my journal 3

This is very interesting and partly true, although we should not forget that Hitler also killed the gypsies and its own German disabled citizens. So the nazis were indeed evil.

Even if the Jews who died were only one million, let us not rule it out as a joke, and of course the Rothschild might have encouraged antisemitism so that more Jews would flee to Palestine, but the nazis added quite a bit of hate of their own to their policies: I mean they're the ones who did the actual killing.

min 22
it is hilarious how chertoff keeps getting calls from 911 truthers
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let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories

Ah ah, pretty hilarious how they keep confirming our certainty about the truth by telling us to not think about conspiracy theories:

OK, now we know exactly who is in power. Pretty disgusting.

As they say, "In an age of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act".

Looking at the faces of these politicians when they tell us lies, I understand why my father gets so upset when I bring up these subjects, given that he was a politician, too. And given that he has been lying all the time about these subjects, because I no longer think he is so stupid to not have understood what I have understood. And so when I bring it up, he gets angry... I think Obama and the other liars would react exactly the same way.

A politician is an actor who is playing a part, but that is not the whole truth. He is playing a part that he is ashamed of playing, so he gets very upset if you force him to admit that he was playing a part. He feels ashamed about being an impostor. But then why do they do it? Who forced these people to play these parts?

I wonder what happened after the plot to kill Julius Caesar. Probably we still don't know the truth about it.

According to wikipedia, but it's full of lies anyway, all conspirators responsible for Caesar's assassination were killed by the triumvirate within 2 years after Caesar's assassination. But what do we really know. History is written by the winners. Maybe Caesar was killed by others. Maybe it was a false flag attack like JFK. You kill the president and blame it on someone else.

Given that most of the last 100 years of history are lies, what is our guarantee that the history from 2000 years ago is true?

In fact it is even less probable.

I wonder if at least Caesar had absolute power or if even then politicians were just actors representing someone else's interests.

What could happen though is that someone chases the assassins of JFK and probably that's why they had to kill quite a few Kennedys, in order to prevent this. Are they still in power? How many are they? The powers that be, I mean. And who are they running from? Who are they afraid of? Are they even human? Are they taking orders from anyone else?

All I know is that every once in a while someone gets bumped off because he talked too much. Or because he was gathering a following. So pretty soon I'll be dropping this subject and talk about dead dictators (ie Hitler and Mussolini) again, which is not as risky as talking about living dictators.
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fascinating interview and life story, and yes the holocaust must be investigated (although I think it did happen)

min 52-56
holocaust denial: delousing, showers, cutting hair, cattle cars... she says the jews are complaining for nothing because she went through the same. Yet she does not realize that maybe, just maybe the Jews might have been treated differently. Pretty ****ing naive.
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it's a huge risk game

You know the strategy game "risk"? This is how it all works, I just figured it all out. The Rothschild, or whoever is in command, is at the top and they play all humans against one another, like the little tanks in the Risk strategy game. Most of us don't even realize it, because in order to do this, they only have to worry about commanding / manipulating the leaders at the top, and occasionally bumping off the leaders who are not controllable (e.g.: JFK, Martin Luther King, Herrhausen, Aldo Moro... the list is very long). Sometimes even the leaders aren't aware that they're being manipulated and by whom. Maybe this was the case with my father, or maybe not.

In other cases they manipulate these leaders through the secret societies the leaders belong to: freemasonry for example, which works like the army. So in this case they just have to blackmail its leader and all the freemasons below him will follow. I suspect this might be happening even in the Catholic Church. The pope could be either one of their men, or he could just be threatened. And if he steps out of line, you can always send someone to try to kill him like they might have done with John Paul II.

Last night I was browsing on this web site:

They have a list of shills. And it is a long list and maybe some of them are not shills, but most likely they are saying half truths because they've been threatened or are afraid of being killed.

For example, Alex Jones (cf. article) is very suspicious, for the way he talks and the things he says. Another one who seems very very suspicious is Joe Rogan. I heard him say things such as "911 might be an inside job or it might not be... I am not an expert in controlled demolitions...". I would say he's 99% a shill.

But it doesn't end here. As the same web site (other pages, look it up for yourself) suggests that even Putin and other world leaders (including Iran's ahmadinejad) might be controlled in one or another:

From other sources I found that Tsipras has been financed by the same elite, so maybe he is a shill or maybe he doesn't even know he's being manipulated. Some get bought, some are threatened, and some others are their men from the start.

