my journal 3

Attaque au siège de « Charlie Hebdo »

Usual (Nato) State terrorism:
Attaque au siège de « Charlie Hebdo », des victimes signalées
Le avec Reuters | 07.01.2015 à 12h03 • Mis à jour le 07.01.2015 à 12h16
Deux hommes armés ont attaqué à l'arme automatique le siège du journal satirique Charlie Hebdo, au 10 rue Nicolas Apper dans le 11e arrondissement de Paris. La mairie de Paris évoque « six blessés très graves », dont un policier. Le dessinateur Luz, qui était sur place, a évoqué « des victimes ».

Dans leur fuite, les hommes ont visé une voiture de police et un policier a été touché par un tir, a rapporté un témoin. De nombreux policiers étaient présents sur les lieux et une trentaine de coups de feu ont été entendus par le témoin...

By now I have learned to spot these state terrorism attacks quite easily. They're all well-organized and don't make any sense, other than for the benefit of Nato: to turn French public opinion against whoever it is that they are pretending to be when they attacked the place they attacked.

Don't even need to investigate them anymore.

I mean, I am from Bologna, I would know:
To date those responsible for the attack and their political motives remain unknown. Some suspect that the Operation Gladio network had been at least partially involved.[17]
When even the English wikipedia entry has to admit that "some suspect...", then you know it is true. Gladio means Nato. It means state terrorism.

This is the same stuff that happened in Belgium, where "terrorists" (Nato agents) killed even policemen and children:
The massacre of Brabant has also been linked to a conspiracy among the Belgian "stay-behind" network SDRA8 (Gladio) — operating as a secret branch of the Belgian military service — the Belgian Gendarmerie SDRA6 and the US secret service Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA).

Some high-placed investigators believed—and some still believe—that these crimes were "pre-emptive actions" against the communist threat in Western Europe. These actions were hence linked to Operation Gladio, part of a large paramilitary network, created and supported by NATO, which was active in many European countries to counter all kinds of communist operations. However, the Belgian parliamentary inquiry into Gladio found no substantive evidence that Gladio was involved in any terrorist acts or that criminal groups had infiltrated the stay-behind network.[1]

The NATO 'Stay Behind' explanation for the Brabant massacres was explored in a 1992 BBC Timewatch series 'Operation Gladio' directed by Allan Frankovich. One member of the Belgian armed forces interviewed, for example, recounted being ordered to make a covert reconnaissance of one of the supermarkets which was subsequently attacked.[citation needed]

Too bad the French, just like any other people, are quite stupid, so 99% of them will not get it. And they will call us "conspiracy theorists".

I already found the smart ones, reacting to it, on "conspiracy theorists" forums/websites:

Encore un énième false flag orchestré par les services de renseignements français et probablement des services étrangers ! suivez mon regard…
On ne retrouve pas les meurtriers alors que la police était sur les lieux apparemment…bizarre !
Similitudes avec l’affaire Merah et Nemouche :
1) l’auteur n’est jamais interpellé immédiatement, il faut laisser quelques jours aux médias main Stream pour bien faire monter la peur et la pression chez le Français de base (de « l’arrière garde » dixit Dieudo).
2) C’est du travail de professionnel à chaque fois, très peu de participants directs (ici 2) et un calme époustouflant (voir la placidité avec laquelle ils quittent les lieux)
Dans quelques jours on nous dira qu’on les a soit interpellé soit tué lors de l’interpellation et qu’ils s’appellent Mohamed et Abou Bakr histoire de bien salir l’image de l’Islam, travail désormais prioritaire et exécuter à plein temps par tous les « merdias » (dixit Tepa).

