my journal 3

Homeland Security
Colorado Information Analysis Center

In response to the 2001 September 11th attacks, the United States has created specialized agencies to coordinate efforts to prevent, protect against, respond to, recover from, and prosecute acts of terrorism. The CIAC is a multi agency fusion center created to help prevent terrorism incidents in Colorado.
Reporting Suspicious Activity Questions and Answers

Q. What exactly is "suspicious" activity?

A. No one knows what goes on in your neighborhood better than you. You may see things or hear things that seem out of the ordinary and may indicate suspicious or illegal conduct. Law enforcement officials in Colorado often rely on the instincts and perceptions of citizens to detect activity that is out of the ordinary...
Pretty grotesque. This is Nazi Germany in 1933. Pretty grotesque considering we all know this is in response to terrorist attacks that were an inside job, from the government itself.

IAC : Information Analysis Centers

Amazing how all the pretty looking politicians and journalists stay away from trouble and only the rough and rude guys like Alex Jones and Jesse Ventura are the only ones doing what should be done by the famous journalists and politicians. The States are... in italy we say "sono alla frutta", meaning they are "at the end of their rope". All the powerful politicians and media are out of order by now. This is really Nazi Germany but not in 1933... more like in 1936.

The amount and "like" consensus of these "conspiracy" (it's the truth) videos on youtube makes me hope for the future.
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American seeks political asylum in Sweden, alleging torture, FBI coercion - U.S. News
...In April 2010 Fikre was in Sudan, where he arrived several months earlier to set up a trading company. He was summoned to the U.S. Embassy in Khartoum, he says, ostensibly to attend a luncheon with other Americans to be briefed on security amid election-related turmoil in the country. But when he arrived Fikre was instead met with a grilling by two men who identified themselves as FBI agents from Portland, according to his account.

In a session lasting three to four hours, Fikre says, the two men questioned him about people and activities at As-Saber Mosque, where he prays back in Portland. They asked about the imam and people who attend the mosque, the content of sermons and meetings and even details about the layout of the building.

Fikre says they made it clear that they wanted him to go back to Portland as an FBI informant in an unspecified investigation.

Fikre says that when he told the men he didn’t want to work for the FBI, they countered by asking, "Don't you love your family? Don't you want to make real money?" They also indicated that if he worked for them, they could help him get off of the "no fly" list — which he says was a surprise because this meeting was the first he had heard that his name was on the no-fly list.

No Fly List - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I don't remember the Nazi Germany equivalent, but this "no-fly list" is like... a tool that can be used as a threat. If you are an activist for Ron Paul or similar, or you're a real journalist like Jesse Ventura, you can be placed on such a list. It's like saying "do not have any political opinions or you will risk losing some rights as a citizen". What an awful country. It started so well, but now it's really become sick, a sick giant. I think the American democracy reached its peak in the 1970s, right around the time they were losing the Vietnam war, and the blacks started having some real rights. But even then it was clear, from all those government-sponsored assassinations of the 1960s, that the country was already sick.

I think the problem in america is that there was too much immigration, and when you're the first generation, you don't and can't afford to care about politics - you only care about making a living. And even second and third generation immigrants are still caring about making a living, and improving their status. There's no way they're going to bother being critical about the country that let them in. In fact, the most frequent thing you hear from immigrants is their kissing up... "america here..." and "america there...". The country is sacred, the flag is sacred... and this is what happens when you have a few corrupted at the top, and the rest who says "this land..." and "this country..." and all that bull****.

As a consequence, very few people are monitoring what the government is doing.

In Italy people are still retarded and still voted for Berlusconi, but at least we all knew what he was like, a crook. The truth was already out from the beginning of his political career. Almost all Italians have been Italians for centuries and they all have no problem with criticizing their country and the government. We're not in a fascist dictatorship anymore and do not feel a duty to praise and kiss up to our country. And so it's not as easy for the government to go out of control as it did in the US, where a majority of citizens doesn't care about politics, and at the same time speaks of their country and government as the Holy Bible, a bunch of saints, prophets and priests. In fact there's so much conformism that there's never been any freedom of speech. The first censorship you experience in the states is by being around so many patriotic idiots. It doesn't come from the government, or maybe it does, too - from decades of television brainwashing you.
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US Student Added to No-fly List, Stuck in Egypt - YouTube

Ah, ah... he got stuck on the no-fly list because of Al Khaida or whatever it's called, which is the invention of the government itself.

Wow, AP is showing some balls, when it comes to minor issues like this one. I'm impressed.

CAIR News Conf. Video: AG Holder Asked to Help Muslim Citizens Barred from U.S. - YouTube

Holy cow... "second-class citizens"? That's an understatement. These muslim americans are blackmailed basically, into giving information and becoming informants. Pretty amazing situation. The rise of nazism in the USA. I told my father countless times, and he still won't take the time to understand these matters. Thank god for europe, which is still pretty healthy, democracy-wise.

I am starting to wonder if the US ever was a real democracy. At this point I have no doubts that Obama was an CIA asset and was recruited when he was 19. His policies speak very clearly.

The press whores are busy discrediting the poor CAIR people:

CAIR Revealed - YouTube

When I hear anyone speaking of "terrorism", it automatically means they're accomplices of the corporate agenda, which created the terrorist threat to screw the world and exploit it more easily. Press whores.

Yeah, mark steyn, go ahead and scare europeans, too, now:

Mark Steyn - Islamic Europe Unavoidable - YouTube

We're not as dumb as the americans. There's no way you're going to scare us with your bull****.

