my journal 3

Oh man, it's amazing that people even have to discuss about this. Man... so pathetic. Such a pathetic "democracy" these guys have got in the US - it's a total police state that appears as a democracy.

Ron Paul and other champions of liberty don't want a democracy. They want a Constitutional Republic the way the framers had intended. Some say that the definition of a democracy is: two wolves and a sheep voting on what they will eat for lunch. Democracies have a habit of voting themselves into eventual bankruptcy.

At least not all Americans are asleep, many are aware of the reality and are doing their best to change things. You might like this lecture by Judge Andrew Napolitano.

What Ever Happened to the Constitution? | Andrew Napolitano - YouTube
Yeah, good points. I posted judge Napolitano here, too:

He was fired from his tv show because of speaking out on 911.

I am glad there are a few intelligent people out there, and actually there's more people aware of this US ongoing/impending disaster in the US than elsewhere, but few dare to speak, and if they do, you know what they risk... so I am not sure they're going to win. It might have to turn into a dictatorship first, and be that way for a century, before they have their way. This is close to Nazi Germany - remember the Reichstag fire? That's equivalent to what the US had with 9/11. Now even software-wise the US is turning into a deceitful and manipulated "Idiocracy". I mean even 9/11 was organized very very badly... here's a guy who agrees about it:

Jim Marrs 9-11 is the worst conspiracy i ever heard - YouTube

That's why they had to kill so many people afterwards. Idiots at the top actually, lethal idiots, who are having to kill the few smart people at the bottom who dare to speak out - even kids who're doing their own research on the internet.

Let's see... wow, awesome: Jim Marrs is still alive. Thanks to the US government for sparing his life. He looks a lot like professor Dennett. I wonder if the philosophers are bothering with what's going on in the US. I wonder if in Political Science classes anyone dares to talk about 9/11...

And software for idiots: look at google, microsoft... how they all manipulate the user. You don't even have the choices anymore - they force you to go in a given direction. The people at the top are getting more stupid all the time, and the people at the bottom, too. But maybe there's a hope that the people at the top are becoming stupid faster than the people at the bottom. I don't know...

The Russians and the rest of the world are not democratic yet, and the Americans are not democratic anymore. We have to count on the few good european democracies that we have left. I don't think the US can recover. Its people are, generally, too stupid. There's an overwhelming majority of idiots.

Maybe the whole western world will be taken over by China and India. I'd prefer India.

I forecast disaster by the end of the year. And it's all connected to the corporate interests prevailing over the interests of the majority. Because of the media and government being totally controlled by corporate interests, peak oil was hidden from the public and from public policies. Prices will soon start going up, this time there will be no middle eastern country to attack, because there's not enough oil for everyone to waste (unless you are going to nuke India and China), and so this time there will be panic and that will be the end of this story, one way or another, for better or for worse.
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I used to be a big fan of wikipedia but I am sorry to say that, on political matters, they side with the government, which means spreading lies. At least as far as the US government, because the Berlusconi wikipedia entry says it like it is (that he's a crook), no matter whether he's in power or what the Italian law says (he changed the laws so he wouldn't go to jail).

Barack Obama citizenship conspiracy theories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
9/11 conspiracy theories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Trials and allegations involving Silvio Berlusconi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Silvio Berlusconi has an extensive record of criminal allegations, including mafia collusion, false accounting, tax fraud, corruption and bribery of police officers and judges. Berlusconi has been tried in Italian courts in several cases. In three of these cases accusations were dropped by the judiciary because of laws passed by Berlusconi's parliamentary majority shortening the time limit for prosecution of various offences and making false accounting illegal only if there is a specific damaged party reporting the fact to the authorities.
When are we going to have an entry like this one for George Bush? Shame on wikipedia.

It seems that as far as non-convicted criminals:
1) if he's a US president or former president, wikipedia doesn't report it or calls it "conspiracy theory".
2) if it's an Italian president, it has a big section on it and it's titled "allegations".

Neither Bush nor Berlusconi were ever convicted and yet here's a big difference between the two entries:
George W. Bush - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1 Childhood to mid-life
1.1 Education
1.2 Texas Air National Guard
2 Marriage, family, and personal life
3 Early career
4 Governor of Texas
5 Presidential campaigns
5.1 2000 Presidential candidacy
5.2 2004 Presidential candidacy
6 Presidency
6.1 Domestic policy
6.2 Foreign policy
6.3 Judicial appointments
6.4 Public image and perception
7 Post-presidency
8 See also
9 References
10 Further reading
11 External links

Silvio Berlusconi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1 Family background and personal life
2 Business career
2.1 Milano Due
2.2 Telemilano
2.3 Fininvest
3 Political career
4 Legal problems
4.1 Allegations
4.2 False testimony
4.3 Jowell controversy/David Mills bribery case
4.4 Soliciting minors for sex
4.5 Abuse of office

5 Personal fortune
6 See also
7 References
8 Documentaries
9 Feature films
10 Further reading
11 External links

Maybe, since wikipedia is supposed to be democratic, the Italian secret service didn't work as hard at editing as the CIA?

Am I to believe that the smart people editing wikipedia stop being smart when it comes to politics? I don't think so. I would expect Bush's entry to be talking about all the bad stuff he's done, including rigging the elections in 2000 and 2004. And yet it doesn't. Either wikipedia is controlled by the CIA, or the CIA edits it so much that it affects its entries more than the (usually) intelligent people writing on wikipedia.

It's pretty depressing. If Berlusconi steals a few billions from Italians, it's all over the news, even if he's not convicted. But if Bush kills thousands of his own people, then it's just "conspiracy theories". It reminds me of that quote...
Might makes right - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Might makes right is an aphorism with several potential meanings (in order of increasing complexity):

In English, the phrase is most often used in negative assessments of expressions of power.
The second related idea associated with the phrase connotes that a society's view of right and wrong is determined, like its perspective on history, by those currently in power.
The term can be used in the descriptive, rather than prescriptive way, in the same sense that people say that "History is written by the victors." Since every person labels what he/she thinks is good for himself/herself as "right," only those who are able to defeat their enemies are the ones who can push their idea of what is right into fruition.
In terms of morality, those who are the strongest will rule others and have the power to determine right and wrong. By this definition, the phrase manifests itself in a normative sense. This meaning is often used to define a proscriptive moral code for society to follow, as well as while discussing social Darwinism and Weberian themes of the authority of the state (e.g. 'Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft').


1 History
2 References in literature
3 See also
4 Notes
5 References


The idea of "woe to the conquered" can be found in Homer and the hawk parable in Hesiod's 'Works and Days' and in Livy, in which "vae victis", Latin for "woe to the conquered", is first recorded...

Just saying... it's a pretty disgusting world, a world where if you're not fooled by the media and political propaganda, if you're not an idiot, the majority of idiots calls you a "conspiracy theorist". The amount of lies spread by the US government and media is increasing, and it takes more and more stupidity and ignorance to not realize it.

At the same time, with the internet, people are getting more and more real knowledge and the internet is spreading. So, just as we found out about 9/11, thanks to putting together all the information scattered on the web... pretty soon those in power will be destabilized by the information made available by the honest media. Maybe Obama was the last puppet president taking care of corporate interests. Or maybe they'll keep on trying to fool us until the end (of us or them) and produce a bloody revolution.

Or, more probably, the US will lose its power, and succumb to another country. Who knows if it will be better or worse as far as human rights and democracy. No idea. Definitely less stupid. The US has been behaving very stupidly and misusing its power. Americans have become a very stupid people over the last few decades.


