my journal 3

Asking To Use Phones In The Hood Social Experiment GONE WRONG

Most Epic In The Hood Prank Gone Wrong Reactions Of All Time

Man Slaps The Soul Out Of Girl On The NY Subway - The Slap Heard Around The Subway

Two days ago I was browsing on youtube and came across these two interesting videos that I posted above, that show how violent people are in New York.

Then today I went to work, had to put up with the usual abuses by the orangutan colleague, who yawns out loud, sings, whistles, talks very loudly, and bothers me all day long. But he's over 50 and I cannot educate him unfortunately. I should thank his mom for doing such a poor job.

Anyway, then I came home, and today, since my cab driver was on holiday, I took the tram. And sure enough I think I saw a person who was filming me, but I am not sure. Well, I didn't say anything and didn't even look at him, but if he was, it was an extremely rude thing to do. Especially considering that I was dressed normally, and wasn't doing anything unusual.

Well, these are the people, I guess. Not like the people in New York, but almost. For some reason, things here are not as bad, on public transportation. On the other hand, at the office they are worse, because i think the orangutan would not be allowed to be a bank employee in the US.

When I think of these situations, with these people, the pejorative term that comes to my mind is "plebs", which we use in Italian ("la plebe") to define people whom we despise. In my case this happens to be a large majority of people, among which the orangutan and many other colleagues. But it has nothing to do with how rich you are or what school you went to. It has to do with being intelligent, fair, honest and polite. All things that can be changed. I would not discriminate on things someone cannot change, such as race, religion, height, intelligence... well, I just contradicted myself... but yeah, intelligence in my opinion can be changed. If you decide to think, and pay attention, instead of watching soccer, in the long run it is going to make you intelligent. A person who tries is intelligent to me. A person who instead of working at my office, spends the day talking about soccer, as the orangutan and the others do, then not only is he stupid, but also dishonest.

Then I have another consideration, slightly related.

What is the difference between an astronaut and a prehistoric man who does the horrible things they did back then, that is to say even just 20,000 years ago?

What is the difference?

Anatomically modern humans have been around for 200,000 years, so if one of us had been born 200,000 years ago, our environment would have turned him into of those guys. I don't mean just the level of civilization that makes you go to watch the gladiators and enjoy the show, but much worse.

That is to say that yeah, I owe what I am not to myself but to my environment. That is why I did not turn out like the orangutan. But i knew already, and it doesn't keep me from trying to avoid savages as much as possible.

But what I really wanted to draw the attention on, is the fact that it is scary to think that if you abandoned a few children on an island, they would be exactly like the men of 200,000 years ago, no more no less.

What makes us what we are is the level of civilization that is passed on from one generation to the other. In fact it is passed to some of us to a lesser degree. I am not an astronaut and my orangutan colleague is not me.

Another interesting thing is that each time a new person is born, the gap he has to catch is wider. If you were born 200,000 years ago, you had almost nothing to catch up with, maybe just the spoken language. Then 2,000 years ago, someone had to start from zero again, but he also should/could have learned how to read and write. Now someone has so much to catch up with that he can't possibly do it.

1) scary thought that all that separates us from savages is the knowledge passed on from one generation to the next
1) scary thought that this knowledge to acquire is increasing, and the gap for a newborn to catch up is getting wider
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I am studying these two German guys, so-called "conspiracy theorists", who are constantly and severely attacked by German public tv and radio: Ken and Lars, the guys who started these Monday Demonstrations in Berlin.

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Victoria Jane Nuland (born 1961) is the Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs at the United States Department of State.[1]
Nuland is the daughter of Yale bioethics and medicine professor Sherwin B. Nuland, whose original surname was Nudelman. Victoria’s paternal grandfather was Meyer Nudelman from a family of Jewish immigrants who came to New York City from the Russian Empire.[2]

Victoria Nuland graduated from Choate Rosemary Hall in 1979 and has a B.A. from Brown University.[citation needed] Nuland has two children. Nuland’s husband is historian Robert Kagan, Council on Foreign Relations member, and co-founder of the think-tank "Project for the New American Century" (PNAC).
Leaked phone conversation[edit]
On February 4, 2014, a recording of a phone call between Nuland and U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt, on January 28, 2014 was published on YouTube. [8][9] A diplomatic source stated that an assistant to the deputy prime minister of Russia Dmitry Rogozin was the source of the leak, which Rogozin denied.[10][11][12]

In the recording, Nuland makes an obscene reference to the European Union.[13] After discussing Ukrainian opposition figures Nuland states that she prefers the United Nations as mediator, instead of the European Union, adding "**** the EU," and Pyatt responds, "Oh, exactly ...."[9][14]

Since a fan of the journal asked me in a private message when I will resume my trading, I feel the need to copy/paste here my reply, so that my two other readers can get this update.

