my journal 3

ah ah, check out the german wikipedia:ülow
Andreas von Bülow (* 17. Juli 1937 in Dresden) ist ein ehemaliger deutscher Politiker (SPD) und Autor mehrerer politischer Sachbücher. Auf Grund seiner Publikationen, insbesondere zu den Terroranschlägen am 11. September 2001, wird ihm vorgeworfen, Verschwörungstheorien zu verbreiten.
...Due to his publications, in particular on the terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001, he is accused of spreading conspiracy theories.
I mean, they really need to denigrate an ex-minister in the first 2 lines of his biography on wikipedia? No wonder he's complaining about this term ("Verschwörungstheorien"), repeatedly, in his whole video below, minutes 12 and 13, and 14 and 15... he probably even tried changing it on wikipedia, but the CIA or whoever is working for them keeps on putting it back. Wikipedia is definitely under their control, for all these subjects. Probably instead of closing Gladio, they put those assassins to work on wikipedia.

All these "conspiracy theorist" insults, because, since the government is spreading lies, those who are telling the truth have to be defamed. This is just like the inquisition. Only we're living it in the present, and now I also know how the people of the time must have reacted to the various heretics: "if the church says so, it must be true, so it is a good thing to burn him at the stake".

Actually nowadays it is even worse: we have the freedom, at least as ordinary people, at the office, in Italy, to say our opinion. We have the freedom, but we don't use it. These guys risk nothing to open their minds and investigate facts, but they don't do it and rely on the mainstream media. What a disappointment. If it is like this today, with all the progress we have made, imagine what it must have been 500 years ago. No wonder they were burning heretics at the stake. Sure, there must have been intelligent people and freethinkers even then, but in an even smaller percentage than today.

Check it out, the nice Catholic Church and its abuse of power in the centuries, all the people it burned at the stake as heretics (cf.list below). One day there will be a similar list of victims of the US government and its allies, not just people being insulted and fired because they didn't put up with lies, but also all those who were secretly assassinated... (usual heart attacks, accidents and suicides).
Ramihrdus of Cambrai (1076 or 1077) (lynched)
Peter of Bruys († 1130) (lynched)
Gerard Segarelli († 1300)
Maifreda da Pirovano († 1300)
Andrea Saramiti († 1300)
Fra Dolcino († 1307) (never tried by Catholic Church), Italy
Sister Margherita († 1307), Italy
Brother Longino († 1307), Italy
Marguerite Porete († 1310)
Botulf Botulfsson († 1311), the only known heretic executed in Sweden
Jacques de Molay (1243–1314), burned after conviction by a tribunal under the control of King Philip IV of France, France
Geoffroi de Charney († 1314), burned with Jacques de Molay above, France.
Guilhèm Belibasta († 1321), last Cathar
Francesco da Pistoia († 1337)
Lorenzo Gherardi († 1337)
Bartolomeo Greco († 1337)
Bartolomeo da Bucciano († 1337)
Antonio Bevilacqua († 1337)
William Sawtre († 1401)
John Badby († 1410)
Jan Hus (1371–1415), impenitent/unrepentant heretic
Jerome of Prague (1365–1416), relapsed heretic
St. Joan of Arc (1412–1431), relapsed heretic, Rouen, France
Thomas Bagley († 1431)
Pavel Kravař († 1433)
Girolamo Savonarola († 1498)
Joshua Weißöck (1488–1498)
Jean Vallière († 1523)
Hendrik Voes († 1523), 1st martyr in the Seventeen Provinces
Jan van Essen († 1523), 1st martyr in the Seventeen Provinces
Jan de Bakker († 1525), 1st martyr in the Northern Netherlands
Wendelmoet Claesdochter († 1527), 1st Dutch woman burned as heretic
Michael Sattler († 1527)
Patrick Hamilton († 1528), St Andrews, Scotland
Balthasar Hubmaier (1485–1528), relapsed heretic
George Blaurock (1491–1529)
Hans Langegger († 1529)
Giovanni Milanese († 1530)
Richard Bayfield († 1531)
James Bainham († 1532)
John Frith (1503–1533), England
William Tyndale (1490–1536)
Jakob Hutter († 1536)
Aefgen Listincx (d. 1538)
Anneke Esaiasdochter (d. 1539)
Francisco de San Roman († 1540)
Robert Barnes († 1540), England
Thomas Gerrard († 1540), England
Giandomenico dell' Aquila († 1542)
Maria van Beckum (d. 1544)
Ursula van Beckum (d. 1544)
George Wishart (1513–1546), St Andrews, Scotland
John Rogers († 1555), London, England
Canterbury Martyrs († 1555), England
Laurence Saunders, (1519–1555), England
Rowland Taylor († 1555), England
John Hooper († 1555), England
Robert Ferrar († 1555), Carmarthen, Wales
Patrick Pakingham († 1555), Uxbridge, England
Hugh Latimer (1485–1555), relapsed heretic, England
Nicholas Ridley (1500–1555), England
Bartolomeo Hector († 1555)
Paolo Rappi († 1555)
Vernon Giovanni († 1555)
Labori Antonio († 1555)
John Bradford († 1555), London, England
Thomas Cranmer (1489–1556), relapsed heretic, England
Stratford Martyrs († 1556), 11 men and 2 women, London, England
Joan Waste (d. 1556), Derby, England
Pomponio Angerio († 1556)
Nicola Sartonio († 1557)
Thomas von Imbroich († 1558) (beheaded)
Fra Goffredo Varaglia († 1558)
Gisberto di Milanuccio († 1558)
Francesco Cartone († 1558)
Antonio di Colella († 1559)
Antonio Gesualdi († 1559)
Giacomo Bonello († 1560)
Mermetto Savoiardo († 1560)
Dionigi di Cola († 1560)
Gian Pascali di Cuneo († 1560)
Bernardino Conte († 1560)
Giorgio Olivetto († 1567)
Luca di Faenza († 1568)
Thomas Szük (1522–1568)
Bartolomeo Bartoccio († 1569)
Dirk Willems († 1569), Netherlands
Fra Arnaldo di Santo Zeno († 1570)
Alessandro di Giacomo († 1574)
Benedetto Thomaria († 1574)
Diego Lopez († 1583)
Gabriello Henriquez († 1583)
Borro of Arezzo († 1583)
Ludovico Moro († 1583)
Pietro Benato († 1585)
Francesco Gambonelli († 1594)
Marcantonio Valena († 1594)
Giovanni Antonio da Verona († 1599)
Fra Celestino († 1599)
Giordano Bruno (1548–1600), Rome, Italy
Maurizio Rinaldi († 1600)
Bartolomeo Coppino († 1601)
Edward Wightman († 1612), last person burned for heresy in England.
Malin Matsdotter (1613–1676), for witchcraft, Sweden
Kimpa Vita (1684–1706), Angola
Maria Barbara Carillo (1625–1721), Madrid, Spain