Google Public Data Explorer - Fixed broadband Internet subscribers (per 100 people)
Google Public Data Explorer - Internet users as percentage of population

I am afraid the US will lose its power to China. Unless the EU and US stay close together. China and Japan are increasing their ties:
Direct yuan-yen trade from June | Video |

At the start the US was helping other countries, all the way up to the end of World War 2. Then, as soon as it won that war, power got to its head, and started abusing its power, and its people - and especially other peoples. Capitalism and money got to its head. Companies got more and more powerful, and people got more and more stupid. Politicians got more and more corrupted. The country is now controlled by the big companies and by the CIA. If anyone goes against them, whether a politician, a citizen, a free-thinker, he gets killed or at best ignored by the media. There cannot be a candidate that isn't approved by those powers.

If you're very rich, you're not going to have any problems. The people getting screwed, such as those killed on 9/11, the soldiers, and those getting searched at the airports... are those not owning private jets. The people screwing the country obviously are not going to have any problems from the screwing they're doing. That's because the people below them are too stupid and too ignorant to ally. Furthermore, they're not doing that badly either, so the incentive to rebel is quite small.

But all this is going to come to an end by next winter, when oil prices will start rising, due to peak oil, which no one will be prepared for, because the politicians and the media are controlled by corporations that didn't want alternative energies to be developed, because they would have replaced oil. This will all come to an end, and all the money they have made will be useless if there's a civil war and revolution. They are probably ready to move to another country anyway.

As long as they'll set up a system where money is worth something, and people are ready to be enslaved to get paid, they'll be ok.

As long as there isn't a situation like the one in this movie:

Swept Away - YouTube
An arrogant wealthy capitalist named Raffaella (Mariangela Melato) is vacationing on a yacht in the Mediterranean Sea with friends—swimming, sunbathing, and talking incessantly about the virtues of her class and the worthlessness of the political left. Her nonstop political monologue infuriates one of the underclass deckhands on her yacht, Gennarino (Giancarlo Giannini), a dedicated Communist who manages to restrain his opinions to avoid upsetting his boss and losing his good job. Despite her humiliating insults, Gennarino agrees to take her out on a dinghy one morning to see the rest of her friends who have gone ahead without her. On their way, the outboard motor gives out, leaving them stranded in the middle of the sea with no land in sight.

After a night at sea, Gennarino manages to get the motor running again but has no idea where they are or how to get to land. Eventually they spot an island and head toward it, destroying their dinghy in the process. On land, they discover that there is no one on the island except them, and they are effectively shipwrecked. Accustomed to having everything done for her, Raffaella begins ordering Gennarino about, but this is the final straw for him and he snaps, refusing to assist her any longer.
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people killed by the CIA

Killed By the CIA? - David Icke's Official Forums
Here's a short list of people who told inconvenient truths and then lost their lives, many via 'suicide' and many via 'heart attack+drowning', I can't prove that the CIA had anything to do with them, but for the sake of the thread -

Mysterious Deaths:
William Colby ~ CIA Director
Deborah Jeane Palfrey ~ D.C. Madam
Mike Connell ~ Ohio Election Fraud
Paul Wellstone ~ Election, 9/11
Gary Webb ~ investigative journalist
Jim Hatfield ~ Bush author
Pat Tillman ~ Patriot
Hunter S. Thompson ~ Gannon-9/11-Intro to LC
Dr. Bruce Ivins ~ Anthrax
Lori Klausutis ~ aide to Joe Scarborough
Beverly Eckert ~ 9/11 widow plane crash
Dr. David Kelly ~ British Weapons Inspector
Barry Jennings ~ WTC 7 Whistleblower
John O'Neill ~ worked in WTC first day
Dr. David Graham ~ 9/11 Whistleblower
JFK Jr. ~ Journalist, Potential Candidate
Mel Carnahan ~ Democratic Governor of Missouri
Colonel Sabow ~ Whistleblower and Marine
Col. Ted Westhusing ~ Returning home from Iraq
Gary Caradori ~ investigating the Franklin Cover Up
Nancy Schaefer ~ Georgia State Senator
Officer Terrance Yeakey ~ Oklahoma City Bombing
Clintons - Satanism & the Clinton Death List - David Icke's Official Forums
The following is a partial list of deaths of persons connected to President Clinton during his tenure as Governor of Arkansas and/or while President of the United States and thereafter. Read the list and judge for yourself.

BARBARA OLSON - Author of "Hell to Pay" - a book critical of Hillary Clinton, killed in the Pentagon bombing.

DARLENE NOVINGER - Former FBI operative, January 23rd, 2003. Novinger was known to hold sensitive information on the Clinton and Bush I administration's drug operations. Her husband murdered March 1987 when she went public with initial reports. Her father died July 8, 1993 four hours after Darlene was a guest on the Tom Valentine show. Suffered retaliation after reporting discussions by government protected drug smuggler who described contacts with Vice President George Bush and his son, Jeb Bush.

DAN MULLONEY, a television news photographer who shot footage of the 1993 Branch Davidian siege.

CHARLES RUFF - White House Counsel and Clinton defense attorney during the Monica Lewinsky scandal and the impeachment trial. Of apparent natural causes.

JAMES MCDOUGAL - Clinton's convicted Whitewater partner died of an apparent heart attack, while in solitary confinement. McDougal was a key witness in Kenneth Starr's investigation.

MARY MAHONEY - A former White House intern was murdered July 6, 1997 at a Starbucks Coffee Shop in Georgetown. The murder happened during the pre-trial publicity surrounding the Paula Jones lawsuit days after Newsweek's Mike Isakoff dropped hints that a former White House staffer was about to go public with her story of sexual harassment in the White House.

VINCENT FOSTER - Former White House counselor, and former colleague of Hillary Clinton at Little Rock's Rose law firm. Foster was found dead July 20, 1993 of a gunshot to the head ruled a suicide. Rumours were that Foster and Hillary had an affair.

RON BROWN - Secretary of Commerce and former DNC Chairman. Reported to have died by impact in a plane crash. A pathologist close to the investigation reported to the Bob Grant Radio Show a hole in top of Brown's skull resembling a gunshot wound. At the time of his death Brown was being investigated, and spoke publicly of his willingness to cut a deal with prosecutors.

C. VICTOR RAISER II - Former National finance Co-Chairman, Clinton for President Campaign and son MONTGOMERY RAISER died in a private plane crash in Alaska, July 30th,1992. Raiser was described as a major player in the Clinton organization by Dee Dee Meyers.

JEREMY "MIKE" BOORDA, President Clinton's former Chief of Naval Operations allegedly committed suicide by shooting himself in the chest with a .38 caliber pistol on his front lawn in May 1996. The unauthorized wearing of valor pins was the alleged reasoning behind the suicide. By 1998 this reasoning was proved false after the Navy issued a report that said Boorda earned the right to wear the pins afterall.

PAUL TULLEY - Democrat National Committee Political Director found dead in a hotel room in Little Rock, Arkansas September 24, 1992, Described by Clinton as a "Dear friend and trusted advisor".

ED WILLEY - Clinton fund raiser-found dead November 30, 1993 deep in the woods in Virginia of a gunshot wound to the head. Ruled a suicide, Willey died on the same day his wife Kathleen Willey claimed that Bill Clinton groped her in the oval office in the White House. Ed Willey was involved in several Clinton fund raising events.

