my journal 3

666 Micro Chip Implant Coming March 23, 2013 ?? - YouTube

RFID Chip will poison and kill you if you disobey! IMPORTANT WARNING MAKE VIRAL! - YouTube

Interesting how these presstitutes break the news to us.

It's crazy what is going on, and how stupid people are.

RFID Chip for all Americans in 2013 - YouTube


Idiocracy - YouTube

Microchiping included in Healthcare Bill ? | Peace . Gold . Liberty | Ron Paul 2012
In “real world speak”, according to this report, this new law, when fully implemented, provides the framework for making the United States the first Nation in the World to require each and every one of its citizens to have implanted in them a radio-frequency identification (RFID) microchip for the purpose of controlling who is, or isn’t, allowed medical care in their country.
Ok, so... by now it's pretty clear. The world is the hands of the US, at least at the moment. And I don't know if it's better that way than being in the hands of China. Because in turn the US is in the hands of US politicians, but US politicians are in the hands of those few corporate interests (banks, military-industrial complex), and they've proven to be worse and worse, manipulating and causing wars, assassinating presidents, candidates, and hundreds more in the process of covering up. And now they've got Obama, who's got the left fooled, and we have no one to represent us. It's amazing how the world is in the hands of a few selfish idiots. And now, thanks to Obama, and his ObamaCare, most US citizens will be chipped. This is the first step not just towards total control of a person but towards slaughter. Because if they want they can kill you through that chip. So this is pretty awesome, because it's going to be like in one of those movies, Idiocracy, Brazil, in the book 1984 or similar. The next few years will not be boring. The only thing that could prevent this agenda of slaughtering world population is if something disrupts the US ruling class, such as peak oil, and/or the increase in power of China and India - provided their ruling class is healthier and doesn't make a deal with the corrupted US ruling class. And the UK ruling class, too, which, judging by the BBC, is just as corrupted: the hidden story of Building 7: BBC's Premature Announcement of WTC 7's Collapse


BBC Reporter giving report WTC7 has collapsed. Now, the official story is that it wasn't a controlled demolition and that the fires brought it down. This picture alone should be enough to open your eyes. But most people refuse to consider the hypothesis that the government is lying to them.

BBC video about WTC7 is a hoax - YouTube

(forget the antisemitic remark - the rest is all correct)

Hopefully in the rest of Europe there's still some healthy leaders.
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Very powerful video:

Norman Finkelstein SHUTS DOWN Lying Student at University of Waterloo - YouTube

This shows there's many issues at stake, and they can all be solved by not categorizing people in groups. We just have to fight behaviours not groups of people. Not the germans, not the jews, not the zionist jews, not the wasp, not the bankers, not the rich... just the bad behaviours of any people, of any individual.

Ayn Rand said:The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities.
Gordon Cooper - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
He held claim until his death that the government is indeed covering up information about UFOs. He gives the example of President Harry Truman who said on April 4, 1950, "I can assure you that flying saucers, given that they exist, are not constructed by any power on Earth." He also pointed out that there were hundreds of reports made by his fellow pilots, many coming from military jet pilots sent to respond to radar or visual sightings from the ground. He was quite convinced till the day he died that he had seen UFOs and was a strong advocate to make the government come clean with what it knew.

NASA Astronaut Gordon Cooper talks about UFO's - YouTube
UFO Disclosure A Global Deception Conspiracy 1 of 3 - YouTube

Minute 7: the government says not to worry because they're "flares". This is just like the coverup for 9/11, saying that the jet fuel destroyed the twin towers.

Now I have no doubt that the government is covering up.

Yeah, the governor himself admitted it:

Hopefully one day the same will happen for 9/11 truth.

"We want the US government to stop perpetuating the myth that all UFOs can be explained away...".

The same could be applied to 9/11. The government lies to people so ****ing often that it's unbelievable.

"...serious pursuit of the facts by our government".

Interesting how all the healthy criticism and truth about the government is coming from that area of the US - Texas and Arizona - and all the bull**** and lies are coming from everywhere else.

