my journal 3

little recap

I'm going to do a little recap of what I think is going on and how much I believe each event was caused by the US government or is not the official story. In a descending order of confidence:

1) 911. This is the first thing I discovered and it got me thinking. I am as sure of this being an inside job as I am of the fact that the earth is round. 100%

2) JFK assassination. A little less sure (less videos back then), but pretty much the same: 95%.

3) Oklahoma City Bombing. Same confidence as JFK: 95%.

4) Anthrax, Lusitania, Gulf of Tonkin, USS Liberty, Lincoln and McKinley assassinations and practically all assassinations of political leaders and terrorrism in the US and abroad. Less confident because they're further away in time, but still pretty confident that it was decided by the elite in power (military industrial-complex, bankers, freemasons, etc.). Average confidence of 90%, given that they follow the same pattern of: event, media manipulation, coverup, witnesses deaths.

5) Fema camps (and coffins, and RFID chips to be implanted with Obamacare). I believe they're out there, that they're a lot, but I don't know exactly who they are for. The most probable thing is that they are for the US citizens who refuse to be in a police state. Confidence 80%.

6) I believe that the US is controlled by the freemasons, at 80% level of confidence, but i don't know if the freemasons are then controlled by others still (such as the reptilians), if they do satanic rituals, kill children... this starts becoming less than 50% of confidence from here on. Up to here included everything was very probable. Starting with the reptilian theory and the Illuminati theory (which is slightly more probable than the reptilians) everything starts to be "possible", with a 50% chance.

7) reptilian theory: it could be but I cannot be positive

8) Roswell incident: it could be that a UFO was recovered but I'd give it a 50% confidence.

9) Fake moon landings: I believe there's at least a 50% confidence that the 1969 and later televised moon landing footage was a hoax.

10) AIDS created in a Lab by Gallo and US government funded scientists, for depopulation purposes. 50% probable at least.

11) Not completely related, nor a coverup, but more confidence than all this... I'd say 90% of confidence, there's peak oil and we have reached it already: from here on the production of oil will only decline, whereas the demand should be rising (considering the constant increase in the population and industrialization). I believe that there won't be enough oil for average people to use their car, within... six months to maximum two years. Prices will double compared to now. There will be civil unrest. This unless there's different engines that are being hidden from the public (50%) or unless the elite succeeds in exterminating a few billions people (50% probable).

Everything begins with 911. Once you realize it was the government, you realize that the government is not after your interests but mostly after the corporate interests, and it does so by lying to the people, though the media it controls (via the corporations).

I would say the corporations control the US government, the media, the CIA and the FBI, and I think this happens via freemasonry - but it could happen in any other club.

The question is if David Icke is right in his reptilian theory and saying that it's a different race of humans-reptilians who are possessed by extra-dimensional aliens or if all this evil is simply being perpetrated by the corporations and rich families of the western world. I think Icke might be right because there's just too much evil going on to think that it was done by mere humans. Other than this I don't have much evidence of the reptilian theory except for these youtube videos:

There's much more above. I forgot to add that the CIA smuggles drugs and that the war on drugs is a hoax.

Those same people (former CIA and FBI agents) that denounce the war on drugs being a hoax, for example Ted Gunderson, among many others, have been risking their lives to protect some witnesses of mind control and satanic rituals, so maybe if we can connect satanic rituals with the reptilians (why would regular humans engage in something as dumb as satanic rituals?), and I think we can, we can then connect reality and what seems tangible and concrete (war on drugs being a hoax, presidential assassination, etcetera) to what seems like fantasy (the reptilians).

Almost all of these people, whether they believe in UFOs and reptilians or not, mention the freemasons and satanic rituals involving human sacrifice. From here the step to believing in reptilians is a very small one. I really cannot figure out how people doing satanic rituals could be regular humans. Something that stupid doesn't make any sense to any regular human. The reptilian explanation at this point seems almost probable.

No matter how crazy this may all sound, what's very tangible and real is the fact that the US government has been doing a lot of very evil things that are not explainable otherwise. By "evil" I mean "showing indifference for human lives". Was there really a need to murder those 3000 people in the twin towers to invade Iraq? And Oklahoma City Bombing to pass some laws? Let alone killing kennedy... I really cannot see any regular humans doing the US government has been doing for decades. This is very likely to be some sort of non-humans at work.
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Hitler's Escape - YouTube

Here, too, there was a coverup. Why would the Allied say that he died, so quickly? Because they had to show to their people that the victory was complete. Then, as the documentary shows, they kept on investigating it for the next 11 years, until 1956.

