my journal 3

Still looking for some evidence regarding the Reptilian theory, because I am neither fully convinced nor fully skeptical. The problem is that David Icke is so right about everything else (911, and previous deception by the US government), that I can't help considering the Reptilian Theory as well.

Here's a link I am looking at, which seem like a joke right now:
Reptilians in Government
Notable Reptilians:

George Bush Sr.,
George Bush Jr.,
Richard Cheney,
Al Gore,
Colin Powell,
Queen Elizabeth and all 4 sons including Prince Charles and Prince Andrew

President Bush's Cabinet

John Ashcroft , Attorney General -- High Order Reptilian
Donald Rumsfeld, Defense Secretary -- High Order Reptilian
Tommy Thompson, Health and Human Services Secretary-High Order Reptilian
Gale Norton, Interior Secretary -- Alien controlled
Colin Powell, Secretary of State --Reptilian of the Highest Order
Paul O'Neill, Treasury Secretary -- Reptilian

President Bush's Advisors

Andrew Card, White House Chief of Staff
Mitch Daniels, Director of the Office of Management and Budget -- Alien controlled
Condoleezza Rice, National Security Advisor --Alien --other type

Here's another good link:
List of reptilian humanoids - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Recapitulating: I haven't got much evidence for this reptilian theory, except the snake eyes in some videos on youtube of bush father and some other people. But the rest David Icke says is all true in my opinion:
1) US government fooling the world regarding all terror and murders going on in the US (inside jobs)
2) high US government officials involved in mind control, torture, murder and sexual abuse of children
3) freemasons controlling the world and being involved in satanic rituals

So I don't know if the reptilians are behind all this, but the people at the top are so unnecessarily evil and ruthless (think of 911 for example) that the fact of them being partly aliens is a very good explanation of this. I can't see any other reasons why the people at the top would have to be so evil otherwise.

The alternative would be that great power produces great corruption. Or maybe also great corruption produces great power. I mean: we had prodi who was an honest person and he was the prime minister here. Then we also had berlusconi who was very corrupted and he became prime minister thanks to it. However, neither of them is a reptilian.

In the US things may be different, but they also could be the same, yet amplified, with the people in power being even worse than berlusconi.

I do not think Merkel, Sarkozy, Hollande are reptilians. I think this reptilian phenomenon is going on in UK and US. This also would explain Tony Blair's behaviour. No one else with his political background would have ever organized an attack on 77 on his own people to get support for the war in Iraq or whatever agenda he had. That is not a very human behavior. The reptilian theory would instead account for it.
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Here's one of the many reasons I am even considering the hypothesis of the reptilians: the proponent, David Icke, made a lot of sense in another related field - explaining government false flag attacks two years PRIOR to 911:
From The SPECTRUM newspaper's Front Page story, August 3, 1999
Martin: You continually use the term “problem, reaction, solution”. For those readers
who are not aware what that is, would you explain?
Icke: It’s the most powerful mass-manipulation technique that has been used over
thousands of years to advance this agenda to central, globalized control of all institutions of
our lives. Kosovo, Bosnia, all of these different manipulated wars and problems—the
Oklahoma City bombing, people going crazy with guns around the world, in schools and stuff,
these are classic expressions of this.
If you want to introduce something like gun control, I think on gun control we got
manipulated into the wrong debate. Whether guns are good, or whether guns are bad is
actually a debate worth having, but it’s not the crucial debate at this moment because what’s
happened by pulling us into this debate of “are guns good or are guns bad?” is that it has
actually diverted people from the debate which we should actually be having in light of these
events—which is why we have this pattern all over the world.
Because I travel a lot, I tell you, it’s happening everywhere, people going crazy with guns,
shooting people in the streets or schools, and then immediately legislation being proposed to
take guns out of circulation. People should remember that gun laws were introduced in
Germany just before Hitler started filling concentration camps.
I don’t have guns. I wouldn’t use guns. I’m not into guns. I don’t see the point in
meeting violence with violence because you get twice the violence. But we need to get street
wise. Some people would use guns, and on the face of it, it will be easier to take over an
unarmed population than an armed population, on the face of it. That’s not actually true, but
on the face of it that appears to be true. And, therefore, what better than taking guns out of
circulation before you’ve had your final coup, if you like. So, “problem, reaction, solution”
overcomes the situation in which, if you introduced what you want to introduce, openly, then
you know that it would be so unpopular that you would get tremendous resistance to it.
For instance, if you wanted to give more power to the police, more power to the military,
more power to stop and search, more power to go into your homes without permission, etc.,
and you did that openly without any of this other incentive-manipulation, there’d be
tremendous resistance from people who say, “This is a global, fascist state!” or “This is a
fascist country! You mustn’t do this; we’re not having it!” So “problem, reaction, solution”
overcomes this. It’s a brilliant technique, very simple, and it means that not only do you
avoid such opposition, you actually manipulate people who would normally oppose what you
want, to see it as the only solution to the problems that have been created and demand you
introduce it.
So, in Stage One, you create a problem. You make sure, however, someone else is
blamed for it—a Timothy McVeigh, a Lee Harvey Oswald...
This guy is so ****ing intelligent and sees things with such clarity... you can't help but listening to him. I am not blindly believing in what he says, but I am certainly listening very carefully, and consider him certainly more reliable than my own parents, who still cannot understand that 911 was an inside job, which in turn would open their eyes to many other things.

