my journal 3

good quote, minute 9.03:

Demon Magicians 9.03.jpg

Let us stay away from alcohol and "strange drugs".

Demon Magicians 14.29.jpg

Wow, hell of a deal. No wonder they're all dying young. I can't believe I had been ignoring these blatant facts until today.

Interesting, incredibly honest:

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This concept that the Catholic church worships the devil (like the Freemasons) does not completely convince me yet. Indeed, why do they have exorcisms?
Exorcism in the Catholic Church is the use of exorcism in the Roman Catholic faith for those who are believed to be the victims of demonic possession. In Roman Catholicism, exorcism is sacramental[1][2] but not a sacrament, unlike baptism or confession. Unlike a sacrament, exorcism's "integrity and efficacy do not depend ... on the rigid use of an unchanging formula or on the ordered sequence of prescribed actions. Its efficacy depends on two elements: authorization from valid and licit Church authorities,

at 1:08 Ganser mentions Yukihisa Fujita
Views on the September 11 attacks and support for the Japanese victims[edit]
In January 2008, Fujita questioned how the Japanese government was helping the families of the Japanese victims of the attacks of September 11, 2001 and how the Japanese government understood this event. He demanded an independent investigation into the possibility that the events did not unfold exactly as described by the investigations conducted by the 9/11 Commission.

Fujita’s “pursuit of the truth” led to domestic and foreign criticism. Shukan Bunshun published an article entitled “’Is he OK?’ DPJ Yukihisa Fujita talking big about ‘9/11’ conspiracy theory.” A March 2010 Washington Post editorial criticized Fujita for what it called a "bizarre, half-baked and intellectually bogus" conspiracy theory about the September 11 attacks. It stated that his views reflected a "strain of anti-Americanism that runs through the DPJ and the government of Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama" and said that the U.S.-Japan relationship would be "severely tested" if Hatoyama tolerated such anti-Americanism.

When you read paragraphs like the above, you immediately realize what wikipedia is and how it treats... the truth.

Still not bumped off, surprisingly.

Now that I think of it, according to what I've been watching and reading on these pacts with the devil, demons seem to be more compliant than the US government and the banksters. Even if you don't break any rules, the US government, and whoever leads it behind the scenes, will poison you, kill you, experiment with you... the usual nazi concentration camp stuff. Even if you don't bother these elite banksters (or whoever they are), these guys have an agenda to depopulate, and will easily bump you off.

On the other hand, yesterday I was reading quotes on these pacts with the devil and these agreements with demons (cf. videos I posted) and maybe these pacts are not good deals for humans, but it doesn't seem that these demons just go around bumping people off. Of course they might have others do it for them. Anyway, I won't discuss this anymore, because, since they're much more powerful than the banksters, I would not want to get on their nerves.
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Todd was arrested in May 1987 for the rape of a University of South Carolina graduate student. After his arrest, he was additionally charged with sexually molesting two children who attended a karate school where he worked. He was convicted of the rape in January 1988 and sentenced to 30 years in state prison.[16] In 2004, Todd was released, but he was put in the care of the Behavioral Disorder Treatment Unit run by the South Carolina Department of Mental Health.[17] On November 10, 2007, Todd died in the institute.[3]

This movie is cited as realistic by John Todd, who obviously has been framed (cf. quote above):
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David Icke Caught Shape-Shifting

this would show that some shapeshifters are good or that even david icke is bad, although he is showing us the truth

min 4 and 5
the author, too, says that maybe not all reptilians are evil

I still have not understood the difference between reptilians-shapeshifters and demons. If they are the same thing, this would mean that there is hope for us, because, just like for humans, they are not all bad.

The original video is here, and the editing by the team at infowars shows that they know and they are protecting him:

I would tend to say that Icke is good, and so must be Alex Jones, and so... maybe there is hope. At the same time, we are now aware that even in the truth movement there are lies. Or untold truths, maybe for a good purpose because right now we're only 1% of awakened people. If we were told that reptilians exist, we would become 0.01%, instead of increasing.

Who knows maybe I am a reptilian, too. I haven't filmed myself nor anyone in my family. Also, don't forget "cognitive dissonance", that makes you discard what is not in line with your beliefs.

Anyway, listen to David Icke himself on reptilians:

Obviously people are not ready for truth about himself. Even his fans would go into panic if he ever admitted to being one.
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I still have to figure out the difference between reptilians and demons, if there is any

Arizona Wilder does say that reptilians are demons according to christian terminology

If the reptilians are the 13 families then john todd was a reptilian but this does not seem to be the case, because he went to jail and turned christian... he seems to have nothing to do with reptilians!!!

