my journal 3

how to lose all your fake/stupid friends with just one email

This is quite hilarious. I have a bunch of so-called friends from the time I was a student, and not one of them has replied to me, out of the five "friends" to whom I have emailed this link:

It is the most powerful link I have ever come across on the internet in my whole life, but these idiots... or maybe they're in the know, but most likely they're idiots.

Furthermore, 4 of them are (medical) doctors and the link is very relevant to their field. I'm never going to write them again.

Along the decades, I've insulted them in all possible ways, calling them "messy", "bad guests", sons of bitches... everything. They've always been nice to me. I send them this link, and no one replies.

This was the text of my email:
You might find these links interesting:

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min 14
inverted cross behind the pope: he worships lucifer or others around him do

min 40
they control the right AND the left, hitler AND stalin

min 42
crowley's own son wrote a book to expose him

min 44
michael jackson was a deep occultist

sign of the devil by prince william

freeman (host) is risking his life, says texe marrs

all media is involved, too

the freemasons say that lucifer is not the devil, but a good angel, but texe marrs disagrees

a lot of freemasons commit suicide because of their screwed up system and life

relationship between witches and freemasons, same thing, worship of the devil

freeman (host) is the son of a freemason and he wants to fight freemasonry because of the effect it had on his father
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min 10 to 15
best explanation i have heard so far of why freemasons are so strong, by a former satanic priest
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What happens when you activate your pineal gland?

1. One of the first experiences is a headache or pressure in the center of the forehead. This sensation may also feel like it is originating from within, usually an inch or more beneath the surface of the forehead as it affects the sixth chakra. This is a positive indication the pineal gland is awakening and beginning to function in a healthy manner.
You may also find you can feel this ache or pressure whenever you focus your attention on your third eye or meditate on your third eye. This is perfectly normal and eases with time.

*Some people can experience a migraine lasting several hours. The severity of the side effects will depend on how atrophied your pineal gland is to begin with.
Unbelievable. It's working.

Last night, for the first day ever I tried the steps described in the post above and on other forums and here's what I did:

1) I tried to be in a state of absence of thoughts
2) absence of verbalization of thoughts
3) I managed to do it for just a few minutes, maybe 45 seconds at a time, for five times

Then, for the second or third time, I lit a candle (wearing sunglasses). And, for about 40 minutes, I tried to affect the flame, while practicing absence of thoughts, with my "third eye" (look it up).

I think I may have affected it, although I don't know how the flame behaves normally because I am not an expert on candles, but I will keep practicing. The flame kept going up and down, more when I was looking at it than when I wasn't looking at it.

Furthermore, I woke up with a slight but persistent pain in my third eye, and I never have headaches.

And I also had a vivid and detailed and long dream, which had been described in another one of these guides as a consequence of these exercises, and I don't remember having dreams every day, but maybe once a month.

So I conclude that this is a reality and not some made up fantasy. There is no reason otherwise that, by thinking I am using some imaginary part of my head, I will cause that part of my head to have a headache. Plus the detailed dream. And then also that the candle's flame might have moved.

I will definitely keep trying.

Look up why we're being fed fluoride and its effect on the pineal gland. Unfortunately for a topic like this, we cannot rely on wikipedia, because for sensitive subjects they go in CIA-mode and spread lies. Actually, since they discredit it, we know it is probably real.

In fact they don't even completely lie about it:
The pineal gland is often seen in skull X-rays, when it is calcified (in old age).[26]

Calcification of the pineal gland is typical in adults, and has been observed in children as young as 2. Calcification rates vary widely by country and correlate with an increase in age, with calcification occurring in an estimated 40% of Americans by their 17th year.[26] Calcification of the pineal gland is largely associated with corpora arenacea (or "acervuli," or "brain sand").

It seems that the internal secretions of the pineal gland inhibit the development of the reproductive glands, because, in cases where it is severely damaged in children, the result is accelerated development of the sexual organs and the skeleton.[27] In animals, the pineal gland appears to play a major role in sexual development, hibernation, metabolism, and seasonal breeding.[28]

Some recent studies show that the degree of pineal gland calcification is significantly higher in patients with Alzheimer's disease vs. other types of dementia.[29]

Pineal gland calcification may also contribute to the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease and may reflect an absence of crystallization inhibitors.[29]

Calcium, phosphorus,[14] and fluoride deposits in the pineal gland have been correlated with aging, showing that, as the brain ages, more deposits collect.[30]

Only they don't state the damage of fluoride and instead they try to reassure us that calcification is normal and that fluoride in it is normal: "Calcification of the pineal gland is typical in adults" and "fluoride deposits in the pineal gland have been correlated with aging". Probably the director of wikipedia is a 33rd degree freemason or has these entries written directly by the CIA.
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freemasons are in control of everything

I talked to my father about this, and he said that freemasons are just similar to the Rotary club, a group of rich people who want to get richer. He said they do not control the world.