Remember this he said in the quote above?
People should remember that gun laws were introduced in Germany just before Hitler started filling concentration camps.

Watch this:

Remember 911? 77? People getting trained and getting used to some terrorist event, and then it happens.

"...terrorist scenario..."... minute 9:30.

So I guess this is what'll happen in a few months: a real terrorist attack. They've got it all set up, just dumb enough for the american people not to suspect anything until it happens and even afterwards.

The gun confiscation is happening. The FEMA camps are, too. It's complete. We're in Nazi Germany of 1936.

Wake up, americans... aids was created in a lab as well:

Pretty soon there's going to be a problem with the internet, too, which was the last resource of freedom for those few smart americans who still used their minds:

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Fritz Springmeier - The Top 13 Illuminati Bloodlines & their Mind Control - YouTube

At 1:20:15 Springmeier talks about the pyramid structure of the Illuminati or whatever the people running the world are called and he uses this diagram:


Some say the english queen is at the top, others say the lizards blood-suckers in general at the top (a mix human and extraterrestrial race). For everyone freemasonry of scottish rite is always involved - so these guys are definitely criminals. The pope is almost always involved. Other times it's the church, and the pope is a puppet. Other times the Jesuits are considered the rulers. Other time the Opus Dei. The church is not involved according to alex jones, if I remember correctly. A few others see the zionists jews at the top. Others see the jews in general. Whoever is running this, there are no doubts we're being manipulated and have been for decades.

My opinion is that evil men have always existed, and secrecy, too. But secrecy has not always been bad: if you're fighting against a totalitarian regime, such as the founders of the US did or Garibaldi and Mazzini (both freemasons) did in Italy, secrecy is necessary unless you want to get caught and go to jail. But then, once you get the power, if you keep that secrecy, things might get out of control. And they did. And now freemasons have become a bunch of criminals and profiteers.

The interesting thing is that there are no "conspiracy theories" (theories trying to explain what's really going on... in the CIA's language, "conspiracy theories") that involved muslims, middle eastern leaders, blacks... basically, as far as I am concerned, these people all have it right. Finally, after 8 years with Bush blaming everything on the muslims, I am finding reasonable people who are not looking at the wrong people to blame. Amazing how many stupid americans there were who believed the prejudices being spread by the government against the muslims.

I really wonder how many more years or months before the internet will be shut off. In a nazification of america as the one going on right now, it surprises me that people are still able to use the internet freely. That's an immense amount of freedom.

Here's two more diagrams, pretty good ones I think:



Here's another take on the situation, very interesting. He blames the Jesuits and says the only resistance comes from the WASPs, insisting on their religion (Protestant):

We don't really know who's behind all this, at least I do not know. But what's for sure is that the US government is in power and in touch with this elite and implementing all the scams and tyranny. I mean, I don't care if they're hitler, they're nazi collaborators, puppets or whateve they are: they are definitely carrying much of the responsibility and guilt.
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I've been talking to my father, who just told me that the pope don't got much money, nor the Jesuits rule the world, nor the Opus Dei. He said he's an expert in this field, as he's been professor of the subject for a few years. The problem is that he was supposedly an expert on matters related to 911 as well, and yet he told me that it wasn't an inside job. And why? Because, he says, none of his friends believe it's a credible theory, because it would be crazy for bush to do it, and because he didn't see any complaining by US congressmen. First of all, even if this is were all true, you'd still have to look at the evidence and judge for yourself, which he didn't. Second of all, it's not true: there were a few congressmen who dared to protest, but some were killed (wellstone) and some weren't re-elected (mckinney). So it taught a lesson to those other congressmen who would have dared to do the same.

