my favourite conspiracy theory, and others

JTrader said:

With all the technology, contacts and connections plus multi-million dollar rewards I don't believe the US has failed to capture Osama bin Laden.

I'm increasingly beginning to think they don't want to capture him alive.

As for the other leading Al Qaida figures, I don't believe they want them to talk and that's why they are all in hiding.

To justify spending billions on Pentagon high tech projects they need to have an enemy focus and this war on selective terrorists are it.

Looks like as Al Qaida comes to an end the Russians and Chineese threats seem to be taking over along with Climate Change.
Atilla said:

Looks as if the barbs are going in both directions at once---all from London 😡 Putin is getting some stick from one of his fellow Russians. I wonder why all these wealthy capitalists are so keen on staying on top of the heap? It must be the fact that that is the only place to be, especially in this age of increased poverty and global warming.

Wolfowitz - Well who would have guessed...?

JTrader said:

US 'expects Wolfowitz to stay on'

In summary...

US 'expects Wolfowitz to stay on'

US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said on Friday he had "very high regard" for Mr Wolfowitz. "Paul Wolfowitz is a very dedicated public servant," Mr Paulson said.

The President has full confidence in Paul Wolfowitz

Ms Riza was seconded to the US State Department and received rapid rises in her tax-free World Bank salary to about $193,000 - more than the $186,000 Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice receives before tax.

Initially Mr Wolfowitz denied any involvement in a decision about her salary. However he later admitted: "I made a mistake, for which I am sorry."

The executive board of the World Bank has moved to distance itself from the scandal.
It said it had never given its approval for the wage rise for Ms Riza ordered by Mr Wolfowitz, despite claims to the contrary by the World Bank president.

The bank's staff association said the pay rises and promotions Ms Riza received were "grossly out of line" with bank rules, had destroyed staff trust in his leadership and "compromised the integrity and effectiveness" of the bank.

The case has caused huge embarrassment to Mr Wolfowitz, who has campaigned against corruption and for sound governance since he was appointed head of the bank in 2005.

That is a surprise... 😆
JTrader said:
Watched CBS news last night on Sky News channel at 0030.
They were more than happy to paint a very dark picture of Russia and the current political situatin there, with the protests etc. describing Russia as a Police State, where most political opposition is crushed etc.
What a hypocrisy! when the USA is also a Police State, and identical problems exist on a similar scale.

This type of anti-Russian reporting must obviously extend back to the Cold War (which some describe as having been WW3).
In fairnes to CBS, they did also do a report on a soldier who refused to have the mandatory (experimental/only recently approved by the FDA/crude) Anthrax vaccine, which has caused bad things in 84% of recipients according to the report. The soldier is facing disciplinary action for refusing the militarys "safe' vaccine.

It seems to me that the Russians are unable to manage their political affairs all that well. I don't like Putin much, but what I think doesn't matter much, I'm sure. I hope that he is looking after Russia's interests. Russia has been raped ever since the tsars and I would like to know how these oligarchs got so rich, in such a small space of time. The saying goes that there is a crime behind every fortune and it seems to me that the British should have taken good care not to give any of these guys, including the Chelsea president, political asylum without checking their background thoroughly. I get the impression that money talks, far more than it should, in London.

fibonelli said:
hey jt,

just buy nexus magazine, it's full of this stuff :cheesy:

Maybe they are building the next model to fly as well. Just a thought 🙄

One question that I always raise regarding UFOs is this and if somebody could answer it for me I'd appreciate it.

All these aliens that supposed to come down to have a look at planet earth and it's species yeah.... How comes that they are only interested in Americans?

Aren't they interested in like the English, Germans or Africans? I mean the Japaneese look strange or different for the human species and they have just as many cameras to clickem with as they do in the outbacks of America so why no other country but the USA reports UFOs and abduction by aliens?

What is wrong with these aliens and their obsessive interest with Americans?