Ok, so from now on... just assume the government is lying and you're half way to the truth.
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Pretty cool summary of the scam: the hidden story of Building 7: The Silence Surrounding Building 7
The American public was treated to wall-to-wall television coverage of the September 11th attack throughout the day and for nearly the entire following week. Yet most Americans remember only two skyscrapers collapsing in Lower Manhattan on the day of the attack: the Twin Towers. The total collapse of the third huge skyscraper late in the afternoon of September 11th was reported as if it were an insignificant footnote. The television networks played video of the jets impacting the Twin Towers hundreds of times. But most people never saw video of Building 7's collapse.

Building 7 was neither hit by an airplane nor, apparently, by heavy fallout from the collapse of either of the Twin Towers. If you believe the official story that it collapsed from fires, it would be the first case in history in which fires induced the total collapse of a steel-framed building. Shouldn't that have been newsworthy, given its implications for building safety and rescue and firefighting operations? Incredibly, it is difficult to find any mention of Building 7 in newspapers, magazines, or broadcast media reports about the September 11th attack.

The collapse of Building 7 was reported on 9/11/2001, apparently by all or most of the television networks. These reports were so obscure that it was not until 2007 that researchers discovered that the BBC and CNN had announced the collapse before it occurred.

Despite the enormity of this event, there is no mention of it in a timetable of press flashes, alerts, and bulletins from the day of and after the attack compiled by the Associated Press.

And pretty soon we're going to be chipped. Get ready to be slaughtered.


Very good answers on these threads:
Why does the Government lie to us so much? - Yahoo! Answers
Why does our government lie to us so much? - Yahoo! Answers
Why does the U.S. government lie to its citizens? - Yahoo! Answers
WikiLeaks' Most Terrifying Revelation: Just How Much Our Government Lies to Us | | AlterNet
why does the government lie to us? about everything!! | Answerbag
Government Lies and UFOs
In this last article Richard M. Dolan explains how closely connected are: 9/11, UFOs and the whole business of lying to the country.

Too bad the average person writing these things is not equivalent to the average citizen. But internet is helping increase awareness... who knows.
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Awesome research I am doing on UFOs... it all comes together now. Since the government has lied to us for so long, now that I've realized this, I can also get around all these other questions I had, which the government took care of (by lying).

Open Your Eyes: To 2012 and Beyond - UFO Truth Preserved
Open Your Eyes: To 2012 and Beyond - UFO Disclosure
UFO's In Ancient Art


In fact, the 9/11 event was an opportunity for all of us to find out that the government is lying to us. It's such a big and clumsy lie that it enabled us (a few of us) to wake up and find out about all the other lies, that have been going on for centuries. But all this knowledge would not have been possible without the internet, which was also created by the US government (US military).

Astronaut Gordon Cooper Witnesses UFO Landing at Edwards AFB - Edwards AFB, California, United States - , 1957 - UFO Evidence
"After a while a high-ranking officer said when the film was developed I was to put it in a pouch and send it to Washington.

"He didn't say anything about me not looking at the film. That's what I did when it came back from the lab * and it was all there just like the camera crew reported."

When the Air Force later started Operation Blue Book to collate UFO evidence and reports, Cooper says he mentioned the film evidence.

"But the film was never found * supposedly. Blue Book was strictly a cover-up anyway."

Cooper revealed he's convinced an alien craft crashed at Roswell, N. Mex., in 1947 and aliens were discovered in the wreckage.

"I had a good friend at Roswell, a fellow officer. He had to be careful about what he said. But it sure wasn't a weather balloon, like the Air Force cover story. He made it clear to me what crashed was a craft of alien origin, and members of the crew were recovered."
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Americans Leaving US in Record Numbers. - YouTube

Renouncing US Citizenship - Ken O'Keefe - YouTube

Fascinating people. These people have got some balls and some strong moral convictions.

Holy ****: he reached my same exact conclusions back in 2003:

Ken O'Keefe BBC Hardtalk Jan. 2003 1 of 3 - YouTube

Ken O'Keefe BBC Hardtalk Jan. 2003 2 of 3 - YouTube

Ken O'Keefe BBC Hardtalk Jan. 2003 3 of 3 - YouTube

This guy is amazing (interview above): great talking and great values. Amazing intelligence and sharp and smart and quick. The journalist is a douchebag, but maybe he managed to bring out the best in him. If america can produce people like Ken O'Keefe, there's hope.


