my journal 3

It is quite shocking to me how people today wonder how nazism could ever take place, and these same people are living in a country that creates fake terrorist attacks to invade countries, to suppress liberties, sprays chemicals to kill its own population and much more... and if you try to bring it up, these people go into denial mode...

...well, guys, that is exactly how nazism took place. Hitler was not telling its own population about the gas chambers either. He even let them believe that Poland attacked Germany (Gleiwitz incident and similar false flag events).

If people choose to not care, to conform, and to follow what television tells them... well, Nazism will happen all over again and it is indeed happening. Not the same exact way, but in the way that Aldous Huxley predicted it, with the acceptance of the population, with the illusion that everything is OK:

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super! the Germans aired on public tv this 911 truth documentary as early as June 2003. I am impressed.
At this point I ask this. Why don't we stop analyzing this endless list of false flag attacks, that are keeping us so busy, and why don't we instead start analyzing the structure of this elite that's planning and implementing such plans so efficiently? The false flags are laughable but they're good enough for the stupid population. Let's stop wasting time on them. Paris was the last false flag I have discussed in detail. From now on, I deem it a waste of time, and I won't talk about them to anyone nor write anything about them.

And, fellas, when you eat, when you shop and when you breathe, remember dr day's revelations. There's an agenda to foster natural selection again, which means idiots will be encouraged by TV and mainstream science to do things that will wipe them out, and you have to find out for yourself the path to survival.

For example, when they (mainstream science or media) say that a given vaccine is safe or that cell phones are safe, don't believe them. Let the idiots be fooled and die (I've wasted enough time trying to convince them).

So, choose vegan instead of everything the TV and even doctors tell you to eat.
Choose staying sober instead of drinking.
Not smoking... not doing drugs, not buying cars... not using them... not getting tan... remember dr day's revelations, so clearly reported by dr dunegan.

There is an agenda to wipe out billions of people and the only good thing is that this elite is targeting idiots. And I don't mean handicapped people but regular mainstream idiots, I mean basically all superficial people, which is 90% of people, and that is the number they want to wipe out.

My only regret is that it is not also targeting violent and rude people, such as my colleague the orangutan. It'd be nice if they wiped out 95% of my colleagues, which is the combined percentage of the idiots plus the rude ones, and the dishonest ones, who do nothing all day.

You know, sometimes whose side I should stay on, between the idiot rude people and this murderous elite. If this murderous elite were polite people and exempted me from extinction, I might even join them. The problem is that they probably also yawn out loud like the orangutan.

I know this for a fact. Bush was an idiot. Just belonging to this elite doesn't make you intelligent. I am afraid they'd be wiping out the wrong people. Indeed, this elite might have a higher percentage of idiots and rude people than the rest of the population.

We're being sprayed through chem trails substances that not only control the weather and stop crops from growing, but that also might implant something in our bodies that will make us vulnerable to some sort of attack. I wonder if I should start studying about how to avoid injecting such substances.
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how regular people think:
The horrific killing of 12 people at the Paris offices of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo seems disturbingly straightforward. The magazine has a long history of using satire to critique radical Islam (and many other targets). They have published many cartoons depicting Mohammed, something that has provoked violence before. They had previously been firebombed, and have been the target of threats for many years. Several of those killed were named as being "wanted, dead or alive" by al Qaeda's Inspire magazine (alongside Salman Rushdie). Witnesses to the shooting say the gunmen shouted they were "avenging the honor the prophet".

And yet there is a small but vocal subset of people who consider nearly every major story in the mainstream media to be fake in some way. Every time there is an attack of some kind, a shooting, a bombing, even the events of 9/11, they claim that the story has been manipulated, or that the shootings were not done by who the media says did it, or even that the event was entirely staged, with fake blood and "crisis actors" who play out the roles of shooters and victims in carefully choreographed pretend carnage. This has already started to happened with the Charlie Hebdo shootings, and with an event of such significance and potential for incitement, it is guaranteed to continue and escalate, and become part of the canon of purported "false flag" events...

This guy, the author, Mick West, seems to be a good faith, although he is the founder of which is a "denialist" web site, in that, as you can infer from the quote above, it denies all major false flag events, and I suppose even suggests that JFK was killed by Lee Harvey Oswald. He wrote 20 thousand posts expressing lies, although he thinks that he wrote 20 thousand posts exposing lies.

