my journal 3

Reptilians - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
According to British writer David Icke, 5- to 12-foot (1.5–3.7 m) tall, blood-drinking, shape-shifting reptilian humanoids from the Alpha Draconis star system, now hiding in underground bases, are the force behind a worldwide conspiracy against humanity.[7] He contends that most of the world's leaders are related to these reptilians, including George W Bush of the United States, and Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom.[8] Icke's conspiracy theories now have supporters in 47 countries and he frequently gives lectures to crowds of 2,500 or more.[9] American writer Vicki Santillano ranked the notion that "Reptilian humanoids control all of us" as one of the 10 most popular conspiracy theories.[10]

So ok, the deal seems to be that you have to be one of these masons guys to become the leader of a country. I wonder if then you'll have to obey their orders, too. Or if it's just like playing golf... that when you're rich you play golf, but it has nothing to do with the rest of your life.

What the ****... these guys are everything and the opposite of everything. Reagan but also Gorbatchev, Bush but also Saddam Hussein... Marx and Engels, Lenin, Rabin but also Arafat. This seems meaningless. Are we saying that masons are all friends or can they still compete despite being part of the same organization? Maybe being a mason is close to being a college graduate, whereby you can all compete and disagree with each other. Maybe the masons of a country are simply like the politicians of a country, like... they could be saying completely different things. Maybe a mason is like saying a member of congress, except it's a secret congresso, like the rotary club or whatever it's called.
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Holy ****...

United States Presidents and The Illuminati / Masonic Power Structure
I have always seen list's of famous Masons. To just look at the name means very little. When you date and place those names in the proper time line and placement of power you begin to see the deception and vastness of this power elite. What will shock you even more is to learn who the powers are behind the Freemasons. Notice the death's of non Masonic presidents or those who lost favor, and the shuffling of the vice presidents to get them in the position of takeover before the presidents were killed or removed. Note also the number of presidential running mates who lost the race for presidency were Masons also. A win win situation regardless of the outcome of the election. The Mason's have controlled this country from the beginning. Another interesting fact to consider is that of the 37 Presidents of the United States before Jimmy Carter, at least 18 or 21 (depending on which source you believe) were close relatives. That comes to somewhere between 48.6 percent and 56.7 percent-far to much to be coincidence, as any conspiritologist (or mathematician) would tell you. Of the 224 ancestors in the family tree of 21 Presidents, we find 13 Roosevelt's, 16 Coolidge's, and 14 Tyler's. Another source manages to relate 60 percent of the Presidents and link most of them to the super-rich Astor family. This data does not include genealogies of the five most recent President. Psychologist G. William Domhoff claims that a large part of America's Ruling elite, just like that of Europe, are related by marriage.

I don't think I am having mirages anymore. My father is just lying to me about how the world works. He knows this **** is going on but he pretends he doesn't. "Secret societies" are what's ruling the world. It's not what we see, it's what we don't see.

This website rules:

There could be another thing. It's not that all the big shots are masons. It's that they are a lot of things: legion d'honneur... and whole lot of other titles. If I were told who the ones playing golf are, then I'd think that there's a conspiracy by golfers to rule the world. So I still need to get an idea of where the rules and the game is decided. If it's while playing golf, while sitting on the council on foreign relations, while sitting in the masonic lodge, or on a boat with the queen... I don't have enough evidence to understand if there's a plot by billionaires, by masons or by what. Maybe there ain't even a plot and everything is happening naturally by people aiming at making more money.

Or maybe I could find out by knowing what gets you killed. If a politicians takes sides against oil companies, or an inventor invents something that bothers an oil company, then he gets killed. So you'd think there's an oil conspiracy. But then when the vatican is involved, people get killed, too. So you'd feel like blaming the vatican for everything. But then Israel kills, too. But then communist russia killed, too, and present-day russia does it, too... basically there's a lot of killing going on and it's done by a lot of groups.

So i am back to the drawing board and cannot conclude that it's the masons ruling the world. However, the fact that so many us presidents were masons is alarming. And the fact that it's kept so secret is even more alarming.
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Ex-Masons give Honest Answers to Important Questions
As former Masons who have embraced the truth found in Jesus Christ, we are in a unique position. Since we have repented of our involvement in Freemasonry and have confessed our involvement in Freemasonry as sin, we have been cleansed from unrighteousness and restored to fellowship with God through our relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ.

While we were Masons, we sometimes were asked questions about Freemasonry by other church members who were not Masons. Because we had taken an oath to ever conceal and never reveal the secret teaching of Freemasonry, under the penalty of having our throats cut from ear to ear, we were reluctant to respond truthfully.

Nice website. Good to know about the throat-cutting. I still could not find out who the leader of this organization is. Another alarming sign.

Ok, I am getting there. The key to the power of an organization is how many murders you can get away with. Let's read this:
Can a man leave the Masonic Lodge?
You may have heard the phrase, "Once a Mason, always a Mason." Freemasonry wants its members to believe that they can never renounce their involvement in Masonry. Yet, many, many men have renounced.
In the 1800's, as a direct consequence of the Morgan Affair, the church took a strong stand against Freemasonry. Captain William Morgan had arranged with a printer to expose the secrets of Freemasonry. He was abducted near Niagara, New York by Freemasons. Morgan's body was never recovered. As a result of the public uproar over the abduction and presumed murder of Captain Morgan and the firm stand of the church, a majority of Masons renounced. Approximately three-quarters of the Masonic Lodges were closed for lack of membership. Many churches decreed that a persistent Mason would not be eligible for membership. The issues used were the ungodly blood oaths and being yoked with unbelievers. The result, of expelling Freemasonry from the church, was revival.
So it would seem - a fascinating topic - that the church is in big competition with freemasonry, at least the good part of the church.

Damn, man. This topic is very boring and pretty sick. The world I was seeing as an ignorant person was much better. I thought the democrats were the good guys and the republicans sucked. Now what I see is garbage everywhere. The way I look at politics and finance will never be the same. I thought everything was in the open, whereas now the world is full of tricks and dishonesty and most things are hidden. It's a dishonest world. And the United States which I thought was the most honest and transparent country is total crap.

I'm gonna move on to the next topic.
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Want your mind BLOWN? Watch this video! Prince William is the ANTICHRIST! WHEN? 2015! - YouTube

This is probably the best or one of the top 5 documentaries on 9/11 and on the whole scam going on at our expense right now.

The zionist connection is total bull****, because of what I wrote here:

First of all, you absolutely need the complicity of the US government, and there's no way the US government would have given its complicity if it hadn't been its own decision, so if anything it was the CIA plus the Israeli. So bringing up the zionists doesn't make sense. Let's discuss the US government instead.

Besides, the plan is complete idiocy, so Israel cannot be part of this, because they're not idiots. At the most this was the plot of the US government with the consent of Israel. At the most.

I would say this whole thing is Bush's plan and his buddies and relatives. The jews are there simply because the jews are involved in everything that's at the top of government and finance. Not because it was their idea as a group.

The evidence presented by the above documentary is just so abundant and compelling that it's painful to watch all of it. It's disturbing. Anyone with reasonable intelligence who doesn't believe 911 was an inside job is either lying or they want to look the other way.

Needless to say the UK was totally involved as it had advance knowledge and moved its troops to afghanistan before 911, minute 29.
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