my journal 3

German Government Bonds 10 Yr Dbr Chart - GDBR10 - Bloomberg


You give them your money for 10 years, and they give you a 1.25% return, with yearly inflation at 3%.

Who would have ever thought the yield could have fallen so low, and the bund rise so high? Today the bund reached 145.47.

I got busy picking a top at 140, several months ago. I've been losing money for months on the bund. I was totally wrong.

I was closer to being right on natural gas: that's why I didn't lose all my capital yet.

The only good thing about this discretionary madness, on natural gas and bund, ... is that it got me studying world events: natural gas got me to study oil, then the assassinations by the oil companies got me to study 9/11 and the assassinations by the government. And then I kept going, into the past and into the future.

Studying the bund in turn got me interested in greece and the debt crisis, and the european union. And both research topics came together... to basically "world politics", if I had to sum it up in one term. Quite fascinating. And since I've found out that we'll reach a world catastrophe by next winter, due to peak oil, trading now doesn't really mean much anymore, since the financial markets will stop existing. Money, too. Civilization will end. The good thing about this is that I'll stop working at this bank. It's kind of like when it rains. I rejoice because I know it bothers the majority of idiots who are around me. I don't mind earthquakes either. And what about the US? That country is so corrupted that I don't see how any kind of crisis couldn't cause positive changes. I mean they had it so easy for so many years that the government and the corporations behind it felt the need to manufacture "terror" artificially. Peak oil might bring some healthy changes.

Bund hit a high at 145.63, 10 year yield at 1.23%.

More manufactured terrorism courtesy of the FBI | End the Lie – Independent News

145.83, yield at 1.22%

Judge Napolitano On Government Faking Terror Plots - YouTube

Judge Napolitano Talks False Flags – Gets Fired? | The 2012 Scenario

145.93, yield at 1.21%

bund at 146.08 and yield below 1.2%
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Bund at 146.89, 10 year yield at 1.12%

I wonder if the rise of the Bund future is going to continue until a greek government is formed, after the elections of June 17th.

With this kind of rise, I am forgiving myself for losing a lot of my capital. On the other hand, I am also glad, because I took this opportunity to learn how it could be that the 10 year yield is so low and people are still buying german bonds.

According to the "money under the mattress" reasoning, a greek dude, if he buys german bonds, will not be taxed on them, and if the country goes back to the drachma overnight, he'll still have euros in his greek bank account, which would not be the case if he left the money as it is. Furthermore, if the bank goes bankrupt, he still has his government bonds I think, because it's an agreement you have with the german state and not with the greek bank. The German state would still keep track of what you gave them, no matter what happens to your greek bank. So basically it would make sense to buy German bonds even if they gave you, in ten years, less than what you're giving them today. And in fact the 2-year yield is zero:
Germany Government Bond Yield & Interest Rates - Bloomberg

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Awesome article by awesome american free thinker:

This new quiescence comes at a time when US crimes are far worse and more far-reaching than they were in 1970; certainly in the eyes of the world. In 2001 the US government both facilitated and executed the attacks of 9/11 against its own people, killing thousands of its citizens as an excuse to launch a neo-imperial conquest for energy. A few Americans held small rallies, organized some ineffective groups, bought a few hundred thousand books and DVDs, listened to a few radio programs and lectures, and then quietly lined up to have their bags, emails, credit histories, minds and bodies searched. Critical mass was never achieved as Executive Orders along with the Patriot and Homeland Security Acts shredded the 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th and 8th Amendments to our Bill of Rights.

In my book Crossing the Rubicon I wrote that events that took place in the five years following those attacks would determine the course of human history for centuries to come. We now stand at the brink of that fateful anniversary.

After the 9-11 attacks the US government lied to create a war for oil in Iraq telling us that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, almost-ready atom bombs, poison gas and deadly germs. We were told that he helped execute the 9/11 attacks. It was all lies, and no one has held the US accountable for the hundreds of thousands of deaths (murders) in Iraq and Afghanistan since then. Few have tried to hold the government accountable for 2,500 Americans who have died needlessly, and those who have, have been remarkably ineffective.
My country is dead. Its people have surrendered to tyranny, and in so doing, they have become tyranny’s primary support group; its base constituency; its chief defender. Every day they offer their endorsement of tyranny by banking in its banks and spending their borrowed money with the corporations that run it. The great Neocon strategy of George H.W. Bush has triumphed. Convince the American people that they can’t live without the “good things”, then sit back and watch as they endorse the progressively more outrageous crimes you commit as you throw them bones with ever-less meat on them. All the while, lock them into debt. Destroy the middle class, the only political base that need be feared. Make them accept, because of their own shared guilt, ever-more repressive police state measures. Do whatever you want.

