my journal 3

Having established as a firm point in the previous weeks that the secret government ruling the world is headed by a devil-worshiping elite, I would tend to believe that the so-called "reptilians" I see in those videos on youtube are simply demon-possessed people. In which case, the only necessary cure is to exorcise them.

However, if they are not possessed and they indeed are "reptilians", which I would exclude, then the necessary action would be different. First of all, they would not be bad, and this story that they suck blood from victims they sacrifice... this story just does not make any sense.

Most likely, this "reptilian" theory is disinformation spread by the elite themselves, first of all through David Icke. If however they were indeed reptilians, then it would be a problem, because there could be good reptilians and bad reptilians, and however, if they need to kill humans to live, then humans might have to imprison them to keep them from being killed. Then they would quickly die afterwards.

This does not make much sense. I think the "reptilian" theory is disinformation, spread to mislead us.


Another interesting theory that I wonder about, every once in a while, is if I am in a dream, from which I still haven't woken up, and everything I see around me is created by my imagination.

In this case, I should try to make the orangutan disappear. I have tried it, but it doesn't work. So maybe I am not in a dream. Encyclopedia Of Demons And Demonology.pdf
I have spent more than 30 years dealing with the shadow
side of the paranormal, including negative hauntings and
demonic cases. I never actually intended to become so
deeply involved, but as most of us in this field are, I was
drawn in and called to it.
The first sign of calling came in my teens. I was about
15 years old when I awoke one night and saw my first apparition,
my deceased grandfather standing at the foot of
my bed. Actually, I did not know him; he had died when
I was three years old. But my mother verified my description
of him.
Perhaps you could say my calling was “in the blood,”
as my mother was a twin, and twins have been known
to be more psychically sensitive than the average person.
Plus, I was related by blood to one of the most prominent
investigators of the demonic: Ed Warren, my mother’s
twin brother and my uncle. Ed and his wife, Lorraine
Warren, a clairvoyant, became household names in the
paranormal and were in media headlines on some of the
most famous modern cases on record. Ed has passed on
now, and Lorraine still works in the field.
As a kid I was always fascinated by the work Ed and
Lorraine did in the paranormal. I wanted to be part of
it too. But Ed was a stickler for the proper education.
He refused to allow me to go along on cases before I
turned 18, and he spent a lot of time transmitting his
knowledge to me. I was impatient back then, but Ed, in
his wisdom, knew what he was doing. Dealing with the
paranormal, especially the dark side, is not child’s play
and requires grounding, education, and discernment. I
had to have a base in all of those in order to be properly
I learned a great deal from my uncle and aunt and
eventually went out on my own. I have been privileged to
work with some of the best names in the field, both laypersons,
like me, and clergy. I have worked on more than
7,000 cases: Many of them have had natural explanations
(that is, not paranormal or demonic), and many others
have been resolved with intervention. A few of them have
been full-blown demonic infestations and possessions. I
do not perform exorcisms—that is a role for clergy—but
I have assisted at dozens of these rites.
One of the demonic cases brought me face to face with
genuine evil: a reptile-like entity that manifested in an
infested home, a former funeral parlor in Southington,
Connecticut, and came at me down a staircase. The intensity
of the evil was astonishing. I had never before experienced
anything like it, and I have to admit, I was so
shaken that it was several days before I could return to
the case. I know from my own experience on this case
and others that evil is real, the demonic exists, and dark
forces are at work in the world.
As Rosemary Ellen Guiley states in her introduction
to this book, the demonic—always fascinating—has acquired
a media glamour that has encouraged people to
want to become involved as “demonologists.” Many of
them jump in not properly prepared, not having much
understanding of what they are dealing with or the rami-
fications and consequences of this kind of work. The
work is never easy, and there is the constant danger of
repercussions. The forces of evil know who you are and
will try to prevent you from interfering in their activities.
You, your home, your family, and your friends all
become targets.
I mentioned earlier the importance of education, how
Ed did his best to make sure I was armed with information,
knowledge, and insight in addition to experience. If
I had had a book like The Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology
when I was getting started, I guarantee you that
it would have been well thumbed in a hurry. Rosemary
Ellen Guiley has gained a well-earned reputation in the
paranormal for her thorough research and investigation.
I have all of her encyclopedias, refer to them frequently,
and recommend them to others. I welcome the addition
of this one to my set, and I can tell you that it will be one
of my most valuable resources.
...The episode is one of the nation's most notorious cases of mass hysteria, and has been used in political rhetoric and popular literature as a vivid cautionary tale about the dangers of isolationism, religious extremism, false accusations and lapses in due process.[3] It was not unique, but simply an American example of the much broader phenomenon of witch trials in the Early Modern period. Many historians consider the lasting effects of the trials to have been highly influential in subsequent United States history.
By all means, to the point that today the witches are in control of the whole country.
good channel, although I don't know if he is right:

This is very good though:
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These people are also possessed although not in the same direct way but by trauma and the mk-ultra tecniques
He says, towards the last third, that the reptilians and reptiles worship the devil, but then the question is how you become a reptilian, whether by worshiping the devil or by being born a reptilian. This is a huge difference. What I believe is that this term is misleading and we should use the term "demon", in that, as i infer, people are not born reptilian but they turn into reptilians by worshiping the devil.
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Another key statistic is the driver behind an attack. In 90% of the cases where a ghost affects or possesses a person, it is because it has been ordered by a higher level ghost. Only in 10% of the cases does it attack a person on its own.


3. Who are more likely to fall prey to attacks by ghosts?

Ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) find it easy to attack and possess the following types of people. (Note: In order to understand this article we recommend that you first read the article on the three subtle basic components.)

Ghosts that are lower in the hierarchy, i.e. below the 50% spiritual level such as common ghosts are raja-tama predominant. Ghosts that are higher in the hierarchy, i.e. above the 50% spiritual level such as sorcerers from the 6th and 7th regions of hell are tama-raja predominant.

With a physical illness: Any illness or disease that afflicts a person basically means that there is an increase in the subtle basic Tama component with a concomitant decrease in the Sattva component. The Tama component increases substantially when the illness is severe and prolonged.

A higher Sattva predominance ensures protection against ghosts, whereas when the Sattva component is low, it is easier for ghosts to affect the person or to gain entry through the Tama predominant area. As ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) are predominantly composed of Tama and Raja subtle components, they target the wound or diseased area as a point of entry into the person.

With a weak mind: These persons are easy prey for ghosts. The personality defects such as anger, greed, being highly emotional, etc. are like wounds in our mind. These are again high Raja-Tama or Tama-Raja areas in our mind. The personality defects therefore act as easy entry points for ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.). Once the demonic possession is in progress, the ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) use the personality defects of people to control them. They also turn up the amplitude of these defects, for example making an already emotional person excessively emotional. This further weakens the mind of the person allowing the demonic possession to continue on a sustained basis.

The principle is that out of the person targeted for attack and the attacking ghost, whoever is spiritually stronger, wins. If the ghost has more spiritual strength than the person to be attacked, then it can affect or possess the person at will.

If a person has a higher spiritual level, his defense against an attack is stronger as a result of:

His own spiritual strength
Higher protection that he receives from God

Symptoms which Indicate Demonic Attack in your house or at Business

Feeling like someone or something else is controlling you. You may feel controlled all the time or only some of the time.
Feeling like someone or something is pressuring you to do certain acts.
Feeling something touch you, scratch you, or otherwise attack you.
Hearing one or multiple voices in your head that are negative, persuasive, or commanding you to do something. For example, hearing a voice persuade you that a certain friend should be avoided, or asking you to let them “in� to your life in some way.
Deep personality changes. For example, someone stays at home all the time when they used to be very gregarious.
Creepy feelings.
An area of your house or your neighborhood which feels negative or oppressive.
Any kind of phenomena. For example, scratching sounds, things falling off walls or shelves, religious or spiritual items being moved or changed.
Feeling attacked when others do not see or experience anything. Sometimes this feeling of being attacked may come with physical pain that is medically inexplicable. Usually it will come with psychological pain of some sort – terror or anguish for example.
An aversion to prayer or an inability to pray.
Being unable to stand any contact with religious or spiritual items. For example, sudden strong aversion to going into a church or temple, aversion to being touched by a crucifix, and so on.
min 24... to investigate witchcraft today, where do we go? Africa

Sure, nice disinfo. Instead he should have gone to the US.
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