my journal 3

"...we are friends of america but one of these days america may hang us"

Gaddafi speech: "America hanged Saddam, and we could be next!" (with English) - YouTube

Listen to this guy and to the others. Ten times better than hearing the same propaganda from CNN over and over again...

Muammar Gadaffi Speaks Truth To The UN 2009 (NEW Translation) - YouTube

About the farce that the UN is. I've always known this, since I was studying international relations and went to geneva for a field trip during a course in international relations. The professor was speaking bull****, too. I could tell my class on the UN was all bull****. Just as I could tell the european parliament was bull****, when I did my internship there.

The truth behind Khadafi's death - YouTube
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Remember Taps, with Tom Cruise and Sean Penn?

Taps - YouTube

Well, it's interesting, because the protagonist was Timothy Hutton, and yet the other two are much more famous today than the protagonist of that movie.

Another interesting thing is how sean penn and tom cruise look today, 30 years later:

Sean Penn: Reel Life, Real Stories - YouTube

Jack Reacher Official Trailer #2 (2012) - Tom Cruise Movie HD - YouTube

this guy is so ****ing amazing, man... although he is one lousy actor, acting in pretty crappy movies, too.
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Ok, these are the 22 weeks of my systems. They have made about 6500 dollars, of which 40% in the last three weeks. Pretty good, lately.

I guess it is the perfect time to start trusting them again. I'm going to put my balls in their hands.

In all this time, while they have made 6500 dollars, I have added, with my trading, about 6000. I had made much more until a couple of days ago, but my profit comes and goes.

Actually it's exactly split right now, half from my trading and half from theirs. Which is pretty unusual for me, because usually I just blow out my account with my trading or manage to break even. So, in this case my trading has benefited my account.

Usually I'd be expecting about 1500 per week, but given the natural underperformance of selected systems, I'd be happy with just 1000 per week. So I'll be hoping to reach 20k at this pace within the end of this month.

Then of course I can also add one of those amazing fundamental analysis trades of mine, which bring thousands at a time, and last a few days. But for now I better calm down, because I've gotten totally out of control, and next to my long term trades, I place improptu trades that cause me to lose more than I've made.


Another interesting thing to try would be to use the demo account for placing trades, and then when I feel that I have an excellent trade on my hands, switch to the real trading platform. That might work. But for some reason I haven't done it until today, so it might also not work (I might get bored and want to trade real money). We'll see. Once again, for now, the best thing I can do is to stay away from discretionary trading altogether.
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Kaitlyn Roig Sandy Hook Fake Witness - YouTube

2012 Golden Raspberry Performance by Kaitlin Roig - YouTube

Here's my other buddy comedian:

Robbie Parker Fake Actor Sandy Hook Shooting - YouTube

Ah ah ah... LOL throughout the video. Even more suspicious is the fact that CNN only showed us this part of the video:

Father of school shooting victim 'blessed to be her dad - YouTube

More on the Parker family and their "dead" daughter, from facebook:


The girl can go from crying (without tears) to normal voice within a split second, and the other comedian can go from laughing to almost crying in 10 seconds, via hyperventilation: he's one awesome actor, if it weren't for the part where he's shown laughing at the start, that was bad bad timing right there.

The US is really becoming a hilarious country for us in the know.

Two more Sandy Hook comedians:

Sandy Hook WTF?!!! - YouTube

It is one hilarious country. I think the government thinks that americans are idiots, and they're pretty close to the truth on average. But I am amazed at how many risks they're running with all these false flags they've been orchestrating lately: aurora colorado, sandy hook. And 911 is still a fresh memory and that a totally flawed false flag, and I still can't believe they got away with it. It must be the power of television and the power of having stupid people as citizens. If we had this crap in europe, maybe we would not revolt but we would not be fooled for one minute.

Oh, dude...! I was missing yet another comedian:

Sandy Hook Hoax "Medical Examiner" Wayne Carver - YouTube

I sure hope these people won't get killed once this thing is over. This would be very unfair, regardless of them taking part of this dishonest hoax.

Even more actors here (jessica's parents, LOL):

Sandy Hook Families Interviewed All Fake Update - YouTube
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how to spot one good trade per week


Just a few posts ago, I was telling you how i noticed that if I look at the chart and come up with improptu trades they're mostly unprofitable, but if I have in mind long-term fundamentally based trades, I manage to be profitable.

I therefore think that I should focus on such long-term fundamentally-based trades, trades that do not need a stoploss, because I know the markets cannot go any higher (dangerous-sounding affirmation, but practically true).

