my journal 3

Wow, i've been away for 8 months, and the markets sure look fun. Had I kept those positions I had, I would have blown out my account anyway. Regardless of how I blew it out with just GBL.

Everything went much lower than I had ever expected.

My index.html, updated:
View attachment index.html
dry on the street, wet on the rooftop

This is getting hilarious... dry on the street, wet on the rooftop.


This means that not only did they shoot the "attack" videos on two different days, but they also did a very poor job on the fake killing of the policeman on the ground:

Not to mention that video, where the SKY news reporter (now removed from all over Youtube , and this tells us who Youtube is working for) admits that they added the blood afterwards, on the crime scene, less than 24 hours after the crime: yes, very normal routine. Sure!

To the point that many of us "conspiracy theorists" are now wondering if all these mistakes are being made on purpose. But I think instead that the people executing these plans are plain idiots, just like the rest of the population. I don't think it's on purpose or else they would not have to worry about killing all those people afterwards, those raising questions and the witnesses of these mistakes.

Of course I can't show these videos to anyone anymore, because everyone around me is in complete denial by now, and totally brainwashed by TV. They won't even acknowledge all this evidence.

While I've been gathering this evidence, they've been watching TV, and hearing that the whole world (including the prime ministers) has gathered in Paris to say that they are not afraid (of Muslim fundamentalism) and that they will be united in the fight for the freedom of expression. Ah ah!

In the meanwhile, they're removing all the incriminating evidence from youtube, such as our videos proving the opposite - that it wasn't the Muslim fundamentalists. Hilarious!!!


Hilarious and on the other hand, tragic. I had always wondered how nazism could take place in Germany. I now see the reaction of 99% of Europeans to these false flags by NATO secret services, and how they fall for it, and blame the Muslims, and I finally understand how nazism could take place. Because it is easy to be against a defeated evil, but, at least for the majority of people, it is not easy to be against an evil that is winning.

People are being killed in the Middle East in our name. Nazism is happening again and yet people are not blaming the Jews or the Poles: they're blaming the Muslims. Remember the false flags in Gleiwitz?
The Gleiwitz incident (German: Überfall auf den Sender Gleiwitz; Polish: Prowokacja gliwicka) was a false flag operation by Nazi forces posing as Poles on 31 August 1939, against the German radio station Sender Gleiwitz in Gleiwitz, Upper Silesia, Germany (since 1945: Gliwice, Poland) on the eve of World War II in Europe. The goal was to use the staged attack as a pretext for invading Poland.

Well, decades after this, I heard interviews with old Wehrmacht officers who were still saying that it was Poland that had attacked Germany.

In the same way, now we're seeing Europeans - the large majority of them - who will tell you that it was the Muslims who attacked us first. So pathetic.

These idiots. And at the same time they will wonder how Nazism could ever take place.

These despicable idiots.


Am I ready to fight to defend these Muslims? No, only talking. I am willing to leave the country though, before we become like Nazi Germany in world war 2:
We like to delude ourselves that the 1930s German citizen was some special case. But Nazism didn't arise because a few maniacs somehow got into power and did something unique to the German people's minds. Those myths have been exploded once and for all by our more recent understanding that those same tactics have been used and are being used to enslave the minds of people in many different societies.

On the other hand, I am getting tired of explaining these same things over and over again. It is a waste of time and intelligence. Once I have understood these things, I should move on to new topics. Why should I explain it over and over again here and elsewhere? Waste of time. A waste of time talking to people altogether.

I will move on to the German conspiracy theorists Facebook scene, so at least I can learn German. It is pointless to go any further in Italian.
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Strange coincidences...

On the day after the attack, the pope mentioned "state terrorism":
L'attentato di ieri a Parigi ci fa pensare a tanta crudeltà, crudeltà umana; a tanto terrorismo, sia al terrorismo isolato, sia al terrorismo di Stato.

The video is still here:

Hollande mentioned the "illuminati":
Ceux qui ont commis ces actes, ces terroristes, ces illuminés, ces fanatiques, n’ont rien à voir avec la religion musulmane.

Notice how he closes his eyes for a second after he says "illuminés". The word did not belong in that sentence, and it took him effort to say it.

On the other hand, you could tell me that the Pope, by "state terrorism", meant the terror by "ISIS", although it is unlikely that he ever spoke it as a state.