I will be trading when I will have learned, as I explained in the last 3 months, a total emotional control, and in particular through my ESESA (look it up in my journal, using it as a keyword) methodology, or at the very least an ACDC control, that is to say one whereby I completely lack the emotional states of:
1) Anger
2) Criticism
3) Disappointment
4) Complaining

Until that happens, I won't be ready to trade. As you might have read, I had succeeded in bringing my 4k to 48k in 2 years, and then I blew out my account, by getting mad at GBL not going where I wanted it to go, doubling up, martingaling the hell out of my account, so that just one angry trade blew it out. So I can't start again until I will achieve emotional control. But I am not talking about suppressing my emotions - the objective is acquiring a mindset where they do not even arise.
Today is the last day of the year, New Year's Eve, 31st of December.

I'm here at work, with the orangutan.

I do not want to be alone with him. At the moment, he is just humming a song, but I'm afraid of what he might do next. I'm afraid of what he is capable of doing.

Especially I am bothered when he starts yawning out loud, singing, whistling.

Well, I guess he is very much like all other animals, and an animal can not hide his true nature.

Fortunately, another colleague has just arrived. Let the animals play together.
nice work by andreas popp:

the whole talk is against being called a "conspiracy theorist" by mainstream media

he's quite right

a conspiracy theorist is one who doesn't believe the official version of facts stated by the government

so, yes, of course we bother the government and they use all their means to... belittle us. I guess it's ok. Better to be treated as crazy than to be killed. The problem is that the government also kills conspiracy theorists. Just do a search on all theories related to JFK, Moon landing, and 911, and you see that a few people, and especially witnesses, have had unlikely lethal accidents or suicides.
very good analysis by Pedram Shahyar (interviewed by Luke Rudkowski) of these monday gatherins they've been having in Germany:

This is good, too, although the previous one is better:

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Finally a national television (albeit Russian) tells the truth without adding a psychiatrist to study and cure the "conspiracy theorists":

Russia Today Declares 9/11 Was An Inside Job!

min. 2
"strategy of tension means you blow up a bomb and say that your enemy did it"

min. 5
jon cole, architect, good points

min. 11
"now 84% say the government is lying"

min. 12
" "conspiracy theorists"... good step forward

Of course, even Russia Today had to wait over 10 years to achieve this degree of truthfulness. Pretty sad that even the opponents had to play it safe. Although this shows that now something is changing.


here's another guy who had made some progress on the subject:
Personal life[edit]
Ahmadinejad is married, and has one daughter and two sons.[194] His oldest son married a daughter of Esfandiar Rahim Mashaei in 2008.[195][196] One of his sons studied at the Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic).[197]

Just when I was thinking that Ahmadinejad looked like Columbo...



... I also find out his son married the daughter of Mr. Bean:

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James Corbett, the usual genius:
Sibel Deniz Edmonds is a former Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) translator and founder of the National Security Whistleblowers Coalition (NSWBC). Edmonds gained public attention following her firing from her position as a language specialist at the FBI's Washington Field Office in March 2002. She had accused a colleague of covering up illicit activity involving Turkish nationals, alleged serious security breaches and cover-ups and that intelligence had been deliberately suppressed, endangering national security. Her later claims gained her awards and fame as a whistleblower.[1] She has been described as "the most gagged person in American history" by the American Civil Liberties Union.[2]

Edmonds testified before the 9/11 Commission, but her testimony was excluded from the official 567 page 9/11 Commission Report.[3]

Allan Francovich: Operation Gladio (1992)
[2001] The Bombing of PanAm Flight 103. Case Not Closed by William Blum. Allan Francovich suddenly died of a heart attack at age 56, upon arrival at Houston Airport. His film has had virtually no showings in the United States.
"There is now a way to simulate a real heart attack. It can be used as a means of assassinates." Only a very skilled pathologist, who knew exactly what to look for at an autopsy, could distinguish this from the real thing. The New Order of Barbarians

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min. 1:03:17, ganser talks about Nijirah al-Sabah's fake testimony

more here:

My father was involved in politics and government at the highest level, but he shows at once ignorance and no curiosity or interest when I tell him about these things (from 911, to chem trails, to Gladio) - he can't be that stupid -- I think he's lying. Back in 2006 or maybe 2007 I tried showing his Loose Change, but after 15 minutes he was sleeping. Son of a bitch. I think he's a lying *******.