Grosssière ereur des assaillants jamais un musulman ne dirais mahomet mais mohamed dire mahomet est une insulte pour le messager de dieu
les assaillants ne peuvent donc etre musulman car il ne parle meme pas l'arabe et connaisse nullement l'islam..........Mohamed en arabe signfie "Le loué, le béni, ou le digne"
Mahomet (ma hommid) en arabe ça signife celui qui n'est pas béni
Ça pue l’opération fausse bannière, une manière de punir la France pour sa prise de position en faveur de la Palestine, et ses récentes politiques donnant lieu de croire à un changement de cap en ce qui concerne l’Ukraine et les sanctions anti Russes.
Des assaillants bien préparés, d’un sang-froid professionnel exécutent ce qui semble être une opération commando, prennent la peine de crier Allah ouakbar, pour désigner une communauté, au lieu de revendiquer l’attentat après les faits, la ficelle est trop grosse
il me semble avoir déjà vu le même scénario, un certain 11 Septembre.

Tout d’abord condoléance aux familles des vicitimes.
Concernant ce mini 11 sept.. tout porte à croire et une fois l’émotion retombée, mais lorsque des êtres humains se font massacrés c’est difficile d’avoir raison gardé, que cet attentat ressemble à un False Flag perpétré par les services secrets français comme ce fut le cas lors du méga False Flag appelé 11 sept, perpétré celui là, par les services secrets US dont la CIA et les services secrets sioniste, le Mossad.. Car en effet, depuis cette date, les grands USURIERS, financiers, mondialistes et globalistes du type, Rocquefeler, Rotshild ou encore Soros.. ont pris ce prétexte pour déclencher « la guerre globale contre le terrorisme » en réalité c’est la guerre contre l’Islam (pas celui de DAECH) où les intérêts (Ribba en arabe) est interdit dans cette Religion. L’autre motif du 11 sept a permis de détruire l’Irak et remodeler tout le monde arabe à leur image (diabolique) appelé: « Projet Grand Moyen Orient » devenu « printemps arabe » mais aussi pour créer le fameux « choc des civilisations » tout on défigurant et on diabolisant la religion islamique à travers de faux attentats et sous fausses bannières sur les 4 coins de la planète . Les Merdias qui sont sous leurs jougs, quant à eux, sont chargés de relayer cette islamophobie. Une chose est sur, c’est qu’encore une fois, l’Islam et les musulmans vont en bavé. Alors que les vrais commanditaires de ces actes barbares et criminels, que sont ces mêmes USURIERS, globalistes, mondialistes, franc-maçons, sionistes et leurs amis exécutants terroristes wahabo-salafistes.. se cachent de manière lâche, si ce n’est que leurs agents et portes paroles du type, BHL.. nous verserons quelques larmes de crocodiles sur les différents plateaus des Merdias, alors qu’ils ont soutenu bec et ongle ces terroristes-mecenaires en Libye et en Syrie essentiellement.
Depuis l'obscure affaire Merah et l’arrestation plus que douteuse de Nemmouche, nous redoutions et mettions en gardes nos lecteurs contre une conspiration sioniste : la préparation d’un attentat de grande ampleur afin de marquer définitivement les esprits et retourner l’opinion française contre les musulmans que l'on ne cesse de stigmatiser depuis le 11 septembre 2001.
Même si l'islamophobie de Charlie Hebdo était patent, Il n’y a aucune justification pour commettre un tel acte criminel.
Ce magasine satirique avait une certaine récurrence dans la haine et la provocation et n’a eut cesse d’insulter l’Islam et son prophète, espérant un jour une réponse violente de la part de la communauté musulmane. Mais les insultes répétées n’ayant pas trouvé la réaction ''barbare'' tant espérée, ils ont poussé le vice jusqu’à mettre le feu dans leurs propres locaux en 2011 !

Aucun musulman n’avait intérêt à commettre cet acte et certainement pas dans cette hystérie collective d'islamophobie. Si les responsables de cet acte odieux étaient musulmans comme le laisse croire d’une même voix toute la presse, comment expliquer que des individus qui prétendent venger l’honneur du prophète ne puissent prononcer son nom correctement?
Bingo! These agents always make some stupid mistake, simply because you just don't have that many smart people in the police, who are also willing to do such obscene acts of false flag terrorism. That's why 911 was replete with mistakes, but people are so stupid that they can't even notice them. It's basically always dumb assassins at work to convince a dumb population to hate/fear some innocent communists yesterday or arabs today. We can't really blame the assassins, but rather the billions of conformist idiots who inhabit the earth.
Ce qui est déjà connu est que ce serait revendiqué par « Al Qaïda Yémen ». Revendication bien pressée peut-être ? Quoi qu’il en soit, il faut bien sûr se poser la sempiternelle question en la circonstance : A qui profite le crime ?

