my journal 3

PNAC and the NEOCONs: wanted a new Pearl Harbor - YouTube

9/11 Truth: Gore Vidal recommends 'The New Pearl Harbor' - YouTube

Bush, Cheney, PNAC, & The Criminal Conspiracy To Invade Iraq - YouTube


9/11 Paul Wolfowitz Interview PBS News Hour With Jim Lehrer September 14, 2001 - YouTube

Wolfowitz Doctrine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Frank Kitson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Cabot Global Energy Investor
...China has surpassed the U.S. as the world’s largest energy user, transitioning from an exporter of oil to an importer. China's energy demands are expected to soar 75% by 2025, accounting for a third of global consumption growth.

India faces booming demand, as the 70 million households not yet connected to the grid begin to enjoy the conveniences enabled by electricity and as the 90% of households without cars rapidly trade up from their bicycles and scooters.

The U.S. Energy Information Administration expects global oil demand to increase by a mind-boggling 900,000 barrels per day in 2012.

The International Energy Agency estimates a minimum of $20 trillion—that's right, trillion—must be invested over the next 25 years to meet burgeoning energy demand and to offset declining reserves of the world's oil fields.

And if the people of China, India and the rest of the world want a standard of living that's on a par with that of the United States, energy demand will quadruple!

Is it any wonder that the price of gasoline in the U.S. is now nearing $4 gallon?

The fact is, energy isn't just about automobiles and utilities. Any economy needs a certain level of energy just to keep its infrastructure—roads, bridges, schools, agriculture, medical system, etc.—repaired and working. As energy demand outstrips supply, the very foundations of our prosperity will be threatened...
Geraldo Rivera Does 911 Truth Segment About Building 7 - YouTube

Geraldo Rivera Confirms: "I'm a 9/11 Truther!" - YouTube

Judge Napolitano Exposing 9-11 Cover-Up With Col. Anthony Shaffer - YouTube

Donald Rumsfeld Lies Repeatedly to Judge Andrew Napolitano on 'Freedom Watch' - YouTube

I am impressed by rumsfeld. Pretty amazing debate skills. He makes the judge look very aggressive. He definitely gave him a hard time. Then of course he got fired a few days later.

~Fox Fires the Judge!~ - YouTube

Exclusive: Why Judge Andrew Napolitano Was Fired! - YouTube


Ok, so basically it's pretty clear. Whoever speaks on 9/11 either gets fired or killed. Pretty nice world we live in... a bunch of sheep we are.

Judge Napolitano: A Nation of Sheep - YouTube

Oil companies and the government have become all one thing in the US: and you can't say anything against them or you get fired or killed.

The big question that arises now is why Alex Jones is still alive:
Why is Alex Jones still alive?, page 1
Why Is Alex Jones Still Alive?
The reason Alex Jones is still alive - David Icke's Official Forums

Alex Jones Tv:Kyle from California"Why is Alex Jones Still Alive?" - YouTube
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