These are the real american heroes - not the ones killing Iraqis.
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Vice President Biden is confronted with evidence of criminal demolitions on 9/11/01 - YouTube

Damn, these people are working their ass off, confronting politicians around the US with the truth. Thanks on behalf of everyone.

WeAreChangeLA sends Karl Rove and his B.S. packing - YouTube

There's hope for america.

WeAreChangeLA questions 2001 Nobel Prize Winner in Physics Carl Wieman - YouTube

These few people can make a difference. A few good people like these, who have no personal gain from fighting for the truth, against many others who have to gain from lying.

Let's see if Dennis Kucinich admits the truth or not.

WeAreChangeLA questions Dennis Kucinich about 9/11 - YouTube

All right, he kind of bull****ted his way out of it, but he did mention the "Truth and Reconciliation" which is a reference to South Africa, so it means he totally thinks they're guilty of 9/11 but it also means telling Bush and the other culprits "hey, we're not gonna put you on trial, at least not a Nuremberg trial, but it's time to quit this war and to repent". I don't know if this is right, but the approach Mandela used, I suppose (I don't know much about it). It might work better because you're saying "you don't have to fight me to death, because you're going to have impunity". But then again, if the culprits stop fighting, and admit they did it, they might also get killed by the those among the opponents that are not as reconciliation-oriented as Kucinich. It might go from "Truth and Reconciliation" to "Truth and Punishment". Which brings up to my mind that Kucinich is in part an accomplice, because if they admit their guilt he immediately becomes guilty of never denouncing them. But if he does, he gets killed, and the cause is lost. So he might be helping the cause by lying and not denouncing the truth. Even though... Cynthia McKinney denounced the truth, and she's still alive, luckily for her, but she's not in office anymore. Well, up to him. Right now Ron Paul doesn't dare as much as he did by speaking about the "Truth and Reconciliation".

The Giuliani and the journalist douchebags and the disappointing Ron Paul who says that 9/11 was caused by "blowback". It was really too hard for him to say "911 was an inside job". I think he knows and he's lying, in order to stay alive. Pathetic how Giuliani, who's one of the main criminals, gets all the applauses for lying - and he asks for Ron Paul to apologize! Good thing he's in control. I would have lost my temper and said "how dare you talk to me like this - when you made it happen!". Pathetic america.

This is kind of like nazism all over again. One day, they will say like they said in germany in 1945: "what were you guys doing to fight nazism? how could you let it happen?".

But if one of them lets the truth out, and he really convinces the american people, then you will need a new nuremberg trial to keep americans satisfied. No one wants to do it, because there would be civil unrest, for sure. After all, they did it for Pearl Harbor, they did for the Lusitania, and countless other times... so it's a learned habit for them.
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9/11 TRUTH: Jewish Ex-Marine SPEAKS OUT on Israeli Involvement (MUST WATCH) - YouTube

I've come across plenty of videos and websites asserting that it was zionist jews organizing 9/11, and I checked the hypothesis but it doesn't hold for many reasons:

1. I see the hypothesis everywhere but I don't see many facts backing it
2. the five dancing israelis is to be investigated, but as a proof is total bull****. The real culprits would not be caught dancing and stuff. Neither the CIA and even less the Mossad.
3. it takes much more than 5 israelis to set up something like 9/11, and we all know that the culprits were pretty much everywhere across US government, CIA, FBI, what have you - so Israel might have helped but its involvement does not rule out US government involvement, and therefore why would Israel get involved at all? And second of all, why would the US be involved if it weren't its own idea? So this proves again that it wouldn't have made sense for Israel to be involved. Of course I am not saying it wasn't at least aware of it - on that part I bet that it was well aware of it.
4. the fact that there's so many jews among the culprits (wolfowitz etc.) and among the corporate interests doesn't mean in any way that Israel is involved because jews are at the top in every field, and they're also very much involved in the 9/11 truth movement.
5. all in all, this Zionist track seems to be simply stemming from antisemitism. Not that I won't investigate it any further, but it doesn't convince me at all, and most of all, it would never rule out an even bigger role of the US government - so arguing "it was Israel that did 9/11" is totally ridiculous and cannot possibly be backed by any facts. Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld and Condoleezza Rice have been lying to us for years, and it certainly wasn't on behalf of Israel.
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Matt Simmons Exposes BP in an Interview Before His Death - YouTube