No amount of mind control spin can absolve any of us from acknowledging this ugly truth about the US and its crimes today. It lurks invisibly behind every corporate news broadcast, every commercially-made television show, every infomercial, every new magazine ad, and almost every new popular song that leads Americans deeper into ever-less-satisfying consumption, self-indulgence and debt. It stands grinning behind every report on the world’s rapacious financial markets and every new automobile, shampoo, or other product that promises to give the world larger and more potent sexual organs, bigger (more ridiculous) breasts, a better love life, and peace of mind.

I left my last classes that spring day in 1970 after four students had been murdered, crying from both the emotional pain and the tear gas that wafted up the Janns Steps and onto the Quad at UCLA. I went to my job as an intern at the Los Angeles Police Department. After donning my khaki uniform without gun or badge I returned to UCLA to work at LAPD’s command post, ferrying dispatches and running errands for Deputy Chiefs, Commanders, and Captains as LAPD batons shed the blood of my fellow students. My life has always been full of ironies. Then, I believed that the system could be changed from the inside. Then, I believed that the United States could be changed from the inside.

Mistrusted by both sides there was no safe place for me to cry that day.

My shame today is that it took a set of circumstances where my life was in danger to make me make the right choice, a choice I would now like to say was totally a matter of conscience, but it was not. The truth is that I was prompted to do what I should have done long ago out of a well-justified desire to save my life.

In this life I have chosen not to die a martyr’s death. As I am learning every day, there are more difficult and demanding ways to write the final chapters of one’s life. I left the United States with one large suitcase, my laptop, and a backpack. I left behind my precious library, most of my clothing, my personal possessions, my guns, and a house full of furniture. I brought with me less than eight thousand dollars in cash and gold to start the final segment of my life.

My permanent exodus from the US was actually ordained thirty years –- to the month –- before I left for good on July 18th, 2006. It was thirty years ago that my then-fiancée, a career contract agent for the CIA, disclosed to me that “her people” were interested in giving a major boost to my career with LAPD if I would become involved with her “anti-terror” operations that involved “overlooking” (i.e. protecting) large drug shipments coming in while facilitating the movement of large quantities of firearms going out. I refused to compromise my ethics as a police officer and –- as I wrote on page 6 of Crossing the Rubicon – “that has determined the course of my life ever since.”
Amazing honesty, clarity, conciseness.

Michael Ruppert - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Michael C. Ruppert (born Feb. 3 1951) is an American author,[1] a former Los Angeles Police Department officer, [2] and investigative journalist and peak oil theorist.

Quality, intelligence, courage, hard work... he's got everything that US politicians and government officials (those that are still alive) do not have. That's why he had to flee the country.

"Peak oil theorist", too. This guy has understood everything that's important.

Another quote from that article:
Like all humans I want to hold on to dreams for as long as possible, even long after I know they will never come true. I have tried and sacrificed with every fiber of my being to change my country, but the plain fact is that the United States of America cannot and will never be changed from within. I recall the words spoken to me by a senior FBI agent in Los Angeles in 1986: “Mike, the world doesn’t want to be saved.”

Stupid me. I still believe it does –- at least the parts of it that lie outside the US, Great Britain, and Israel; the real Axis of Evil.

I never thought until now about Israel, but there's so many people talking bad about Israel, and I agree so much with everything else this guy is saying and admire so much everything he has done, that I am considering the thought that Israel was indeed involved in the sloppy work of 9/11. Even though I still haven't read that this guy has said Israel was involved in 9/11. He's just saying it belongs to the axis of evil. The reason I don't believe it was involved is that it happened in a foreign country and that it was a very crappy job.

Today the United States is the cause of ever-expanding wars (covert and overt), carnage, suffering, and political and economic exploitation –- even within its own borders against its own people –- that fill our corporate-issued headlines and TV shows. The US economy, the privately-owned Federal Reserve system, and the government which they operate like a franchise are the greatest enemies of the entire human race and especially the rapidly- deteriorating and fragile ecosystem which supports all life. U.S. citizens are slowly discovering that they are not immune because of their nationality. On our planet today, what happens to one must inevitably happen to all. Peak Oil and global warming will spare no nationality in the end.
Here's something I disagree with. Global warming seems to be bull****. But the rest is all true. It was hard to find someone I agree so much with.

The US economy, driven by a fiat currency, fractional reserve banking, debt-based financing –- and “doped” with the billions of dollars of drug profits laundered through its corporations and banks –- is a superheated pyramid scheme of infinite growth wherein 5% of the world’s population consumes 25% of the world’s energy and a totally disproportionate share of the world’s diminishing resources and commodities.