Given that he's so wrong about that subject and he practically refuses to investigate it any further (I showed him text and video material but he says he doesn't have the time to look at it), I am not going to trust him on this either... all these things are connected. Basically 911 was a turning point for me: when i realized what a scam it was, that's when I stopped trusting the US government, and my father, too. Not that I think he's in bad faith, but I think he's an idiot, despite all his knowledge. Sometimes your culture may blind you and make you so arrogant that you become stupid and incapable of acquiring any more knowledge.

I am not saying reptilians are true for sure, but what I am saying is that you have to be open to this possibility as well. Now when you aren't even open to the possibility of 911 being an inside job, that's when you've crossed the border into stupidity.
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20 years after it came out, the time is ripe to watch JFK:
TubeMotion - Watch Movies Online - JFK 1992

JFK's assassination was a wake up call, but few woke up then. The same thing happened with 911. So my conclusion is that America is permanently asleep. When the government, or whoever is ruling the country (freemasons, banksters, or whoever else), decide to kill the presidents (and kennedy wasn't the first one) because they interfere with their plans, or kill 3000 citizens at random to implement their agenda (and 911 was just one of the many instances)... that's when you know something is wrong. When people don't protest, that's when you know that things are even worse. When things are so wrong, it would not be so surprising if the reptilian theory were the truth.

At this point the so-called "conspiracy theorists" turn out to be the healthy and aware people, and all the rest is a bunch of idiots who prefer to stay asleep.

Furthermore, at this point I am quite inclined to believe, even without much research (I posted the documentaries already) that aids was engineered in a lab for depopulation purposes and that every major disaster (including katrina) experienced by humanity in the last 100 years was not accidental but planned. And I have not gone crazy. I am still able to watch movies, do math, and everything as before: my brain works fine.

Another option is that this is not going wrong because of the "reptilians" nor because of the "freemasons", but simply because of a desire to seek money, but that seems very unlikely. When the government will go as far as making 911 happen, and I have no doubts about that, you can't explain it with just "greed". It is something more than greed. It's total disrespect for human life and total lack of morals. A behaviour like the one we've witnessed in these last 100 years cannot possibly come from humans, can it? Yeah, maybe it's just the freemasons and there are no reptilians whatsoever. Maybe this is all about total disrespect for human life by the rich elite.

This would be something my father should be able to accept, since there are no reptilians involved. However he says he doesn't have time, he has to worry about local politics. I am disappointed. Because getting to the bottom of 911 should matter for any politician, whether involved in world politics or local. But maybe he doesn't want to know. Or maybe he already knows... I think he doesn't want to know, unconsciously.

Every one of us is like an engineer building a skyscraper, with all his beliefs. He doesn't want to know the truth on 911, because it would endanger his skyscraper. It's a very tall one, with a lot of beliefs. He's still building it, and I'm telling him: hey, there's something wrong with the foundations. And it's as if he were telling me: "first, let me finish building my castle of cards - then tell me whatever you have to tell me". But the time never seems to come, when he's willing to listen to the evidence. It's like when you're dreaming and you don't want to be woken up from your dream.

The Matrix - The Pill Scene (with English Subtitle) - YouTube
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Look at what's going on US television: everyone against the truth. Five people in a debate, and all five are taking sides against the truth, and ridiculing those who speak the truth, like Jesse Ventura. What do they gain from it? Maybe they're dishonest and gain their job, or they're brainwashed themselves. In my opinion they're in bad faith:

Fox Retracts the Chris Kyle Punches Jesse Ventura story! OK, not really. - YouTube

Too bad there was no tv in Nazi Germany or I could have checked out how things were developing back then. I found a good timeline of the situation:
Timeline - Nazi Germany
Timeline - Holocaust

I just wish the good people of america, such as ron paul, jesse ventura, alex jones, dennis kucinich, cynthia mckinney and all the others took a ship (planes aren't safe) and traveled to europe to join forces with the intelligent europeans and leave these idiots to their fascist state.
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Almost done with JFK (it's 3 and a half hours long):
TubeMotion - Watch Movies Online - JFK 1992

At about 2 hours into it, there's this great monologue:

MR. X IN J.F.K. PART 1 - YouTube

Great job, Oliver Stone. Too bad you later sold out to the system by making that pathetic movie on 911 (and he knew what had happened for sure, but somehow he made a movie that lies).

What an amazing movie he did though, on jfk. And history is repeating itself over and over again.

This is the protagonist of JFK:

New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison 1967 - YouTube
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I just finished the movie JFK:
TubeMotion - Watch Movies Online - JFK 1992

Awesome movie. Art-wise so so (some flaws), but the content is the most powerful content I've ever seen - most realistic movie. Especially after witnessing 911 and all the coverup mechanisms. Everything in JFK mirrors closely what's been going from 2001 until today.