"It's the biggest coverup we've ever seen" and "their days are numbered" and then he had a heart attack in the bath tub:
Simmons’ lifeless body was found August 8, 2010, in his hot tub.[17] An autopsy by the state medical examiner’s office the next day concluded that he died from accidental drowning with heart disease as a contributing factor.[18] Many conspiracy theorists believe Simmons was killed for his views on the "cover up" concerning both B.P.s' and the U.S.A's deception about the Gulf oil spill, claiming it had never really been cleaned up nor the leak ever stopped.
Usual trail of deaths we've gotten used to.

Jesse Ventura - BP Oil Spill - Conspiracy Theory Season 2 Episode 7 p 1 of 4 - YouTube

Jesse Ventura - BP Oil Spill - Conspiracy Theory Season 2 Episode 7 p 3 of 4 - YouTube

This third section says a lot more: according to alfred webre, bush and obama were two CIA "assets", manchurian candidates. "BP is running the department of energy" and the CIA is running the government. It's pretty clear and this Webre certainly doesn't sound like a lunatic. He has plenty of degrees and international acknowledgement.

Wait, here's the whole show in one video:

Paul Watson Breaks Down BP Oil Spill as A False Flage Event on Alex Jones Tv 1/4 - YouTube

God bless these guys, who are risking their life to tell the truth. These are the real american heroes - not the ones killing Iraqis.
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Holy ****! This guy who was on Jesse Ventura's show really knows his ****:

Expert Peter Kling: Prince William is the Antichrist future king of one world government - YouTube

Let's take advantage of his while they let him stay alive. This guy is so good that even the CIA on wikipedia doesn't dare to call him the usual "a well-known conspiracy theorist":
Alfred Webre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Alfred Lambremont Webre (born May 24, 1942) is an American author, lawyer, futurist, peace activist, environmental activist, and a space activist who promotes the ban of space weapons.[2][3] He was a co-architect of the Space Preservation Treaty and the Space Preservation Act that was introduced to the U.S. Congress by Congressman Dennis Kucinich and is endorsed by more than 270 NGO's worldwide.[4][5]

He helped draft the Citizen Hearing in 2000 with Stephen Bassett and serves as a member of the Board of Advisors. Webre is also the congressional coordinator for The Disclosure Project,[6] and is a judge on the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission.[3]
Something seems very strange. International recognition, several degrees from Yale, and yet he and Basiago are saying things that others usually get called "lunatic" for.

According to my estimates, this guy knows more than all the other "well-known conspiracy theorists" put together. I'm gonna listen to everything he has ever said or written from cover to cover.

Alfred Webre : Obama, Mars, and the Matrix ~ Ohio Exopolitics 2/4/2012 - YouTube

EXOPOLITICS: Politics, Government, and Law in the Universe: Mars visitors Basiago and Stillings confirm Barack Obama traveled to Mars
Two former participants in the CIA’s Mars visitation program of the early 1980’s have confirmed that U.S. President Barack H. Obama was enrolled in their Mars training class in 1980 and was among the young Americans from the program who they later encountered on the Martian surface after reaching Mars via “jump room.”

Ok, Webre is clearly not crazy, because of his curriculum (cfr. link above) and because of the many things he's clearly right about (cfr. videos above, including Jesse Ventura's video in previous post), so there are two possibilities:
1) he's right about everything including mars and teleportation
2) he's pretending he's crazy so they don't kill him and they allow him to speak the truth about everything else - half the truth and coming off as crazy may feel better than being unable to speak the truth at all.

Bill Cooper also talked about UFOs, and that didn't keep him from being killed.

I have no doubts that Obama was a CIA agent. But the rest... teleportation and Mars... I need a little bit more time to digest that. I have to check how long Webre has been saying these things. The longer the more reliable.