JERRY PARKS - Head of Clinton's gubernatorial security team in Little Rock. Gunned down in his car at a deserted intersection outside Little Rock. Parks' son said his father was building a dossier on Clinton. He allegedly threatened to reveal this information. After he died the files were mysteriously removed from his house

JAMES BUNCH - Died from a gunshot wound. Reported to have a black book of people containing names of influential people who visited prostitutes in Texas and Arkansas.

JAMES WILSON - Was found dead by hanging May 18, 1993. Was reported to have ties to Whitewater.

KATHY FERGUSON - Ex-wife of Arkansas Trooper Danny Ferguson died in May,1994 was found dead in her living room with a gunshot wound to her head. It was ruled a suicide even though there were several packed suitcases, as if she was going somewhere. Danny Ferguson was a co-defendant along with Bill Clinton in the Paula Corbin Jones lawsuit. She was reported a possible corroborating witness for Paula Jones case.

BILL SHELTON - Arkansas state Trooper and Fiancee of Kathy Ferguson.Critical of the suicide ruling of his fiancee, he was found dead in June, 1994 of a gunshot wound also ruled a suicide at the grave site of his fiancee.

GANDY BAUGH - Attorney for Clinton friend Dan Lassater died by falling out a window of a tall building January, 1991. His client was a convicted drug distributor.

FLORENCE MARTIN - Accountant subcontractor for the CIA related to the Barry Seal Mena Airport drug smuggling case. Dead of three gunshot wounds.

SUZANNE COLEMAN - Reportedly had an affair with Clinton when he was Arkansas Attorney General. Died of a gunshot wound to back of head, ruled a suicide, was pregnant at the time her death.

PAULA GROBER - Clinton's speech interpreter for the deaf from 1978 until her death December 9, 1992. She died in a one car accident.

DANNY CASOLARO - Investigative reporter, investigating Mena airport and Arkansas Development Finance Authority. Found dead with slit his wrists in the middle of his investigation.

PAUL WILCHER - Attorney investigating corruption at Mena Airport with Casolaro and the 1980 "October Surprise" was found dead on a toilet June 22, 1993 in his Washington DC Apartment. Had delivered report to Janet Reno 3 weeks before his death.

JON PARNELL WALKER - Whitewater Investigator for Resolution Trust Corporation. Fell to his death from his Arlington, Virginia apartment balcony August 15, 1993. Was investigating Morgan Guarantee scandal.

BARBARA WISE - Commerce Department Staffer, worked closely with Ron Brown and John Huang. Cause of death unknown. Died November 29, 1996. Her bruised nude body was found locked in her office at the Department of Commerce.

CHARLES MEISSNER - Assistant Secretary of Commerce who gave John Huang special security clearance, died shortly thereafter in a small plane crash.

DR.STANLEY HEARD - Chair National Chiropractic Heath Care Advisory committee died with his attorney.

STEVE DICKSON - Died in a small plane crash. Heard, in addition to serving on Clinton's advisory council personally treated Clinton's mother, stepfather and brother.

BARRY SEAL - Drug running pilot out of Mena, Arkansas. Death was no accident.

JOHNNY LAWHORN Jr. - Mechanic, found a check made out to Clinton in the trunk of a car left in his repair shop. Died when his car hit a utility pole.

STANLEY MUGGINS - Suicide. Investigated Madison Guarantee. His report was never released.

HERSHELL FRIDAY - Attorney and Clinton fund raiser died March 1, 1994 when his plane exploded.

KEVIN IVES and DON HENRY - Known as "The boys on the track" case. Reports say the boys may have stumbled upon the Mena Arkansas Airport Drug operation. This controversial case where initial report of death was due to falling asleep on railroad track. Later reports claim the two had been slain before being placed on the tracks. Many people linked to the case died (see below) before their testimony could come before a Grand Jury.


KEITH CONEY - Died when his motorcycle slammed into the back of a truck in July, 1988.
KEITH McMASKLE - Died, stabbed 113 times, November 1988.
GREGORY COLLINS - Died from a gunshot wound, January 1989.
JEFF RHODES - He was shot, mutilated and found burned in a trash dump in April 1989.
JAMES MILAN. Found decapitated-Coroner ruled death due to natural causes.
JORDAN KETTLESON - Was found shot to death in the front seat of his pickup truck in June 1990.
RICHARD WINTERS - Winters was a suspect in the Ives/Henry deaths. Was killed in set-up robbery in July 1989.


Kennedy Assassination "Mystery Deaths"
Marrs List of "Mystery Deaths"
Note: information in the first four columns is from Marrs, the "Comment" is by the author of this web page.

* = Marrs considers death "particularly suspicious"