Actually, if the Catholic Church could do all this, the CIA should be totally OK and allowed to do whatever they're doing and more. I mean these are actually hired to be assassins, so if the Pope can assassinate and torture, I think it's only fair that the professional assassins should be able to slaughter and mass murder, which is what they've been doing.

In fact, how much sense does it even make to belong to a Church that for about 1000 years has been torturing and killing those who refused its doctrine? I mean, it makes no sense at all. And yet I am surrounded by such idiots as well. Back to my original point, that I am surrounded by idiots. The more I study, the more I realize these people around me are idiots. But it's simple: the distance increases. I keep studying, learning, thinking, while they keep on watching and discussing soccer.

he's obsessed about the term "conspiracy theorist" - he brings it up every 5 minutes and obviously he's very bothered by it
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Psychologists Explain 9/11 Denial Despite Hard Scientific Evidence
Seven psychologists plus author David Ray Griffin, Ph.D., provide insights on why so many people are in total denial regarding the truth about 9/11 despite “nine years of hard scientific evidence that disproves the government theory about what happened on September 11.” Trauma, fear, pride, and cognitive dissonance (information that contradicts beliefs about our worldview) are among the reasons given for why people can’t handle the truth about 9/11.

The "pro-conspiracy theorist" psychiatrists forgot to say one thing: people are incapable of analyzing the evidence on their own, not just for 911 but for everything else around them. They're not freethinkers. So it is no wonder they don't start being freethinkers for 911. Such people (the majority of humans) will think the photos posted on the internet are fake and the videos are fake. We can't expect them to analyze the evidence, because they will not think they're capable of assessing it, and verifying if it is genuine. For them, being lazy as they are, it's much easier to wait for the majority to change his mind and tell them it's time to change their mind as well. Just like my colleagues won't get up to put paper in the printer, the same colleagues won't do any investigation to look at the evidence. Being a freethinker also implies that you are not lazy.