Such denialists do exist and they are not necessarily paid government agents.
In human behavior, denialism is exhibited by individuals choosing to deny reality as a way to avoid dealing with an uncomfortable truth.[1] Author Paul O'Shea remarks, "[It] is the refusal to accept an empirically verifiable reality. It is an essentially irrational action that withholds validation of a historical experience or event".

How funny. It reminds me of George Orwell's ideas. It's all reversed because the powers that be also control language, media, and education, and even literature (they revise history and revise literature). CIA-controlled Wikipedia's definition is correct in this case, but the term "denialist" won't be applied to those who believe the official government's version. Those 99% of citizens will be defined as the healthy ones accepting reality. Whereas instead they are the real "denialists". And we will be called "conspiracy theorists" or even "denialists" for being able to identify what is true, unaffected by cognitive dissonance.

More quotes from his post (cf. link above):
Over and over the theorists will come up with claims of things they think were suspicious about these events. In the Sandy Hook school schoolings, banal things like the lack of video, or the small stature of the shooter, or the facial expressions of the parents of the victims were offered as "proof" that the shootings never happened. After the Boston Marathon bombings armchair experts opined that there was too much blood, or not enough blood, or the blood was too red, or that people reacted in unexpected ways to having their legs blown off, thus proving that the events were just a charade.

These claims, of course, are specious. Just shoehorned cherry-picked confirmation bias by people who have already decided that everything is fake, and so everything they see is evidence of that fakery. Many of their claims have been examined at length, here and on many other sites, and have been shown to be either straightforward bunk (errors and lies), or meaningless subjective speculation and interpretations.
You see, he seems in good faith. He is not doing character assassination and denying the claims. He sees our evidence and discards it, and discards our interpretation of it. He accuses us of being prejudiced against the truth, just the same that we accuse him of the same mistake. I suspect that if you will show him a video of Obama laughing when he should be crying, he will think that Obama is laughing... in despair. This guy is definitely affected by cognitive dissonance and denial. My father instead, when I bring up important evidence, engages in character assassination. He doesn't look at the evidence but disqualifies the source. To him the only reliable source is television. If he weren't the politician he is, I would say he is an idiot. But I think he is just lying to me, because he doesn't want to admit that he knows about all this, or at least about part of this.

They hide under the excuse of "I'm just asking questions", and claim they are performing a legitimate role of fact-checking the mainstream media - something, they say, which you could not possibly object to. This excuse has the ring of truth about it, as fact-checking is indeed an honorable pursuit and errors in the media should be exposed and corrected. But that's not what they are doing.

They are finding ordinary and expected inconsistencies in the reporting of chaotic events. They are offering their own subjective interpretations of events as alternative evidence. They latch on to the most trivial of coincidences (with their mantra of "there are no coincidences") as evidence of a conspiracy. Two women with the same haircut is evidence that they are the same woman, and hence an actor, and hence everything is fake. It's self-reinforcing confirmation bias taken to an extreme. It does not seem worthy of response.
Ah ah... I think this guy is really in full-fledged denial. Or plain stupidity. I mean, I always thought there were two groups: 1) people who look at the evidence and realize these are false flag events, and then 2) there are the others, who won't look at the evidence, and will keep believing the official lie. But it's rare to find someone who investigates things this much and still believes the lie. I mean this guy investigated every single false flag event and discarded all the huge evidence every single time. He's either lying to all of us or he is blinded by patriotism.

An interesting study to do would be to poll 100 random people from this forum and 100 random "conspiracy theorists", and then test their IQs. I think we'd find out that the conspiracy theorists have above 130 and these guys have below 100.

Ah ah, check this out:
...And yet here on Metabunk we've taken them on, and debunked many of their claims. We have occasionally been criticized for doing this, as the claims are so outlandish, denying that people died, that they are deeply offensive to the relatives of the victims.
Yep, deeply offensive to the relatives of the victims, such as Robbie Parker, the day after his daughter was killed:

or James Foley's siblings, after their brother was beheaded:

Hilarious at minute 14!!! I don't know what Mick West or my father will say when shown this clip. They can't see it's not from TV, because it on TV. They will probably get angry and say that maybe those were actors but the guy was really decapitated. But most likely they will either refuse to sit down with me and watch the clip, or will fall asleep within a few minutes, just like my father did when I showed him Loose Change. After 15 minutes he was sleeping.