Date Name Marrs: Connection with case Marrs: Cause of death Comment
11/63 Karyn Kupcinet TV host's daughter who was overheard telling of JFK's death prior to 11/22/63 Murdered No corroboration for Penn Jones' implausible "foreknowledge" claim.
12/63 Jack Zangretti Expressed foreknowledge of Ruby shooting Oswald Gunshot Victim Actually "Zangetty." Unsourced claim by Penn Jones with no corroboration. Supposedly, member of Sinatra family was to be kidnapped.
2/64 Eddy Benavides Lookalike brother to Tippit shooting witness, Domingo Benavides Gunshot to head Innocent bystander killed in bar brawl. Death was actually in February, 1965.
2/64 Betty MacDonald* Former Ruby employee who alibied Warren Reynolds shooting suspect. Suicide by hanging in Dallas Jail Was in fact a suicide.
3/64 Bill Chesher Thought to have information linking Oswald and Ruby Heart attack No evidence he could link Ruby and Oswald. HSCA found death nonsinister
3/64 Hank Killam* Husband of Ruby employee, knew Oswald acquaintance Throat cut HSCA found death non-suspicious.
4/64 Bill Hunter* Reporter who was in Ruby's apartment on 11/24/63 Accidental shooting by policeman Death judged non-suspicious by HSCA. Accidently shot by cop.
5/64 Gary Underhill* CIA agent who claimed Agency was involved Gunshot in head ruled suicide Was not a CIA agent. Death was indeed a suicide.
5/64 Hugh Ward* Private investigator working with Guy Banister and David Ferrie Plane crash in Mexico No evidence of connection to case.
5/64 DeLesseps Morrison* New Orleans Passenger in Ward's plane Was mayor of New Orleans. Otherwise, unconnected to case.
8/64 Teresa Norton* Ruby employee Fatally shot Same person as Karen Carlin. Marrs listed her twice, and further she is not known to be dead.
6/64 Guy Banister* x-FBI agent in New Orleans connected to Ferrie, CIA, Carlos Marcello & Oswald Heart attack No evidence death was from foul play.
9/64 Jim Koethe* Reporter who was in Ruby's apartment on 11/24/63 Blow to neck Judged non-suspicious by HSCA. Police suspected fight with gay lover.
9/64 C.D. Jackson "Life" magazine senior Vice President who bought Zapruder Film and locked it away Unknown No other connection to the case. Actually died of a heart attack.
10/64 Mary Pinchot JFK "special" friend whose diary was taken by CIA chief James Angleton after her death Murdered Killed in mugging. Her diary had account of affair with JFK, nothing about assassination.
1/65 Paul Mandel "Life" writer who told of JFK turning to rear when shot in throat Cancer No other connection to the case -- did indeed die of cancer
3/65 Tom Howard* Ruby's first lawyer, was in Ruby's apartment on 11/24/63 Heart attack Had history of heart disease and was heavy drinker. HSCA found death non-sinister.
5/65 Maurice Gatlin* Pilot for Guy Banister Fatal fall No connection with assassination.
8/65 Mona B. Saenz* Texas Employment clerk who interviewed Oswald Hit by Dallas bus Circumstances not suspicious — no evidence of any reason to "silence" her.
?/65 David Goldstein Dallasite who helped FBI trace Oswald's pistol Natural causes Every gunshop owner in Dallas, including Goldstein, provided affidavit saying he did not sell Oswald pistol. No other connection.
9/65 Rose Cheramie* Knew of assassination in advance, told of riding to Dallas with Cubans Hit/run victim Prostitute and drug addict, doubtful her statements that Kennedy was going to be killed indicated "foreknowledge."
11/65 Dorothy Kilgallen* Columnist who had private interview with Ruby, pledged to "break" JFK case Drug overdose HSCA investigated her death, found nothing sinister.
11/65 Mrs. Earl Smith* Close friend to Dorothy Kilgallen, died two days after columnist, may have kept Kilgallen's notes Cause unknown A fellow Journal-American columnist, she died after three-month illness. No evidence of any knowledge about the case.
12/65 William Whaley* Cab driver who reportedly drove Oswald to Oak Cliff (The only Dallas taxi driver to die on duty) Motor collision 83 year-old man in oncoming car crashed into Whaley on viaduct, killing himself and Whaley.
1966 Judge Joe Brown Presided over Ruby's trial Heart attack Had history of heart attacks.
1966 Karen "Little Lynn" Carlin* Ruby employee who last talked with Ruby before Oswald shooting Gunshot victim Same person as Teresa Norton (see above). No reliable evidence of her death.
1/66 Earlene Roberts Oswald's landlady Heart attack Had a history of heart disease.
2/66 Albert Bogard* Car salesman who said Oswald test drove new car Suicide Investigation of local authorities and testimony of relatives makes it clear it was indeed suicide.
6/66 Capt. Frank Martin Dallas policeman who witnessed Oswald slaying, told Warren Commission "there's a lot to be said but probably be better if I don't say it" Sudden cancer Immediately explained what it would be better not to say: that the Dallas police had performed poorly in allowing Oswald to be killed.
8/66 Lee Bowers Jr.* Witnessed men behind picket fence on Grassy Knoll Motor accident Investigated by HSCA, and researcher David Perry. No evidence of murder.
9/66 Marilyn "Delila" Walle* Ruby dancer Shot by husband after 1 month of marriage Shot in domestic squabble.
10/66 Lt. William Pitzer* JFK autopsy photographer who described his duty as "horrifying experience" Gunshot ruled suicide Evidence contradicts alleged claim to have photographed autopsy. No evidence of murder.
11/66 Jimmy Levens Fort Worth nightclub owner who hired Ruby employees Natural causes Casual acquaintance of Ruby's. HSCA judged death non-suspicious.
11/66 James Worrell Jr.* Saw man flee rear of Texas School Book Depository Motor accident Told Warren Commission of seeing a shooter in Sniper's Nest. Died in motorcycle accident.
1966 Clarence Oliver Dist. Atty. Investigator who worked Ruby case Unknown Circumstances not suspicious — no evidence of any reason to "silence" him.
12/66 Hank Suydam Life magazine official in charge of JFK stories Heart attack No other connection to the case.
1967 Leonard Pullin Civilian Navy employee who helped film "Last Two Days" about assassination One-car crash Film actually dealt with Texas trip, and had no information about assassination.
1/67 Jack Ruby* Oswald's slayer Lung cancer (he told family he was injected with cancer cells) Inducing cancer by injecting cancer cells is medical nonsense. Ruby's mental condition had badly deteriorated.
2/67 Harold Russell* Saw escape of Tippit killer Killed by cop in bar brawl Actually died of heart failure several hours after bar brawl.
2/67 David Ferrie* Acquaintance of Oswald, Garrison suspect and employee of Guy Banister Blow to neck (ruled accidental) Died of Berry aneurysm, natural causes.
2/67 Eladio Del Valle* Anti-Castro Cuban associate of David Ferrie being sought by Garrison Gunshot wound, ax wound to head Was involved in drug running, various criminal activities. No "axe wound."
3/67 Dr. Mary Sherman* Ferrie associate working on cancer research Died in fire (possibly shot) No evidence of Ferrie association, died in 1964, and was not shot, but rather stabbed. Otherwise, Marrs is correct.
1/68 A. D. Bowie Asst. Dallas District Attorney prosecuting Ruby Cancer Circumstances not suspicious — no evidence of any reason to "silence" him.
4/68 Hiram Ingram Dallas Deputy Sheriff, close friend to Roger Craig Sudden cancer Circumstances not suspicious — no evidence of any reason to "silence" him.
5/68 Dr. Nicholas Chetta New Orleans coroner who ruled on death of Ferrie Heart attack No evidence he knew anything sinister. HSCA found nothing suspicious about death.
8/68 Philip Geraci* Friend of Perry Russo, told of Oswald/Shaw conversation Electrocution Note Marrs' syntax. It was Russo, and not Geraci who told of story of "Oswald/Shaw conversation."
1/69 Henry Delaune* Brother-in-law to coroner Chetta Murdered If Chetta's death wasn't suspicious, how was that of his brother-in-law supposed to be?
1/69 E.R. Walthers* Dallas Deputy Sheriff who was involved in Depository search, claimed to have found .45-cal. slug Shot by felon Made no claim of finding slug, in fact explicitly denied it. Killed trying to arrest violent suspect.
1969 Charles Mentesana Filmed rifle other than Mannlicher-Carcano being taken from Depository Heart attack Film actually shows Dallas Police shotgun, and survives to this day. Had no other knowledge of the assassination.
4/69 Mary Bledsoe Neighbor to Oswald, also knew David Ferrie Natural causes Key witness supporting Warren Commission case. Died at age 72.
4/69 John Crawford* Close friend to both Ruby and Wesley Frazier, who gave ride to Oswald on 11/22/63 Crash of private plane No evidence of foul play.
