceship Wall Art - David Icke's Official Forums

I am just saying there's stuff we're unaware of, and the whole mystery could be related with the endless list of murders by the US government. It could be that the guys in power are not human and that's why they can be so evil.

Right, how is everything connected? Peak oil, Federal Reserve, 911, JFK? It could all be related in this way: the people in charge are not humans.

This may be a long stretch. The first realization is that we're being deceived, and have been deceived big time (especially the americans) for over a hundred years.

The second... not realization but hypothesis is that, in order to explain something like 911, what's most likely is that the people in power are either extremely corrupted, to unbelievable levels, or they aren't even humans. I am starting to believe that they're not humans. I don't see how people can go on tv and talk about the war on terror, and lie, year after year, with that face. I cannot explain bush's face, cheney's, anyone's face... LBJ.

How could LBJ even think of getting away with killing the president? The amazing thing is that it had been done before in the US, and people had gotten away. America is not the dream democracy that people think, that's for sure. But the question now is if it's ruled by aliens.

I could not otherwise explain the utter dishonesty of US politicians, matched by the utter stupidity of americans. I don't know what to think. Maybe the more stupid the people, the more dishonest the politicians. Maybe they're really all humans, and there's no reptilians involved.

The evidence as to the corruption is overwhelming. As far as reptilians, the evidence is little. But if you can prove to me the human sacrifices and drinking of their blood by the Queen, Bush and the other criminals... then I will have no doubts about the reptilians, too.

It really all boils down to this: the proof of human sacrifices today. I will do a search on this:

If it can be proven and I can find enough evidence/witnesses, then the reptilians are a sure thing, because there's no way any regular human gives a **** about drinking blood and sacrificing another human.

Pedophiles is different. There's plenty of pedophiles among humans. Even if you prove to me that bush father was a pedophile and even if he killed people he had sex with, that still would not prove at all that he's a bloodsucking lizard.

Ok, found it. This is the type of thing I am looking for:
Children Sacrificed by Illuminati --Defector "Mary Anne" -
Mary Anne sounds convincing to me. Why would anyone defy the most powerful people in the world? The first interview is available here so you can decide for yourself. Also, both interviews, although 14 months apart, are consistent. People who invent stories rarely can keep track of them.

On Sept. 21, 2008 Mary Anne said that tens of thousands of children will be sacrificed that night (the autumnal equinox) in Illuminati ceremonies. The children are bred for the purpose or kidnapped. Satanists believe they gain power from killing. Often they rip out the heart and eat a piece of it. They prefer it to be still beating. At Easter, they kill adults.

There are also sexual rituals involving young children. They are believed to increase power, and create fear and solidarity in members.

[A troubling error. Mary Anne let me refer to this as the "Vernal Equinox" when it is the "Autumnal Equinox."]

Illuminati members live double lives. At night they engage in these Satanic rituals. By day they are found in all walks of life: medicine, education, psychology, therapy, banking, law, law enforcement, government, technology, military, charities and religion.

They are everywhere. The worst are in the news on a daily basis posing as leaders.

They are the elite of Freemasonry. They are generational Satanists, which means you have to be born into it. You can't join. Their children are evaluated and trained. Mormons and "Nation of Islam" have parallel beliefs, she said.
And this is Henry Makow not the usual David Icke. Why would Henry Makow come up with an identical lie? He is a Ph.D.. Why would you go through the trouble of getting a Ph.D. and then ruin all your years of studying by saying this stuff?
She said 80-90% of the House of Representatives and %100 of the Senate belong to the Illuminati.

Mary Anne said she was sexually abused by her own family from an early age. In spite, or because of this, she was groomed to be a prominent political figure. She worked closely with many world leaders and was sexually abused by them. She was tortured when she refused to carry out assassinations.

All religions are infiltrated and controlled by the Illuminati. The Vatican is rotten at the top. The future "Anti Christ" will be a Pope. All countries, including Russia, China and Iran, are controlled by the Illuminati. "You don't say no."

The Illuminati is behind the homosexual agenda, AIDS, and the sexual revolution. They foster anything that is in rebellion against the Christian God.
This is almost identical to what David Icke and Alex Jones say. Are they all out to make some money by spreading these lies?

Here's another article:
Illuminati Defector Details Pervasive Conspiracy -

Here's some videos:

The Illuminati Deception 04/13 - Satanic Ritual Human Sacrifice - YouTube

Now.. why would these women make it all up? No reason. I think it's all true.
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Reptilian Shapeshifting Videos on YouTube - Debunked
First off I would like to say that I am a full believer in reptilians, reptilian shapeshifters and the illuminati.

I'm open to the possibility of capturing someone shapeshifting on video.

99% of the Shapeshifting videos on youtube show extreme video distortion on and around the supposed person shapeshifting.

here's one example....

[link to]

The numerous youtube videos making the rounds like the one above make us real researchers look like nutters.

Here is a video that deserves some serious questions. It is of Richard Baker who appears to have reptilian eyes. The video is right from the mainstream media's website and has none of that wacky ass video distortion.

[link to]

The vast majority of the videos on you tube are of various newscasters that show serious video distortion and it's claimed as evidence for shapeshifting. These videos discredit real research and the other videos which have credibility, such as the Richard Baker video i posted above.

So here it goes I'm about to expose all those gullible assclowns who do a disservice to all of us real truth seekers out there...
The Biggest Secret - Chapter 1

The Martians have landed?

There were two ways of writing this book. I could have held back information which is stunningly bizarre, but true. This would be the easy way, staying within the comfort zone and communicating only that which would not challenge too many people’s sense of possibility.