And you could argue that "illuminé" also means... a "religious fanatic":
baigné de lumière
au sens péjoratif, qui se croit inspiré par une divinité

But it certainly also means "illuminati":és_de_Bavière
Les Illuminés de Bavière (ou parfois Illuminati de Bavière) (en allemand der Illuminatenorden) furent une société secrète allemande du XVIIIe siècle qui se réclamait de la philosophie des Lumières.

I don't know. I am not sure. Of course, given the other certainties that we have about this attack, I would have some doubts.

I am not saying necessarily that they said these things to help us out: maybe they're just making fun of us.


pretty good analysis here:
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Excellent analysis and video here (of course I doubt it will stay on youtube for longer than 24 hours):

By the way, it is confirmed in my opinion that Assange, Snowden and Anonymous are all government shills. Here's a pretty good video on Snowden:

This video is even better:

Did you ever wonder why he's getting so much good coverage from mainstream media?

Controlled opposition. It gives us all an illusion that we have a free press. The same exact reasoning applies to Assange and Anonymous (at least the "official" one, the one we always hear in the news).
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More on Anonymous, Assange and Snowden being government shills:
The operations of secret intelligence agencies aiming at the manipulation of public opinion generally involve a combination of cynical deception with the pathetic gullibility of the targeted populations.
There is ample reason to believe that the case of Edward Joseph Snowden fits into this pattern. We are likely dealing here with a limited hangout operation, in which carefully selected and falsified documents and other materials are deliberately revealed by an insider who pretends to be a fugitive rebelling against the excesses of some oppressive or dangerous government agency.

But the revelations turn out to have been prepared with a view to shaping the public consciousness in a way which is advantageous to the intelligence agency involved. At the same time, gullible young people can be duped into supporting a personality cult of the leaker, more commonly referred to as a “whistleblower.” A further variation on the theme can be the attempt of the sponsoring intelligence agency to introduce their chosen conduit, now posing as a defector, into the intelligence apparatus of a targeted foreign government. In this case, the leaker or whistleblower attains the status of a triple agent.

Any attempt to educate public opinion about the dynamics of limited hangout operations inevitably collides with the residue left in the minds of millions by recent successful examples of this technique. It will be hard for many to understand Snowden, precisely because they will insist on seeing him as the latest courageous example in a line of development which includes Daniel Ellsberg and Julian Assange, both still viewed by large swaths of naïve opinion as authentic challengers of oppressive government.

It is simple to understand. Also, as I said before, did you ever wonder why they get so much media coverage?

It is so easy to understand that Anonymous are a bunch of government shills by their press releases of the last few days. Just do your own research or trust me.

Controlled opposition. Not to be confused with politicians who, because they were threatened or are afraid of dying, do not speak out. Those are not government shills, but people who don't want to die. That is to say: they do not add extra lies.

The journalists are also a different case. They say what they are told to say, to keep their job. Like soldiers in an army. Or the police. They might know the truth, but they don't say it. In the case of journalists they are required to spread lies, but that still doesn't make them government shills.

A government shill is one who pretends he is the opposition, and then lies on the big issues like 911 or the recent Charlie Hebdo.

For example, Ron Paul is shy about 911, and avoids commenting on it. Also Dennis Kucinich doesn't want to die, and only says we need an investigation. These are not shills.

But Noam Chomsky on 911 says the following:
Even if (911 conspiracy theories) were true, which is extremely unlikely, who cares? It doesn't have any significance. It's a little bit like the huge energy that's put out on trying to figure out who killed John F. Kennedy. Who knows? And who cares? Plenty of people get killed all the time, why does it matter that one of them happened to be John F. Kennedy? If there was some reason to believe that there was a high level conspiracy, it might be interesting. But the evidence against that is just overwhelming. And after that, if it happened to be a jealous husband, or the mafia, or someone else, what difference does it make? It's just taking energy away from serious issues onto ones that don't matter.
Right, who cares if the powers that be assassinate their own citizens and presidents? This would only indicate that we've been living in the matrix and that we are deceived about the world that surrounds us, and that we are wrong about thinking that the opposition matters, since even the president does not do what he wants, or he gets killed. But Chomsky says: not important. What matters to him is protesting in the street against the consequences of the choices of the powers that be, but it is not important to first identify who they are. Sure, let's just complain about the problems, without worrying about the causes.

