my journal 3

I did this for a few weeks before I read what I had written. I was a bit shocked at the results. The words really didn’t sound like me. First of all, what was written was too wisdom-ish. I’m no guru and I don’t write like the great philosophers, yet this stuff was full of wisdom and written with a hint of philosophical flair. Here is an example of one of my automatic writings. Now that you are used to my writing style, you will notice that the words being written are dissimilar to the way I normally write:

You are energy. You are all energy. Energy. Remember yourself as energy and more will begin to make sense. When you remember a past life, when you connect with a person across the country or across the world telepathically, when strange unexplainable coincidences occur that you simply cannot make sense of, this is because you are energy; and until you see yourself as such, you will not be able to make sense of it all.

Energy is all we are. Your temporary human existence is like a ride at Disney World, you are traveling through space inside a body. Consider this body your vehicle. Like your car, you must treat your body well in order to get the most mileage out of it. But do not get too attached to it, it is only temporary. You will have other cars, and thus other bodies.

When my mother Sophie died of a sudden heart attack in her Philadelphia, Pa. home, my own life seemed to end as well. This was not my first experience with death. There had been other deaths. The only grandparent I knew, my mother's mother was gone. Three of my mother's brothers were gone. A few close friends. People I worked with. I knew of death. I regarded it as the end of their learning experience on earth, and the end of our learning experience with them. I felt sad for their family and friends, but after a few days I would just get on with living. I will miss you. Good-bye.

But, I couldn't say good-bye to my mother. My mom. Always there for me. Always a supportive friend. Always so gentle and so strong. Always so firm, yet considerate and thoughtful and forgiving.

I wept until I couldn't cry any more. I wore sun glasses to hide my red, weary eyes when I was forced to leave the house. For days after the funeral I couldn't get dressed. I didn't want her to be gone. I found it impossible to be comforted. I moped and prayed and sat around the house.

It was while sitting in my living room, alone in my own darkness that I suddenly felt the need to pick up a pen, then, a paper. I started to write the capital letter "G". It was curved in a very round, a very artistic, and distinctly creative way. We each have our own way of writing the letters of the alphabet. This was definitely not the way I would form the capital letter "G"...
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A quick update.

Finally the text-editing capability of this forum is back in Trading Journals (although the past posts still have the problem), so I can now use editor and
and use bold, etcetera.

I am back to discuss god a little bit and my reasoning on this entity. I promised I would not talk again about the other side, so I will focus on god and jesus.

Recapitulating on previous reasoning I will say that I found evidence, after being agnostic for decades, that the invisible realm does exist.

This happened after I watched those magicians, which I posted here over a week ago.

I also stopped turning the lights off after watching those videos. I am now afraid of the dark again, as I was when I was a child.

So, if the invisible realm exists and there are "evil" spirits that are afraid of Jesus, then maybe Jesus exists, too. And just in case I went back to church and confessed, and took the Holy Communion. And I have become a "better" person. I was already pretty good. I don't know though if it is a quality to be a good person when you find out you might get rewarded for it. In a sense, I was better before, because I was nice to people, without expecting a reward. Furthermore, what is the value of a person who acts piously because he is afraid of demons and even afraid of god. One should be good because he believes in it by himself. I do have a lot of problems with the Christian doctrine, which in some ways reminds of submission to god... as you would submit to your boss, which I don't do. Why should someone be my boss? I suppose I am sinning by saying these things. But religion is not going to stop my reasoning. I can't allow religion to stop my reasoning. So, I will submit to god, but still complain about this concept, which doesn't seem right. Who knows... maybe we misunderstood some of the things Jesus said. Maybe he did not say that we are supposed to be afraid of god...

But then I am delving into the subject to find out more about it.

It seems that all the people who committed violent crimes, suicide or even died from violent crimes have problems going to heaven, or rather... i know nothing about those who are in heaven and even if there is a heaven. But what I do know is that such mentioned people stay here on earth as spirits (but I don't know for how long). Maybe as a punishment?

Well, I have to stop discussing this, because I had said i'd focus on the "good" side and ignore the other side. This was my resolve after all the near-accidents I have been having, along with my parents (about six of them in 10 days).

So I will keep my promise to stop talking about so-called "evil". Even my very pious aunt, whom I talked to almost every night, says to not mention the "evil" side or I will get into trouble.

I will pray, as i have prayed together with my aunt (I had forgotten some parts of prayers). I will pray even right now:

I will watch the Vigilant Christian's videos:

He is very comforting to me, and mostly on my same page.

1) he believes in conspiracy theories and agrees on who's behind the conspiracies
2) he believes in spirits (he is a former occultist -- the best Christians are those who explored the other side)

Vigilant Christian is better than average Christians, including all my relatives, who believe that the Catholic Church is good -- I doubt it. Who believe that their governments love them and protect them like a father -- certainly not the case. Who believe that the press and the opposition will alert them if something's wrong -- certainly not the case.

These people are too busy watching television and talking about what television makes them believe, even my relatives, to ever want to explore anything on the internet. Having internet is not enough -- you need to have the mind of a free thinking researcher.

To my surprise having internet does not make people intelligent. But it makes curious people like me super knowledgeable.

The non-curious stay as ignorant as before. It's very disappointing.

It's also a disappointment that, despite my warnings, people do not realize
1) how bad television is (I recommend removing it from the house)
2) how bad their diets are (meat, bread... I recommend a raw vegan diet)
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This analyst, Vigilant Christian, is a very rare and precious person -- he has really opened my eyes, as to the reality of spirits and Jesus. I would say he is a genius altogether, besides being a very generous person.

not by Vigilant Christian but also interesting:

genius, as smart an analyst as Vigilant Christian:

Ultimately, we're kind of screwed because there is more controlled opposition out there than real opposition. The most popular controlled opposition is David Icke, Alex Jones, Russell Brand... incredibly they are all shills. The real opposition is either unknown or it has been taken out, like William Cooper for example. And countless others. Including politicians.

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