7/69 Rev. Clyde Johnson* Scheduled to testify about Clay Shaw/Oswald connection Fatally shot Was shot after end of trial, so unreliable prosecution decided not to use him. HSCA judged death non-sinister.
1970 George McGann* Underworld figure connected to Ruby friends, wife, Beverly, took film in Dealey Plaza Murdered Beverly's claim to have been in Dealey Plaza has severe credibility problems. No other connection with the case.
1/70 Darrell W. Garner Arrested for shooting Warren Reynolds, released after alibi from Betty MacDonald Drug overdose No evidence of any connection to the assassination.
8/70 Bill Decker Dallas Sheriff who saw bullet hit street in front of JFK Natural causes Circumstances not suspicious — no evidence of any reason to "silence" him.
8/70 Abraham Zapruder Took famous film of JFK assassination Natural causes Circumstances not suspicious — no evidence of any reason to "silence" him.
12/70 Salvatore Granello* Mobster linked to both Hoffa,Trafficante, and Castro assassination plots Murdered Unfortunately, no link to Kennedy assassination plot.
1971 James Plumeri* Mobster tied to mob-CIA assassination plots Murdered Mobster getting murdered is not that unusual. Plumeri had no connection with the case.
3/71 Clayton Fowler Ruby's chief defense attorney Unknown Circumstances not suspicious — no evidence of any reason to "silence" him.
4/71 Gen. Charles Cabell* CIA deputy director connected to anti-Castro Cubans Collapsed and died after physical at Fort Myers Circumstances not sinister, no connection with assassination.
1972 Hale Boggs* House Majority Leader, member of Warren Commission who began to publicly express doubts about findings Disappeared on Alaskan plane flight Having doubts about findings is not the same as having information "dangerous" to a conspiracy.
5/72 J. Edgar Hoover* FBI director who pushed "lone assassin" theory in JFK assassination Heart attack (no autopsy) Died at age 77. Wasn't he running the coverup? Who killed him?
9/73 Thomas E. Davis* Gunrunner connected to both Ruby and CIA Electrocuted trying to steal wire No connection to assassination.
2/74 J.A. Milteer* Miami right-winger who predicted JFK's death and capture of scapegoat Heater explosion Milteer's crackpot statements are far from a "prediction" of JFK's death.
1974 Dave Yaras* Close friend to both Hoffa and Jack Ruby Murdered Childhood friend of Ruby's, had no contact with him in 1963.
7/74 Earl Warren Chief Justice who reluctantly chaired Warren Commission Heart failure Died at age 82. Insisted to the end that Oswald was the lone assassin.
8/74 Clay Shaw* Prime suspect in Garrison case, reportedly a CIA contact with Ferrie and E. Howard Hunt Possible cancer Garrison's flimsy case against Shaw collapsed in 1969. Shaw died of cancer.
1974 Earle Cabell Mayor of Dallas on 11/22/63, whose brother, Gen. Charles Cabell was fired from CIA by JFK Natural causes Circumstances not suspicious — no evidence of any reason to "silence" him.
6/75 Sam Giancana* Chicago Mafia boss slated to tell about CIA-mob death plots to Senate Committee Murdered HSCA found no evidence his death was assassination related.
7/75 Clyde Tolson J. Edgar Hoover's assistant and roommate Natural causes Died of heart disease at age 71.
1975 Allen Sweatt Dallas Deputy Sheriff involved in investigation Natural causes One of scores of deputies involved in investigation.
12/75 Gen. Earle Wheeler Contact between JFK and CIA Unknown Died of heart failure at age 67 — no connection with case.
1976 Ralph Paul Ruby's business partner connected with crime figures Heart attack Circumstances not suspicious — no evidence of any reason to "silence" him.
4/76 James Chaney Dallas motorcycle officer riding to JFK's right rear who said JFK "struck in the face" with bullet Heart attack Circumstances not suspicious — no evidence of any reason to "silence" him.
4/76 Dr. Charles Gregory Governor John Connally's physician Heart attack His testimony refuted the idea that there was "too much lead" in Connally to have come from CE 399.
6/76 William Harvey* CIA coordinator for CIA-mob assassination plans against Castro Complications from heart surgery No connection with Kennedy assassination.
7/76 John Roselli* Mobster who testified to Senate Committee and was to appear again Stabbed and stuffed in metal drum HSCA found no evidence his murder was related to JFK assassination.
1/77 William Pawley* Former Brazilian Ambassador connected to Anti-Castro Cubans, crime figures Gunshot ruled suicide No connection with assassination
3/77 George DeMohrenschildt* Close friend to both Oswald and Bouvier family (Jackie Kennedy's parents), CIA contract agent Gunshot wound ruled suicide Was not "CIA contract agent." Had history of mental illness and previous suicide attempts. Death thoroughly investigated by the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office.
3/77 Carlos Prio Soccaras* Former Cuban President, money man for anti-Castro Cubans Gunshot wound ruled suicide No connection to case.
3/77 Paul Raigorodsky Business friend of George DeMohrenschildt and wealthy oilmen Natural causes Circumstances not suspicious — no evidence of any reason to "silence" him.
5/77 Lou Staples* Dallas radio Talk Show host who told friends he would break assassination case Gunshot to head, ruled suicide Was living in Oklahoma when he killed himself. Apparently unable to "break the case."
6/77 Louis Nichols Former No. 3 man in FBI, worked on JFK investigation Heart attack No evidence of foul play.
8/77 Alan Belmont FBI official who testified to Warren Commission "Long illness" No evidence of foul play.
8/77 James Cadigan FBI document expert who testified to Warren Commission Fall in home No evidence of any foul play.
8/77 Joseph C. Ayres* Chief steward on JFK's Air Force One Shooting accident Being Chief Steward doubtless allowed him to garner much sinister information.
8/77 Francis G. Powers* U-2 pilot downed over Russia in 1960 Helicopter crash (He reportedly ran out of fuel) Speculated Oswald may have given the Soviets information that allowed them to shoot him down. Had no evidence.
9/77 Kenneth O'Donnell JFK's closest aide Natural causes Died of aneurysm and liver complications.
10/77 Donald Kaylor FBI fingerprint chemist Heart attack One of hundreds of FBI employees with marginal connection to assassination.
10/77 J.M. English Former head of FBI Forensic Sciences Laboratory Heart attack No evidence of foul play.
11/77 William Sullivan* Former No. 3 man in FBI, headed Division 5, counter- espionage and domestic intelligence Hunting accident Investigation by New Hampshire authorities showed no indication of foul play.
1978 C.L. "Lummie" Lewis Dallas Deputy Sheriff who arrested Mafia man Braden in Dealey Plaza Natural causes Are we supposed to assume that Braden blurted out details of plot to cop arresting him?
9/78 Garland Slack Man who said Oswald fired at his target at rifle range Unknown Died of heart disease — no connection with the case beyond "Oswald sighting" discussed in Warren Commission Report.
1/79 Billy Lovelady Depository employee said to be the man in the doorway in AP photograph Complications from heart attack Unclear what sinister information he might have revealed.
6/80 Jesse Curry Dallas Police Chief at time of assassination Heart attack Unclear why there would be any need to "silence" him almost 17 years after assassination.
6/80 Dr. John Holbrook Psychiatrist who testified Ruby was not insane Heart attack but pills, notes found Circumstances not suspicious — no evidence of any reason to "silence" him.
1/81 Marguerite Oswald Mother of accused assassin Cancer Always loudly insisted her son was innocent. Unclear what information she had that she had not already revealed.
10/81 Frank Watts Chief felony prosecutor for Dallas D.A. Natural causes Died of cancer at age 83.
1/82 Peter Gregory Original translator for Marina Oswald and Secret Service Natural causes Circumstances not suspicious — no evidence of any reason to "silence" him.
5/82 Dr. James Weston Pathologist allowed to see JFK autopsy material for HSCA Died while jogging, ruled natural causes Insisted that Kennedy was hit by two shots from behind.
8/82 Will H. Griffin FBI agent who reportedly said Oswald was "definitely" an FBI informant Cancer HSCA investigation found he had said no such thing.
10/82 W. Marvin Gheesling FBI official who helped supervise JFK investigation "Long illness" Circumstances not suspicious — had only minor role in investigation.
3/84 Roy Kellerman Secret Service agent in charge of JFK limousine Unknown Died of heart failure at age 69.