...And yet here on Metabunk we've taken them on, and debunked many of their claims. We have occasionally been criticized for doing this, as the claims are so outlandish, denying that people died, that they are deeply offensive to the relatives of the victims. This was particularly the case for Sandy Hook, where the conspiracy theorists have gone as far as harassing the parents of the children who were murdered. Should we even acknowledge these people? In debunking them are we actually giving them more attention than they would get if we just ignored them?
Right, let us not acknowledge these "conspiracy theorists" and especially let us not look at the evidence.

It's hard to draw the line. Some things are clearly way over it - suggestions than no planes hit the World Trade Center, or that what people saw were giant holograms, or that Sandy Hook School had actually been closed for years. Indeed you might think that the entire notion of events like Sandy Hook being fake, or the Boston Marathon Bombings being fake, is over the line - obviously ludicrous and offensive.

(helicopter camera shows explosion without plane, obviously removed from all mainstream media)

"Some things are clearly way over it - suggestions than no planes hit the World Trade Center"... yep, outlandish statements, such as claiming the earth is not flat.

It's hard to draw the line. Some things are clearly way over it - suggestions than no planes hit the World Trade Center, or that what people saw were giant holograms, or that Sandy Hook School had actually been closed for years. Indeed you might think that the entire notion of events like Sandy Hook being fake, or the Boston Marathon Bombings being fake, is over the line - obviously ludicrous and offensive.

And yet some people believe it.

Now we are obviously not going to change the minds of the David Ickes or James Tracys of the world. These are people who's very identity, their entire reason for the way they live their lives, is tied up in their beliefs of a fake media and all major events being fake.

Nor are we going to change the minds of the "true believer", the conspiracy theorist who has been thinking like this for decades, the type of person for whom evidence that should contradict his beliefs will bizarrely reinforce them. Where pointing out the errors in their evidence is simply more evidence that they are correct. They do come around, but very rarely.

Funny how he sounds to me, like he's describing the way I see him.

But then there are vastly more people on the fringes of conspiracy theory than there are deeply buried inside it. In particular there are many young people - people who are very impressionable, with flexible minds that soak up new ideas quickly, but who are also able to drop those ideas when they are shown they are incorrect. It is this group that is the target audience for the majority of the debunking on Metabunk.

What on earth are they going to debunk regarding the videos I posted?

They have to help the young minds who are "flexible"... what a disaster. How widespread stupidity actually is.

Conspiracy thinking, conspiracy ideation, is a black hole, a dark rabbit hole that once you get deep enough into, it is very hard to escape from. When I debunk I hope I'm preventing people from falling into that hole, or if they are already in it I hope to keep them close enough to the light so they will eventually climb out themselves.
oh god, I almost feel sorry for him, he is so kind... he wants to cure us.

And that's why I address ludicrous and offensive theories like the Sandy Hook shootings being fake. It's not in the hope of changing the minds of the people who come up with the ridiculous claims of evidence - they are generally deep down the rabbit hole. It's to help people out who are not in too deep, and to help people not fall into in the first place - particularly the young.

And so yes, I think we should address the inevitable Charlie Hebdo conspiracy theories. But only if it seems like they have some traction, if they might actually be influencing people. We don't need to respond to every single labored YouTube video of "why was this person stood there" type thing - especially if nobody is watching those videos. But if people are being taken in by claims, if their young or overly-open minds are being darkened by bunk, then I think debunking has a place here.

Wow, this is like in 1984, it's just... maybe only 40 years late. Maybe Mick will have converted everyone by 2024.
In George Orwell's novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, the Ministry of Truth is Oceania's propaganda ministry. It is one of the four ministries that govern the nation. As with the other Ministries in the novel, the Ministry of Truth is a misnomer and in reality serves the opposite of its purported namesake: it is responsible for any necessary falsification of historical events. In another sense, and in keeping with the concept of doublethink, the ministry is aptly named, in that it creates/manufactures "truth" in the Newspeak sense of the word. The book describes a willful fooling of posterity using doctored historical archives to show a government-approved version of events.

Remember Bush? "We must speak the truth about terror. Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories..."

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You know it's real, among the other things, when you see the guy standing up by the blackboard, at minute 1:50 scratching his head.
Psychokinesis (Greek ψυχή κίνησις, "mind movement"),[1][2] or telekinesis[3] (τῆλε κίνησις, "distance movement"),[4] is an alleged psychic ability allowing a person to influence a physical system without physical interaction.[5][6][7] Psychokinesis and telekinesis are sometimes abbreviated as PK and TK respectively.[8] Examples of psychokinesis could include moving an object and levitation.[9][10] There is no conclusive evidence that psychokinesis is a real phenomenon.[11][12][13][14]
Yep, the usual wikipedia. That's when you know something is true and they want to hide from you. I guess "alleged" and "no conclusive evidence" is like when they almost can't deny it any longer. For the other theories they can still deny because of widespread ignorance, they say "conspiracy theory".