Gardons toujours à l’esprit que les entités « islamistes » sont créées, formées, financées, armées, transbahutées par les services de renseignement occidentaux. Al CIAda à l’œuvre ? Possible.
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More on the French false flag - a comment from a reader who lists a few more details of the evidence of it being a false flag attack, and on top of it a fake one, like Sandy Hook and like the one we had in Italy in front of the government building Palazzo Chigi:
18.Posté par BibiCabaya le 07/01/2015 23:31 | Alerter

Ceci est une MISE EN SCÈNE exactement comme à Ferguson aux États-Unis où il n'y a eu aucun mort contrairement à ce que les médias ont raconté. Incidemment, il n'y a eu aucun mort non plus à Sandy Hook et un procès avec dommages-intérêts d'UN TRILLION de dollars a été intenté contre les médias pour avoir participé à ce CANULAR.

J'ai regardé la vidéo et ceci m'a sauté aux yeux immédiatement :

à partir de la seconde 5 (00:05) un homme est "blessé par balles" par terre et LE SANG NE COULE NULLE PART. À la seconde 12 (00:12) on lui EXPLOSE la tête avec une arme à feu de guerre et TOUJOURS AUCUNE PROJECTION DE SANG, son crâne RESTE INTACT... Je pose donc la question aux internautes qui se sont laissé prendre à ce jeu de dupes : "Combien de temps faut-il au sang pour jaillir ou s'écouler une fois une ouverture faite dans le corps ?" Quand je me coupe, c'est IMMÉDIAT ! Les chasseurs savent que quand ils tirent sur le gibier, le sang coule immédiatement, il éclabousse l'environnement selon la puissance de l'arme et la distance d'avec la cible. À la seconde 12, l'arme du tireur est à peine à 20 CENTIMÈTRES de la tête de la cible (donc à bout portant) et pourtant rien ne se passe. Même dans les plus mauvais films on fait mieux avec des sachets d'hémoglobine...

RASSUREZ-VOUS : les armes ne sont pas chargées, IL N'Y A PAS DE MORTS !!! Il s'agit d'une grotesque mise-en-scène par le gouvernement (ils n'ont rien d'autre à foutre : la pauvreté, la misère, le chômage... bof !)

Dormez tranquilles, tout baigne !
I will quote some paragraphs from a good article on the subject, by Thierry Meyssan:
Les commanditaires de cet attentat savaient qu’il provoquerait une fracture entre les Français musulmans et les Français non-musulmans. Charlie Hebdo s’était spécialisé dans des provocations anti-musulmanes et la plupart des musulmans de France en ont été directement ou indirectement victimes. Si les musulmans de France condamneront sans aucun doute cet attentat, il leur sera difficile d’éprouver autant de peine pour les victimes que les lecteurs du journal. Cette situation sera perçue par certains comme une complicité avec les meurtriers.

C’est pourquoi, plutôt que de considérer cet attentat extrêmement meurtrier comme une vengeance islamiste contre le journal qui publia les caricatures de Mahomet et multiplia les "unes" anti-musulmanes, il serait plus logique d’envisager qu’il soit le premier épisode d’un processus visant à créer une situation de guerre civile.
Au contraire, la stratégie du « choc des civilisations » a été formulée par Bernard Lewis pour le Conseil de sécurité nationale états-unien, puis vulgarisée par Samuel Huntington non plus comme une stratégie de conquête, mais comme une situation prévisible [1]. Elle visait à persuader les populations membres de l’Otan d’un affrontement inévitable qui prit préventivement la forme de la « guerre au terrorisme ».

Ce n’est pas au Caire, à Riyad ou à Kaboul que l’on prône le « choc des civilisations », mais à Washington et à Tel-Aviv.