Anyway... this situation is hilarious. The "conspiracy theorists" are getting back at the sheeple, who, as said in the video above, feel the need to ridicule the messenger telling them 911 is an inside job and need tv shows where the "conspiracy theorists" are "accompanied" by a psychiatrist to study them and cure them, in this case Thomas Grüter, the guy in the blue suit:

So, on the one hand, we have the so-called conspiracy theorists, who need psychiatrists to cure the majority, who won't look at the evidence, and then we have the sheeple who need psychiatrists to cure those who don't believe the story provided by the government.

As I said, we have to be grateful that we're not being burned at the stake. After all, being called a "conspiracy theorist" for having a mind (freethinking) and speaking your mind (speaking freely) is a good deal. I just have to stop wasting time trying to convince the sheeple.

The sheeple, these lazy stupid cowards. It's easy today to make fun of Hitler. We don't need any more people making fun of the bad things that do not exist anymore. What we need is people who make fun and criticize those who are in power today, those who are doing something bad today. Yet this is nowhere to be found on public television. All we find is people ridiculing the nazis. That is very easy.


...denial on 911... and conformism to mainstream knowledge, in every field

Another related thing I was thinking is that, given that people have a hard time accepting non-accepted facts, historians and other scientists in general prefer not to state facts that are not already accepted or at least not those that will meet with the most resistance. So it is not just 911. For example, Hitler is known to have died in the bunker by suicide and most historians will not bother to find out or at least to state that the evidence shows that he escaped to South America. In fact, there is more evidence and witnesses to the fact that he escaped to South America than in favor of the suicide-in-the-bunker theory.

In every field, even in nutrition ("Milk Does Your Body Good"), there is a mainstream theory, and few have the intelligence to investigate it and even fewer have then the courage and energy to challenge it.
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SheltonLankford, Lt. Col. USMC, Ret. - Statement in NY - YouTube

min.4: another one, who's pissed off about being called a "conspiracy theorist", "the modern label of choice used to dismiss those who challenge the version of events preferred by government and the media". Good way of putting it.

I find it interesting that whereas in German ("Verschwörungstheoretiker") and English this term has a very derogatory connotation, in Italian the equivalent term has almost none, and in fact it is rarely used ("complottismo").
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The more I learn about Gladio from professor Ganser, the more I wonder who was that ordered the Bologna bombing and all the other attacks:

If it was the director of the CIA, the US president or someone else whom they both obey. I am positive that it was not the Italian Prime Minister and almost certain that he wasn't even aware of it.

By the same rationale, these same unknown leaders ordered 911 and the London and Madrid bombings.

min.54: "the state cannot accuse itself"

min. 1:05: says he does not fear for his life

min. 1:12: he thinks many web sites that mix aliens with Gladio are set up by the secret service to discredit serious research on Gladio and related subjects
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min 19 to 23

wow, he's daring to link cheney and 911 to oil, at a peak oil conference, and then brings up the suggestion of 911 being an inside job!! -- this is quite daring, and awesome

It is pretty sad how they react, given that "peak oil" is itself a conspiracy theory according to mainstream media. They react by ignoring him completely for the rest of the debate, and treating him the way they are treated regarding peak oil.

So they're definitely a bunch of idiots, because despite having realized that peak oil is true despite what mainstream says, they still treat 911 truth according to mainstream, as if he had said "I am a rapist".

On the other hand, I should have expected this, by how Professor Ganser has stated his opinion, in a courageous yet also subtle half-assed way ("there's a group of people who believes that 911 was orchestrated by the government...", more or less, as if he did not belong to that group of people...).

The american ASPO conferences are much more lively and interesting, and the speakers are more intelligent and less conformist.

Anyway, these guys are idiots but his strength is precisely that without being an idiot he manages to deal and to be accepted by idiots, who are the ones at the top in these research/academic positions, where instead of researching, they only bother to repeat what's known. Real research is always controversial, tiring, and not convenient. That's why school is so bad, because you have boring people repeating boring things, in a bored way.
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NATO's Secret Armies (2009)

video about Gladio, and how the Anglo-Americans created a secret network that ended up assassinating politicians and setting up bombs all over Europe, for decades, and, once you understand this, it is really no wonder how we ended up with 911, and the Madrid and London bombings. They're nothing but the continuation of this. Of course if instead you ignore those, it is harder to understand 911. And if you ignore that, too, then everything becomes easy and relaxing once again.

As some say, world war 2 never ended. In the early 1950s, former SS were hired by this network and they started creating lists of people from the left to be killed in case of... in case they decided the time came to kill them (min. 22 of video).

how and why the strategy of tension was implemented by this secret organization

former US ambassador to Italy, Richard Gardner, basically admits everything

wow, amazing documentary, that puts together the true history of the last 70 years of the Western world.
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Mainstream Media vs 9/11 Truth

min. 3: japanese 911 truther/politician

Mainstream Media Shocked to Hear 9/11 Truth
I'm tired. I knew this would happen.