Or I could treat the readers like fully formed, fully connected, multidimensional, adult human beings and communicate all the relevant information, including some which will stretch their sense of reality to breaking point. As always, I have chosen the latter. It is not for me to edit information for the readers, it is for the readers to edit the information for themselves. How arrogant and patronizing to think that I should keep information back from people because “they’re not ready for it”. Who am I to decide that? And how can I know if they are “ready for it” unless they hear it and can therefore decide for themselves? Some of my friends have urged me to tell people the basic story, but “for Cod’s sake don’t mention the reptiles”...
25 Goals of the Illuminati - YouTube

The 25 Illuminati Goals - How are they doing so far? - Project Nsearch

The 25 Illuminati goals:
1. All men are more easily inclined towards evil than good.
2. Preach Liberalism
3. Use the idea of freedom to bring about class wars
4. Any and all means should be used to reach the Illuminati Goals as they are justified.
5. The right to lie in force.
6. The power of our resources must remain invisible until the very moment it has gained the strength that no cunning or force can undermine it.
7. Avocation of mob psychology to control the masses.
8. Use alcohol, drugs, corruption and all forms of vice to systematically corrupt the youth of the nation.
9. Seize property by any means
10. Use of slogans such as equity, liberty, fraternity delivered into the mouths of the masses in psychological warfare
11. War should be directed so that the nations on both sides are placed further in debt and peace conferences conducted so that neither combatant obtains territory rights.
12. Members must use their wealth to have candidates chosen and placed in public office who will be obedient to their demands and will be used as pawns in the game by those behind the scenes. Their advisors will have been reared and trained from childhood to rule the affairs of the world.
13. Control the press.
14. Agents will come forward after fermenting traumatic situations and appear to be the saviors of the masses.
15. Create industrial depression and financial panic, unemployment, hunger, shortage of food and use this to control the masses or mob and then use the mob to wipe out all those who stand in the way.
16. Infiltrate into the secret Freemasons to use them for Illuminati purposes.
17. Expound the value of systematic deception, use high sounding slogans and phrases and advocate lavish promises to the masses even though they cannot be kept.
18. Detail plans for resolutions, discuss the art of street fighting which is necessary to bring the population into speedy subjection.
19. Use agents as advisors behind the scenes after wars and use secret diplomacy to gain control.
20. Establish huge monopolies that lean toward world government control.
21. Use high taxes and unfair competition to bring about economic ruin by control of raw materials. Organize agitation among the workers and subsidize their competitors.
22. Build up armaments with Police forces and Soldiers sufficient to protect our needs.
23. Members and leaders of the one world government would be appointed by the directors.
24. Infiltrate into all classes and levels of society and government for the purpose of fooling, bemusing and corrupting the youthful members of society by teaching them theories and principles that we know to be false.
25. National and International laws should be used to destroy civilization and enslave and control the people.

Adam Weishaupt's 25 Point Plan - YouTube

Adam Weishaupt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Adam Weishaupt is referred to repeatedly in The Illuminatus! Trilogy, written by Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson, as the founder of the Bavarian Illuminati and as an imposter who killed George Washington and took his place as the first president of the United States. Washington's portrait on the U.S. one-dollar bill is said to actually be Weishaupt's.


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Viktor Schauberger ~ levitation electrogravitational tachometric propulsion implosion - YouTube

Are UFO's Created by Humans?, page 1
So why the myth that the government is hiding the fact that they have a captured UFO? Well it's for two reasons. One is to convince people that there really is life out there. The other reason is that when all of a sudden we see all these UFOs hovering over the city to scare us in to a New World Order, other UFOs (our UFOs) will suddenly appear in the skies to fight in a mock battle.

So how will the American government explain the sudden emergence of this "new" UFO technology that comes out of nowhere? They will say, "Yes folks. The Roswell incident was true. It's also true that we have been "back-engineering" a captured craft in area Area 51. The crafts that you see with the American flags painted on them belong to us and from the Area 51 development centre. This will act as a perfect explanation as to why all of a sudden we have our own UFOs to fight back with. This phony war will be a sure propaganda victory a New World Order Dictator.

Secrets of the 3rd reich - YouTube
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UFOs - The Greatest Story Ever Denied - YouTube

Yeah... I had never thought about it: why has man not been back on the moon for over 40 years?

It is all starting to fit together. This documentary was about much more than just UFOs.

Alien Base On Moon Filmed By Neil Armstrong 1 Of 2.flv - YouTube

US GOVERMENT: There are 38 Levels above TOP SECRET! UFO - YouTube

PROJECT ORION - "COSMIC" TOP SECRET 38 Level Above Top Secret - See show more 1/2 - YouTube

Best one:

Holy ****... the hoax isn't just about 911 but also about the moon:

This is very entertaining... the US government is very entertaining. And why didn't we land on the moon? Because of this:

We were afraid of the people living there.

But then there's also this version of the story:

Here's more:


Entertaining government...

Good summary here:

This documentary is to the lunar landing what Loose Change is to 911 - awesome. I am totally convinced that we didn't go to the moon either.

It's almost funny...
115:29:53 Conrad: The descent engine, it's just like Neil's. I didn't dig any crater at all!

One hour into this:

And one hour and six minutes into this, they mention the usual trail of witnesses deaths, as always happens with coverups, including James Irwin, who had the usual heart attack, according to CIA-edited wikipedia:

He was going to speak the truth (cfr. documentary above).

I guess this is all you can say without getting killed:

This is good, too:

It addresses a few questions, and it doesn't answer all the questions it addresses. But it's better than this other one, which ridicules all the questions:

Probably they're both financed by the CIA or NASA.
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