I can only spot one of these instances per week, at the most, and these trades last a few days usually. Sometimes even weeks.

The markets are not forex, because those don't really have a bottom or a top.

They could involve metals, but I don't have the margin to keep those trades open for days: silver for example could wipe my account out in just a few hours.

So I have discarded already 9 of the 19 futures that I am monitoring.

The remaining 10 markets are:

1) GBL, ZN: looking for a top, from which to go short.

2) CL, NG: looking for a bottom on natural gas
(too dangerous to go short on these, especially with peak oil approaching).

3) NQ, YM, ES (really just one market because of how much they're correlated): waiting for a bottom on NQ
(I should never go short on these indices: too dangerous)

4) ZC, ZW, ZS: looking for bottom on all of them
(I should never go short on the grains: too dangerous)

What are the closest opportunities to being tops/bottoms that I can see? In a descending order from best to worst:

1) at 146 and 135 GBL and ZN are always perfect opportunities (enter short and stay 2 points).
2) the grains seem to go up or down in a sequence of many days in a row, so these will be perfect when one of them (most likely ZW), will appear to have reached bottom (enter after the first big leap up, and stay two more days)
3) Natural gas needs to reach about 3 to be a good bottom. Then you can go long on it, and stay for 3 points.
4) The indices are those that right now look the worst, because NQ recently was at 2500 and it looked great, but I missed that one, because I was busy with my stupid intraday improptu trades, and now it's gone, but I can't short it because with the indices you never know how high they can go.

I will buy a QG contract, which is one fourth of the regular natural gas contract. If it goes up 2 points, pretty easy to do, I will make 500 dollars, which is better than nothing. The most it can fall is 10 points from where it is, and in that case I'd lose 2500 dollars. I can live with that remote possibility. Right now this same method cannot be applied to any other market, not the grains, not the indices, not the bonds, nor CL.


Here, I've created an html page to monitor all of them at once:
View attachment index.html

It clearly shows the situation: extremely oversold on natural gas, bonds and grains. Extremely overbought on stock indices and CL. If I had a lot of capital, which I don't, I would simply go long on all the ones that are oversold, and short on all the ones that are overbought. And stay like this, until I have made about 10k. But I don't have the capital to take these risks. I can only make one bet, and if I were forced to, I'd probably go long on GBL, if it were to fall one more day. Long on NG if it were to reach 3sh. I don't know about the grains, because I am not too familiar with them, but they could keep on falling. I've seen them falling and rising for months in a row. And NQ and CL could keep on rising. GBL and NG seem to be the most promising bets.

Suite No. 4 in D Minor, HWV 437, Sarabande - G. F. Händel - YouTube
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Kathryn Bigelow is such a propaganda bitch. I am watching The Hurt Locker which is crap kissing up to the US Army in Iraq, and now it turns out she did another movie, Zero Dark Thirty, which kisses up to torturers. What's her excuse for this propaganda crap and kissing up to the abusers? What's next, a movie kissing up to the assassins of JFK or one in favor of the atomic bomb?

Is there really anything to expect from hollywood nowadays? Even Oliver Stone who did a few good movies has sold out and made a movie celebrating the heroes of 911, without saying anything about who did it.

Regarding Kathryn Bitch-elow, you can tell immediately that a movie is propaganda when you see all the equipment the army is giving them. Why would they allow her to use all their helicopters and vehicles if it weren't propaganda for the army?
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How CIA Kills Countries - YouTube

This is as clear as it gets. Maybe just 911 by Corbett is clearer and it lasts 5 minutes less. Other than this, this 10-minute clip with John Perkins is a masterpiece for clarity and conciseness.

Sure enough, according to CIA-wikipedia, he's a lunatic (like us conspiracy theorists):
John Perkins (b. January 28, 1945) is an American author. His best known book is Confessions of an Economic Hit Man (2004), which claims that Perkins played a leading role in a larger process of economic colonization of Third World countries on behalf of what Perkins portrays as a cabal of corporations, banks, and the United States government...

Columnist Sebastian Mallaby of the Washington Post[2] reacted sharply to Perkins' book[3]: describing him as "a vainglorious peddler of nonsense...
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plan for tomorrow

if there's an up-day go long, during the middle of the day, and stay long for 2 more days, on what had an upday and looked the most oversold among zc, zs, zw (zw looks best right now)

if it falls to 142, go long because tuesday is a long day

stock indices:
nothing, because too overbought, and yet it could go higher

go long on QG, if it falls to 3.200
go long on NG, if it falls to 3.050


Woke up this morning and no orders had been executed. Given that it's a good day for grains, I entered some LMT orders at today's lows, on all of them.