I'm tired of listening to the mainstream news, and I find the so-called "conspiracy theories" boring now, but I don't know what else to move on to.

I'm tired of watching Heidi. I'm tired of watching movies.

I'm tired of listening to radio shows.

There is really no other subject, in German, that I can see, that could interest me.

Maybe it's time to get back into trading.
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Ah ah, awesome. For the first time there's 2 vs 2, and he's not alone anymore. There is another "verschwoerungtheoritiker", a physicist. Unfortunately the mother ****ing host is an idiot so he keeps saying the word "verschwoerungtheorien".

One can't help but wonder if these people are in denial, as explained in the video below, or if they're outright lying, especially considering one of them is the former German ambassador to the US (Wolfgang Ischinger).

Quite interesting. The wikipedia entries, usually controlled by the secret services for these subjects, diverge when it comes to "state terrorism". In English, it is entirely controlled by the government, although the mere fact that it exists is a good result, but the only good thing about this entry is the first line:
State terrorism refers to acts of terrorism conducted by a state against a foreign state or people, or against its own people.[1][2][3][4][5]

In Italian, it is not controlled by secret service and it says the truth:
Il terrorismo di Stato è l'uso di strategie e metodi di terrorismo da parte dell'autorità statale.

Uno Stato può decidere di ricorrervi contro i suoi stessi cittadini, a fini repressivi per eliminare direttamente un gruppo politico, o per eliminarlo come interlocutore politico e togliergli credibilità davanti all'opinione pubblica incolpandolo di atti commessi da terzi (operazioni False flag), oppure per intimidire e far emigrare una popolazione che non desidera (pulizia etnica), per creare uno stato di emergenza che giustifica una deriva autoritaria con la sospensione e deroga delle Costituzioni in nome della sicurezza nazionale.

Un ulteriore modo, proprio degli stati e non replicabile da soggetti non statali, di fare terrorismo è l'istituire un ordinamento giuridico e di pubblica sicurezza estremamente punitivi: tramite organizzazioni di polizia segreta e regolamenti molto rigidi si instaura un clima di paura in cui ogni cittadino diventa passibile di punizione, in pratica "colpevole fino a prova contraria".

Attività internazionale[modifica | modifica wikitesto]
Al di fuori dei loro confini, gli stati adottano il terrorismo per perseguire obiettivi di politica estera e per ostacolare stati rivali o nemici. Poiché tutti gli stati del mondo hanno sottoscritto ufficialmente la carta dei diritti dell'uomo, che implica un totale rifiuto del terrorismo, nessuno di essi può ammettere di utilizzare metodi terroristici o di addestrare, armare o comunque aiutare terroristi o gruppi terroristici.

Tutte le attività terroristiche promosse dagli stati sono quindi condotte segretamente, in modo da non essere riconducibili ai governi mandanti. Normalmente gli attentati e le uccisioni di stato vengono gestite da strutture dei servizi segreti civili o militari, o da gruppi esterni all'apparato statale ma ispirati e/o collegati ad esso (forze paramilitari, milizie, gruppi di attivisti). Un altro modo, molto comune negli stati meno dotati militarmente è l'omettere di vigilare sulle attività nel proprio territorio di gruppi estremisti aventi come bersaglio gli obiettivi desiderati, e anzi incoraggiandone le azioni.

I guess this is because the Bologna Massacre left its mark. When you kill 80 people to achieve your political aims, the relatives are going to be working on wikipedia full time for a few years. Furthermore, we had many more state terrorist attacks, including the killing of Aldo Moro, which was a pretty big deal.

But these were peanuts compared to 911, and also it was not as self-evident that it was state terrorism. With 911, one wonders how stupid the Americans are or how deep their crisis is, given that after almost 14 years, they still haven't put their former leaders in jail. At least we put Andreotti on trial.
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9/11 - Why the Facts of 911 are Suppressed - John McMurtry
John McMurtry, FRSC is Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at the University of Guelph, Canada.[1] Most recently, he has focused his research on the value structure of economic theory and its consequences for global civil and environmental life.[1] McMurtry's principal research project in Philosophy spanning over seven years has followed from the invitation by the Secretariat of UNESCO/EOLSS (Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems, Paris-Oxford) to construct, author and edit Philosophy and World Problems[2] as a multi-volume study of world philosophy.