I would tend to disagree. Look at a few examples of how much they have been able to spread their occult symbolism:







Politics (Obama Youth Brigade and world leaders in Paris, after Charlie Hebdo):



I would say they're pretty much in control, if they even managed to cram the world leaders in that uncomfortable pyramid in Paris, after they had also made Hollande accept their false flag attack in Paris, after which he said: "Ceux qui ont commis ces actes, ces terroristes, ces illuminés, ces fanatiques, n’ont rien à voir avec la religion musulmane".

People won't open their eyes, because of cognitive dissonance: whatever is not in line with their system of beliefs gets discarded. But by now it is as clear to me as the alphabet. Once you learn it, you're going to take it for granted. The fact that 99% of those around me don't see this will not make me change my mind.

Peer pressure is another thing that makes everyone believe these things. What the majority thinks must be the truth. What the TV says. What our leaders say... and so on.

While they incredibly accept these incredible falsehoods, such as the outrageous and outlandish official version on 911... I mean if they accept that story, they'll accept any story. While ordinary people behave so stupidly, they're kept busy by:
1) having a family
2) watching the news on TV
3) watching sports on TV
4) drinking beer and fluoride

When I went to the US the widespread stupidity of Americans became immediately clear by how often they used expressions like: "cool", "weird" and "like...". And "oh my god".

They really did a good job at dumbing them down, as prescribed by their long-term, decade after decade plans, all detailed here:

After all, their headquarters are in the US and Americans are the ones most affected by their plans.

I also suspect that together with these freemasons or maybe at the top, or allied to them, there's some Jewish elements, as Hitler said:
To strengthen his political position he [the Jew] tries to tear down the racial and civil barriers which for a time continue to restrain him at every step. To this end he fights with all the tenacity innate in him for religious tolerance—and in Freemasonry, which has succumbed to him completely, he has an excellent instrument with which to fight for his aims and put them across. The governing circles and the higher strata of the political and economic bourgeoisie are brought into his nets by the strings of Freemasonry, and never need to suspect what is happening.

Let's read something written by Mussolini almost one hundred years ago, which I found here:

Benito Mussolini- articolo "I Complici" da "Il Popolo d'Italia" del 4 Giugno 1919
Se Pietrogrado non cade, se Denikin segna il passo, gli e' che così vogliono i grandi banchieri ebraici di Londra e New York, legati da vincoli di razza con gli ebrei che a Mosca come a Budapest si prendono una rivincita contro la razza ariana che li ha condannati alla dispersione per tanti secoli. In Russia vi e' l'ottanta per cento dei dirigenti dei soviets che sono ebrei. Il bolscevismo non sarebbe, per avventura, la vendetta dell'Ebraismo contro il Cristianesimo? L'argomento si presta alla meditazione. E' possibile che il bolscevismo affoghi nel sangue di un pogrom di proporzioni catastrofiche. La finanza mondiale e' in mano agli ebrei.
Chi possiede le casseforti dei popoli, dirige la loro politica. Dietro i fantocci di Parigi, sono i Rothschild, i Warburg, gli Schiff, i Guggenheim, i quali hanno lo stesso sangue dei dominatori di Pietrogrado e di Budapest. La razza non tradisce la razza.
Il bolscevismo e' difeso dalla plutocrazia internazionale. Questa e' la verita' sostanziale. La plutocrazia internazionale dominata e controllata dagli ebrei ha un interesse supremo a che tutta la vita russa acceleri sino al parossismo il suo processo di disintegrazione molecolare.

Maybe he was not the madman they make him out to be. This that he wrote 100 years ago could have been written today only by the smartest "conspiracy theorists", which to me is equivalent to saying the smartest historians.

Don't get me wrong, both Mussolini and Hitler did awful things, such as for example Hitler's extermination of handicapped and gypsies (which is not denied by historical revisionists). What I am however saying is that their analysis of this conspiracy is excellent and up to date even by today's standards and it is even coherent with all the events that have taken place in 100 years after their writing.
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Wow, the more I delve into this, the more I get convinced that the Catholic Church is part of this huge conspiracy:

So in my research I began by believing:

1) government loves us
2) opposition exposes abuses of government
3) media exposes both sides

and also I assumed that
4) church is good although not very powerful

Well, I was wrong on the first 3 and now I am almost convinced that I was also wrong on #4.