Les commanditaires de l’attentat contre Charlie Hebdo n’ont pas cherché à satisfaire des jihadistes ou des talibans, mais des néo-conservateurs ou des faucons libéraux.
N’oublions pas les précédents historiques

Nous devons nous souvenir qu’au cours des dernières années, nous avons vu les services spéciaux états-uniens ou de l’Otan
- tester en France les effets dévastateurs de certaines drogues sur des populations civiles [2] ;
- soutenir l’OAS pour tenter d’assassiner le président Charles De Gaulle [3] ;
- procéder à des attentats sous faux drapeau, contre des civils, dans plusieurs États membres de l’Otan [4].
...Nous ignorons qui a commandité cette opération professionnelle contre Charlie Hebdo, mais nous ne devrions pas nous emballer. Nous devrions considérer toutes les hypothèses et admettre, qu’à ce stade, son but le plus probable est de nous diviser ; et ses commanditaires les plus probables sont à Washington.
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I just had a small argument with my father and told him "you're either in bad faith or you are stupid", because he still would not want to admit that the governments (of which he has been part) have been fooling us for decades. I showed him the evidence that the Paris terrorist attack is not just a false flag but also that it's fake and there are no casualties:

Maybe he is angry to have to acknowledge that he's been fooled as well, and that he was powerless against people above him deciding things -- maybe the masons, who knows. Maybe he is a mason and doesn't want to admit it.

His reaction, from the start, was tired and irritated. He looks this way every time, like the time I wanted to show him 911 evidence. He fell asleep after 15 of Loose Change, and today the film was only 10 seconds, was clearly proving my point, and he still would not admit that it was a false flag. That mother ****er. I think he is at once stupid and in bad faith.

Stupid, because he does not fully realize how much the governments have been fooling us, and in bad faith because he wants to play down whatever part of it he has realized.

Ok, the video (posted above by an Italian "conspiracy theorist", knowing they'd be removing it from everywhere) is still barely online, although it is constantly and everywhere being removed from youtube and replaced with censored versions that do not show the discrepancies:

This time they may have gone too far. On the one hand it's good, because no one died. On the other hand, they might also get caught. After all, the French are a bit smarter, or are they? They got away with Sandy Hook, which was a joke, basically.

Another precious video:

One final and blatant video:

It is obvious, from this video, after having look at the air moving the dust near the police on the ground, that no one is actually shooting at him.

1) he looks at the oncoming "terrorist"
2) he waits until he reaches him (in the meanwhile the "terrorist" waves his gun)
3) then he shoots from a little pistol he has in his hand
4) then he clearly dies, it's crystal clear: without any blood or any harm to his head

It's amazing how bad these guys are at doing things. They didn't get any better since the moon landings...

Just like Star Trek these things get old, and today we can laugh at them: yet they're supposed to be the real thing. Good for them, at the NASA, that the sheeple are too lazy to look at these films anymore.
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Wow, even the pope mentioned the possibility that it might be "state terrorism":
«L'attentato di ieri a Parigi ci fa pensare a tanta crudeltà, crudeltà umana; a tanto terrorismo, sia al terrorismo isolato, sia al terrorismo di Stato. Ma la crudeltà della quale è capace l'uomo. Preghiamo, in questa messa, per le vittime di questa crudeltà».
Lo ha detto Papa Francesco, nella messa celebrata stamane...

"Terrorismo di stato" can only mean one thing: Gladio and the strategy of tension:
Uno Stato può decidere di ricorrervi contro i suoi stessi cittadini, a fini repressivi per eliminare direttamente un gruppo politico, o per eliminarlo come interlocutore politico e togliergli credibilità davanti all'opinione pubblica incolpandolo di atti commessi da terzi (operazioni False flag), oppure per intimidire e far emigrare una popolazione che non desidera (pulizia etnica), per creare uno stato di emergenza che giustifica una deriva autoritaria con la sospensione e deroga delle Costituzioni in nome della sicurezza nazionale.

The video where he says it is here:
Final and matchless video on the subject by an Italian "conspiracy theorist" (=freethinker):

I don't care how lazy a person can be, and how much cognitive dissonance may affect him. Make an effort, watch the 10 seconds long video.

