I said, “I keep meeting people who tell me that they’ve seen people shape-shift
into bloody reptiles.” And, honestly, she grabbed her chest and she was gasping for breath
like she was having a seizure.
“Oh, my God,” she said, “I thought it was only me.” And she went on to tell me that
she wa sn’ t going to s ay tha t to me be c aus e she thought tha t even I would f ind tha t
unbelievable. She said, “All that stuff I’ve told you about Heath and seeing him in the
satanic rituals and all that stuff,” she said, “I wasn’t going to tell you what I also saw. He
shape-shifted into a reptilian, during the ritual. What staggered me,” she said, “is that none
of the other participants were at all phased by it, as if it was a natural thing that always
kind of happened.”
This has gone on, Rick, to the present day. I was in Vancouver, speaking, and I met
about 4 or 5 people who told me the same story, including a business woman, who is a real
feet-on-the-ground, you know, power-dressing kind of 5,000 clients business woman. And
she said she had this relationship with a guy who was Portuguese, and he just turned into
a reptile in front of her.