The fascinating world of CIA-controlled wikipedia. When I want to know if something is real, I just get on wikipedia and if they discredit it, then it's something worth investigating. Because it means it is precious knowledge they don't want to get out.

This is something you learn when you are aware of 911 and JFK and you go to wikipedia and find out they state it was all done by Bin Laden and the 19 hijackers and Lee Harvey Oswald. When you see that, you understand you've been living in the Matrix all your life.

I mean this single link tells you everything you need to know about the society we live in:


On the last line, "Perpetrator: Lee Harvey Oswald".

A society that kills its own presidents when they don't obey to the hidden presidents and over 50 years later people are still told lies about it. And if you see the simple truth, then you're considered crazy by most of the people around you. This realization is quite worse than I had ever thought. The more I learn the less I can stand these idiots around me. I can't even have a conversation with them anymore.

A society where even my father who was a professor and other important things, looks at me weird if I bring up any of these topics. What a lame piece of ****.

I think he doesn't want to face the truth, to discuss the truth, to explain the truth, and to explain why he never told these truths.

It all started with 911. One day you open your eyes, and understand that not everything you have been told was true, no matter how many people believe it. You understand that the fact that almost everyone believes it, does not mean it is true. Then you find another lie, and another one and another one... and then you understand that it's almost the rule.
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It seems pretty credible overall - this long audio book or whatever it is.

It does have a few problems:

All in all, the mistake this documentary might make is that it depicts Jews as totally in control of all world events, and all as one unity, while this is not the case at all: they were partially in control and some of them were really evil, but they weren't acting as just one and they weren't in total control.

Because of these wide generalizations the documentary is often illogical and contradicts itself. For example: are the Jews running Hitler and financing him, as it claims, or are they against him? Then why don't they just stop him? This can only be explained like this: the Jews are at the top of everything, and some finance Hitler while others fight him. But the doc does not say this, and so it contradicts itself. Otherwise, let's say you want to build a case against whites. You could end up arguing there is a conspiracy of whites to screw the blacks, whereas it is not the case, as we know. I have nothing to do with George Bush. In the same way let us not put the Jews all in one group and see them as one entity, because they're just as tight as Bush and I.

However this documentary is also excellent in that it brings to light unknown facts and quotes about Jews and the Rothschild, who control much more than it is let out in the mainstream channels.

The problem is that the millions of Jews killed in the holocaust have nothing to do with the heads of the Rothschild families who did what they did, with the complicity of non-Jews, so what is really the point of talking about Jews at all? It is just misleading, as misleading as to say "the Whites" every time the CIA does something wrong.

We should not even say "the Rothschilds" because for example the son of the Rothschild head, David Mayer seems a decent person, who denounces fracking, GMOs and even chemtrails or close to it. Far from being an agent.

So we should just say the powers that be, the elite in power, and whoever is doing what we want stopped, such as chemtrails and wars and this never ending list of false flag attacks.

If we fail to differentiate, we're not going to solve any problems, and the Jews will hate us and get defensive, whereas we can be friends, and ally to fight whatever is wrong. So let us stop grouping people together, unless we're sure they're supporting the policies we're fighting against. Even the freemasons are not necessarily all bad. Although of course I am less inclined to like them as a group than let's say a group of vegetarians.


Interesting interview with the author, Andrew Carrington Hitchcock, 291 views, that's how I know something is good:

at minute 25 it says how he "woke up" (came out of the matrix) with the Oklahoma City bombing, because he was used to seeing the IRA attacks and he could tell they were lying about it.

at minute 28 they discuss Bill Cooper

minute 29
they discuss 911

minute 31
the jewish leaders of the UK are illegal aliens
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A documentary film in Hebrew entitled "The Ringworm Children" (Yaldei Hagazezet), produced by the Dimona Communications Center and directed by Asher Nachmias and David Balchasan, was released in 2003. In 2007, the film received the Best Documentary Film Award at the Haifa International Film Festival and was featured as a documentary at the Israel Film Festival in Los Angeles.[7][8] The documentary harshly attacked Israel's medical establishment in the 1950s, branding the episode "the ringworm children's holocaust" (shoat yaldei hagazezet). It also harshly criticized the compensation law and the politicians involved in its passage.

