I went to Mass, took the Holy Communion, confessed and I am now back home. I hadn't gone to church for a long time.
I need to do some urgent reasoning, or rather some reasoning is urging me to be written down.
See if you can follow me, because I cannot find any understanding anywhere else.
I mean, everyone seems to be on a different page than me, except maybe Vigilant Christian:
Which right now is my favorite youtube channel, by far.
So here's my reasoning, although here I don't even agree completely with Vigilant Christian.
Summary of my reasoning of the last few years.
I seem to live in a "reality" that is not the way I had imagined it until recently, and it has deceived me so much that I now even need to ask myself whether I am living in someone else's video game and everything around me is just imaginary, as in the movie "The Truman Show". They might not even be actors but just computers.
But this all depends on how intelligent my creator was.
Another possible reality is that these people around, the entire world around me is actually living and random to some degree.
That's the most probable thing, but let's not exclude the first hypothesis, that I am in the Truman Show.
So I am living in this world, most probable thing, with other humans like me, who are being deceived on average far more than I am being deceived right now.
In other words they still think their leaders care about them, there's such a thing as a free mainstream media, there's the opposition... none of this is true. But of course they've all been too busy with their stupid pastimes (soccer, TV, spending time with their stupid friends, etc.) to find out about anything.
I have now understood that our political and religious leaders worship the devil and even make human sacrifices to the devil. And I have discovered that demons exist, and that they act in this world, on their own, or even by possessing people. But for some reason there is only so much that they will do. They will move a chair to show they are there, but they won't cut off your arm with a knife, even if they had the power to do it.
So it is as if they followed some rules, even some moral rules. Also in who they possess and when. It is absolutely a fascinating topic and definitely not very researched. Or rather, there is a field called "demonology", but it's not widely known. But it is in fact researched.
Then I am also assuming that Jesus exists, because demons are so scared of him, and that's why I went to church again... but still here we have another two problems.
First problem: some people claim that exorcisms work also in other religions, other than Christian. And some people claim that praying to any god will make the spirits go away. I didn't find many such cases, but even one case would be critical and would invalidate the my whole theory.
Second problem. People who open their third eye through drugs or other mental exercises (provided people are real, and I am not in the Truman Show) seem to meet plenty of spirits, dozens of different spirits (cf. what the Vigilant Christian says about his past occultist experiences) but I have seen very few people who claim to have met Jesus, and it is mostly those who have had near-death experiences (cf. previous videos). Those guys have all met Jesus as far as my youtube research shows.
So, one more important point. Jesus wants us to lead a life of sacrifice (no sex except to create children, no eating except to stay alive, no drinking except to stay alive... no nothing except to stay alive, no fun basically) and he even would ask us, ideally, to sacrifice our life to defend our faith in him and the values he taught us (being good to others).
Then, we are asked to lead the life of a missionary (ideally, although he does not say that if we don't, we will go to hell), but very few of us seem to meet him.
While few of us meet Jesus, and it'd be too risky to produce a near-death experience to try and meet him, at the same time, by just taking the right drugs, many meet spirits, and they definitely exist, and some even worship them as I said.
Now the problem is that we could still be in an imaginary reality, whereby Jesus created the devil just to test us, and that would definitely not be a nice thing... I mean asking us to be tortured to death or die on the cross like him, in order to defend our faith in him (who doesn't appear to us), and obtain eternal life -- yet without any guarantees at all. We don't see him, while I know for a fact, that if this is not the Truman Show, demons exist.
So maybe Jesus created demons to test us and that would not be nice.
Or maybe demons create the concept of Jesus (and pretend to be scared of him) in order to test us. Maybe both exist, or maybe just demons exist and they run the whole show. If you look at the magicians doing tricks thanks to the help from demons, you will realize how easy it would have been for demons to possess someone and do everything that Jesus has done. Indeed spirits don't always do evil things. That's why people don't always call them demons, but spirits, although Vigilant Christian says that all spirits should be avoided. He's the expert for me, because I don't want to take the risk of opening up to them.
So maybe Jesus created demons to test us, or maybe demons created Jesus to test us. In either case, it doesn't seem very nice, correct me if I am wrong.
Or maybe there is a third creator who is playing games with us, and created both entities. Then again, it doesn't seem so nice, does it?
I will definitely choose Jesus, because he is nicer, but I am not like those other Christians who keep saying that Jesus is infinitely good. Or at least allow me to say that I don't understand why he is letting us be tested in such harsh ways. Yes, the bible will say that it is because of Adam and Eve and what they did, but I will object that it's not my fault what my ancestors did. According to my reasoning this is unfair. So let us say that I cannot accept the bible and the Gospel so much as to say that it is great, and that I totally embrace it. I will say that I hope Jesus exists and I hope he saves me, and I will do my best to be saved, but I don't understand many of the things that happen to humans in life.