The church is almost as bad as it was during the Inquisition. It only changed its appearance. Well, I don't know. I am still investigating this. Along the past decades I have been wondering why the church never stepped in to stop the various genocides that took place. Now I might have the answer. They just pretend to be good. I am not talking about the individual priests but about the structure and its leaders.

Holy cow, "Lucifer" here and "Lucifer" there. Given that it means Satan, but also "morning star", why on earth didn't they take that reference away yet? It makes you wonder...

If this is true, it is all very much in line with what Dr.Day revealed to Dr. Dunegan and the other doctors, in 1969, that is to say that the papacy would have helped the Order of the Barbarians to implement their plans:
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He is former new ager, first 2 min

he has been in touch with 30 spirits while doing psychedelic drugs

god has cut off forces in the spirit realm from us, and we should not use drugs because we cannot handle the demons we meet

while we are on drugs: we would be dealing with fallen angels, who are masters at deceiving us

do not take DMT, do not take drugs, do not go down the demonic spirits rabbit hole
He has experienced it and he does not recommend it, he says to NOT USE DRUGS

this is called shamanism, shamans, sorcery, he communicated with over 30 beings

david icke too communicates with fallen angels who turned themselves into angels of light
they are all mislead

he was told he'd lead an army of people to lead them into a consciousness shift
these beings tell people that through knowledge they can be gods, because these beings are not angels of light, but only masquerading as such

we have to be careful because these ideas are very spread in the truth movement


For sure I won't be taking any drugs but I'll still practice with my third eye and my telekinesis.


Spoke too soon, damn. It seems that telekinesis has to do with demons, so maybe I won't do it:

why not invite jesus into your life - he ends

problem is jesus does not talk to us
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he does his tricks through demonic powers but people think he's great because they just exclude this is a possibility

This channel is great, I could not find one video that wasn't fascinating:

So, bottom line: demonic spirits do exist

min 8
emptying ur mind to be a medium for a demon


i cant do the candle thing anymore, nor the pineal gland decalcification, because he is saying this is something for the demons

I'll keep investigating it but from the outside

after all, i don't really need telekinesis - it is not that big deal

dude, check out this playlist of demonic magicians:

Demon Magicians- Episode 1 - Reveal THIS - (Criss Angel, Dynamo, David Blaine and more) - YouTube

min 1-2
pact with the devil, the demon helps you for your earthly life and then you probably go to hell

min. 7, he gets asked about levitation, and says it is based on a principle, but he won't explain it

no ****, he doesn't say about when he met his demon

Manly Palmer Hall:

min. 4: "truth is a conscious being", "a creature"

min. 8: "no one walks alone", we're protected by someone who accompanies us

min. 9: "truth is alive"

a philosopher mentioned in the lecture:

The agreement set forth above is purely ceremonial magic. In the case of black magic, it is the magician and not the demon who must sign the pact. When the black magician binds an elemental to his service, a battle of wits ensues, which the demon eventually wins. With his own blood the magician signs the pact between himself and the demon, for in the arcanum of magic it is declared that "he controls the soul who controls the blood of another." As long as the magician does not fail, the elemental will fulfil to the letter his obligation under the pact, but the demon will try in every possible way to prevent the magician from carrying out his part of the contract. When the conjurer, ensconced within his circle, has evoked the spirit he desires to control and has made known his intention, the spirit will answer somewhat as follows: "I cannot accede to your request nor fulfil it, unless after fifty years you give yourself to me, body and soul, to do with as I may please."

If the magician refuses, other terms will be discussed. The spirit may say: "I will remain in your service as long as on every Friday morning you will go forth upon the public street giving alms in the name of Lucifer. The first time you fail in this you belong to me."

If the magician still refuses, realizing that the demon will make it impossible for him to fulfil his contract, other terms will be discussed, until at last a pact is agreed upon. It may read as follows: "I hereby promise the Great Spirit Lucifuge, Prince of Demons, that each year I will bring unto him a human soul to do with as it may please him, and in return Lucifuge promises to bestow upon me the treasures of the earth and fulfil my every desire for the length of my natural life. If I fail to bring him each year the offering specified above, then my own soul shall be forfeit to him. Signed . . . . . . . . . . . . . " [Invocant signs pact with his own blood.]

Manly P. Hall / The Secret Teachings of all Ages

No way, man. All this burdensome promises for some telekinesis? I will use the candles for other purposes and quit my project immediately.