Oh, well... whether you're a politician who wants to ignore (or pretend to ignore) the facts he can't change (or whatever the reason), or you're a stupid citizen, like the many I met in the US when I was studying there, and at my office recently, you deserve what's coming to you. For being so stupid and ignorant. Or for being dishonest.

Ah ah, "how do you know they'll print it?". Awesome movie. Indeed nowadays they would not print it for sure. That's why so many people are fooled by 911 official version, because they assume there is a free press who would talk about it, if the official version weren't true. That's what I was thinking, too, at the start: "the press would have said it by now...". Ah ah... then, once you realize that the mainstream media and academia lies to you, you also realize that all those crazy conspiracy theories were actually the truth. I think 911 was very useful for the few non-idiots out there, because it woke us all up, given that it was such a gigantic and unlikely lie. The first thing you can see, without even doing any research, is how the two skyscrapers fall. That makes you laugh altogether, because it is obviously not related to being hit by the planes. I mean, it makes me laugh to even just think about it. A plane hits a floor up on top, and then, after an hour, suddenly the whole thing comes down in a few seconds, like a controlled demolition. I mean, this is real comedy, let alone the rest of the story.

Nato-Gladio should have stuck to just planting bombs, lilke they had been doing for decades. Bombs were perfect, and they had gotten away with it for decades. But hell, what do you expect when you overdo it like this? Probably the average idiot American made it all the way to the top level of the CIA, and that's how they ended up planning 911. How much brainwashing and denial does it take to not realize that the US government is behind 911? I mean, any video on the tower collapsing speaks for itself.

For this reason, I think my father is not an idiot. I think he is a mother ****ing liar. He doesn't want to admit that he realizes the truth, so he doesn't have to stand up and speak out against these facts. So he speaks to me as if he were speaking to a mother ****ing voter.
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nice "conspiracy theorist" songs, especially this one below:

this is good, too, maybe better:

check out their logo, with the Twin Towers, which, as I said, woke up a lot of us, or rather, turned the non-idiots into "conspiracy theorists":


one more song, on 911, titled selbst gemacht, which is like saying "inside job":


the text is very similar to "revolution" by payday monsanto, but I don't know who wrote his song first. On the other hand, the text is also a perfect match of Daniele Ganser's lectures:

Well, they're both posted on their own youtube channels, if I am correct on this, so, according to the dates they posted them, the German song preceded the US song by 3 years. I guess the Germans are smarter.

The best song on this subject is "Inside Job" by Don Henley, but it was recorded before 911:

Strangely, it is banned on youtube.

While you were sleeping
They came and took it all away
The lanes and the meadows
The places where you used to play

It was an inside job
By the well-connected
Your little protest
Summarily rejected

It was an inside job
Like it always is
Chalk it up to business as usual

While we are dreaming
This little island disappears
While you are looking the other way
They'll take your right to own your own ideas

And it's an inside job
Favors collected
Your trusted servants
Have left you unprotected

It was an inside job
Like it always is
Just chalk it up
To business as usual

You think that you're so smart
But you don't have a ****ing clue
What those men up in the towers
Are doing to me and you
And they'll keep doin' it and doin' it
And doin' it and doin' it
And doin' it and doin' it
And doin' it and doin' it
Until we all wake up
Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up

I know what I've done wrong
I am acquainted with the night
I know how hard it is
To always walk out in the light

And it's an inside job
To learn about forgiving
It's an inside job
To hang on to the joy of living

They know the road by which you came
They know your mother's maiden name
And what you had for breakfast
And what you've hidden in the mattress

Insect politics
Indifferent universe
Bang your head against the wall
But apathy is worse

It's an inside job
It's an inside job
It's an inside job
Yeh, yeah

It's an inside job
It's an inside job
It's an inside job
It's an inside job

It's an inside job
It's an inside job
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...One thing still doesn't seem right.

Professor Daniele Ganser in all his interviews explains the objectives of Gladio as "causing fear in the population and then accusing the communists":
C’est ainsi que, dès les années 70, les services secrets italiens ont utilisé ces armées secrètes pour fomenter des attentats terroristes dans le but de provoquer la peur au sein de la population et, ensuite, d’accuser les communistes d’en être les auteurs.