Take the case of Aaron Russo, who was becoming a very popular politician and then he was approached by one of the Rockefellers, who made friends with him and tried to talk him into joining them. Russo didn't join them, spilled the beans (cf all his videos), and a few years later he died from cancer. If you're from the opposition, first they try to buy you out, then they threaten you, then if all else fails (courts, losing job, etc.) they kill you. The list of these murders is long as I said.

How many leaders are there to threaten and to control? Probably just a few thousands. The rest of the sheeple, as we know, are idiots, about 90% of them are complete idiots. The rest are too busy to worry about these things.

But there's more: pretty soon they will be able to control each individual. Chemtrails and RFID chips. Chemtrails already exist and they first of all shorten our lives. One may think that they're polluting themselves, but if you detox, chemtrails don't hurt you. So only those who are not prepared (almost everyone) will succumb to chemtrails.

So, you see, it is a huge game of risk, where they only worrying about controlling the leaders and play their armies against one another, (either through full-fledged wars or just civil unrest) in order to:
1) keep control of us (strategy of tension, etcetera)
2) depopulate the planet

Then I should briefly mention all the other methodologies they use such as dumbing down the population. Three quick examples:
1) television and movies and basically all "entertainment" (to keep us busy)
2) sports at the stadium or on tv (not practicing it, but watching it)
3) internet and computers

Observe how windows has gone from being useful and well-organized, with folders and clear menus, to windows 7, which removed all menus and placed big buttons and incomprehensible menus for idiots, who are not supposed to figure out what to do and how to do it. Such menus are not designed to make you go faster but to make you get lost.

Also, look at facebook. They don't offer you ways to export data, to count your groups, to count your visits, to study anything. They just keep you busy, possibly with stupid activities. It is a tool to dumb you down and keep you busy, just like television. It is not a tool to encourage research and reasoning. They tried to make facebook as close as possible to television, and I am pretty sure they're having second thoughts about allowing us to have the internet in general (maybe they did not even decide to allow us but it wasn't within their control).

By the way, that list of shills is way too broad and I would say that James Corbett is not a shill for sure (he even explained to us that Chomsky is a shill / controlled opposition). In this field, we have a tendency to be paranoid, after realizing how many times we have been duped already. But that list is still the closest thing to the truth I have found on the web.

I forgot to add this, In recruiting their agents, they of course try to recruit people who belong to the same group so to be sure of their allegiance, and I suspect that this is the reason why most of these leaders are Jewish. Of course I am not against Jews and I know they emerge anyway, because of being hard-workers and intellectuals, but I am saying that these assholes at the top are being recruited in that area. As I said, the fact that Hitler was Catholic and most nazi leaders were from Bavaria and thus Catholics does not make Nazism a Catholic conspiracy. No one even brings up or realizes this fact. In the same way, the vast majority of Jews have nothing to do with this conspiracy. And it is stupid to bring up the religion and say "Jews did this" and "Jews did that" because that way you're making them all bond together, whereas they would otherwise be on our side.

I suspect this is the kind of shill that Alex Jones is, he merely wants to save these innocent Jews from the anger of the population, and this would be a good way of being a shill. The problem is that he might do other things in the process. such as dumbing down the "conspiracy theorists". But that might not be intentional. Whatever he is doing he is too famous now not to be controlled opposition. Were he not, he would have been bumped off a long time ago.


Ultimately what I think happened along the centuries is this. At first we had the monarchies, which were the strongest powers, so that maybe we could say that the strongest power in the world was the strongest monarchy. For example:

1500: spain
1600: UK
1700: UK

But then something happened and the bankers kept gaining more and more power, and at the same time, the monarchies kept losing it. Take the French revolution and the American revolution.

Kings getting killed, and kings losing the United States, in favor of US presidents but maybe also secret societies, whoever those people are. Let's say they are a secret network of people.

So, towards the...

1800: even the strongest monarch was not the strongest power in the world

who was? Well, back then the world was not so interconnected so no one hoped to control the world and it was hard to detect which was the strongest power, whether the bankers or still the British monarchy.

But for sure by...

1900: the British monarchy was no longer the strongest power and the bankers had taken over as the single strongest power in the world, still unable to control the entire globe, but by far the strongest power.