This does not make sense, but maybe none of these guys are lying.

damn, this is so tiring, maybe i was wrong again:
Remember Arizona Wilder?

I just came across some very interesting updated information from her..

she posted this on a FB "fan page" dedicated to her:
[link to]

I no longer (for many years) condone the use of material I made while involuntarily programmed especially for the David dIcke video. His material is not today and has never been my experience nor was the concept of "shape-shifting reptilians" something that I experienced as an unwilling victim at rituals. I was programmed specifically for David dIcke's interview as well as the following Conspiracy Con meeting in San Jose,CA. etc., and David dIcke as well as Brian Desborough both knew that I had been programmed to respond this way when they made the video. In fact, the ring shown in the video was used to certify to Brian Desborough and David dIcke that I had been programmed with preset answers and was to be used for this video.

Yeah. I think she was mind-controlled but how could david icke be such a good liar? He is so convincing about everything... and after all the shapeshifting reptilian videos do exist.

What I did however found laughable about her witnessed events is that she claims that the Queen was there along with all the other world leaders slaughtering innocent children. This could very well be the case, but why would she be there as a witness given that she's not part of them and that she is not even a reptilian.

So, if David Icke knows about this, then he is a huge fraud. However since he also shapeshifts, then he is the proof that reptilians exist...

These theories are very conflicting. And david icke is such a good actor. I mean, if he's lying, and this seems to be the case, then he is a great actor, because he seems a sincere honest person.

All in all, I think david icke is a shill and the best shill ever.

So, OK, demons exist and demon's possessed people exist but reptilians feeding on blood do not exist? Maybe this is the case.

Sure enough, since this is the case, I found a video showing that also alex jones is demonically possessed, yet as established he is not a reptilian but possessed by a very smart demon:

A further proof for reptilians not existing is that exorcisms are real, so expelling a demon is possible, and yet the theory of reptilians has it that we cannot expel a reptilian.

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Round SaturnsEye

Round SaturnsEye is a very intelligent youtube user, and I am on the same page as him:

Some of his videos:

sure enough he also has a video on the third eye, good thing I did not go any further with my telekinesis studies:

The last 3 minutes explain how psychedelics open you to demons.

This girl telling us to open the third eye was probably demonically possessed:

I should probably go to the exorcist to get checked, just in case I went too far in my telekinesis tests.
Mild demonic possession Here even a layperson by the means of his or her intellect and a basic understanding of demonic possession can understand from observing an individual’s abnormal behaviour that something is amiss with the possessed person. The person who is possessed behaves abnormally and the entity inside the person has mostly manifested.The behaviour could be a deviation from the person’s normal behaviour such as a high amount of aggressiveness from a docile person, hysterical laughter, talking gibberish etc. It is also possible to decide intellectually that a person’s symptoms are due to demonic possession when they subside with spiritual remedies. For example, if the abnormal behaviour calms down in the premises of a temple or church, or by drinking or sprinkling Holy water etc.
Medium demonic possession Here one would require a higher level of sixth sense or extra-sensory perception to be able to discern whether the person is possessed. The spiritual level of the person diagnosing would generally be between 50-70%. The symptoms and tell-tale signs are far more subtle. This type of possession is generally unmanifest. However this is not always the case and a person could be fully manifest and yet be very calm and collected giving no tell-tale signs that they are possessed.
Severe demonic possession Here only a Saint would be able to diagnose whether a person is possessed. For a person possessed by higher level ghosts, only a Saint of the highest order would be able to ascertain that the person is indeed possessed.
I wonder if my father is demonically possessed. Wait... this doesn't make perfect sense. The mild possession is more detectable than the severe?
All you need is Holy Spirit

1. If you choose feel free to contact us so we can help you with the following steps

2. You have to change your lifestyle Begin by ceasing all obsession over the paranormal or ghost hunting {ghost hunting is a form of necromancy}, reading tarot cards, using pendulums, associating with people who have spiritual attachments such as witches {black or white witch, doesn't matter} or vodou practitioners, mediums, psychics etc. Stop all drug abuse, which opens you up spiritually to abuse by the preternatural.

3. You must remove all haunted items [do not give them away the spiritual attachment will harm others]

4. You must remove all items used in magick or necromancy [do not give them away the spiritual attachment will harm others]

5. You must have broken all satanic covenants.

6. You need to say prayers for protection

7. And begun your relationship with GOD by studying God's word [HERE & HERE IS A GREAT PLACE TO START]
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All right, here it is! Fifty-one ways to identify whether you're a victim of demon-possession:

1. Go look in a mirror. I'm serious! Look at your reflection! What color are your irises? If you answered red or purple, then mark one on your tally.

