my journal 3

The Assassination of JFK Jr - Full Version - YouTube

It's interesting how I grew up thinking that the bad stuff is history and now we're a modern civilized society. Studying 911 and the rest of the criminality enacted by our politicians has opened my eyes. The world is run by a bunch of nazi criminals, who pretend they're nice fellows.
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Recap of what I learned so far.

The resources of the world have been increasingly bought and owned by the freemasons-reptilians. Not all the rich are reptilians but most of them are. They suck blood and you can recognize them from their eyes, in certain moments - crocodile eyes. Such as Bush father, most of all and in cases others in the family. There's also reptilians who are poor, just like there are jews who are poor. But overall the jews are richer and so are the reptilians. Icke says there's about 4% in the world who are reptilians, with those crocodile eyes. The worst reptilian of all is the queen of england. She's the leader of the world basically.

The reptilians are powerful but they haven't won yet. They've been progressively enslaving the world, via several secret organizations, such as freemasonry and the CIA. This doesn't mean that all those in the CIA or freemasonry are reptilians, but reptilians do control them, along with the US government.

If this reptilian theory by David Icke and others ever turned out to be totally false, then the problem would still be that the bankers own the world, and they want to get rid of most of its population or at least to enslave them.

If even alex jones was wrong in his theory that there's a design to do this, then the reality would still be that by one way or another, what's been happening is that the population of the world has been screwed over by the bankers, through wars. And all those who stood up against this got killed (JFK, etcetera).

There are several levels of believing and imagining but even only accepting the blatant truth means a very tragic situation.

1) far fetched: blood-sucking reptilians plotting to rule the world and enslave/kill most of the population.
2) so so: bankers and freemasons plotting to own the world and enslave/kill most of the population.
3) true for sure: bankers of the world progressively increasing their control of the world, via freemasonry, CIA and other means, and producing wars to get richer.

Number 3 is true for sure, and what wikipedia lists as "conspiracy theories" are true facts. Most of the US presidents have been freemasons and even though once the secrecy was justified as a means of fighting for the people without getting caught by the British rulers (or other rulers in other countries), now freemasonry has become a way to rule and get rich without getting caught by people. It went from being a resistance movement to being a criminal organization similar to the mafia.
Last edited: Icke - Are There Aliens Among Us.pdf
...when I was a kid it was a great mystery to me how these small islands you can hardly see on the globe actually had an empire that spanned the world. But now I do understand that it was not the British Empire at all, it was the empire of these bloodlines, that had centered themselves in Britain, which is a very different thing...
So, I went to see her and her name was Christine Fitzgerald. She starts telling me about the connection, all of the treatment of Diana by the Windsors, which was utterly, utterly outrageous. I haven’t talked to this lady Christine Fitzgerald about these bizarre stories I’m being told by people around the world. Then, as the conversation unfolded, she said, “Oh, do you know what Diana’s nickname for the Windsors was?”
I said, “No, go on.”
She said , “The lizards or the reptiles.”
- Christine Fitzgerald: Accounts Of Reptilians Made By.....
In 1970 neurologist Paul D. MacLean proposed that the human brain has three parts, each one of which grew on top of the other, over evolutionary time. This hypothesis can be simplified into two basic parts which constitute the lower "reptilian intelligence" and higher "mammalian intelligence" One of the first stages in human brain development is the formation of the reptilian complex which includes the brain stem and cerebellum. The almond-shaped amygdala, is also called the "Reptilian Brain" because it is a common developmental stage ...
I remember that Obama in an interview mentioned his "reptilian brain".

Paedophilia And Satanism ... The Fabric Of The Web - David Icke Website Icke - Are There Aliens Among Us.pdf
I said, “I keep meeting people who tell me that they’ve seen people shape-shift
into bloody reptiles.” And, honestly, she grabbed her chest and she was gasping for breath
like she was having a seizure.
“Oh, my God,” she said, “I thought it was only me.” And she went on to tell me that
she wa sn’ t going to s ay tha t to me be c aus e she thought tha t even I would f ind tha t
unbelievable. She said, “All that stuff I’ve told you about Heath and seeing him in the
satanic rituals and all that stuff,” she said, “I wasn’t going to tell you what I also saw. He
shape-shifted into a reptilian, during the ritual. What staggered me,” she said, “is that none
of the other participants were at all phased by it, as if it was a natural thing that always
kind of happened.”
This has gone on, Rick, to the present day. I was in Vancouver, speaking, and I met
about 4 or 5 people who told me the same story, including a business woman, who is a real
feet-on-the-ground, you know, power-dressing kind of 5,000 clients business woman. And
she said she had this relationship with a guy who was Portuguese, and he just turned into
a reptile in front of her.
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The Cathy O'Brien Story [WARNING! X-RATED] - YouTube

Cathy O'Brien - Mind Control 1 of 2 - YouTube


Mind Control: MK ULTRA Part 1/2 - YouTube

MK Ultra Victim Brice Taylor Exposes Her Mind Control Handlers - YouTube

War on Consciousness - Part 1: Mind Control - YouTube

NWO Pedophile ring at the highest level! Scumbag Bureaucrats! - YouTube

Bush family pedophilia crimes - YouTube

Dude, this is much worse than Berlusconi and Ruby. Only this thing doesn't get investigated in america because the government has got its citizens by the balls. Here instead power is not as powerful. And to think that in italy they keep saying how great a democracy america is and the press says about berlusconi: "hey, in the states he would have never been able to become president... he'd be in jail". If they only knew how to speak english... or maybe they are not allowed to speak out.

In the meanwhile this is what goes on on american television:

David Letterman - Michelle Obama Top Ten Preview - YouTube

Everything keeps moving along the lines of Idiocracy and 1984.
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