Step forward by 100 years and we have the present situation, where they control the leaders of everything: freemasonry, politics, military, health, culture, education, and finance of course, which is what they had started with. And I suspect that they have even hijacked religion.

They still do not control every specific individual, but we're getting closer and closer to it, with chemtrails, and, with RFID chips, they will have total control.

As in Idiocracy, which is where we are heading:

The only thing that the movie does not explain is that there is an intelligent entity at the top, which is the secret government. So it is an idiocracy only as far as the remaining 99.99% of the population, whereas the top will be going in the exact opposite direction.

So, recapitulating, the evolution went like this: microorganisms, fish, men, tribes, tribal chiefs who controlled villages, kings who controlled countries, emperors who controlled continents, then democracies but it was at this time that the real government went undercover: the bankers. And this is where we're at right now. A very strong secret government which for almost every aspect is no different than the mafia. Maybe the difference is that, since they own politicians, a larger percentage of their crimes is legal or legalized, and certainly ignored by the police, because they own the police, the army and the secret services. And they even own the secret societies and probably religions (e.g.: Judaism, cf. videos below, in subsequent post). Through interest, they have been increasing their wealth and step by step have bought everything.

In a way, by fighting for more democracy and killing/scaring all these royals... while seeking "liberté, egalité, fraternité", we have removed some central powers but they were replaced by a secret government which we are now unable to fight. We removed a bad guy, the king, and could not prevent such power to be replaced by someone who was even stronger and therefore worse, and whose power will not be balanced by anyone.

And now we are screwed.
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holy cow, we have even been fooled on mother theresa... everything has been bought out. So much of what I have been taught is turning out to be a lie.
Catholics - Did you know Mother Teresa is really a mass murderer on the fast track to saint hood.?
It is a well documented fact that mother teresa intentionally and willfully hospiced sick poor people that could have been cured by anti-biotics and other relatively inexpensive medications. She and her followers collected these ignorant people, laid them out and let them slowly die with no pain medications and minimum food and water while asking you all to donate money to her cause. They hoarded the money and her bought up some of the most valuable realestate possible in major cities all over the world.

It is also a well documented fact that they warehoused poor orphans in conditions that would have made nazi prison camps look like luxury.
Update : Susan Shields, a former nun, recalled that one year there was roughly $50m held by the New York office alone. Much of the money, she complained, sat in banks while workers in the homes were obliged to reuse blunt needles. The order has stopped reusing needles, but the poor care remains pervasive. A case earlier this year where staff knew a patient had typhoid but made no effort to protect volunteers or other patients.

Mother Teresas was a monster and any human or moral character should oppose her appointment as a saint.
Update 2: The quote is from: Monday 18 August 2005

Marvin Sannesvor

Another gatekeeper, flunks the 9/11 litmus test. The CIA calls these chicken****s "the compatible left". I'd planned to read his book, not now. That was a very excellent questioner, incidentally?

Yeah, ok, he failed the litmus test. But this user, Marvin Sannesvor, does not understand that
1) it is ok for a famous journalist to do as much as he can without risking his life by saying that 911 was an inside job
2) he may have been deceived about it and be stating in good faith what he thinks (cognitive dissonance, denial, etc.)
3) he may destabilize the system more by saying what he said than by saying the whole truth about it. Indeed he makes a very good point by saying that secret services should be abolished. That is quite risky and controversial, yet by not saying the whole truth, he may get on his side more people than by saying that 911 was an inside job
4) we can't dismiss someone as a shill just because he didn't build the house we want to build, and yet he added a few bricks to it. For example, he did an excellent job on Mother Theresa and this cannot be forgotten (cf. documentary above)

That is why we should be grateful to anyone saying even some of the truth without adding lies. We can't expect everyone to risk his life to expose the elite.

Wait! After seeing this, I should rectify what I said and say that maybe he is indeed an agent. He also failed the litmus test of JFK's assassination. His answer is laughable.
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Ah ah... this is almost hilarious. I won't ask my dad about it or he might turn into a reptilian before my eyes:

Fascinating discussions on "Lucifer" being mentioned during the holy mass. I am quite puzzled, especially being agnostic. Could god really exist? Or at least Lucifer? Could the bible be anything more than just a fantasy story?ásum-christus-fílius.14071/
There is good discussion of this found online at:

The most informed response is as follows:

the entire closing passage reads (Latin, then English):

Flammas eius lúcifer matutínus invéniat:
ille, inquam, lúcifer, qui nescit occásum.
Christus Fílius tuus,
qui, regréssus ab ínferis, humáno géneri serénus illúxit,
et vivit et regnat in sæcula sæculórum.