More here:
Clintons - Satanism & the Clinton Death List - David Icke's Official Forums
Clinton Death List
Americas Third World War: How 6 million People Were killed in CIA secret wars against third world countries

This makes me realize that I live in an awesome country, where the worst you can get is a crook like Berlusconi who steals billions from the government. At least we do not have all these murderers.
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Deaths of Witnesses Connected to the assassination of John F. Kennedy

Biography: Biography of Gary Underhill
Gary Underhill was born in Brooklyn on 7th August, 1915. He graduated from Harvard in 1937 and during the Second World War he served with the Military Intelligence Service (6 July 1943 to May 1946). After leaving the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) he worked on specific projects for the Central Intelligence Agency. He was also military affairs editor for Life Magazine.

After the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, Underhill told his friend, Charlene Fitsimmons, that he was convinced that he had been killed by members of the CIA. He also said: "Oswald is a patsy. They set him up. It's too much. The *******s have done something outrageous. They've killed the President! I've been listening and hearing things. I couldn't believe they'd get away with it, but they did!"

Underhill believed there was a connection between Executive Action, Fidel Castro and the death of Kennedy: "They tried it in Cuba and they couldn't get away with it. Right after the Bay of Pigs. But Kennedy wouldn't let them do it. And now he'd gotten wind of this and he was really going to blow the whistle on them. And they killed him!"

Underhill told friends that he feared for his life: "I know who they are. That's the problem. They know I know. That's why I'm here. I can't stay in New York."

Gary Underhill was found dead on 8th May 1964. He had been shot in the head and it was officially ruled that he had committed suicide. However, in his book, Destiny Betrayed, James DiEugenio claimed that the bullet entered the right-handed Underhill's head behind the left ear.,_Jr.
Sources differ on whether the cause of his death was suicide[11] or if people or groups had motivations to see him removed before had secret information that he threatened to divulage. His Death Certificate from the District of Columbia Department of Public Health listed the cause of death as "shot self in head with automatic pistol."[17]
"Sources differ"...

William Bruce Pitzer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
He was found in his office in the NNMC television studio with a single gunshot wound to the head. Pitzer's death occurred the same day that the Kennedy family agreed, through their attorney, to release to the National Archives several items related to the autopsy of the fallen president, including photographs and x-rays...

Allegations surrounding death

Goddamn... is there one case in history where wikipedia admits that someone was killed by the CIA? Each time the US government is involved, wikipedia speaks of "allegations" and "sources differ". This is a real shame.

Let's see what the **** wikipedia says of JFK assassination:
Assassination of John F. Kennedy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
There has long been suspicion of a government cover-up of information about the assassination. There are also many conspiracy theories regarding the assassination that arose soon after his death and continue to be promoted today. Many put forth a criminal conspiracy involving parties as varied as the CIA, the KGB, the American Mafia, the Israeli government, FBI director J. Edgar Hoover, sitting Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson, Cuban President Fidel Castro, anti-Castro Cuban exile groups, the Federal Reserve, or some combination of those entities. Most have been discredited with time and the eventual release of additional archival files and material. As one writer put it, "The JFK assassination became fertile ground for numerous, profit-seeking conspiracy theorists and authors for several decades, as it was hard for most Americans to believe that a puny little, lone, Marxist nut-case could bring down such a larger-than-life, widely admired and heroic figure as President John F. Kennedy."
Oh, wonderful. Anyone who doesn't believe that it was Oswald, is a lunatic. I guess they're saying the same about 9/11. Let's check:
September 11 attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Attackers and their background
See also: Responsibility for the September 11 attacks, Hijackers in the September 11 attacks, Trials related to the September 11 attacks, and 20th hijacker

Al-Qaeda terrorist attacks - The Many Attacks That Led To The Death of Many

1993 World Trade Center bombing
1998 United States embassy bombings
USS Cole
September 11 attacks (The worst attack by Al-Qaeda, the attack that resulted in the most deaths)
2004 Madrid train bombings
2004 Khobar massacre
7/7 London
April 2007 Algiers bombings
December 2007 Algiers bombings
June 2008 Islamabad bombings

See also: al-Qaeda

The origins of al-Qaeda can be traced to 1979...
So it doesn't even bother to ask who did 9/11 and starts talking about the bull****.

Ok, wikipedia is clearly controlled by the CIA for the subjects where this matters. There are no doubts about it. I guess Jimmy Wales doesn't want to die. I sympathize with him.

Ok, sure enough, here it is:
Wikipedia a US Gov't Fraud - How US Agents Can Embed in Wikipedia, Plant Propaganda, Deceive Citizens; Wikipedia and the CIA
This article by Dr Les Sachs (Dr Leslie Sachs) was originally published on the "Banned in America" weblog, and on other locations on the internet, on 15 April 2006. Recently this was yet another article banned by US illegal court orders against Google that were requested by President Bush's friend, the racist and terrorist author Patricia Cornwell.

These allegations about Wikpedia as a tool of CIA and US criminal corporations, announced long ago to the world by Dr Sachs, are now even more fully PROVEN by new large-scale research announced by Wired News, and also on Alex Jones' Prison Planet website.

For the article, "Credibility Of Wikipedia Takes a Dive . . .Online encyclopedia outed as bias tool of intelligence agencies, corporations," by Paul Joseph Watson on Alex Jones' Prison Planet website, click here.

For the article "See Who's Editing Wikipedia" by John Borland on Wired News, click here.

(See also the article about Bush's friend: Patricia Cornwell using Wikipedia & as base to deceive media, plant false information to cover Cornwell felony crimes & sleaze)

Wikipedia An Ultimate Trojan Horse for CIA and US Government on the Internet...
Wikipedia a US Gov't Fraud - How US Agents Can Embed in Wikipedia, Plant Propaganda, Deceive Citizens; Wikipedia and the CIA
Despite all the lies and fraud on Wikipedia, this bogus online "encyclopedia" is today the most dominant reference source in the English speaking world. It is far more influential than many people realize or imagine, thanks to the power of the internet.

Wikipedia is based in Florida, where President Bush's brother Jeb has been Governor, and where the Bushes managed that nice little game in 2000 that led to America's judges making G. W. Bush the President, even though the other guy won the election. The rise and growth of Wikipedia is simultaneous with the current Bush regime.

Here's another quick way to give you an idea what is going on. Think of some country you know very little about. Punch up the name on an internet search engine. Two things will tend to pop up quite high on the list: "Wikipedia" and the "CIA Fact Book". Hmm. Are you starting to feel the connections here?
Wikipedia is fine as long as you're not within the realm of US politics. It's fine for Math. It's fine for trading. It's not fine for research on issues that could affect the US corporations. I suppose it's not fine for this:
1) US politics
2) US media
3) US big companies

It's fine for everything else.

...These "Wikipedia advocates", like everybody else on Wikipedia, kiss up to the rich and the powerful corporate criminals and US government, who are ultimately served by the fraudulent Bush-backed Wikipedia.

The fake Wikipedia "democracy"

Much like the United States itself, Wikipedia pretends to be a "democracy". They proudly trumpet: "Anyone can edit Wikipedia!" And something like that happens, but it is an illusion. You can likely right now jump onto the computer, go to the Patricia Cornwell page, and put in a few real facts about the life of Bush's friend Patricia Cornwell, and delete some of the lies put there by Cornwell's staff or the CIA guys.

But then - you know what happens a little later? Cornwell's staff members (she has over 125 million dollars, she can afford them) or the CIA guys, quickly delete your material and put things back the way they were, unless you said something really ass-kissy that they like and want to keep.

Much like America itself, the fake "Wikipedia" democracy, turns out to be rule by the rich and the strong and the devious. Some of it is sheer manpower - Other things being equal, Wikipedia articles tend to be controlled by those who have the time and staff to maintain the pages the way they want.

So true.