Jesse Ventura Discusses Barack Obama's Secret CIA Past With Piers Morgan On CNN - YouTube

Yep. On the one hand, both Ventura and Webre could go to jail, easily, for what they said. But on the other hand the CNN journalist sounds like an interrogator. Naturally Jesse got scared of it, and said "hey, my show is just entertainment...". Pretty sad. He' still my hero, but when you've got a CNN interrogator, and the world is watching you ("hey, it was on CNN... so it must be true..."), obviously you **** in your pants, because depending on what you say you could get killed. He's like sitting in court on his trial.


Ok, Webre just said in the video above (in the last 5 minutes) that ***ushima is another false-flag. He is definitely not crazy and so he's either making fun of us or he's telling the whole truth. Since most of the stuff he's saying goes against the elite, how on earth would he be making fun of us? What is the advantage of this to the elite? So I am going to assume he's telling the truth. Furthermore, he's right about everything else. Or he's crazy, but that's unlikely. Even though, his buddy is this dude, who also might not be crazy:
Andrew D. Basiago
Seattle Attorney Andrew Basiago Claims U.S. Sent Him On Time Travels (VIDEO)

Bob Tuskin Speaks with Andrew Basiago: Time Travel and Project Pegasus At Free Your Mind Conference - YouTube

The thing I am wondering is not if they are crazy, but why they are still alive, since people have been killed for saying much less.


Just like Webre, Basiago's biography also seems strage:
Andrew D. Basiago
A past member of Mensa, the high IQ society, he holds five degrees, including a BA in History from the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) and a Master of Philosophy from the University of Cambridge.

In his interview on time travel he is not very believable. He is neither believable nor does he look crazy. This puzzles me. He sounds like he's trying to look crazy. Like a bad actor reading a script. On the other hand, if he's a friend of Webre, who says all those truths... I don't know what to think.

Minute 26, when he's quoting Rumsfeld, that sounds like total bull****.

****, man. This guy is not crazy. He's fooling us all maybe. Maybe, and in this case like Webre, he's mixing some truth with some fiction, in order to make us believe that people who believe some political truth (9/11 being an inside job) are lunatics. Maybe, or maybe not. He's certainly not crazy.

Minute 34:20: that coughing before answering the question, that makes him look like he's about to lie, or he does it to avoid laughing.


This sounds good instead, but I cannot see his face:

Andrew D. Basiago - Richard C. Hoagland Part 1 - YouTube

Haagland called him "an intelligence operative". Hmm, interesting. I was thinking the same thing.

Richard C. Hoagland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Richard Charles Hoagland,[1] (born April 25, 1945 in Morristown, New Jersey[2] ) is an American author, and a proponent of various conspiracy theories about NASA, lost alien civilizations on the Moon and on Mars and other related topics.

His writings claim that advanced civilizations exist or once existed on the Moon, Mars and on some of the moons of Jupiter and Saturn, and that NASA and the United States government have conspired to keep these facts secret. He has advocated his ideas in two published books, several videotapes,[3][4][5] lectures,[6] interviews,[7][8] and press conferences.[9] His views have never been published in peer-reviewed journals.[10] Hoagland has been described by James Oberg of The Space Review and Phil Plait of Bad Astronomy as a conspiracy theorist and fringe pseudoscientist.[11][12]

U.S. government conspiracy
Hoagland claims The United States government has covered up the presence of extraterrestrials, that the Space Agency murdered the Apollo 1 astronauts,[56] that NASA missions to Mars are a "well documented interest of the Bush family",[57][58] and that there is a clandestine space program which uses antigravity technology reverse-engineered from lunar artifacts and communicated by secret societies.[59]

Hoagland further claims that President John F. Kennedy was assassinated by an agency or agencies opposed to his stated policy[60] of inviting Nikita Khrushchev to create a joint U.S.–Soviet manned lunar effort.[59] He asserts that Federal agencies such as the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and NASA are linked to Freemasonry.[56][61][62][63]
It seems that these Ufologists, no matter how crazy they sound, they've got 9/11 right. I am pretty pleased with all the ufologists.

Andrew D. Basiago - Richard C. Hoagland Part 2 - YouTube

Wait. In the phone interview (cfr. video above), he keeps talking about his father:
Speaker Biographies

I am at minute 5 of the second video - he convinced me. I believe this guy. He went to Mars.