So now it is all clear why the Illuminati, who worship Lucifer, have to put his name everywhere. And I am also afraid that all these magicians are doing human sacrifices to keep their powers and not give their own soul to Lucifer.

Definitely not worth it. I am sad that in order to do telekinesis I have to meet with a demon, but it doesn't seem worth it.

So, given that these magicians are clearly doing magic through demons, and that I don't want to do anything like that, I quit my telekinesis efforts.
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Is Telekinesis an ability given from the devil?

Is Telekinesis an ability given from the devil?
Other Answers (16)Relevance

Anubreed answered 6 years ago
Telekinesis is 1 of the 5 senses that humans are born with along with clairvoyance phycometry and intuition smell taste sight touch are all the same thing so they count as 1. what u call satan does exist but he doesn't look like a red demon he is actually black just as what people call god they both are scientist from the 19th galaxy from a planet called rizq, at some point in time after they created man through genetic manipulation by adding their own dna into the homo species the being Enlil had a disagreement with his brother enqi about the destiny of man.
That's just the short version of the story for more info research the holy tablets written and translated by Dr Malachi York who has been falsely imprisoned by our government "if u live in the us" for tax evasion. So don't judge him judge his work for the mental up lifting of man kind and human kind.

the bible comes from judaism and judaism comes form islam and they all come from the holy tablets which consist of the dead sea scroll and the likes which are tablets that where found in iraq and the middles east and africa.
Oh and the reason we humans don't have access to those abilities at will is cause the anunaki eloheem took away our barathary gland from the hippocampus region of our brain for the fear of us destroying our selves before they returned to earth between 2012 and 2036 imagine what we would have done to this earth with full access of our mind. we did this much on 3 to 7% now imagine 100% access can u.


I had always thought that the bible was just a fairy tale and instead it turns out that it was inspired by these... "holy tablets".

So, if these demons are so bad, which they seem to be, at least according to my Christian values (I would not want to sacrifice even my orangutan colleague), then maybe also God and Jesus exist.

I had always thought the atheists were the smart ones, and the Christians were like people who believe in horoscopes. But now i see that maybe the case is that the atheists are believing something wrong for the right reasons (reasoning) and the Christians are believing something right for the wrong reasons (believing).

But now I may be in the rare position of believing something right for the right reason. In other words, just seeing those magicians (cf. previous posts) perform tricks clarified once and for all that demons exist, and it is also quite a simple fact to prove. The only real problem is the existence of Jesus and his father God. Those guys do perform miracles, but I yet have to see a magician who can do all those tricks because he's possessed by God.

On the other hand, when a possessed person is freed by the exorcist and this, too, seems to be a fact, then it must be happening through the power of God, and so this would be... maybe the only proof that god exists. This still doesn't mean eternal life.

I still haven't figured it out. One step forward is however that now I do know that demons exist, for sure.

On the other hand, I still have doubts... because this beautiful chick does not seem to be related to demons in any way and yet she's telling me how to... "decalcify" my pineal gland, which in theory would put me in touch with a demon. She even says to clear my mind from any thoughts, which is what they say you do when you get in touch with demons.... this is very complex but just in case I won't keep trying to "decalcify" it:

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pineal gland and demons (and not): religious point of view

min 1
not everyone is compatible for "demonic habitation"

min 2
DNA sampling is done to find out who is compatible
they're purposely destroying everyone's pineal gland so that they can't see what's coming

min 3
"without the pineal gland a person can walk in a state of confusion", so he's making the case for not losing it

min 4
"the elite use it to talk to demons" but "if you accept Jesus, you change on a physical level". But I am agnostic!
This talk does not seem very scientific, he dares to say more than he knows

min 7
"they're looking for a compatible host..." - but maybe I am, and I am agnostic, so I should not open up my pineal gland

min 10
"not everyone is prone to demonic possession"

min 13
"There will be a mass possession of individuals"

This guy does not talk like a scientist, and he abuses scientific concepts and terms. However it is still very interesting.
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more examples of demonic possession

Yep, no different than david blaine, min 10-11:

Scary crap, because Mirin Dajo was killed after 3 years of this stuff, because the angels didn't follow through with their helping him.

Screw this crap, man. These demons are unreliable.

And once again, no matter whom I'll show this to, cognitive dissonance will do its job and they'll come out of the experience saying the same things they say about 911, when I tell them it was an inside job. When a fact is not in line with your system of beliefs, you just discard it.

It is almost hilarious that such a deep and mysterious secret is in fact crystal clear. I had never realized this either until today, although the evidence is in fact overwhelming that demons exist. In other words, forces/beings that we do not see.