In their silence and acquiescence Americans have voted –- even if by abstention –- to stand on the shoulders of all drowning peoples in the vain hope that they will somehow be saved from a paradigm which they support and empower by obeying it; by endorsing it with their silence or knowingly impotent protests; by refusing to throw themselves against the gears of the machine. In this world, a protest which is allowed and encouraged, corralled into free-speech areas, and then policed by the ruling government only to be ignored by the media is, by definition, meaningless.
Yeah, this could be applied to 9/11 truth. But hey some of these guys have been assassinated, and their opinions are widespread on youtube, so I don't think it's in vain.

The US is a nation where the “non-negotiable” and unsustainable “American” way of life is propped up by global conflict, out-of-control military spending, massive and unsustainable debt, and an increasingly-aggressive fascist police state. It is a nation where all US citizens who do not resist and disconnect from this paradigm enjoy their ever-diminishing privileges with the guilty knowledge that somewhere else, hopefully in some “other” country, others are paying the price for it.
"Fascist police state"... so true. But I think the US has crossed the Rubicon a long time ago, with the assassination of JFK. Oklahoma City bombing was just like 9/11, so Bush wasn't the one who started this, nor Clinton... this has been going on ever since the US has won the war, if not sooner. It's just that keeps getting worse and worse.

With the passage of time, the degree of corporate oppression, the outrageousness of the cruelty, and the absurdity of the lies can only increase as dwindling resources diminish and desperation erupts. Ironically, the disappearing American middle class will still cheer at each new millionaire success story, even if they quietly understand that a hundred or a thousand of their kind had to disappear to create it. They chase illusions of hope rather than the real possibility of justice and change like lottery players with a one-in-a-billion chance of winning. They prefer that to hard work and sacrifice with much better odds where almost everybody can win something.
This guy completes my sentences, we're totally in agreement on everything.

As the human race enters the first stages of inevitable collapse resulting from Peak Oil, it does so ass-backwards, in complete denial, and in the one way most certain to guarantee the greatest amount of suffering and death for future generations. It does so because, for a time at least, U.S. foreign, military, and economic policy holds the steering wheel of human destiny through dollar hegemony, military force, technology and globalization.

This control is inevitably weakening, and other hands in other countries are successfully struggling for an ever-increasing measure of influence. The Empire is dying from within, and like all wounded beasts, it is becoming more vicious and dangerous in the process; its lies more transparent.

Michael Ruppert confronts CIA director about Drug Laundering - YouTube

Collapse Michael Ruppert Crisis World Order - YouTube
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Eolo Car - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Production should have begun in 2003 in Broni (Italy), but for unspecified problems MDI company was unable to build or sell it in the Italian-European market, or indeed anywhere.

Tata OneCAT - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
As of August 2009 there was no mentioning of the prototype or planned production of the TATA OneCAT on the TATA or MDI homepages. In December 2009 Tata's vice president of engineering systems confirmed that the limited range and low engine temperatures were causing difficulties.[3] Meanwhile all links, articles and archives relative to MDI have disappeared from Tata's website.

Air Car by Guy Negre on CNN - YouTube

Another car killed by the oil companies. And the inventor is lucky to still be alive, unlike Tom Ogle:
Tom Ogle carb. |
Smedley Butler - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Major General Smedley Butler & The Fascist Takeover Of The USA - A Warning From History - YouTube

Bush's Grandfather Led Nazi Coup Against White House in 1933 - YouTube

All this is related to both 9/11 and peak oil. All power to the corporations, which control politics, and in bush's case, are in politics.

Amazing world we live in. The world is not what I thought it was, and what we're brainwashed to believe. History is written by the winners.

Prescott Bush Interview (1953) - YouTube
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Why The Military Knows Israel Did 9/11 - YouTube

Now these guys blame it entirely on the Mossad. Let's not exaggerate here: you needed the complicity of the CIA, FBI, US media whores, US politicians... a whole lot of people. So let's now not gang up on the US, the Bush family, on the Germans, on Israel, on anyone in particular. Let's just make sure that this doesn't keep on happening. We can't each time gang up and blame it all on one person, such as Hitler, Saddam or the Jews... otherwise we're condemned to repeat history, and the worst part of it. Let's just acknowledge the problem and fight the problem, but not necessarily the people, especially as a group, ethnicity, family... let's not do that.

The problem is that the secret services and Western politicians have really gone too far. It is clear that we cannot have fake democracy where the government assassinates its people to blame it on the muslims!!! This is what is wrong. It's not "evil Israel" or "evil Bush". Clinton did the same type of things, plenty of false flag operations and plenty of political assassinations. It's not one person, one people - it's the mechanism that we have to stop.
America Destroyed By Design - Alex Jones - YouTube

24 year old and talks and reasons like a mature adult... genius. Great great guy. Movie he made in 1998. While other jerks were drinking beer and watching football games. Jerks who'll never reach this maturity.

At 24 he has already figured out that he mainstream media lies to us. And that politicians do not care about people but only about big corporations.