After all this reasoning one may object that I call myself a Christian, but I still have to add a couple of things.
For my upbringing and for my thinking, the most natural thing is to not hurt others. Furthermore, I am a vegan for health reasons, so I would not hurt animals anyway, and I don't believe it is convenient to kill people.
So my life is already close to Christian standards to begin with -- largely because of my upbringing. I just have to make some efforts in the sexual area and the in the drugs area. Other than this, I don't spend much money... maybe I have some problems as far as lack of modesty. I think pride is a sin. Wikipedia says "In Christianity, pride is one of the Seven Deadly Sins".
So I am close to being a "good Christian", I would hope even better than average, but I am still far from being a saint and from being willing to sacrifice my life for others.
Well... what I wanted to say is this. The Christian bet makes sense to me (be good now and maybe you will have good eternal life), it is an acceptable investment with an infinite return (provided I don't have to die on the cross), and it seems the best and only investment available, in that making human sacrifices or even just animals is, for my upbringing and current thinking, totally unacceptable, so I could not stand on that side of the fence.
However the side of Jesus seems to be much more imaginary than the other side.
I even wonder if maybe we didn't achieve progress thanks to the inventions of these satanists and the input of the devil and the possessions by the devil, and you know if that's the case, then one wonders...
I mean you should be aware that songs like stairway to heaven and hotel california were written under demonic possession. And acting performances, the best ones, are under demonic possessions. They're definitely convincing, and since this all ultimately leads to human sacrifice, I have stopped listening to music, watching movies and TV altogether. But still, one wonders: what if all our progress were due to demonic intervention? What good is then progress?
Indeed, progress on this earth, from the perspective of eternal life, does not make any sense.
But then why am I even wasting time to reason about things if all is and will be taken care of by god? And why is my very or rather "supposedly" Christian father being a professor and a politician if not to improve the world? But god takes care of everything, why even bother to be an intellectual?
...or maybe we achieved progress thanks to the ideas spread by Jesus.
I would need to spend a few months to find out what produced progress.
In either case, Jesus' preaching seems to be much more acceptable to me than sacrificing relatives or animals to a god. Maybe because of my upbringing, but I can't change it. So I choose Jesus, at least if I am not required to die on the cross like him or like a saint. But then you wonder: if you become a good Christian (not a saint) thanks to your upbringing why should you achieve paradise and eternal life? What is your merit? One should also weigh the impact of your upbringing. I am not Jenna Bush, raised by a family of satanists. Of course she's going to be a satanist. What is my merit? How fair would it be that she went to hell? Not very fair, because she'd have been like me, had she had the same life.
So in some ways the commonly accepted Christian doctrine and message and concepts seem to be great, but in other ways they do not make sense to me.
Another thing that doesn't make sense is the confession. If I confess, all my sins are gone? Come on. What if you are born in another religion and don't even know about being confessed as a Catholic? How fair would it be to make you go to hell because you were born in India, died at 10 years old... without ever being baptized nor confessed?
Anyway, you get my point.
And yet another problem I see is that, whereas there is an offer of eternal life after death, but in this world we're supposed not just to follow a strict no-fun lifestyle (which is close to what I am living anyway, since I only value intellectual curiosity and staying fit, and neither is in conflict with the Gospel) but we are also supposed to sacrifice our own life for others and for our faith.
So, think about it. The devil asks us to sacrifice someone else. Jesus asks us to sacrifice ourselves. Since the instinct of surviving is the strongest thing, then in extreme situations sacrificing someone else would be easier.
However, there's also another difference. According to my research on Youtube... I forgot what I was going to write.
OK, you get my doubts, and my discoveries and my certainties.
1) 1% I am living in someone else's video game, like Neo in the Matrix
2) 99% I am living with other humans in someone else's video game
We are all struggling to find out the rules that we need to follow for the game to not end. The elite are maybe trying to keep the first coin going as long as possible and possibly forever (but Jesus could always come and kill them all).
The little guys like me are trying to figure out how to get a second coin after the "game over". A second coin to an unlimited game.
But ultimately we are all trying to figure out the best option for us, so, after all, even for Christians... what would make us inherently better than the devil-worshipers?
Maybe just one thing: that we're looking for a solution that will help us without hurting others, whereas they're looking for a solution that hurts others.
But I am not even telling the whole truth. The whole truth is that, by doing nothing and living in Europe, I am still allowing others to die. I am not actively killing them, like the satanist elite does, but I am not actively stopping them either. Anyway, to be continued... hopefully I'll find out something more on this subject, which is the meaning of life.
I think I need an exorcism to get a spirit out of my hand. I am assuming that's why it engages in compulsive scratching of my head, all the time, without being able to stop it.