It reminds me of the controlled demolition of 911:

No matter how many times you show the clip to people, the mere fact of how the skyscrapers fall, defying the laws of physics, does not convince people that it was an inside job. In the same way these clips will not convince people that demons exist. Furthermore, in both cases, people will be annoyed and will find ways to not look at these videos.

On the other hand, I am now realizing that one thing is to try to show people about 911 and the other false flag attacks by humans, but I am much more afraid of trying to show demons at work, because these guys are amazing and can do and see everything. You just look at what they're doing in those videos, and even if they didn't possess me, they can possess someone else and kill me. So I am probably going to keep this for myself from now on.

Besides, doing magic with the help of demons, or winning at the stock market with their help, for that matter, is like cheating at Monopoly and taking the money from the bank when people aren't looking.
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he mentions Alberto Rivera:

The Jesuits (society of Jesus) have totally taken over just about every facet of America. From all religions to all secret societies, government agencies, intelligence agancies in America and all over the world. Here an ex-jesuit priest Alberto Rivera (murdered by the Vatican in 1997 by poisoning) tells of why and how the Jesuits are doing this. We can see the evidence of this by the attacks on our civil liberties and the U.S. Constitution. It's time to wake up. Share this video and and post it anywhere you can. Also speaks of the Kennedy and Lincoln assassinations being plots of the Jesuits from Rome.
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One comment by a Youtube user:
Sorry to say but you're an idiot dude. I bet you think Criss Angel is real and doesn't use camera tricks and actors. How dumb can you possibly be? I suggest a psychologist or something because you're quite delusional.
well, what could we expect from people who can't even accept that 911 was an inside job?

...whereas on the one hand these videos are terrifying me, as today i have discovered that demons exist and i am even afraid to turn my lights off and to sleep alone, on the other hand these videos are extremely interesting, because I am learning about some important facts that are important to someone's life, and as usual I am stunned by the skeptics, in the comments section on the Youtube video, and also, on the other hand, these videos not only interest me, but also give me hope in afterlife, because if there is a devil, there might be a god and if there are demons, there might be angels, and if there is soul and/or spirit without body, then there is hope for us after we die. Indeed, until now I had seen no evidence of a "spiritual world". But these videos provide very abundant evidence. Who would have ever thought that Youtube could be a tool to prove the existence of gods/devils and angels/demons...

Youtube University, often mocked, proved to me to be much more useful than studying Political Science at an expensive US college, on books that are basically based on fantasy. Youtube University taught me about how the world really works and about reality.

Youtube should look down with scorn at all colleges, because there is more truth in its videos than in the best American colleges. As far as lack of censorship and lies, Youtube is even beter than wikipedia, that when it comes to politics, it blatantly lies about the most important facts.

Then again, of course you have to know how to use Youtube, because it could also dumb you down, depending on what videos you watch.

Interesting quote from the maker of the video above, at minute 12:05:


I am scared stiff. When you watch movies, you think that reality cannot beat movies, right? Instead it can, if you are patient enough to observe reality, without being distracted by television and friends and the usual superficiality. Now, I don't claim to be one of the wise people I am watching and studying, but I definitely do not belong to the stupid people any longer, or rather: I am not even average, as I might have been once. Indeed, I never was even average. Let's say that I now consider myself in the top 0.1% of maturity.

From the so-despised wikipedia:
...Building upon the few references to daemons in the New Testament, especially the poetry of the Book of Revelation, Christian writers of apocrypha from the 2nd century onwards created a more complicated tapestry of beliefs about "demons" that was largely independent of Christian scripture.

The contemporary Roman Catholic Church unequivocally teaches that angels and demons are real beings rather than just symbolic devices. The Catholic Church has a cadre of officially sanctioned exorcists which perform many exorcisms each year. The exorcists of the Catholic Church teach that demons attack humans continually but that afflicted persons can be effectively healed and protected either by the formal rite of exorcism, authorized to be performed only by bishops and those they designate, or by prayers of deliverance, which any Christian can offer for themselves or others.[51]

At various times in Christian history, attempts have been made to classify demons according to various proposed demonic hierarchies.

In the Gospels, particularly the Gospel of Mark, Jesus cast out many demons from those afflicted with various ailments. He also lent this power to some of his disciples (Luke 10:17)...
Wow, I was so proud of my rationality... and now I am scared stiff.

But what can you do? After having watched these videos of magicians doing impossible tricks... you connect the dots, and it becomes totally rational to believe demons exist.
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