May this flame be found still burning
by the Morning Star:
the one Morning Star who never sets,
Christ your Son,
who, coming back from death's domain,
has shed his peaceful light on humanity,
and lives and reigns for ever and ever.

Regarding the reference in the Vulgate to Lucifer as the morning star, tradition holds that Lucifer was the angel of light, but fell from heaven over Adam's stewardship of the entire earth. Isaiah uses the metaphor about Babylon, drawing (scholars tend to believe) from a Canaanite myth to make his point to the king who held Israel in captivity.

"How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations! You said in your heart, 'I will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High'..."

Metaphorically, the fallen angel has "power" over the world until Christ, our true Light, enters time. Christ is the true Morning Star.

Whatever forum you go to, Catholic, Latin... etcetera, everyone is puzzled. Given that the Pope and his buddies can change the texts however they please, don't you wonder why they kept that equivocal reference in their texts? I tell you why. Because our doubts are confirmed. The Catholics are worshiping satanists, just like the Jews. All religions and all government have been hijacked by the Satanists and the freemasons. I am pretty convinced of this.

I hope we don't get enslaved before i can find out much more about it. This is quite interesting.


At the top levels everyone has been bought or threatened into submission. Look at this image of our world leaders in Paris, after that fake false flag attack by the Muslims:


You see the masonic luciferian images on the one dollar bill, you see the pyramid formed by our world leaders, and you hear Lucifer in the mass celebrated by the Pope.

Well, the picture is complete. We can all draw our conclusions. Symbols seem to matter quite a bit to the elite. That pyramid and the one eye is all over the entertainment media...

I'd say the picture is complete. We know who is in control: the Lucifer worshipers.
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Richard Dolan: UFOs and 9/11 (Understanding the Two Greatest Conspiracy Theories of our Time)

I guess the world right now is divided between the few of us (still millions) who do research on the internet, and can't help bumping into the truth, one way or another, and then are labelled "conspiracy theorists", and the rest of the people, fully brainwashed, who either watch TV or use the internet just for screwing around
Getting back to my discussion of shills and also Illuminati symbolism.

Many accuse Foster Gamble of being a shill, among the other things, because of the symbol of Thrive, which is a lady covering one eye:

This is the movie poster Ad for Foster Gamble's timely 11/11/11 movie. See any red flags? How about the obvious numerology and illuminati symbolism?

The movie poster shows the Satanic all-seeing-eye symbol which is typically conveyed by covering up one eye. There is a serpent (cobra) image reflected over the iris of the eye. The partially hidden hand gestures symbolize the number "666".

This movie IS NOT waking up the world. It is tricking the world into believing that it is being awakened when, in reality, it is being hypnotized into an even deeper sleep.

Yet everything else he does, in interviews and Thrive (the documentary), is exposing the elite. Should we assume that someone is a shill just because he is a millionaire and he picked the wrong and equivocal cover for his movie?

In fact I think he did it on purpose to deceive the Illuminati. There are fake truthers who are shills, such as Snowden and Assange, and then there are fake shills, who are truthers, like Foster Gamble.

Listen to this where he speaks about Cheney and how he is not proud of Procter and Gamble... what more do you want from this guy?

Foster Gamble (Thrive Movement) on Anarchy, Procter and Gamble, Censorship - YouTube

Here's the movie Thrive, in case you're interested in watching it - I absolutely recommend it:

min 47 and following: he exposes the medical big pharma industry for suppressing the cures... you're not a shill if you make a documentary like that

I don't care how many satanic symbols he puts in his movies, he's not a shill. He explains the problems really well, and so this certainly doesn't help the banksters but us. And also he interacts with other truthers. So not a shill. He's a rich truther, which is not usual situation, so maybe he has to put satanic symbols in his movies to mislead the elite.

I think he is the richest truther there is, so he has to be very very careful. He has to play it safe and at 1:30 he says "increasing number of people believes that 911 was a false flag" instead of "I believe 911 was a false flag".

Not a shill for sure.