2. Keep looking at your irises. Are they slightly different colors? If you answered yes, then add one mark to your tally.

3. I am going to say a word in a few seconds. Write somewhere on that sheet of paper the first thing that comes to your mind when I say this word. Are you ready? Okay. Here comes the word. Satan. I hope your writing what comes to your mind instead of reading this sentence first. Okay, if you wrote something like "fallen angel," "God’s foe," "mortal enemy," or "vicious dirt bag" then you’re okay. But if you wrote "My master who I will obey and worship for the rest of my pathetic life" (it’s usually almost those exact same words) then place a mark on your tally.

4. Did somebody who you do not know ever tell you that you are possessed by demons? If so, add a mark.

5. Has an inanimate object ever told you that you are possessed by demons? Inanimate objects, in this case, are likely to be telling the truth, so add three marks... poss.htm
1 Look for changes in personality. This is usually seen when the person is affable and suddenly becomes extremely quiet.

2 Someone who is normally very active suddenly becomes isolative.

3 Look for changes in sleep patterns.

4 Look for sudden weight loss or gain.

5 Look for changes in attitude and behavior, usually becoming hostile.

6 Someone who begins cursing a lot when that is out of character for them.

7 Notice if they suddenly have an aversion to religious objects. They may be a person who normally goes to Church but suddenly despises the thought.

8 Look for evidence of self- mutilation.

9 Look for changes in the way the person dresses.

10 Observe their personal hygiene and look for changes.

11 Look for evidence of occult materials in the room...

I am right near the vatican by the way, but the problem is that I don't even... I am not even sure that the Vatican is a safe place, given all that's been said about it.
Demonic Possession and Borderline Personality Disorder?
What strange traits does a Borderline have that look like demon possession? Low, rasping moans and screams were escaping her mouth, which brought chills down your spine. You looked at her face and saw dark coal eyes, and as the moment intensified, her eyes turned red. Her transformation let you step back as you heard her laughing like a witch. She cursed and cussed you. Her stern voice turned to the most hideous sound you could imagine. In front of you was a woman with a pure-red face spitting anger and rage. It was scary.
Very interesting perspective. It makes you wonder if the borderline girlfriends you have had were actually demonically possessed... just in case it's best to not sleep with anyone. I mean even literally sleeping.

Ever compare BPD to demonic possession?
I see BPD as being very much like demonic possession, in many ways. Anyone else feel this way ?

- When you're around people (nons), they can instinctively sense that you're different. You're possessed, they're not. All animals on this Earth, as far as I know, have been taught by God to sense danger. To most strangers I come across, I AM danger.
- The demon makes you do things you wouldn't normally do (tell your boss to f**k himself, emotional outbursts, pushing people away)
- The demon won't let you do things you want to do (make friends, ask someone out, leave your house, get out of your bed)
- You try to kill the demon by hurting yourself (cutting, burning, wrist banging, etc)
- The internal pain caused by the demon comes out in many forms (e.g. tears)

I'm convinced that I'm possessed, despite my knowledge of BPD and all. What good is f**king science and medicine if we're signed in to this forum everyday complaining ? There's got to be a spiritual component or dimension to our suffering. I'm also convinced that I can only be saved by God.

Anyone know about the story of the German girl Anneliese Michel ? Several movies about her have been made - Requiem (German), The Exorcism of Emily Rose, etc.

I'm so amazed by her story, and have even fantasized about starving myself to death, with scars all over my body (Anneliese looked almost demonic at death), to show the world that it was a demon that killed me.

I wanted to live, but the demon didn't let me.
Very good analysis of borderline personality, but then why not simply go to an exorcist?

My borderline husband is possessed by a demon.
Backstory: My husband is both an alcoholic and borderline. His mother, I believe, is VERY borderline, and I think there is a sub-category for female borderlines, called "The Witch" persona. My mother-in-law was in foster care for 2 years when she was younger. At 17, she had an affair with her sister's husband and that is how her son, my husband, was conceived.

I believe the way my husband was conceived makes him especially vulnerable to demons. I think his mother's emotional, and sometimes physical, abuse made him even more vulnerable. And when he started doing drugs and drinking as a teen, he had somehow let a demon in. And he was possessed. He has a celtic cross on his back, but he is a devout atheist.