You see this video, and you will understand everything about what happened in Paris, which then you can connect to what happened in the last 50 years, provided you already know what happened. If you don't, it is time to start researching.
Probably one of the main objectives of this false flag attack was to kill this guy, Bernard Maris:

Of course on CIA-controlled wikipedia they don't tell you how critical he was towards the bankers.

They tell you more here:
...Lorsque l'on lui pose la question "D'où vient l'argent que prêtent les banques?", sa réponse est stupéfiante:

Elles le fabriquent elles-mêmes avec l'autorisation de la banque centrale. Par exemple.... vous achetez un immeuble qui vaut ... €500 000. Et bien, la banque va fabriquer 500 000 euros, à partir de rien...

So, as you see, the typical talk on "fiat currency" and Federal Reserve.

So they wanted to kill him and at once achieve the usual strategy of tension.

They always do this. They put together, as they did on 911, different objectives: making money, killing a few people, making the military-industrial complex happy, getting some cheap oil... and in this case killing a critical journalist, economist and "banker" (member of the General Council of the Banque de France).

And how do they present this murder? As if his best friends did it. He wanted to abolish the debt of third world countries and for France to default on its debt. Dangerous talk I guess.

So who killed him? Supposedly, as the media tell us, the arab terrorists. Sure, very logical. The people from the very countries he wanted to help.

Just as logical as the fact that another banker, Alfred Herrhausen, was killed, supposedly, by communist terrorists, precisely because he was the closest one to their positions:
In another statement, Prouty compared the meaning of the killing of Herrhausen with that of J.F. Kennedy:

His death at that moment in time ..., the astonishing circumstances of his death ... recalls the 1963 murder of President Kennedy.... If one thinks of the larger meaning of the events in the Soviet Union, in Eastern Europe, and above all in Germany, then the assassination of Herrhausen is of a monstrous significance. We should not let this be swept under the rug....

Real terrorists do not kill the president of a bank without a special reason. Most terrorists are paid agents and instruments of larger power centers. A certain such power center wanted, for a certain reason, the leading spokesman of the Deutschebank, on this day and in this manner, eliminated, in order to teach a lesson to others. Thus, there was a message in the way and manner in which he was brought down.

In the same way Aldo Moro, who wanted to include the communists in the government was supposedly killed by the communist Red Brigades. Another successful lie.

You judge by these images, if things are as presented by the mainstream media:

There are plenty of other mistakes they made and imperfections that tell us that the media are not telling us the truth, and that the government is complicit at the highest levels.

If they're not telling us the truth, then we're being lied to, and if we're being lied to, then you get the rest of the picture, too. But if you didn't wake up with 911, then this is not going to wake you up either. Because, to not see the blatant clues of 911, then you're in denial or affected by cognitive dissonance.

And then you're probably still assuming that your government loves you, that the opposition criticizes the government for whatever it does that is objectionable, and that the press does the same and tells the truth. Well, all of these assumptions are wrong.
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Anonymous = government shills

Check it out. Anonymous is an association of mother ****ing shills, I have always known it. Now they're siding with the government against the Muslims/Arabs, so obviously they, too, are part of this conspiracy. No anti-conformist with a brain would think this is what the media says it is. This is nothing but Gladio. And Anonymous is not what people think it is. They're government shills.

Look at the parts I marked in red, and how they put the blame on the Muslims -- look at how sneaky these government shills are at manipulating the sheeple:
"Message aux ennemis de la liberté d'expression.

Le 7 janvier 2015, la liberté d'expression a subit un assaut inhumain. Des terroristes ont fait irruption dans les locaux de ce journal et ont abattu froidement plusieurs dessinateurs et journalistes ainsi que deux policiers. Les assassins sont toujours en fuite. Ecoeurés, choqués, nous ne pouvons tomber à terre. Il est de notre devoir de réagir.