This is the lecture by a philosophy professor on why are the facts being suppressed

min. 18: rhetorical mother ****er, after a long premise where he states his question for 18 minutes (so long that he has stop and drink water every once in a while), he finally answers it: "...that is a mystery"

min. 20: finally he mentions "denial" and "something deeper than regime propaganda is at work"

It is funny how people wonder why the Germans did nothing to stop Hitler and let Nazism happen, whereas no one today wonders why no one stops the US government from doing what it's been doing. People are always good at fighting the evil that is already defeated, at ganging up on the loser. And the US is still the winner.

It is funny how I grew up thinking that:
1) life is beautiful
2) people are good
3) my country cares about my well-being
4) my parents are intelligent
5) my parents are honest

After a few years of life, I had realized that #1 and #2 are false.
After 911, I realized that also #3, #4, #5 are false as well.

min. 27
he mentions GMOs and chemtrails. Overall this is very good a lecture. I think he might be reading an essay that he published somewhere.

More here, in an interview he gave to Kevin Barrett, "Canadian professor John McMurtry: 9/11 epitomized NWO evil! _on the Kevin Barrett Show":

Canadian professor John McMurtry: 9/11 epitomized NWO evil!

John McMurtry, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at the University of Guelph, Canada, was one of the first and most widely-heard voices questioning the official version of 9/11. He was savaged by the neocon media and his university was deluged with angry letters from brainwashed morons – exactly what happened to me at the University of Wisconsin a few years later!

Prof. McMurtry’s new essay “The Moral Decoding of 9-11: Beyond the U.S. Criminal State” (published, in an abridged version, by the Canadian Charger) promises to be one of the major statements on the significance of the 9/11 false-flag event.

A Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and a President’s Distinguished Professor, John McMurtry has authored more than 17 books, and will soon be issuing an updated edition of his classic The Cancer Stage of Capitalism.

It's a very good interview.

At minute 20 to 25 he does compare US corporatism to German Nazism and how people, even back then, did not stand up to Hitler, only 26 academics refused to take the oath.

In fact, it is even worse today, because people are risking less, but they're still not standing up. But not because they're afraid. Mostly because they're idiots.
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this guy, kassovitz, is for french actors, what dario fo is for nobel prizes and daniele ganser is for academics: they courageously speak the truth on 911

On top of it, he also speaks the truth on israel's behavior towards palestinians, and he is a jew

Luckily he still hasn't been killed. In the past, in France, others have been killed by the secret services:

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After 31 US-NATO assassination attempts on his life, President De Gaulle kicked NATO out of France
The Lessons of History: In 1966 President De Gaulle Said No to US-NATO
A Great Example for Today’s Europe!

By Umberto Pascali

Global Research, June 11, 2014

March 10, 1966: After 31 assassination attempts against his life, Charles De Gaulle ordered France’s withdrawal from NATO’s military integrated command. This decision was formally reversed almost half a century later under Nicolas Sarkozy’s presidency. De Gaulle adopted a foreign policy independent of the Anglo-american axis.

His March 10 1966, not only pertained France’s decision to withdraw from NATO’s integrated military command, but also to remove NATO’s headquarters from French territory, thereby leading the establishment of the Alliance’s headquarters in Brussels.

In today’s World, the leaders of the EU and the Western military alliance, above all the elites of France, Germany, Italy are scared, terrorized of a potential US backlash, a reaction like the “reaction” that produced 31 assassinations attempts against the French leader.

This reaction would no doubt be forthcoming if they decided to defend the national interest of their countries, e.g by opposing the the destabilization of Ukraine and the financial looting of the EU by Wall Street and the city of London.

But this is the historical moment, in which these countries are gambling their future existence as sovereign states, and US political intimidation can be fought back. But these European leaders are corrupt and coopted by Washington.

De Gaulle gave an example and because he challenged openly the forces that tried to kill him — and, above all, kill France as and independent and sovereign country – he won. He was able to send the occupation forces of NATO packing. He won a second Resistance after that against Nazism.

Aldo Moro and Enrico Mattei

Also Aldo Moro, the Italian statesman was probably concerned for his personal security when he decided to go ahead with his project of a strong “non-destabilization” government which was able to avoid what had happened in Chile with the coup against President Salvador Allende in 1973.

But Moro proceeded and there was no Chile-style coup in Italy. He paid with his life, however, in 1978 when a super sophisticated military team presenting itself as Red Brigades kidnapped him, kept him prisoner in the middle of Rome and then murdered him...


Very interesting interview with Umberto Pascali here:

At minutes 39 and 54 he mentions Alfred Herrhausen and Josef Ackermann, especially this quote:

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