There's an obsession with showing that the government is right and good, and that it always wins, and that evil always loses. So they keep fabricating all sorts of lies in the process.

At this point the US government, with all its destruction and deaths, covert and overt, has probably proven even more evil than the nazis.
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Holy cow... it took me so long to figure it out, but now it's clear. We've been colonized for thousands of years, the earth is hollow, some aliens are among us, others are living a few kilometers below the earth, and others are on the ship, which is the moon. The moon is a ship, not the satellite that we think. It's all explained in this lecture:

Alex Collier - Moon & Mars Lecture Part 1 - YouTube

Now it all fits together.

Hey, I don't care if I sound ridiculous... the government lies so much that this is possible, too.

This is odd. If this guy was a nut, why does he have a wikipedia entry?

And if he's not a nut, then how can he be wrong with the incredible things he's saying? With the stuff he's saying, he cannot lie half way...

The nice thing I'd like to do is to find out if these guys are making any money. If they aren't, then i'd trust them much more.

Furthermore, I'd like to know how much they're being persecuted. The officials talking about UFOs got killed, and so did any JFK witness, 911... and so many others.

I wonder if these guys talking about hollow earth and reptilians are getting killed for it. If they do, as they say at the start of this video, then I'd trust them. Anyone getting harassed by the government must be telling the truth.
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Theories on the world are starting to be many more than I would have expected.

At the start, it was just peak oil. Then it came 911. And so far everything was still normal, because for these things people were getting killed. Then JFK, and people were still getting killed for speaking the truth.

Then freemasons, and people were still getting killed. So I am safe in believing all of the above: why would people risk their life to spread lies, and why would they be killed if they were spreading lies?

UFOs just the same: people have been getting killed for speaking out on UFOs.

So far so good.

Now I am getting to a point where people are not getting killed anymore, and I am suspecting that they make money from it. My analysis of what I am hearing from here on will not be, as it's never been, whether a theory sounds far-fetched or not (911 being an inside job would have sounded far fetched to me in 2001).

My filter is going to be these questions:

1) is this type of person saying this type of things risking his life?
2) or is he making money?

And I am not sure that people risk their life by saying that the earth is hollow, despite this video which would make me think the contrary:

The Hollow Earth Confessions of a Pilot - YouTube

I am going to need a few more pilots to believe this. But I could not find any others, neither on youtube nor on google. So I'll give the hollow earth theory a rating of 20% likelihood.
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To have some fun I looked for one of those videos that "debunk" 911 conspiracy theories: they never fail to make me laugh.

9/11 Conspiracy Theories Debunked - YouTube

These idiots just shouldn't have blown up the buildings. They could have been happy with getting away with the airplanes hitting the towers.

Regarding this other video below it's pathetic, stupid and offensive - but it makes some good sarcastic points:

How To Destroy a 9/11 Truther - YouTube

Actually it's pretty amazing: there's no valid debunking, like there's no valid debunking for those claiming that Lee Oswald didn't kill JFK. Lies have enforcers, but no will want to stand up and defend them.

It's pretty amazing though how the astronauts allegedly going to moon have been holding up under pressure and kept the lie alive all their lives.

This documentary below, one hour into it, shows the lie (throughout it, too). I am totally convinced that we didn't go to the moon either.

Dark Mission 1 - NASA Moon Hoax - Analysis of the Lunar Photography - YouTube

It's almost funny when they say:
Down the Ladder
115:29:53 Conrad: The descent engine, it's just like Neil's. I didn't dig any crater at all!

Moon Landing Hoax Apollo 11 : A Coke Bottle and Drinking Flask are Seen on the Ground - YouTube

Clavius: Photo Analysis - kick the bottle
Clavius: Bibliography - una ronald and the coke bottle
A resident of Perth, Australia, with the pseudonym Una Ronald, said she saw a soft drink bottle in the frame which was edited out of later versions, and said that many articles appeared discussing this in The West Australian newspaper at the time. Western Australia was the only place in the world that got their feed 'live' without delay.

This below is a joke, but it's very close to the truth:

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