(1) My husband is naturally a little clumsy. When he drinks, he actually becomes more coordinated. His eyes do not turn red. His speech does not slur. When I used to drink with him, we'd do things that every young people who are intoxicated do, playing music, chatting, etc... But after about an hour in, I might be talking, and, out of no where, he'd say something very cutting. And then, I'd turn around, there'd be a different, eerie, sly look on his face and a little smirk. His eyes would appear striking. The whole countenance of his face would be just different. And then I'd know that he is not himself anymore. And the evil things he'd say would just pass my intellect and strike my whole being. And he'd say my name in a very mocking, creepy tone, "Gloria... " and it would just send me shivers. My name isn't Gloria in real life, by the way.

Borderline Personality Disorder Mimics Demonic Possession
Borderline personality disorder is a phrase that psychologists and psychiatrists are quick to put on patients. This label can not only be incredibly damaging to the patient, but also extremely limiting. Spiritual aspects of disease and illness is rarely taken into consideration and this is a major oversight in allopathic and mental health fields of medicine.

The causes of borderline personality disorder, here forth called BPD, are usually found in people who had extremely traumatizing upbringings like physical and sexual abuse. Often the patient suffered physical and/or emotional abandonment that caused a deep seated grief which pervades the life of the person. The person has a skewed sense of self and the emotional life is extremely chaotic causing unstable behavior like raging, stalking, and fighting. The person will often go to extremes to avoid any kind of sense of abandonment, trying to prevent themselves from feeling the deep pain that lies within. Oddly enough, these symptoms also coincide with a very serious spiritual disorder: demonic possession.

The abandonment they feel often goes deeper than just abandonment for other people; they feel that God has abandoned them too and often may not even believe in God due to the amount of pain they experience. This symptom is a tell-tale sign that someone may be demonically possessed. Since when do demons like God?

The conflict inside between what the patient wants to happen in their life and what actually happens describes both BPD and demonic possession. The inability to manifest their desires is very common in people suffering with evil problems.

Love is also mismanaged; what they think is love is really an illusion based on their sense of lack. Although this illusion is a religious theology, it is in the mind of BPD something quite real as the person idealizes someone into someone they usually are not. They will swing back and forth between loving someone and hating them, based on how they feel in relation to a person. This is a projection based on their sense of inadequacy, and if this love is not matched and returned or their expectations are not met, they can become rageful and even violent.

Usually it is because they feel such an enormous pain from the other, that the coping mechanism is to act out. This is typically behavior you will find also in someone who is demonically possessed. When their loved one is there, they may hate them. But as soon as they go away, there is a sense of love and longing. This is exactly like BPD.

As you can imagine, suicidal ideation, or the constant thought of suicide, is quite common in these patients. As you can imagine, in a severe case, demons will often try to persuade a person to commit suicide. The sense of hopelessness in both BPD patients and those suffering with demonic possession are equivalent to that of a total existential crisis upon which the entire foundation of life is filtered through; life is a terrible and endlessly painful experience.

A person diagnosed with borderline personality disorder has extremely rocky relationships, most likely due to the traumatized state of mind that can never be satisfied. As a result, intimacy issues develop which only add to the emptiness within. Again, this mimics exactly the outward symptoms of demonic possession. Both people with demonic possession and BPD will find themselves plagued with obsessive thought patterns and constantly fighting to oppose their addictions. Constantly an outward search is underway for that someone or something to alleviate the pain, but this search often ends up only driving a deeper hole in their heart.

In both scenarios the sense of powerlessness and trauma of yet another thing going wrong in life only adds layer upon layer to the almost inconsolable grief. The imbalance and lack of healthy emotional expression often drives the people close to them away and contributes to the uncontrollable rage and violence that you often find them expressing instead. The nature of demons is to destroy all the love and good things in ones life and one who is possessed will often find themselves alone, or isolating themselves so as not to have to feel the pain.

Obviously, the similarities between borderline personality disorder and demonic possession are too many to be overlooked. I strongly feel that before a lable such as BPD is placed on someone, that spiritual aspects be considered first and foremost. In my experience with spiritual matters, BPD is in fact caused by demonic possession and is not merely a by-product.
Hmm... very complex subject. I don't see how he can state what he states. I would not be so sure about the things he says.
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not a joke, at min 1.05-1.06 hitler gets possessed by demons

I knew it. Hitler, too, was possessed by a demon:

The more I study, the more what they said in the bible turns out to be true.

very wise, but probably wrong and, see the video above, to understand that hitler was possessed

wise person though:

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