Natural gas LMT orders is far from being executed, but I left them on.

I entered a JPY LMT order at today's low, just because it looks like a very good long opportunity.

I raised the bond LMT order just a little bit on both GBL and ZN.

We'll see how my new fishing technique goes. Basically it works like this. Monitor every six hours, and entered LMT orders, or, if it is really good, enter the trade immediately. So far however I've only entered LMT orders because I am not that confident and/or I didn't find good enough opportunities.


I decided that I'll be monitoring two currencies as well, EUR and JPY. Here's the updated index file, to monitor everything at once:
View attachment index.html

I know you may think that TWS is better because more interactive, but in fact this one page works better than using TWS with several screens, believe it or not. I mean, it's faster, clearer, more practical.

The monitoring times should be (all Central European Time): 7.30, 15.30, 21.30. That's all I have to do. And for sure, more than once a week, there will be awesome opportunities to be spotted.

My objective is to reach 20k as soon as possible and then finally start spending. I want to buy some socks, and shirts. And underwear. Everything I have is starting to have holes in it.
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Other than that, today it's pretty good. I got a call from my boss, who seemed to expect me to do something even though he had never told me to do it. He always does this. The problem is when it turns into yelling. Not today, luckily.

I often feel like I am resented for being such a conscientious employee. It's as if they resent someone who works quietly and seriously, because it makes them feel so stupid and imperfect. My father often told me that "you have to be forgiven for your qualities". I never believed it, but lately I am starting to feel that he's right. I mean, at least this is the case when you're surrounded by idiots.

But today it wasn't the case, because my roommate didn't show up, so I wasn't entirely surrounded by idiots.

Trading will be my only way to escape this place, physically I mean (I don't mean as a pastime).

I feel I have enough knowledge to finally be profitable. At this point, the only obstacle is psychological. It's like... that day I made so much money overnight, it's like I was uncomfortable. I proceeded pretty quickly to get rid of some of it in the following days. Had I kept that Bund trade open for two more days, I would have doubled my capital. But it was scary, so much money coming my way. Maybe I closed it because I was afraid that all those thousands would disappear. Or maybe I closed it because I was afraid that I would make many more thousands. I felt guilty somewhere in my subconscious. I felt like I was stealing money almost.
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So much poetry and so much political truth in one clip:

Michael: My father is no different than any powerful man, any man with power, like a president or senator.
Kay Adams: Do you know how naive you sound, Michael? Presidents and senators don't have men killed.
Michael: Oh. Who's being naive, Kay?
The Godfather Scene - YouTube

"michael, why did you come here? why..?"
"...Because that's important, kay..."
I was in the movie theater dreaming of riches and then the movie sucked and I came home, and what did I find?

Ongoing trade on CL (QM contract) showing me a loss for 300 dollars, because the CL today isn't falling.

The HG fell today, but my system didn't go short on it.

Some money on GBP, but it evaporated quickly, as I was watching it.

No LMT order got executed. And each time I look at those limit orders, I raise my offered price a little more, just because I am eager to trade and see some action. That's why I should only check 3 times a day, or I'll eventually change those LMT orders into MKT orders.

I just barely managed to close the connection without placing any compulsive trades. Yeah, that's how bored I am. And if I weren't typing now, I'd have probably placed a compulsive trade already.

I went to the usual restaurant, just before they closed. They remembered what I ate from Friday, so it was really fast.

I'll Get By - Harry James - YouTube

Then on to the movie, where I left 5 minutes into it, because it sucked for sure - I could tell by the actors and by the first 5 minutes of acting and screenplay.

Now I am home, and I don't know what I'll come up with in order to spend some time, away from the computer, and from trading.

There were some pastries in the first five minutes of the movie so I kind of feel like going out again and buying some pastries (the ads before the movie didn't work on me, as I couldn't see anything worth buying, no toilet paper, no cars, nothing really attracted me). Either that, or I'll try to sleep. High risk of compulsive gambling right now.
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My trading plan as of now, attached:
View attachment index.html

As you can see, my method is no improptu trades, no trades on the spur of the moment, but only trades according to a long term plan, written down. And overnight is better than intraday (as far as I am concerned). Of course there's an intra... intra-second entry, which should be as convenient as possible, but starting from an overnight point of view.