Holy ****!

This is all true. He's bringing up gandhi and fear of assassination. He's neither crazy nor speaking falsehood. He's gone to Mars via teleportation.

This is awesome. He wants teleportation, so we can abstain from waging wars to get oil. This will be useful with the approaching peak oil.

Holy ****!

This is all true:

Andrew D. Basiago - Richard C. Hoagland Part 6 - YouTube

Minute 4, Laura Eisenhower was almost recruited for the Mars colony, but she didn't go. That's what Basiago says. Then I found this article:
Whistleblower Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, Ike’s great-granddaughter, outs secret Mars colony project
In a public statement, Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, left, great-granddaughter of former President Dwight David Eisenhower (1890-1969), has exposed her attempted recruitment from April 2006 through January 2007 by a secret Mars colony project.

This is all so ****ing true.

Here's the "biostation alpha" he talks about at minute 10 (of part 6):

Bio Station Alpha on Mars. The latest discovery by David Martines. Original Video - YouTube

Richard Hoagland talks about Bio Station Alpha on Coast To Coast AM 6.15.2011 - YouTube

Michio Kaku explained - Bio Station Alpha on Mars and explosion on the Sun, June 8 2011 - YouTube

Ok, if fox says it's a hoax, then it means it's true.

Besides, this guy is saying that barack obama went to mars with him - there are no doubts that this is all true.

And the coughing is no problem - he's not lying. He is just coughing all the time. I am now sad that Tuskin was kind of making fun of him, while interviewing him in the street. I am not happy at all with that interview they had, standing up for an hour.

Basiago and Eisenhower reveal "Marsgate" and make case for "Alternative 4" - Seattle exopolitics |

Andrew D. Basiago - Richard C. Hoagland Part 7 - YouTube

Minute 7:25: the most important thing I've heard so far. It's about Laura Eisenhower. Basiago says "why would she be motivated to be telling a strange story about being invited to go up to a secret colony on mars?". This is it. I am convinced. I went from studying natural gas to believing this in just 3 months.

Minute 12: he says why he's not a scamster: and he's totally convincing.

The whole deal with this is that "intelligence" (as in Central Intelligence Agency) is more about information than intelligence. And the government wants to keep the power derived from intelligence. So it protects its citizens from information not in order to keep them safe and happy but to keep the power from them. And now internet is totally blowing away this thing, because some people are letting out the secrets and the secrets are spreading faster than ever, via internet. Sure, a lot still do not have the intelligence to process the intelligence (intended as "information"). But others do. All that I needed as a trigger of all this is to analyze 9/11. Once you see that, you realize how much the government and the media lies. Once you have that, you also realize all the past geopolitical lies, for over a century. And then you get busy discovering other truths and other lies: for example, today I discovered the staged BP Oil Spill, the staged disaster of Katrina, both to move the people from the coast. Once you realize they've been lying to you, pretty quickly, you uncover all the facts, because for every fact, the truth is out there, on the web - the only problem is putting two and two together, which you cannot do until you're immune to peer pressure and immune to the mainstream media.

The funny thing is that for every 1 person telling you the truth, there's 1000 people lying to you, out of ignorance, conformism, or out of dishonesty. But once you've identified those 100 sources on the web that tell you the truth, and once you've discarded the sources lying to you, then you have a pretty easy task uncovering the truth.

Minute 2: he says how barack obama has been playing the "insider game" since he was 19 years old. This reminds me how Jerome Corsi says he was "groomed from birth". And reminds me how he said to Jesse Ventura that he's a manchurian candidate.

This is ****ing awesome. Knowledge... knowledge... so fascinating. I was really living in the matrix. These movies do a good job at explaining these situations I've been observing in the past few weeks:
1) the matrix
2) the manchurian candidate
3) network
4) conspiracy theory
5) three days of the condor

I gotta remember to watch them again.

Minute 4: beautiful speech on the government keeping us in the dark in a "cosmic kindergarten"... this guy is not a fraud. We're and have been living in a matrix. This is amazing.

Minute 9: nice things he says about Jesse Ventura. I totally agree, and one more reason to believe Basiago.

Minute 1: major point about the role of internet in spreading information.
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