Does this mean that most of Wikipedia is written by the government, or supervised by it? No, not at all. A lot of Wikipedia, most of it in fact, the CIA guys don't care about. For articles about pottery in 7th century France, or ancient geology in the time of the dinosaurs, the Lords of Wikipedia are perfectly happy to let college professors, hobbyists or just plain average people put up material and bicker about it. The vast majority of Wikipedia content falls into this category.

Indeed, it was part of the genius of Wikipedia that they could enroll millions of people in helping to create this CIA-backed vehicle. It is much more powerful and legitimate-seeming, if people get used to looking things up on Wikipedia, if they go there to read helpful things about Beethoven or Tibetan rugs. The somewhat legitimate content, makes it much easier to sell the propaganda placed there in specific CIA-backed cases, like with Bush's friend and donor Patricia Cornwell.

So true.

This article is awesome. I'll bookmark the website:
Banned in America: Journalism & articles by Dr Les (Leslie) Sachs blocked by criminal Google Inc helping fascist USA

Awesome work by Dan Hajidah:
Google Agrees to Assist CIA, Blocking Belgian Journalism Websites to Help Murder US Dissident, non-Zionist Jew, in Brussels |

Those who don't conform get murdered. Kind of reminds me the persecution of jews during world war 2. Except this time it's being done with the complicity of some of the jews themselves, who have in turn become the power.

Of course, people who don't have any critical and independent thinking will say "hey, what's the big deal - just be quiet and you won't be assassinated nor bothered". But that is the beginning of enslavement and dictatorship. That is the very reason Bush and his accomplices have gotten away with genocide in the Middle East. They got away with murder because, little by little, Americans have stopped thinking and speaking out. Without any opposition and with the majority of people sleeping and conforming, the president can do whatever he wants, and even get away with killing whoever disagrees with him. I'll have to remember this whenever I hear of people bringing up the example of the great american democracy. The american democracy right now is pretty much gone. It's close to the democracy they have in russia, where if you speak out, you don't know if you're still alive tomorrow or not.

Very enlightening article by Les Sachs on what's going on in America:
Les Sachs: Crooked Judges, Lawyers and Corporate Power | The 2012 Scenario
In America’s unique political landscape, the lawyers and judges have supreme power, both over themselves and over the political process. With the American theory of the “supreme” judiciary that is supposedly “independent” of politics, the recipe is there for a kind of “Praetorian Guard” mentality like in ancient Rome. In imperial Rome, the small army of the “Praetorian Guard” theoretically protected the emperor. But as the Praetorian Guard realized its power, they were able to become a law unto themselves, controlling the empire, even dictating to the emperor, and covering up for any of their own misdeeds.

The US right now is the worst of the Western World. It's the last place where I'd want to be. And all this was going on even with Clinton (all those political murders), when I was there, and I didn't even realize it. Because there wasn't as much internet to learn the facts. But now there's no excuse for not knowing the truth. From whichever side you look at it, 911, the manipulated media, obama's birth certificate... it smells fishy from wherever you investigate on anything.

Here's more from Les Sachs, dead on target:
In United States regime, most major aspects of public life are now under the control of the U.S.-based multi-national corporations, who have effectively and openly bought and paid for everything in the American “system”:

The corporations own most U.S. politicians, including both of the two tweedledee-tweedledum “political parties”, given that both the “Democrat” and “Republican” parties, and nearly all the politicians, get their funding from the same U.S. corporate interests, despite a little bit of pretending to be different;

The corporations own all the major U.S. media companies, who control what “news” most people see and read;

The corporations effectively control most of the well-known “non-profit organizations”, who also depend on the large corporate or corporate-backed “donations” for their existence and income;

The corporations own the U.S. elections, determining who is allowed by the media to be a “major candidate”, and the corporations even manufacture the easily-hijackable “voting machines” that “count the votes” for people

And the corporations, above all, own the U.S. lawyers and judges, via the corporate money and bribes that flow in the billions of dollars through U.S. law firms, which is why they rarely lose cases among the “pro-business” U.S. judges.

The judges enforce the “law”, which in the United States means the Law of the Big Corporations. They win, the little guy (or girl) loses. That’s what judges and lawyers call “The Game”.

More awesome information and analysis:
The one power that the judges in America do worry about, is that of news media and publicity, either of the independent kind or from outside the United States. Recently, the American Supreme Court judges decided in a close vote, to stop putting children to death, admitting they were influenced by world public opinion and international condemnation of this practice.

The news media in America — mostly owned by large corporations who own everything else — has a guilty conscience about all the evidence of judicial misconduct that flows regularly through their offices. The media do not report or investigate most of these stories, even when conclusive proof is plopped in their lap.

This is partly out of fear of revenge by the government and the judges, and partly out of a sense of a twisted theory of “patriotic duty”. These media employees think that it is better to hide the dirty linen of the judges and courts, so as not to “upset the public” and “destabilize society”. In other words, they know that the truth about the crooked U.S. judges is the stuff of revolution.

But really, the situation is that the big media in the United States is owned by the same big corporations who own the politicians and government, the same big corporations who pay the big law firms that bribe the judges so that the big companies almost always win their cases.

Most big corporations find themselves using American courts extensively, including the media companies. If any media company or U.S. organization were to independently “go after” some corrupt judges, and speak about judicial corruption, the fear is that the media company might well find itself being destroyed by the judges, as billions of dollars worth of lawsuits suddenly were “decided” against the corporation.

You may not believe this yet, but the fact is that the U.S. judges operate like criminal gangs. They get together and pick a target, and they can decide to destroy that target if they feel it is a threat, either to themselves or to their paymasters at the big corporations.

Such terrors lurk in the back of the mind of independent and progressive journalists, perhaps even more than among the big corporate media. In America you never know whether you might find yourself arrested or sued on some trumped-up charge or accusation, if you dare to criticize the U.S. legal system. U.S. journalists have been shot dead in the street, after daring to write a critical article about the judges. Just “coincidence”, perhaps.

The illusion is that America is an “open” society, because there are 24-hour-a-day “news” channels on television, and because there are dozens of reporters and cameras outside the courthouses that are holding public-circus trials of a Martha Stewart or Michael Jackson or Paris Hilton. But the gritty day-to-day reality of life in American courts, is that much of what really goes on, is secret, hidden, un-published, under gag order or a judge’s ban on freedom of speech, or simply un-reported by the news media, even though the media knows it has something important which the American people would love to hear.

I contacted thousands of lawyers, but no lawyer was willing to help me, even though I could pay them well. The lawyers agreed that I had total proof of judicial corruption and felony crime, and they lusted after my money.

But, as the U.S. lawyers explained to me, there is no way to “fight a crooked judge that’s backed by the Bush government”. The lawyers were too frightened for their own safety, to risk trying to defend me against a malicious federal judge and his friends. Meanwhile, the judge’s friends began to close in on me, demanding extortion money and ready to carry out their threats to jail and murder me.

Thankfully, I escaped from America, the fake and phony “land of freedom”, and that’s why you can read these words right now, written in my safe haven in Europe.

I know this is all true. The US is hell unless you play along with the corrupt system. Forget justice and forget hollywood's movies. The mere 9/11 and how bush got away with it shows the health of that country. It shows that they're all accomplices: the politicians (except those murdered), the legal system, the media. I mean, after 50 years these guys cannot even admit that they have killed their own president. Now I finally understand how a show like "Mob Wives" can be shown on tv. The ruling class is even worse than the mob, so it's no big deal to show the real Mob on tv.
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Cointelpro, Provacateurs,Disinfo Agents - YouTube

Decade of Cointelpro pt1 of 6 - YouTube


The most dangerous 911 video ever! - YouTube


Monarch: Chapter 8: Cointelpro - YouTube

Wow, and this seems to be on the history channel. Very powerful documentary.