Now, this is a major shill, precisely because of the fact that he is a world-renowned opposer. Or maybe he just wants to justify himself for not wanting to die. Because he knows he would get killed immediately if he said the truth. So, yeah, maybe he is not a shill, but just someone who lies because he does not want to die.
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I know that I sound like a broken record, and my uncle told me that it's a fixation, but I can't help it. I feel the urge to repeat it so much, because I am being bombarded with lies from all around me.

It's as if I had to do it to disable the brainwashing taking place all around me. It is true that I do not watch television nor the radio. But first of all, there's years of brainwashing behind me from everyone: parents, school, media.

Now thanks to the internet I found out the truth, but this didn't wake up the others around me and it bothers me, so much.

There is an obsessive attempt to brainwash the minds of the people and they do not even realize it. I mean, it is exactly like in the movie the Matrix. Everything has been taken care of, including the fake opposition.

When Beppe Grillo became famous he was talking about Fiat money and the Central Banks and the debt. Now he stopped because he has been threatened. The French central banker Bernard Maris was killed because of this (that's what the false flag in Paris was mostly about: killing this guy), and basically anyone who is famous and touches this subject is risking his life. It's pretty clear by now that if you try changing these things, they will probably assassinate you.

So, I have now clearly understood that we cannot have a real opposition, because the good guys (cf. Aldo Moro) either get threatened and shut up, or get killed.

So I will only keep studying this in order to learn German, but I am going to try to keep quiet about it, because it is too boring and frustrating.
CIA-controlled wikipedia entry on CIA-controlled Anonymous:
In January 2015, Anonymous released a video and a statement via Twitter condemning the attack on Charlie Hebdo, in which 12 people, including eight journalists, were murdered. The video, claiming that it is "a message for al-Qaeda, the Islamic State and other terrorists," was uploaded to the group's Belgian account.[120] The announcement states that "We, Anonymous around the world, have decided to declare war on you, the terrorists" and promises to avenge the killings by "shut[ting] down your accounts on all social networks."[121]
Gee... anything on the fact that it is a false flag? Nope.

Anything on the fact that 911 was a false flag? Nope.

Thanks, anonymous. We can really rely on you.

And there is a ton of idiots who fall for this garbage.

But this is very useful to understand where they want to sway people with this false flag attack: "al-Qaeda, the Islamic State and other terrorists". Merely the fact that they agree with mainstream media in accusing these subjects for the attack should be enough to understand they're agents.

But unfortunately people are not fine analysts as I am. So the consequence is that, out of that 1% of truthers that exist, 0.5% is lost to anonymous. The consequence is that there is about 1 person who is really awake out of 200 people. Of all the people I know, only 2 people are awake. Of course excluding all those that I met on the internet on these "conspiracy theorists" web sites.

CIA-controlled wikipedia confirms that I am on the right track by being a "conspiracy theorist":
A conspiracy theory is an explanatory proposition that accuses two or more persons, a group, or an organization of having caused or covered up, through secret planning and deliberate action, an illegal or harmful event or situation.

Some scholars suggest that people formulate conspiracy theories to explain, for example, power relations in social groups and the perceived existence of evil forces.[1][2][3][4] It has been suggested by some thinkers that conspiracy theories have chiefly psychological or socio-political origins. Proposed psychological origins include projection; the personal need to explain “a significant event [with] a significant cause;" and the product of various kinds and stages of thought disorder, such as paranoid disposition, ranging in severity to diagnosable mental illnesses. Some people prefer socio-political explanations over the insecurity of encountering random, unpredictable, or otherwise inexplicable events.
Yup, "scholars", "thinkers"... the intelligent people all consider us affected by some "thought disorder, such as paranoid disposition, ranging in severity to diagnosable mental illnesses".

Like those guys who said that the earth is round.

Tell you what. I am done with this stuff of telling the truth. From now on I will keep it for myself. I am fed up and I am too insignificant to change anything. If they'll ask me (they never do), I will tell them what I think. Otherwise the hell with this. I won't talk about it anymore.
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Pretty damn good video. In just 10 minutes, it clarifies that no planes even hit the towers (I posted it before, probably years ago):

With all the damn theories that came afterwards, probably from shills, we tend to forget how things really went.