Nous tenons tout d'abord à exprimer nos condoléances aux familles des victimes de cet acte lâche et abject. Nous sommes tous très affectés par la diparition de Cabu, Charb, Tignous et Wolinski, des géants du dessin qui ont marqué par leur talent toute l'histoire de la presse et qui sont morts pour sa liberté. Nous n'oublions pas les autres victimes tuées dans l'attaque qui se trouvaient sur le chemin de ces assassins, ainsi que celles qui se battent encore pour rester en vie.

Il est clair que certaines personnes ne veulent pas, dans un monde libre, de ce droit inviolable et sacré d'exprimer sous quelque manière que ce soit ses opinions. Anonymous ne laissera jamais ce droit bafoué par l'obscurantisme et le mysticisme. Nous combattrons toujours et partout les ennemis de la liberté d'expression. Charlie Hebdo, figure historique du journalisme satyrique, a été aujourd'hui pris pour cible. Anonymous se doit de rappeler à chaque citoyen que la liberté de la presse est un des principes fondamentaux des pays démocratiques. La liberté d'opinion, de s'exprimer et de pouvoir publier des articles sous aucune menace et contrainte est un droit "inaliénable". Anonymous a toujours combattu les pourfandeurs de ces droits et n'admettra jamais qu'un individu soit abattu lâchement parce qu'il a publié un article, un dessin, une opinion...

La liberté d'expression et d'opinion est une chose non négociable, s'attaquer à elle, c'est s'attaquer à la démocratie. Attendez vous à une réaction massive et frontale de notre part car le combat pour la défense de ces libertés est la base même de notre mouvement.

Nous sommes légion.
Nous n'oublierons pas.
Nous ne pardonnerons pas.
Redoutez-nous !"

Wow, such dishonest crooks and such lame government shills. But I guess their dishonesty works fine with the sheeple.

In the first part they reinforce the lie, assuming things that should obviously not be taken for granted. For example: who did it? Of course, the "terrorists" (don't even doubt for a second the government's version). Who died? Among the others, two policemen (don't even doubt that for a second, although this, too, is a blatant lie, as can be gathered from the video I posted). And who exactly did it? Precisely the two predestined patsies, who are running away.

The "pays démocratiques"... vs... the Arab countries, of course. It's obvious that if you use the term "the democratic countries", praise their values, pit these values against those of other societies, and then say "we will defend the freedom of expression of the democratic countries" and similar things, all you're doing is reinforcing the conflict between the Western "democracies" and the Arab countries, which was the initial purpose of this Gladio false flag operation. But while you increase such conflict, you also tell us whose side you are on, who's paying you. You do not stand with the truth, not with justice, not with the typical moral values... but with the West. These phrases, concepts and words used make it very clear who is really speaking to us... someone closer to George Bush's "either you're with us or with the terrorists" than to your typical anti-government youth protests (which they pretend to be). Only idiots could not read through this message by Anonymous, but the problem is that idiots are 99% of the population.

Another quote: "...parce qu'il a publié un article, un dessin, une opinion...": hilarious, now they're telling us that the cause of the attack were the cartoons (against the Muslim values). So obviously they're pointing us 100% in the wrong direction, and in the direction they wanted to point us, which is the one and only direction adopted by mainstream media.

This is so pathetic, and yet it works, with those who ever believed in anonymous.

By definition anonymous is a good place for shills and government agents, given that you cannot monitor who is saying what and when, being "anonymous". None of these people have a biography.

Too bad so many truthers fell for it.

So, all in all this is hilarious, because we have the same powers that be that decide who will die, who to blame and who you will turn to for help in fighting the enemy, that is... the very same enemy who decided the murders.
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This is getting more and more hilarious... it turns out that they later added blood where that cop "died".

So, first he does not get shot and of course there is no blood:

Then in this other video they explain why you should not shoot blanks at people, and that explains why they used that method shown in the previous video, and they show that later they added blood for the mainstream media:

min. 1:15, the reporter says: " can see the blood on the ground, which has been put there, to... because of the blood that was shed on this spot... yesterday..."

If people still think everything is as reported by the media... I don't know what other evidence will change their mind.