Toddler put on no fly list - YouTube

ABC is like AP: when it's about bull****, they make a report about it. When it's about 3000 americans murdered on 9/11 as an excuse to murder another million Iraqis, then it's like it never happened.


Here it is, all explained:
No Spy No Fly HOME

Just as I thought: used as a threat to make you an informant.

NoSpyNoFlyPromo.wmv - YouTube

CNNInterview.mp4 - YouTube

"the list is vital to keep the country safe from terrorism"... so that translates "safe from the government". It doesn't make any sense.

It's not enough to get away, repeatedly, with murdering american citizens (and those around the world, too) with their fake terrorist attacks: they also have to drag it along forever... pretty retarded people at the top. Only problem is that the people at the bottom are even more retarded.
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Holy cow... this crap has been going, at different levels, ever since 1996, when this film was shot:

Aaron Russo's Mad As Hell 1 of 2 - YouTube

The government holds you by the balls, and justice is gone down the toilet and it has been so for decades. The movies about america are just fiction, science fiction.

Good point at minute 5 (and some seconds):

Aaron Russo's Mad As Hell 2 of 2 - YouTube

Someone asks from the audience: when did this all start?

"With the war on drugs". In fact the war on drugs is indeed an excuse to terrorize the country. It has been used by the government for decades just as today they're using the "war on terror".

Awesome speech by Rod Taylor, predicting the future (in 1996), minute 30, circa.

Confidence in Institutions

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CORPORATE FASCISM: The Destruction of America's Middle Class - YouTube

Yeah, somehow the american democracy is sick and almost dying. I wonder where it all started. It used to be a healthier country than every other country. Then somewhere along the way things went wrong.

It partly has to do with its people, and how they allowed themselves to be dumbed down via: television, movies, music, sports.

The movie Idiocracy says a lot about it. You have a very powerful elite, that's so powerful that it rules the entire world. And it abuses both its people and the world, because it's not an Illuminati elite, unlike they call it, but a pretty ****ed up one. But on the other hand, the people are so much dumber that they let it all happen. It's a huge disaster. Everything is ruled by money, and all the money is in the hands of a few people, who corrupt whoever they need to corrupt.

My interest in this thing will soon be declining, and I'll focus on something else. US politics is like Nazi Germany in the last 1930s, when were starting to leave the country. Now instead of the Jews it's the muslims I guess.

The killing has started with Katrina. Watch this:

Hannity and Colmes Hurricane Katrina Geraldo Shepard Smith - YouTube

Katrina is where the FEMA concentration camps got started:
The disaster recovery response to Hurricane Katrina included federal government agencies such as the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), state and local-level agencies, federal and National Guard soldiers, non-governmental organizations, charities, and private individuals. Tens of thousands of volunteers and troops responded or were deployed to the disaster - most in the affected area but also throughout the U.S. at shelters set up in at least 19 states.
Useless to tell my dad about this crap going on in the States. He refuses to listen to me. Goddamn idiot. He kept preaching to me about Italian politics for decades, and now that I'd like to tell him something, he doesn't give a **** what I have to say. I find him despicable, stupid, pretentious, and the usual asshole basically. He sucks. He's an idiot. And if my dad is an idiot, it's no wonder what's happening in america.
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What I could do is this: since the US is like Nazi Germany of the late 1930s, I could study the markets of then to find out what I should be investing in today.

Only as far as my futures though because that's my optimized optimal approach. So I should be checking out what happened to the metals, energy, stock, currencies markets in germany during the years preceding world war 2.

Jesse Owens Wins 100m Olympic Gold in front of Hitler at 1936 Olympics - YouTube

I guess not. I guess the US in Nazi Germany in 1933.

Yet, for some other things, the US is ahead of that year:
Hermann Goering (4 of 4)
April 18, 1946 From Nuremberg Diary by Gustave Gilbert:

Sweating in his cell in the evening, Goering was defensive and deflated and not very happy over the turn the trial was taking. He said that he had no control over the actions or the defense of the others, and that he had never been anti-Semitic himself, had not believed these atrocities, and that several Jews had offered to testify in his behalf. If (Hans) Frank (Governor-General of occupied Poland) had known about atrocities in 1943, he should have come to him and he would have tried to do something about it. He might not have had enough power to change things in 1943, but if somebody had come to him in 1941 or 1942 he could have forced a showdown. (I still did not have the desire at this point to tell him what [SS General Otto] Ohlendorf had said to this: that Goering had been written off as an effective "moderating" influence, because of his drug addiction and corruption.) I pointed out that with his "temperamental utterances," such as preferring the killing of 200 Jews to the destruction of property, he had hardly set himself up as champion of minority rights. Goering protested that too much weight was being put on these temperamental utterances.

Furthermore, he made it clear that he was not defending or glorifying Hitler...We got around to the subject of war again and I said that, contrary to his attitude, I did not think that the common people are very thankful for leaders who bring them war and destruction. "Why, of course, the people don't want war," Goering shrugged. "Why would some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best that he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece. Naturally, the common people don't want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship."

"There is one difference," I pointed out. "In a democracy the people have some say in the matter through their elected representatives, and in the United States only Congress can declare wars." "Oh, that is all well and good, but, voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country."

IRAN true tale of GREED - YouTube

In the manipulation and indoctrination of its own people the US is behind Germany, it's like 1933. In waging wars it's past 1945, because it has already won them.
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