PS. Anybody watch Alien Autopsy with Ant and Dec? 10/10 imo. :cheesy:
Atilla said:
Maybe they are building the next model to fly as well. Just a thought 🙄

One question that I always raise regarding UFOs is this and if somebody could answer it for me I'd appreciate it.

All these aliens that supposed to come down to have a look at planet earth and it's species yeah.... How comes that they are only interested in Americans?

Aren't they interested in like the English, Germans or Africans? I mean the Japaneese look strange or different for the human species and they have just as many cameras to clickem with as they do in the outbacks of America so why no other country but the USA reports UFOs and abduction by aliens?

What is wrong with these aliens and their obsessive interest with Americans?

PS. Anybody watch Alien Autopsy with Ant and Dec? 10/10 imo. :cheesy:

My view is that there will be a staged UFO "incident" as a precursor to NWO takeover (esp if the global warming scam isn't working).
fibonelli said:
My view is that there will be a staged UFO "incident" as a precursor to NWO takeover (esp if the global warming scam isn't working).

I had to look up NWO fibonelli and this is what I googled...

NWO = There is a worldwide conspiracy being orchestrated by an extremely powerful and influential group of genetically-related individuals (at least at the highest echelons) which include many of the world's wealthiest people, top political leaders, and corporate elite, as well as members of the so-called Black Nobility of Europe (dominated by the British Crown) whose goal is to create a One World (fascist) Government, stripped of nationalistic and regional boundaries, that is obedient to their agenda. Their intention is to effect complete and total control over every human being on the planet and to dramatically reduce the world's population by 5.5 Billion people. While the name New World Order is a term frequently used today when referring to this group, it's more useful to identify the principal organizations, institutions, and individuals who make up this vast interlocking spiderweb of elite conspirators.

Didn't Hitler try this and fail miserably.

Russia tried it with the USSR and that didn't work too well.

Europe is trying it on with the Federal States of Europe - FSE and that got rejected twice so far.

Perhaps as you suggest NWO are lots of scary cats like the Illuminate who are people signed up but don't want to announce their names for fear of embarrassment incase it goes pear shaped. :cheesy:
fibonelli said:
My view is that there will be a staged UFO "incident" as a precursor to NWO takeover (esp if the global warming scam isn't working).

UFO's are an interesting subject.

In an infinate universe its hard to believe that other life forms don't exist living on planets circling other stars.
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Prison planet sinking to new lows, sure the site is a pile of the vilest execrement going but this takes the biscuit for fact-free conspiriloon bull**** . . .

"Early details about the horrific school shooting at Virginia Tech strongly indicate that these events represent a Columbine-style black-op that will be exploited in the coming days to push for mass gun control and further turning our schools into prisons."
JTrader said:
UFO's are an interesting subject.

In an infinate universe its hard to believe that other life forms don't exist living on planets circling other stars.
The universe isn't infinite AFAIK.

If you're into this fantastical stuff, look up "ancestor simulation".
blackcab said:
The universe isn't infinite AFAIK.

If you're into this fantastical stuff, look up "ancestor simulation".

Yes i sort of realised its probably not infinite after i typed it, but what the hell, its big enough!

Thanks I'll look it up.
JTrader said:
Yes i sort of realised its probably not infinite after i typed it, but what the hell, its big enough!

Thanks I'll look it up.

I am reading abook by Sir Martin Rees, called Just Six Numbers.
It argues if any key values were even slightly different, the universe would have evolved differently.
eg; the force keeping protons and neutrons together.

So, in a sense, we are in a "goldilocks" universe, where the forces are "life-friendly".
(the universe could have gone through infinite big-bangs and collapses, until the fundamental values in this universe were just right and stable enough for life to come into existence.)

dont forget the pan-spermia idea of Hoyle and Chandrawikramasingh (sp) where complex organic molecules formed in dirty-iceballs in outer space, and seeded earth, and possibly other planets.

maybe, we are all aliens. (the notion of intelligent life is an entirely other matter)