The same applies to David Icke and his satanic symbols (or supposed satanic symbols). I don't care how much he talks about reptilians -- David Icke is not a shill either.

At min 1:43
He starts suggesting practical solutions, and you can really see there is hope but at the same time it all depends on whether the awakened good 0.01% manage to wake up the other 99.98% of people, who are being kept asleep by the evil 0.01%.
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Jeff Challender a great and kind man passed away last week due to a massive sudden heart attack. Jeff will always be remembered for obtaining extraordinary evidence for the proof of unidentified flying objects in our atmosphere and near space. He tirelessly reviewed

NASA Shuttle video to find anomalies and founded Project Prove. He had remarkable understanding of NASA operations and unidentified objects in space. Jeff was a cherished friend and God will bless him and his family in this time of sorrow.

I often spoke with Jeff and exchanged ideas. He revealed many NASA personnel had contacted him telling him of much higher quality close up space ship like anomalies that the public was not shown.

Serge Monast, another who had a lethal heart attack, while investigating these things, secret government's plans, in this case project blue beam:

this is robert glenn, he met extraterrestrials:

min 3
how he tried and managed to do telepathy and psychokinesis when he met and was helped by an extraterrestrial

I was precisely starting to think that telepathy and psychokinesis were real, from videos I was watching the other day
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pineal gland and telekinesis
Re: What happens when you activate your pineal gland?
I've been practicing meditation for about a year now and have had amazing results regarding manifestation. I am currently working on the Seeing portion of opening the third eye (i.e. practicing mirror gazing etc..), from this I have discovered an entity that has attached itself to me (I believe it was during a very dark period of my life several years before). I'm not sure if it is human - it is human like, it has one eye (right eye is always closed) and he has a very large nose and other grotesque features. I don't believe he is entirely evil but then again I am not sure. I am currently looking into entity clearing because of this...

Anyways, one of the coolest things so far is when you begin to see the tunnel. I used to only see it when I would take acid in the past but now I always see it even with my eyes open. It's this layered vortex that is constantly spinning and moving. I find that when meditating if you spin with the vortex it will give you visions.

I am learning that once you begin opening your third eye you need to learn to be more responsible. Especially when it comes to meditating regularly. It's easy to become susceptible to other energies and if you are not regularly connecting with your higher self - it is easy to begin to feel lost. I have also noticed that when using alcohol or other substances that weaken your immune system, you can be more susceptible to other entities. I say this because I have been attacked several times now while in a hypnogogic state. I have conditioned myself to automatically activate my light shield which works but I have become extremely sick (flu like illness that lasted a week) after being attacked one time by a dark cloud entity.

Has anyone experienced anything similar to me?
Quoting: Sourcerer 1311351

I do hope you are being serious, since there are alot of BSers hitting this thread....

If you are being serious then from my understanding once you open your third eye you begin to see other dimensional creatures. They have always been around you but now you are aware of them. Even if they look scary they are not there to harm you. Some people reported seeing spiderlike things when they tried to sleep.

Dont give this entity power over you, you can literally tell it to "go away" and it should leave you alone. ALSO be sure to surround yourself with "white light" everytime you meditate (since you have been studying this you should know what I mean). And for those of you who don't.... Imagine a bright pure white light coming down from the universe, let it completely envelop you, breath it in to the count of 5, and breath out any dark or degative energy to the count of 5.

You can also put a psychic shield around you so that you don't take in other peoples negative energy! This I have to do often.
Quoting: Lady J

Entity clearing - Lookup White Sage incense. It worked for me. After quite some days burning the incense I smelled a classic hospital odor in my room. I NEVER EVER EVER smelled anything like it before in my room. I asked my mother and she smelled it too. I didn't take ANYTHING in my room which could smell like that. I know dead people can still carry the same odor they had before they died. You do the math, it's my direct experience that the white sage worked.

Mr. Lurker
Quoting: Mr. Lurker 1141627

@LadyJ - Yes I am serious - and the "white light" you describe is what I referred to as my light shield. I can feel it when I meditate and anytime I have used it in dreams/hypnogogic state I could actually hear its vibrational noise quite loudly so - which is incredible.

@Mr. Lurker - Thank you, I will give that a shot post haste.
This is serious. It is a major breakthrough in my research.

These things exist (UFOs, third eye, telekinesis, etc.), although right now they're completely intangible to me.
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