my journal 3

Carney the Clown Speaks Again: Obama's Felony Document Fraud is a Ridiculous Distraction - YouTube

Nice, just like Berlusconi replied when he was being attacked for his many crimes, Clinton for his sexual scandals, and many others, who have something to hide: let's focus on the real problems of the nation.

Donald Trump Goes Birther Insane, Mitt Romney Fundraises with Him - YouTube

Arthur Schopenhauer Quotes - BrainyQuote
All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.
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Paul Craig Roberts on the 9/11 10th Anniversary - GRTV Feature Interview 002 - YouTube

Paul Craig Roberts on 9/11 Truth!! - YouTube

Paul Craig Roberts - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Paul Craig Roberts (born April 3, 1939) is an American economist and a columnist for Creators Syndicate. He served as an Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration earning fame as a co-founder of Reaganomics.

9-11: Jim Fetzer, False Flag Terror and The Rise of the Global Police State - YouTube

James H. Fetzer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
James Henry Fetzer (born December 6, 1940 in Pasadena, California) is an American philosopher, professor emeritus at the University of Minnesota Duluth,[1] and a well-known conspiracy theorist.
Oh, ok, like a "birther"... a lunatic, a well-known lunatic.

The more I read wikipedia and the clearer it is that it's controlled by the CIA for the things that matter to them:
Wikipedia a US Gov't Fraud - How US Agents Can Embed in Wikipedia, Plant Propaganda, Deceive Citizens; Wikipedia and the CIA

CIA Funding and Manipulation of the U.S. News Media - YouTube
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Professor Steven Jones on MSNBC - YouTube

Look, how aggressive the journalist is. He called him on the show to insult him and doesn't even let him talk. Usual presstitute. What did he get for selling out? Who knows:

Maybe nothing. He just didn't lose his job, like this other guy did, for speaking the truth:
Steven E. Jones - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Steven Earl Jones is an American physicist. For most of his career, Jones was known mainly for his work on muon-catalyzed fusion. In the fall of 2006, amid controversy surrounding his work on the collapse of the World Trade Center (Jones produced alleged evidence showing the buildings were destroyed by controlled demolition during the September 11 attacks), he was relieved of his teaching duties and placed on paid leave from Brigham Young University.
Lucky he is still alive. Only problem "he was relieved of his teaching duties".
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The Banknote Den