I believe we should instead clearly and unequivocally divide this concept into two different concepts (that do not necessarily coexist), as:
1) the "strategy of tension" causing fear in the population, which doesn't require false flag attacks, and has as objective "to spread panic among the population who would in turn demand stronger and more dictatorial governments", as explained here:

2) false flag attacks to be blamed on the communists or terrorist groups on the left. To discredit political opponents (of the USA, basically).

Probably these two aspects are present in most or all of these terrorist attacks, such as the Bologna massacre, but they're nonetheless two separate concepts.

And there is a third aspect:
3) to kill political opponents (e.g.: Aldo Moro). They killed Aldo Moro, because he wanted the Communists to enter the governing coalition. This probably combines, once again, 1) strategy of tension to create fear and 2) false flag attacks to discredit the communists and this time also 3) the useful aspect of killing Aldo Moro, who wanted to include the Communists in the governing coalition.

Let's look at 911 from this point of view.

It combined these concepts:
1) strategy of tension, to scare the population, into accepting a stronger and more dictatorial government
2) false flag element to discredit the Arab countries
3) a useful pretext to attack the Middle East
4) military-industrial complex made money
5) people who made money with the insurance on the towers
6) people who made money with the stock options
7) they hid the hole in the Pentagon budget:
On September 10, 2001, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld held a press conference to disclose that over $2,000,000,000,000 in Pentagon funds could not be accounted for. Rumsfeld stated: "According to some estimates we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions." According to a report by the Inspector General, the Pentagon cannot account for 25 percent of what it spends. 1 2

Such a disclosure normally might have sparked a huge scandal. However, the commencement of the attack on New York City and Washington in the morning would assure that the story remained buried. To the trillions already missing from the coffers, an obedient Congress terrorized by anthrax attacks would add billions more in appropriations to fight the "War on Terror."

So I suppose that 911 in their eyes fixed a lot of problems. On the other hand, I wonder for how much longer a few people in the US can still keep on fooling the other 7 billions in the world.

I guess the world is moved by waves of propaganda. There's a small number of people who think one way, another small number who think another way, and then there is 99% of people who are sheep, who follow... whatever they're being told to think. The so-called "sheeple".

It does not matter how much evidence you show to these sheeple. They won't change their mind until they're told by whoever they consider their leader (tv, politician or majority of population) that it is time to change their mind.

Sometimes I try to explain 911 to these sheeple, and tell them to look at the towers and how they fall, and if they think that it's from the airplane hitting them. Ah ah, it makes me laugh just to think of it. Of how unrealistic it looks.

Well, they agree. Agree that it does not look normal. But then they do not reach the logical conclusion that the building were brought down in a controlled demolition and that this -- never investigated, never brought up in the newspapers -- required the US government to be doing it. It does not take much to realize this, but these people look at you, drop the subject, and do not ever reach the logical conclusion, because it is not okayed by their opinion leaders, or by the majority. It is as if they said: "I can't follow this thinking, because I would go in a direction not approved by the majority".

That is when you realize that you cannot ever count on these people: because they won't use their own minds but behave according to the majority, so if there is lynching going on against you, they will not move a finger. At best, they will not throw you any stones.

I notice the same thing when people say "hi" or "bye" to you. They either do not say anything or if they greet you, they all do it at once. Either no one greets you, or they all greet you. It is pretty sad. Instead what I do is this: if no one greets you, I will be the one to greet you. If everyone is already greeting you, then you don't need another sheep, so I remain quiet. In the markets you notice the same thing, with price moving in waves. In one word, conformism:
the act or practice of conforming, as to social convention, religious orthodoxy, or established political belief
One day, everyone will believe 911 was an inside job, and what is sad about it is that the majority will once again do it out of conformism. Or maybe that day people will be smarter, and everyone will be a freethinker:
inclined to forms one's own opinions rather than depend upon authority, especially about social and religious issues; exhibiting boldness of speculation; skeptical of authority.
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2 masterpieces by HartkernTV, who is making fun of German truthers (I disagree with its objective of dismissing us as crazy and making us look ridiculous, since I am a truther myself, but the editing is excellent):

pure genius
Now I know why I studied... or rather, now I have found a good use for all my studying of the American conspiracy theorists: they help me to understand more easily the German conspiracy theorists.

These guys, the speakers at the Montagsdemos are really fun to watch:

And nothing is easier to understand for me, maybe only Heidi's anime.