Original video here, min.2:35:

Yeah, sure, " can see the blood on the ground, which has been put there, to... because of the blood that was shed on this spot... yesterday...:

Why don't you instead take it back, and repeat that the blood was really put there, because yesterday there was no blood shed on that spot?
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I've also watched some of this stuff, and if you've got half a brain and an ounce of common sense, it's obvious that the "injured" policeman on the pavement wasn't shot in the head. The "murdered" policeman is no doubt alive and well, watching his atrocious performance on youtube now. What a shameful sell-out piece of scum.
Yeah, I am glad we both belong to the same 1%. Thanks for letting me know that we're both healthy "conspiracy theorists".

The Matrix is a system, Neo, and that system is our enemy. When you are inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters, the very minds we are trying to save. Until we do, these people are part of that system and that makes them our enemies. You have to understand that most of these people are not ready to be unplugged and many are so hopelessly dependent on the system, they will fight to protect it.
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Ah ah, excellent propaganda on every single channel on TV, whether they pretend to be pro-government or pro-opposition. We're being bombarded with manipulation. It's so ridiculous. Good thing I understood things before ever turning my tv on. Such squalor.

It reminds me of wag the dog:

In Italy newspapers headlines and television news are catapulting the typical propaganda, Bush's style "either with us or with the enemy":

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This is hilarious. There are people who collect lists of debunking truthers videos:

People are so in denial about 911 that some of them can no longer ignore the truthers and need "debunkers" videos to keep on going and keep on believing the lies, despite having heard the truth by the truthers. They need someone to tell them: "don't worry, the truthers are crazy... don't worry about the evidence they mentioned -- I will explain it away to you so you can forget what they said".

Here is one of such videos, titled "The WTC7 Conspiracy", and... I'm going to have to watch it with an open mind:

Excellent presentation I have to admit, but it was done by a lawyer basically, very good at making the best of the few points he could make:
1) true that the fires were bigger than "small fires"
2) true probably that it didn't take 10 seconds (he says "6", but they say "10") but up to 18, including all the explosions
3) true they're not describing the right side of the building (east, north, west, south)

Problems that remain are still as huge as a skyscraper. As a summary they are that, although the fires are not "small" but "medium", they're still only on a couple of the floors and no such building was ever brought down in less than 20 seconds after such fires.

Furthermore he gives his followers the illusion that he can debunk everything the truthers say, whereas he hasn't even debunked WTC7.

All in all, I think this guy is too intelligent to be in good faith.

Check out his other intelligent videos - quite impressive. I am afraid he wasted all his reasoning on God to have any reasoning left for 911, or maybe he is in bad faith:

Some more information on him:
dprjones is a YouTube user known for his religious and philosophical videos. He has around 3 million total views and 40,000 subscribers. He presents The Magic Sandwich show on Blog TV along with Thunderf00t, AronRa, c0nc0rdance and DonExodus2.[1] In 2011 he shared the stage with Richard Dawkins among others at the World Atheism Conference in Dublin.
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Was this fun. I have watched 5 hours of news, brainwashing me, without working, because I had not watched any news for the first 48 hours after the event, and so I managed to figure it all out before their propaganda could hurt my reasoning.

I could not tell you if their bombardment is intentional or not, but it seems that every single news channel bombards you with intentional propaganda. It was quite shocking, after finding out the truth on my own, witnessing all the wrong assumptions they wanted to jam into my mind:

1) this is the story
2) the terrorists were these guys
3) they were islamic terrorists
4) they killed all these people
5) they were these specific guys
6) they were killed because of this specific situation
7) there were these heroes and these other moving stories

The evidence I have gathered proves instead that it wasn't those guys, that things went otherwise, and so on. It was a socking experience, furthermore to see those around me, relatives, colleagues and so on, all buying this bull**** and mentioning in quite a few cases that islamic people are not very civilized... this is really the matrix.

The Matrix is a system, Neo, and that system is our enemy. When you are inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters, the very minds we are trying to save. Until we do, these people are part of that system and that makes them our enemies. You have to understand that most of these people are not ready to be unplugged and many are so hopelessly dependent on the system, they will fight to protect it.

This is it, this is the end. There's no return. The Americans are doing it in Europe. It's all over. It was the last bastion of civility.
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