Min.31, another clear explanation:

Another good one:


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JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick

they mention tetraethyl lead, and they say that Germany throughout the war needed it for its airplanes, and it got it through neutral Switzerland: that's why he never invaded it
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Universal Newsreel - Gen. Butler bares plot by fascists
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Media complicit and indispensable to “false flag” success
Posted by Jim Fetzer on January 14, 2015
Boston bombing, Charlie Hebdo and Sandy Hook would never have stood a chance against a vigilant press but for abdicating its responsibility to the public. William Shanley's suit against the media over Sandy Hook may be the most important ever lodged--and might be the reason he is now missing

While it wasn’t announced as “A Stephen Spielberg Production”, the Boston bombing appears to have been one. Everyone in Hollywood has to know. Dennis Cimino has suggested that Spielberg could have done it better had he had a bigger budget, which Dennis estimates at $1,000,000. This appears to have been a DHS undertaking using taxpayer’s money. So it looks as though FEMA produced and Spielberg directed. Which raises the rather troubling question, “Why hasn’t Hollywood spoken out about it?” Nathan Folks has identified one of the key players as an actor he cast in one of his own films and explained that this was “hyper-realistic filming”. But his has been a solitary voice. Why hasn’t there been an uproar from the experts? Is all of Hollywood complicit?


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Boston Bombing: Cellphone Captures Actor Late For Work

It's hilarious that after they pulled off the fake moon landing they got cockier and sloppier each time.

Thanks to the internet and to my anticonformism, I am now in the unusual position, that I share with about 1% of the population, of having found out that the educational system, the media, the movie industry, the medical profession, the politicians (including the opposition) have all extensively lied to us. In good faith or in bad faith. Sometimes in good faith, so it just implies spreading false information, without lying.

I am called crazy and fixated because I repeat that the moon landing was fake. That JFK was assassinated by the elite. That 911, Oklahoma City, and the long list of other terror attacks, not just in the US but in the world are mostly organized by the CIA, through NATO when in Europe.

Let's see if I can explain why the "conspiracy theorists" cannot spread the truth.

1) they are anti-conformists, or else they would not investigate commonly accepted facts on their own
2) as a consequence of being anti-conformists they are already a bit anti-social
3) as a consequence of having such different beliefs, they become even more anti-social
4) in the few situations when they are with people, people's reaction to what they say is so hostile (at best people get stressed out), that we lose the will to fight and get disgusted with people's stupidity and superficiality.

But you see, these four steps are precisely how Nazism could take place in Germany.

The sheeple conformed and accepted that Jews were evil, making it much harder for those anti-conformists to stand up for their ideas, because, being such a small minority, they would have risked their lives.

So it was the silent majority that made Nazism possible as it is the silent majority that today is making all these wars possible. It is all the "Je suis Charlie" idiots of the world. We can even go as far as equating "Je suis Charlie" with "Heil Hitler", because the crimes committed in their name are comparable to those committed in Nazi Germany's name. Add up all the people killed in the last 50 years by the US military and CIA, including all the governments that were overthrown (and subsequent deaths) because they didn't suit the financial interests of the US elite.

It adds up to more than the six million Jews that Hitler killed.

Not to mention that those same US elites were also involved in the nazi crimes to begin with.

Although in a sense it is true that I am fixated. I feel like I have to repeat my ideas until everyone else has agreed with me. This urge to convince and to be right has been a problem in trading, too, as I mentioned in the previous months. In trading it is a waste of money, and in life it is a waste of time.

I could move on to study other things instead of repeating my beliefs all over again each time, like many others do on facebook, too. My attitude at work is one of being quiet. But the problem is that with a couple of friends and relatives I feel the urge to explain my findings, and it is a waste of time. Pearls to swine as the saying goes.

Indeed hilarious, original in French here:

It reminds me of this great Sandy Hook actor, Robbie Parker:

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the sister and brother of James Foley, interviewed right after their brother was beheaded:
James Wright "Jim" Foley (October 18, 1973 – c. August 19, 2014) was an American journalist and video reporter. While working as a freelance war correspondent during the Syrian Civil War, he was abducted on November 22, 2012, in northwestern Syria. He was beheaded in August 2014 as a response to American airstrikes in Iraq, thus becoming the first American citizen killed by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, ISIS, Islamic State, IS).
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