Treatment of ringworm patients is viewed by Mizrachi activists in Israel as the most salient example of injustices immigrants encountered in the 1950s as a result of shortcomings, negligence, paternalism, or irresponsibility on the part of Israeli authorities in the reception and absorption in Israeli society of new immigrants.

It is claimed in the documentary that the X-ray radiation used on the children was thousands of times beyond the maximum recommended dose[9] and it is suggested that the program was funded by the United States in order to test the effects of large radiation doses on humans...
These crazy conspiracy theories...

Now it does not seem so unlikely that the same leadership funded Hitler to exterminate millions of Jews.
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Pastor Ray Hagins does make a few good points, although unfortunately there is no doubt that Hitler unleashed his SS against gypsies and handicapped as well, so the holocaust is not a Jewish invention, and Hitler was a real mass murderer. However it is also true that he wasn't the only one, and that today's secret government is far worse than him.

Here's another historical revisionist, Dennis Wise, and considering all the lies we've been fed so far, it is definitely worth it to watch his documentary, blocked almost everywhere on the web:

It is almost six hours long. It's going to be interesting to see how these fans of Hitler will describe the invasions of Czechoslovakia and Poland, T4 program for exterminating the handicapped and the Röhm-Putsch.

One hour into it, at 1:08
They say that Poland was committing atrocities against the ethnic Germans. I don't know. I really do not think this is true. I mean there are no doubts that the Gleiwitz incident was a false flag and that Hitler was in bad faith. So this documentary definitely goes too far.

Ok that probably everything was caused by the Rothschild, but you can't say that Hitler wasn't also a mass murderer just like you cannot say it about Saddam Hussein.

Most likely the bankers have planned all world wars, because they had the money to sit and do nothing else but plan these things, and finance them, as when playing the risk strategy game. However, this does not mean that everyone else was a saint. For example, no one forced Hitler to implement the mass extermination of handicapped, not even the bankers. So, if anything, these Rothschilds are just as bad as Hitler, but you're not going to make me believe that Hitler was not a mass murderer.
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Finally today my dad has seemed to almost admit that he knows of the existence of state terrorism, and he almost admitted that he understands the link between many Italian deaths and the desire of US government, such as the killing of Aldo Moro and other center-left politicians who had been killed in the last 50 years. He did not say the CIA killed them, but he said that probably the US financed the terrorists who killed him or did not stop them. In other words "let it happen" theory. This is not my thinking, because I go much much further, but it is the closest that my father ever got to admitting the truth.

Also it reveals that all the other times when he got mad at me, he was simply lying, the mother ****er.

Still better than having to hear the usual "it was the Red Brigades" lie.

He even admitted that "divide et impera", "divide and conquer", is a policy followed by the leaders. He didn't elaborate on it though, as if he were ashamed of it. I think he's been lying to me all these years. I wouldn't be surprised if one day I found out that he is a Freemason.

I guess that after having found out, in the last 10 years, that the government, the media and education has lied to me and to such an extent, in the last few months, I have acquired the almost certainty that my father, too, has lied to me. I think he also knows that JFK was not killed by Lee Harvey Oswald, but never wants to discuss it, nor 911. I think he is a ****-sucking lying son of a bitch.
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Alan Sabrosky, jew who is also a 911 truther, so you see, there is no jew plot but a plot by whatever elite, among which many are jews, but not all, and they're not doing what they're doing because of being jews, just as the nazis weren't a an evil sect of catholics although they were almost all catholics:

I want you to understand and listen to every second of the video above because it explains how we should not group people into categories in order to not play their game of divide and conquer. If 911 truthers keep saying that the Jews did 911, they will lose all the jews who think that 911 was an inside job. Without realizing that there are also chemtrails in Israel and that, as I said, the fact that an asshole is jew does not imply that all jews are assholes. Hitler was Catholic, so now we should expect all Catholics to be assholes, and of course if someone goes up to a catholic and tells him that he is a nazi, because he shares common traits with hitler, then that catholic won't be nice to him probably. In the same way it doesn't make sense to go to a german and tell him that he is a nazi.

So let us remember here some of the famous truthers who are jews:

Alan Sabrosky
Bob Tuskin
Jeremy Rothe-Kushel
Mathieu Kassovitz

If we don't fall for the divide and conquer trick we will probably find out that in the end the asshole who is at the top of this giant pyramid and is organizing all these false flag attacks is just one person. And maybe he, too, isn't too convinced about what he is doing.
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