I might soon get bored with this topic. By now it's all pretty clear. The US is in the grip of a very unhealthy mix of these factors at play:

1) weak good press and strong corrupted press
2) weak good politicians and strong corrupted politicians
3) a majority of stupid and ignorant people in the country, blinded by patriotism
4) strong corporations
5) strong fbi and cia, which murder people who could save the country from #4 and #5 (politicians, journalists, good people from cia/fbi itself, whistleblowers, etc.)

If someone in any of these five categories stands out and speaks out, he won't be helped by anyone in the other 4 categories, for fear in some case and stupidity in other cases. And he will definitely risk getting killed.

How could a good balance be reestablished? If all the good people leave the country, definitely. Maybe by going to canada or europe.

If the cia/fbi/corporations go out of control and exaggerate (they already have) and the politicians, press and citizens wake up and start protesting.

I think this is going to happen soon because of peak oil. Prices will rise and this will speed up events. Most likely by the end of this year. At least I am hoping so, because I am getting bored at my job, and need some catastrophe to take place.

There's not much more to say about this. I'll keep on investigating but I will not post much more, because both peak oil and the state of things in the US is very clear by now, both shown on this journal and in my own mind.

Europe is much better even though not immune from this type of thing. Blair and Aznar felt the need to invent some terrorist attacks and kill some of their people, but Berlusconi at least didn't kill any Italians to encourage us in the patriotic effort of killing people in Iraq. So I feel that a few countries are safe havens in europe: germany, italy, france, mainly. Of course I suppose also the best democracies, which should be, by all standards, Sweden and Denmark and all those little countries around them, in particular Luxemburg, which is the richest country in the world.

So my guess is that as long as we have europe, we're safe from global destruction. But also Canada is an awesome country I think. For some reason I ignore, because they're so close to the US.


Maybe there is one guy who could save the US from disaster but also risk getting killed like JFK, and I am talking about Ron Paul:

Ron Paul: People Are Finally Waking Up To The Tyranny 1/2 - YouTube

This guy is the closest you can get to the truth without getting killed and without scaring away voters by saying the whole truth right away, particularly about 9/11. Many voters are too stupid and ignorant to accept the truth all at once, so Ron Paul cannot say what he really thinks about 9/11 or he'd lose 75% of his potential voters and virtually all the potential media coverage:
A Redstate Exclusive: Ex-Staffer Calls Ron Paul ”The Original 9-11 Truther” | RedState
Ron Paul Denies Being a 9/11 Truther | Video |

Furthermore, senators have been killed before, for speaking the truth on 911:

Wellstone: They Killed Him - preview - YouTube

Paul Wellstone Iraq War Speech - YouTube

But even with these compromises, he's probably not going to make it and will succumb to the obama puppet vs bush puppet paradigm.

We'll see what happens. What's sure is that the US is totally out of control, and has been this way for several decades. I had never even realized it.

Furthermore, one thing is to kill, one at a time, your president, the black political leaders, and another few thousands of opponents of corporate interests and a fascist state. Another thing is to set up false flag operations that involve the killing of 3000 random people all at once, such as on 9/11. And how easily they got away with it. We have really gone beyond any acceptable level, so far that it cannot be called a "democracy" any more (I can't believe in Italy they still cite the example of the "american democracy" - that's how stupid we are). And those who know cannot denounce it because they've been going towards that for so many years (at least since kennedy) that practically all the top levels of government are now involved in this procedure of murdering opponents. So, since they're all involved, no one can really turn anyone in. There would be no politicians left. The press knows, too. The whole ruling class would be gone at once.

So that's why they're not doing it. It's like those situations where the father rapes the daughter and no one dares to say anything until after he's dead. But here they keep committing crimes so the guilty ones are always alive and no one can ever say anything.

Basically you've been wondering why there are so many lunatics killing politicians in the US... and the answer is there are none: it's always been the government. And the americans are so manipulated that they don't even know it. But they've really had to look the other way to not notice a bit too many suicides, heart attacks and plane crashes among the witnesses of political scandals.

Anyway, enough of this. I'll keep reading on these subjects, but soon I'll shift my focus on something new. Depressing crap... the US has really turned into the one shown in the movie Brazil:

Brazil Pt 1 of 14 - YouTube

Brazil by Terry Gilliam 1985 - YouTube

A country turned to crap, and all these years, you'd have expected some of these smart people to be calling and identifying the crimes: Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Mike Judge, some of the SNL folks. Nobody. Nobody dares to say anything. It's really tragic.

All the actors... Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie... George Clooney... all worried about Africa, but they say nothing about what the US government is doing. It's pretty amazing if you think about it.
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Is it true that they spray us with chemicals from airplanes? Who is behind all this, Bush or the Kennedys, the lizards and the Jews, Nick Clegg, the CIA?

Chemtrail Central
Robin Cook - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Some commentators and senior politicians said that Cook seemed destined for a senior Cabinet post under a Brown premiership.[15]

In early August 2005, Cook and his wife, Gaynor, took a two-week holiday in the Highlands of Scotland. At around 2:20 pm, on 6 August 2005, whilst walking down Ben Stack in Sutherland, Scotland, Cook suddenly suffered a severe heart attack, collapsed and lost consciousness.

Was 9/11 in inside job? - Yahoo! Answers
Yes, do you know that former British foreign secretary Robin Cook claimed that Al-Qaeda were nothing but a database list of CIA backed Islamist fighters? Mr. Cook has since died incidentally. The REAL culprits for 9/11 are still in control.

Robin Cook's Resignation Speech (in full) - YouTube

The Robin Cook Conspiracy - YouTube

the tap: Robin Cook Revealed The Falsehood Of Al Qaeda A Month Before He Was Assassinated
Does the CIA kill people? - Yahoo! Answers
yes they do. they kill people all the time. i think theyre called jackals. they do all kinds of things like poison food supplies, bomb bridges, blow up airplanes, shoot people, torture them to death, or make it look like a suicide. alot of their victims or union leaders or people who call for better workers rights. since the cia represent multinational corporations, then obviously they will eliminate anyone who wants workers rights, or unions. they also subcontract killing out to other people. the cia does not always kill people. sometimes starting a riot is good enough for them.
This is true and in fact we're all defenseless against this method - secrecy. The government is backing them and in fact they're more powerful than the government. So I really don't know how a state could get rid of this infernal mechanism it has created.

What Sort Of People Do The CIA Kill...? - Yahoo! UK & Ireland Answers
The first answer is right, there are programmes running which even the Director of the CIA probably doesn't know about, they are involved in Money Laundering, Drug and Arms Smuggling/Sales, False Flag and Black Operations, Psychological Warfare/Propaganda, they ahve been known to murder their own citizens, and if you look at the United States House Select Committee on Assassinations, the CIA for a while co-operated with them and showed that they had guns which could fire ice darts that would cause death with effects which looked like heart attacks and were almost untraceable save for a tiny entry wound.

The CIA have also been known to disobey direct orders by the President, as is the case with Kennedy. He got so pissed off with them that he wanted to "splinter them into a thousand pieces" after the Bay of Pigs, by the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis, Kennedy said that the CIA and some others were insane and had "a collective death wish for the world".
I think the CIA would argue that anyone who is a threat to their activities, or the political and social Status Quo, would qualify as an Enemy of The State or Threat To National Security.